This paper generalizes previous studies on genome rearrangement under biological constraints, using double cut and join (DCJ). We propose a model for weighted DCJ, along with a family of optimization problems called \(\varphi \)-MCPS (Minimum Cost Parsimonious Scenario), that are based on edge labeled graphs. After embedding known results in our framework, we show how to compute solutions to general instances of \(\varphi \)-MCPS, given an algorithm to compute \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a circular genome with exactly one occurrence of each gene. These general instances can have an arbitrary number of circular and linear chromosomes, and arbitrary gene content. The practicality of the framework is displayed by generalizing the results of Bulteau, Fertin, and Tannier on the Sorting by wDCJs and indels in intergenes problem, and by generalizing previous results on the Minimum Local Parsimonious Scenario problem.
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This work is partially supported by the IBC (Institut de Biologie Computationnelle) (ANR-11-BINF-0002), by the Labex NUMEV flagship project GEM, and by the CNRS project Osez l’Interdisciplinarité.
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A Proofs
A Proofs
1.1 A.1 Lemma 1
The minimum length of a 2-break scenario on a graph G is \(d_{2b} (G) = e(G) - c(G)\).
A 2-break can increase the size of a MAECD by at most 1 and the size of a MAECD of a terminal graph is e(G). This leads to an inequality \(d_{2b} (G)\ge e(G)-c(G)\).
In this paragraph the length of a cycle will be its number of black edges. For any cycle c of length \(l > 1\) there is a 2-break transforming c into a union of length 1 and length \(l-1\) cycles. This way we obtain a scenario of length \(l-1\) for c, and can transform every cycle of a MAECD of G independently, obtaining a 2-break scenario of length \(e(G)-c(G)\). Thus, \(d_{2b} (G)\le e(G)-c(G)\). \(\square \)
1.2 A.2 Lemma 2
The minimum length of a DCJ scenario transforming genome A into B is equal to \(d_{2b} (G(A,B)) = e(G(A,B)) - c(G(A,B))\).
G(A, B) is constructed in such a way that for every DCJ \(A\rightarrow A'\) the transformation \(G(A,B)\rightarrow G(A',B)\) is a 2-break. Notably, a DCJ \(\{a,b\}\rightarrow \{a\},\{b\}\) results in a transformation \(\{a,b\},\{\circ ,\circ \}\rightarrow \{a,\circ \},\{b,\circ \}\), as the construction of a breakpoint graph guarantees that there are enough black loops \(\{\circ ,\circ \}\) to realize such a 2-break. For any 2-break \(G(A,B)\rightarrow G'\) with \(G'\ne G(A,B)\) there exists a DCJ \(A\rightarrow A'\) such that \(G(A',B)=G'\). Since G(B, B) is terminal, it follows that the minimum length of a scenario transforming A into B is \(d_{2b} (G(A,B))\) and we conclude using Lemma 1. \(\square \)
1.3 A.3 Theorem 1
If \(\mathcal {D} (G,\rho )\) has k connected components then \(\rho \) can be partitioned into k subscenarios \(\rho ^{i}\) and G can be partitioned into k edge-disjoint Eulerian subgraphs \(H^{i}\) in such a way that \(\rho ^{i}\) is a scenario for \(H^{i}\) for every \(i\in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\). If \(\rho \) is parsimonious, then \(k=c(G)\) and \(C(\rho ) = \{H^{1}, \ldots , H^{k}\}\) is a MAECD of G.
Take a connected component C of \(\mathcal {D} (G,\rho )\). It has an equal number of vertices of indegree 0 and vertices of outdegree 0. Its edges incident to the vertices of indegree 0 are labeled with the black edges of G and its edges incident to the vertices of outdegree 0 are labeled with the gray edges of G. Together these labels define a subgraph H of G that we will prove to be Eulerian.
