
1 Introduction

Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) has been outfitted by various malware families to extend the resistance to the blacklist-based techniques. Cybercriminals utilize DGAs to produce random domains and select a small subset for actual command and control (C&C) use. The randomly generated and short lived C&C domains render detection approaches that rely on static domain lists ineffective.

As the domains generated by the DGA-based malware consist of random and unreadable character concatenations, a lot of researchers have developed detection techniques, e.g., [8, 22, 25, 28, 30,31,32, 34], based on the lexical property. However, these random domains can also be generated by simulating the readable strings. For example, in [11], the authors present a method to generate domains based on the character distribution of the words in English dictionary and their experiment proves that their method can significantly degrade the lexical property-based detection techniques such as [8, 34]. In this case, more intrinsic features should be extracted without the lexical property to detect DGA-based malware.

In this work, we develop an approach from a novel perspective, i.e., the query time lags of NXDomains, to mitigate DGA-based malware without the lexical property. The key insight is that, unlike the benign hosts, the hosts infected by the same malware families will query a lot of non-existent domains (NXDomains) in inherent time lags to find the rendezvous points for C&C connection. Motivated by this peculiarity, we design a system, LagProber, to detect the infected hosts by analyzing the query time lags of NXDomains. LagProber extracts features from the distribution of query time lags, and implements a clustering method to identify the infected hosts. In contrast with the other DGA-based malware detection approaches using the time-based features, e.g., periodicity of C&C connections and change points of NXDomain traffic, our features can be extracted in a shorter period and do not rely on specific time patterns. Moreover, the features extracted from time lags can be used compatibly with the periodicity-, change point- or lexical-based detection.

In summary, our research makes following contributions.

  1. (1)

    We develop an approach from a novel perspective, i.e., the query time lags of NXDomains, to detect DGA-based malware. Our approach is able to identify the infected hosts without the lexical property which is easy to be obscured by attackers.

  2. (2)

    We design a system, LagProber, to identify the DGA-based malware by analyzing the query time lags of NXDomains. LagProber implements an unsupervised algorithm and thus can run without prior knowledge; and the key advantage is that it can detect the DGA-based malware without the lexical property.

  3. (3)

    We evaluate LagProber using a week of real world DNS traffic collected from a large ISP network to show the efficacy. The result illustrates that LagProber can accurately detect the DGA-based malware and has scalable performance.

Organization. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we illustrate the background and motivation. The system design is introduced in Sect. 3 and evaluated in Sect. 4. We discuss the limitations in Sect. 5, and summarize the previous works in Sect. 6. At last, in Sect. 7, we conclude this work.

2 Background and Motivation

In this section, we first introduce the background knowledge of the domain generation algorithm and then illustrate the motivation of our approach.

2.1 Domain Generation Algorithm

DGA is an advanced DNS technique used by sophisticated malware families. The attackers periodically generate thousands of domains, which can be used as rendezvous points for C&C communication. Among these domains, only a small number of them are used as actual C&C domains at a certain moment. The real C&C domains only live for short periods before they are replaced with other domains; thus, if the C&C domains are retained by the responders, the C&C communication will persist. The large number of potential C&C domains complicates taking down the C&C servers.

The generated domains are computed based on a given seed, which can consist of numeric constants, the current date/time, or even Twitter trends. In most cases, the character distribution of random generated domains is distinct with that of the benign domains. One can detect DGA-based malware by identifying the random domains. However, as aforementioned in Sect. 1, the domains can be generated by simulating the English dictionary words [11], which can significantly degrade the detection approaches based on the lexical property.

Table 1. The time lags of different malware families.

2.2 Query Time Lag of NXDomains

In this work, we develop our approach from a novel perspective, i.e., the query time lags of NXDomains, to detect DGA-based malware without the lexical property. This is motivated by the fact that the infected hosts don’t know the exact C&C domain and have to query a large amount of generated domains until an available response. Therefore, a sequence of query time lags of the NXDomains can be collected to extract the features for detection.

In Table 1, according to the analysis report in Johannes’ blog [5], we summarize the time lags of 15 DGA-based malware families. Nine of them query their domains without waiting, five of them implement invariable intervals and one of them alternatively queries the generated domains and No matter what kind of the time lag the attackers implemented, the hosts infected by the same DGA-based malware will have the same distribution. Particularly, when an infected host query a lot of generated domains, the distribution of time lags is consistent. Motivated by this finding, we design a system, LagProber, to detect DGA-based malware by clustering the hosts with similar distribution of the query time lags of NXDomains. The detail of LagProber will be introduced in the following.

