Years and Authors of Summarized Original Work
1998; Leighton, Rao
1999; Leighton, Rao
Problem Definition
The (balanced) separator problem asks for a cut of minimum (edge)-weight in a graph, such that the two shores of the cut have approximately equal (node)-weight.
Formally, given an undirected graph \( G=(V,E) \), with a nonnegative edge-weight function \( c:E\to\mathbb{R}_+ \), a nonnegative node-weight function \( \pi:V\to\mathbb{R}_+ \), and a constant \( b\leq 1/2 \), a cut \( (S:V\setminus S) \) is said to be b-balanced, or a \( (b,1-b) \)-separator, if \( b\pi(V)\leq \pi(S)\leq (1-b)\pi(V) \)\( ( \)where \( \pi(S) \) stands for \( \sum \nolimits_{v\in S} \pi(v) \)\( ) \).
Problem 1 (b-balanced separator)
Input: Edge- and node-weighted graph \( G=(V,E,c,\pi) \), constant \( b\leq 1/2 \).
Output: A b-balanced cut \( (S:V\setminus S) \). Goal: minimize the edge weight \( c(\delta(S)) \).
Closely related is the product sparsest cut problem.
Problem 2 ((Product) Sparsest cut)
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Recommended Reading
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Konjevod, G. (2016). Separators in Graphs. In: Kao, MY. (eds) Encyclopedia of Algorithms. Springer, New York, NY.
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