Define \(C_{l}\) to be a subgraph of \(\mathcal {D} (G,\rho _{l})\) consisting of its connected components containing the vertices of indegree 0 of C. This way \(C_{m}=C\). Define \(H_{l}\) to be a subgraph of \(G_{l}\) containing the gray edges of H and the black edges of \(G_{l}\) labeling the edges of \(C_{l}\) incident to the vertices of outdegree 0. This way \(H_{0}=H\) and \(H_{m}\) is a terminal graph.
We prove that H is Eulerian by induction. \(H_{m}\) is Eulerian as it is terminal. Suppose that \(H_{l}\) is Eulerian. By construction the two edges of \(G_{l}\) replaced by the l-th 2-break of \(\rho \) either both belong to \(H_{l-1}\) or both are outside of \(H_{l-1}\). In the first case, \(H_{l}\) is obtained from \(H_{l-1}\) via a 2-break and as \(H_{l}\) is Eulerian this means that \(H_{l-1}\) is also Eulerian. In the second case, \(H_{l}=H_{l-1}\), thus the latter stays Eulerian. Thus \(H=H_{0}\) is Eulerian and we obtain a subsequence of \(\rho \) that is a scenario for H.
\(\mathcal {D} (G,\rho _0)\) has e(G) connected components. The l-th 2-break of \(\rho \) merges two vertices of \(\mathcal {D} (G,\rho _{l-1})\), thus reduces the number of the connected components by at most 1. This means that the number k of the connected components of \(\mathcal {D} (G,\rho )\) is greater or equal to \(e(G)-m\).
If \(\rho \) is parsimonious, then its length m is \(e(G) - c(G)\) using Lemma 1. This means that \(k\ge c(G)\) and G can be partitioned into k edge-disjoint Eulerian subgraphs. Due to the maximality of c(G), we have that \(k=c(G)\) and all of the obtained edge-disjoint Eulerian subgraphs of G are simple cycles. \(\square \)
1.4 A.4 Lemma 3
\({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }(S,\lambda )=\text {min}\{{\textsc {MCPS}} _{\hat{\varphi }}(\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })|~(\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })\in ~S_{1}\}\)
For a labeled graph \((H,\mu )\) on vertices \(\hat{V}\) we denote \(r(H,\mu )\) as the labeled graph obtained from \((H,\mu )\) by merging the two vertices that were split in S. For \((\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })\in ~S_{1}\) we have \(r(\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })=(S,\lambda )\) by construction. An operation in \(\hat{\mathcal {O}}\) transforms \((\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })\) into such \((\hat{S}',\hat{\lambda }')\) that there exists unique operation in \(\mathcal {O} \) of the same cost transforming \((S,\lambda )\) into \(r(\hat{S}',\hat{\lambda }')\). This leads to an observation that for an \(\hat{\mathcal {O}}\)-scenario for \((\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })\) there exists an \(\mathcal {O} \)-scenario of the same cost and the same 2-break-length for \((S,\lambda )\).
On the other hand, for an operation in \(\mathcal {O} \) transforming \((S,\lambda )\) into \((S',\lambda ')\) there exists an operation in \(\hat{\mathcal {O}}\) of the same cost transforming every \((\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })\in S_{1}\) into \((\hat{S}',\hat{\lambda }')\) such that \(r(\hat{S}',\hat{\lambda }'_{S})=(S',\lambda ')\). This leads to an observation that an \(\mathcal {O} \)-scenario for \((S,\lambda )\) provides us with a sequence \(\hat{\rho }_{\hat{\mathcal {O}}}\) of \(\hat{\mathcal {O}}\) operations of the same cost and 2-break-length transforming every \((\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })\in S_{1}\) into such \((\overline{\hat{S}},\overline{\hat{\lambda }})\) for which \(r(\overline{\hat{S}},\overline{\hat{\lambda }})\) is a terminal graph with equal multi-sets of labeled gray and black edges. As the later graph is obtained by merging two vertices of degree one of the former, we know that its structure is as well fairly simple. We can check all the possible cases by hand and show that there is \((\hat{S},\hat{\lambda })\in S_{1}\) such that \((\overline{\hat{S}},\overline{\hat{\lambda }})\) is itself a terminal graph with equal multi-sets of labeled gray and black edges.