3 System Design

In this section, we present our system, LagProber, to show how it works based solely on the query time lags of NXDomains. It is noticeable that LagProber only analyzes the second level domains (SLDs) and domains served by dynamic DNS such as A SLD is a domain directly below a top-level domain (TLD) like .com and .net, or a ccSLD like and The dynamic DNS domains analyzed in our work are the same as the ones listed in [18]. The reason for analyzing these two types of domains is that the DGA-based malware families usually map their servers to them. Thus, unless otherwise noted, when we talk about domains or NXDomains we refer to the two types of domains.

3.1 Architecture

The architecture of LagProber is shown in Fig. 1. LagProber takes DNS traffic as input and the Collector records the NXDomain queries for analysis. For each host, the Feature Generator extracts the features from the distribution of query time lags of NXDomains to generate the vectors. The Group Analyzer performs a clustering process on the vectors to gather similar ones and outputs a set of candidate clusters. The Significance Analyzer implements a significance detection process to identify if any infected hosts there. In the following, we will introduce the details of the four components, i.e., Collector, Feature Generator, Group Analyzer, Significance Analyzer.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

System Architecture.

We maintain a finite-state machine to manage the whole workflow of our system. The state machine is shown in Fig. 2. LagProber starts from the Idle state. If there is no host querying more than 10 NXDomains (\(n_{nx}<10\)), LagProber keeps waiting. When a host queries more than 10 NXDomain (\(n_{nx}>10\)), LagProber comes to the Preparing state. The Feature Generator extracts the vector from the distribution of the time lags. If the waiting time t exceeds 1 h (the time window), LagProber comes to the Detecting state, or else it comes back to the Waiting State. In the Detecting state, the Group Analyzer clusters the vectors and Significance Analyzer reports the infected hosts. Then, LagProber resets the system (e.g., \(t=0\) and) and goes back to the Waiting state.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

System Workflow.

3.2 Collector

The Collector collects the NXDomain traffic produced in the monitored network and filters out the non-malicious NXDomains to improve the system efficacy. In this work, we consider an NXDomain as non-malicious when it satisfies one of the following conditions.

  • Invalid Top Level Domain (TLD): A domain is considered as non-malicious if its TLD is not in the list of registered TLDs presented by IANA [4].

  • Irregular characters: A domain contains the characters that should not be included in regular domain (consisting of only letters, numbers and dashes/hyphens). This domain is probably caused by the typing error or misconfiguration.

  • Popular domains: We consider the top 100,000 domains in Alexa [1] and websites of world’s biggest 500 companies from Forbes [3] as popular legitimate domains. These NXDomains are mostly utilized by benign services to transfer disposable signals [10].

3.3 Feature Generator

When host \(h_i\) queries more than m NXDomains \(d_1, d_2, ..., d_m\) (in this work we set \(m=10\) to achieve a fast detection) with timestamps \(t_1, t_2, ..., t_m\), LagProber extracts the time lags of the queries, i.e., \(S_t=\{l_k:t_{k+1}-t_k\}, k\in [1, m-1]\). We only focus on the distinct domains in a single day due to that repeatedly queried domains have no help to find the rendezvous point for C&C connection.

Although most DGA-based malware families in Table 1 prefer to query the domains with constant time lags, some sophisticated ones can still implement the time lags based on some probability distribution, e.g., Gaussian distribution, to obscure the similarity. Anyway, they have the similar statistic values, e.g., mean and standard deviation, of \(S_t\). Therefore, six statistic values, i.e., the mean, variance, median, maximum, minimum and mode (the most frequent value), of \(S_t\) are extracted by this component to construct vector \(v_i\).

figure a

3.4 Group Analyzer

The Group Analyzer performs a clustering process to gather the similar vectors. Since the number of DGA-based malware families in the monitored network is unsure, LagProber implements a hierarchical merging algorithm, which does not require the number of clusters as input. This algorithm is a clustering approach that merges the most similar pairs of clusters as one moves up the hierarchical until the terminated conditions are satisfied. In our work, the Euclidean distance is selected as the similarity measures.

In Algorithm 1, we present the workflow of the clustering process. First, considering each vector generated by the Feature Generator component as a single cluster, the function getCloestPairOfClusters extracts the closest pair of clusters (\(c_i\) and \(c_j\)) and returns their distance \(d_{ij}\). Second, LagProber determines whether \(d_{ij}\) is too large for \(c_i\) and \(c_j\) by comparing \(d_{ij}\) with the value of \(a_i=mean(c_i)+2*std(c_i)\), where \(mean(c_i)\) and \(std(c_i)\) represent the mean and standard deviation of the internal distances of the vectors in \(c_i\), respectively. As shown in Table 1, the time lags of most DGA-based malware families are less than 1 second. The distances of the vectors generated by them are very likely less than \(\sqrt{|v|}=\sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^{|v|}(1^2-0^2)}\), where |v| is the size of vector. Therefore, if \(d_{ij}<max\{\sqrt{|v|},min\{a_i,a_j\}\}\), LagProber merges \(c_i\) and \(c_j\). Third, if \(d_{ij} > a_i\) or \(d_{ij} > a_j\), which indicates that there is no cluster similar to \(c_i\), LagProber outputs cluster \(c_i\) or \(c_j\). At last, if no cluster can be merged, the clustering process is terminated.

