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Machine Learning Techniques for Biometrics

  • Chapter
Handbook of Remote Biometrics

Part of the book series: Advances in Pattern Recognition ((ACVPR))

  • 2193 Accesses


This chapter reports recent advances in the statistical learning literature that may be of interest for biometrics. In particular we discuss two different algorithmic settings, binary classification and multi-task learning, and analyze the two closely related problems of feature selection and feature learning. In the binary case the theoretical and algorithmic advances to feature selection are applied to solve face detection and face authentication problems. In the multi-task case we show how the data structure described by a group of features common to the various tasks can be effectively learned, and then we discuss how this approach could be used to address face recognition.

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Odone, F., Pontil, M., Verri, A. (2009). Machine Learning Techniques for Biometrics. In: Tistarelli, M., Li, S.Z., Chellappa, R. (eds) Handbook of Remote Biometrics. Advances in Pattern Recognition. Springer, London.

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