If \(S_{1}\) is of size 1, then there is a single choice for \((\overline{\hat{S}},\overline{\hat{\lambda }})\) such that \(r(\overline{\hat{S}},\overline{\hat{\lambda }})\) is a terminal graph with equal multi-sets of labeled gray and black edges (see the right upper corner of Fig. 4). If \(S_{1}\) is of size 2, then there are more cases, but they are all easy to check and one of them is given in the right bottom corner of Fig. 4. \(\square \)
1.5 A.5 Lemma 4
For a function f and an O(f(r)) time algorithm for \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a labeled circle on r vertices, there exists an \({O(p^2f(P)+p^3+f(n))}\) time algorithm for \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a labeled breakpoint graph. If \(f(r)=O(r^t)\) for some constant \(t\ge 1\), then \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a labeled breakpoint graph can be solved in \(O(pP^t+p^3+n^t)\) time.
The \(p^2\) edges of a bipartite graph H can be weighted in \(O(p^2f(P))\) time due to Theorem 3 and the fact that the simple cycles of G(A, B) have at most 1 vertex of degree 2. A minimum weight maximum matching of H can be found in \(O(p^3)\) time using the Hungarian algorithm. Finally, \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) for the labeled circles in G(A, B) can be computed in O(f(n)) time. Combining these results we obtain an \(O(p^{2}f(P)+p^3+f(n))\) time algorithm for computing \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }(G(A,B),\lambda )\).
Now suppose that \(f(r)=O(r^t)\) for some constant \(t\ge 1\). Let \(a_{1},\ldots ,a_{p}\) and \(b_{1},\ldots ,b_{p}\) denote the number of edges in AA and BB paths with \(\sum _{i=0}^{p}a_{i}=P_{A}\), \(\sum _{j=0}^{p}b_{j}=P_{B}\) and \(P=P_{A}+P_{B}\).
\({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) for a union of an AA path and a BB path having a and b edges respectively can be obtained by computing \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) for at most two circles on \(a+b\) vertices due to Theorem 3. This can be done in less than \(c(a+b)^{t}\) steps for some constant c using the \(O(r^t)\) time algorithm for computing \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) for a circle. \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) for every pair of AA and BB paths of \(G(A,B)'\) can be computed in a number of steps bounded by:
Thus, the weighting of H can be performed in \(O(pP^{t})\) time. This provides us with an \(O(pP^t+p^3+n^t)\) time algorithm for computing \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }(G(A,B),\lambda )\). \(\square \)
1.6 A.6 Theorem 5
For a constant \(t\ge 2\) and an \(O(r^t)\) time \(\alpha \)-approximation algorithm for \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a labeled circle on r vertices, there exists an \(O(n^{t+1})\) time \(\alpha \)-approximation algorithm for \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a labeled breakpoint graph.
In Theorem 3, \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on a simple cycle is expressed as the minimum of the \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) for a set of corresponding circles. In Theorem 2, \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on a graph is expressed as the minimum of the sums of the \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) for the simple cycles. We prove an auxiliary lemma establishing the following:
An \(\alpha \)-approximation for \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on a simple cycle can be obtained by taking the minimum of the \(\alpha \)-approximations for the corresponding circles.
An \(\alpha \)-approximation for \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on a graph can be obtained by taking the minimum of the sums of the \(\alpha \)-approximations for \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on the simple cycles.
Take \(k\in \mathbb {N}\) and two sets of positive numbers \(\{q_{1}^{*},\ldots , q_{k}^{*}\}\) and \(\{q_{1},\ldots , q_{k}\}\) with \(q_{i}\le \alpha q_{i}^{*}\) for every i. The following inequalities hold:
\(min\{q_{i}|i\in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\}\le \alpha \text {min}\{q_{i}^{*}|i\in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\}\)
\(\sum _{i=0}^{k} q_{i}\le \alpha \sum _{i=0}^{k} q_{i}^{*}\)
Take u and v such that \(q_{u}^{*}=min\{q_{i}^{*}|i\in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\}\) and \(q_{v}=min\{q_{i}|i\in \{1,\ldots ,k\}\}\). By construction \(q_{v}\le q_{u}\le \alpha q_{u}^{*}\) which proves the first inequality. For the second inequality it suffice to observe that \(\sum _{i=0}^{k} q_{i}\le \sum _{i=0}^{k} \alpha q_{i}^{*}=\alpha \sum _{i=0}^{k} q_{i}^{*}\) \(\square \)
A simple cycle of a breakpoint graph has at most one vertex of degree 2. This means that it has at most two corresponding circles (see Theorem 6). Taking the minimum of the \(\alpha \)-approximations for \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on these circles provides us with an \(\alpha \)-approximation for the simple cycle due to Theorem 6 and the first part of the lemma above. This way we obtain an \(\alpha \)-approximation algorithm for \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a simple cycle of a breakpoint graph that runs in \(O(r^t)\) time where r is the number of the vertices in the simple cycle.
We can reuse the structure of a bipartite graph H presented in Sect. 7 with the weights of the edges now being the \(\alpha \)-approximations for the \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on the corresponding simple cycles. Following the same reasoning as in Sect. 7, we know that the minimum cost maximum matching of H leads to a MAECD of a breakpoint graph minimizing the sum of the \(\alpha \)-approximations for the \({\textsc {MCPS}} _{\varphi }\) on its simple cycles. Combining Theorem 2, both parts of the lemma above, and the proof of Lemma 4, we obtain an \(O(n^{t+1})\) time \(\alpha \)-approximation algorithm for \(\varphi \)-MCPS on a breakpoint graph. \(\square \)
1.7 A.7 Lemma 5
If \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}\) is a minimum 2-break-length \(\mathcal {O} \)-scenario for a labeled circle \((O,\lambda )\), then \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}})\) is a planar tree on \((O,\lambda )\). In addition to that, for a planar tree \(\mathcal {T} \) on \((O,\lambda )\) there exists an \(\mathcal {O} \)-scenario \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}\) such that \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}})=\mathcal {T} \).
We prove the first statement by induction. It is trivially true if O has 2 vertices. We suppose it to be true for all the circles having less than 2l vertices and prove it for a circle having 2l vertices. Fix a minimum 2-break-length scenario \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}\). Its length is \(l-1\) due to Lemma 1. The first labeled 2-break of \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}\) transforms \((O,\lambda )\) into two vertex disjoint labeled circles \((O_{1},\lambda _1)\) and \((O_{2},\lambda _2)\) both having less vertices than O. The rest of the scenario \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}\) can be partitioned into \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{1}\) acting on the edges of \(O_{1}\) and \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{2}\) acting on the edges of \(O_{2}\). As \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}\) is a minimum 2-break-length scenario, \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{1}\) and \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{2}\) must also be minimum 2-break-length scenarios. By the inductive hypothesis, \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{1})\) and \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{2})\) are planar trees on \((O_{1},\lambda _{1})\) and \((O_{2},\lambda _{2})\) respectively. \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}})\) can be easily obtained from \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{1})\) and \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}}^{2})\) by taking the union of their edges and adding an edge corresponding to the first 2-break of \(\rho _{\mathcal {O}}\). This way we obtain a planar tree \(\mathcal {T} (\rho _{\mathcal {O}})\) on \((O,\lambda )\) proving the first statement of the lemma.
Now define the distance of an edge \(\{x,y\}\) in \(\mathcal {T} \) as the minimum number of vertices between x and y in the fixed circular embedding of \(\mathcal {T} \). For example, in the rightmost tree on the top of Fig. 5 the distance of the edge \(\{w,z\}\) is one, because t is in between w and z, while the distance of the edge \(\{x,y\}\) is 0. An edge is said to be short if its distance is 0. We prove an auxiliary lemma.
A planar tree \(\mathcal {T} \) on \((O,\lambda )\) has a short edge incident to a leaf.
Choose a leaf x in \(\mathcal {T} \) incident to an edge of the minimum distance d. If \(d\ne 0\), then in between the leaf and the vertex that it is adjacent to, there are d other vertices. Since \(\mathcal {T} \) is planar on \((O,\lambda )\), it is easy to see that there is at least one other leaf among these d vertices, which contradicts the minimality of x. \(\square \)
Now take a short edge \(\{x,y\}\) incident to a leaf x in \(\mathcal {T} \). Take the black edges \(\{a,b\}\) and \(\{c,d\}\) in \((O,\lambda )\) labeled with x and y respectively and separated by a gray edge \(\{b,c\}\). Perform a labeled 2-break \((\{b,a\},x),(\{c,d\},y)\rightarrow (\{b,c\},x),(\{a,d\},y)\). This 2-break results in two labeled circles. One of them is a terminal graph having two edges \(\{b,c\}\) with the black one labeled with x. Remove the edge \(\{x,y\}\) from \(\mathcal {T} \). This way we have reduced the size of the problem. The number of the vertices in the circle was reduced by two and the number of the edges in the tree was reduced by 1. We iterate this procedure to construct a required scenario. See the bottom part of Fig. 5 for an example. \(\square \)
1.8 A.8 Lemma 6
A minimum cost planar tree on a circle can be found in \(O(r^4)\) time, where r is the number of vertices of a tree.
Farnoud and Milenkovic pose the problem of sorting permutations by cost-constrained mathematical transpositions (a sorting scenario is called a decomposition) [14]. They define a cost function on the set of transpositions and treat the problem, called MIN-COST-MLD, of finding a minimum cost decomposition among the minimum length transposition decompositions of a permutation. They reduce this problem to finding a minimum cost planar tree on a circle, and propose the following \(O(r^4)\) time dynamic programming algorithm for a tree having r vertices.
Enumerate the vertices 1 to r while respecting their order on the circle. Define cost(i, j) as the minimum cost of a planar tree on the vertices \(\{i,\ldots , j\}\) for \(1\le i<j\le r\) and set \(cost(i,i)=0\) for \(1\le i\le r\).
Take a planar tree \(\mathcal {T} \) on the vertices \(\{1,\ldots , r\}\). If \(deg(1)=1\) and 1 is on the edge \(\{1,q\}\), then the cost of \(\mathcal {T} \) is equal to \(\varPhi (1,q)\) plus the costs of the subgraphs of \(\mathcal {T} \) induced by the vertices \(\{2,\ldots ,q\}\) and \(\{q+1,\ldots , r\}\). If \(deg(1)>1\), then take \(q=\text {max}(\{u|\{1,u\}\text { belongs to }\mathcal {T} \})\) and \(s=\text {max}(\{u|\) there is a path in \(\mathcal {T} \) joining 1 and u but not visiting \(q\})\). The cost of \(\mathcal {T} \) is equal to \(\varPhi (1,q)\) plus the costs of the subgraphs of \(\mathcal {T} \) induced by the vertices \(\{1,\ldots ,s\}\), \(\{s+1,\ldots , q\}\) and \(\{q,\ldots ,r\}\). This observation provides us with the following equality:
for \(1\le i<j\le r\), that leads to an \(O(r^4)\) time dynamic programming algorithm for finding cost(1, r). \(\square \)
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Simonaitis, P., Chateau, A., Swenson, K.M. (2018). A General Framework for Genome Rearrangement with Biological Constraints. In: Blanchette, M., Ouangraoua, A. (eds) Comparative Genomics. RECOMB-CG 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11183. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00834-5_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00834-5_3
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-00833-8
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-00834-5
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