3.5 Significance Analyzer

When the infected hosts try to connect the C&C servers, they will query much more NXDomains than the benign ones and the feature vectors will be more similar. As a result, one or more clusters will contain much more items than the other ones. Hence, LagProber implements a outliers testing algorithm, i.e., one-side Grubbs’ test [12], also known as the maximum normalized residual test or extreme studentized deviate test, to search for the significantly larger clusters in the result of Group Analyzer.

According to Grubbs’ test, we define two hypothesis \(H_1\) and \(H_0\) denoting if there is a significantly large cluster or not, respectively. Assuming q clusters \(c_1, c_2, ..., c_q\) have been outputted by the Group Analyzer, the statistic test is:

$$\begin{aligned} G=\frac{\max \limits _{i=1, ..., q}\{|c_i|-|c|\}}{s}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(|c_i|\) is the size of cluster \(c_i\), |c| is the mean size and s is the standard deviation of the sizes. The hypothesis \(H_0\) is rejected at a significance level \(\alpha \) (set as 0.001 in our work) if

$$\begin{aligned} G>\frac{q-1}{\sqrt{q}}\sqrt{\frac{t_{\frac{\alpha }{2q},q-2}^2}{q-2+t_{\frac{\alpha }{2q},q-2}^2}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(t_{\frac{\alpha }{2q},q-2}\) denotes the upper critical value of the t-distribution [33] with \(q-2\) degrees of freedom and a significance level of \(\frac{\alpha }{2q}\). In Fig. 3, we present the workflow of the significance test in this component. As the Grubbs’ test only examines the maximum, when the hypothesis \(H_0\) has been rejected, LagProber identifies the corresponding cluster as malicious and removes it for the next round of test. If hypothesis \(H_0\) is accepted, the test process is terminated.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Workflow of the significance test.

Besides the significantly large clusters, we also consider the clusters containing significantly similar vectors as malicious. Since most of the DGA-based malware families implements 0 s time lag to query the domains, we determine a cluster as malicious when the max distance of the internal vectors is less than \(\sqrt{|v|}\). At last, LagProber reports all the hosts generating the vectors in the significantly large or similar clusters as malicious.

4 Evaluation

In this section, LagProber is evaluated on a week of real world DNS traffic. We first introduce the dataset used in our evaluation and analyze the detection result. Then, we present the system performance of LagProber.

4.1 Dataset

Our dataset is collected from an ISP network which offers Internet services to the Chinese education, research, scientific and technical communities, relevant government departments, and hi-tech enterprises. We obtained DNS traffic collected on the edge of this network from May 1st, 2018 to May 7th, 2018. The summary of our dataset is presented in Table 2. \(Q_{total}\) and \(Q_{nx}\) represent the number of total and NXDomain queries, respectively. Since LagProber only processes the NXDomain traffic (with about 5% of the volume of the total traffic), the exact volume of dataset is significantly reduced. It is noticeable that we rule out the traffic of DNS servers (hosts opening the 53 port for service) in this dataset. This is because LagProber is designed to work under the recursive servers and the behaviors of DNS server are not feasible to represent the human activities.

Table 2. Summary of our dataset.

Labeling. To label the infected hosts in our dataset, we first extracts the response IP addresses mapping to more than 50 distinct SLDs. This is because the C&C IP addresses used by DGA-based malware families are very likely to map with multiple domains. Then, we manually examine the domains with the help of Virustotal [7] and ThreatCrowd [6] to ensure the malicious. As a results, we identify 17 infected hosts.

We classify the 17 infected hosts into 3 categories, i.e., dga-1, dga-2 and dga-3, based on the character distribution. The domain samples are presented in Fig. 4. The dga-1 domains are constructed by numerics, the dga-2 domains are similar with the traditional DGA-based malware families that random select characters, and the dga-3 domains are very likely generated by the HASH-based DGA [23]. The dga-1 and dga-3 infected hosts query domains with no waiting while the dga-2 infected hosts consecutively query a few domains per 7 s.

Although the number of hosts is small, the large amount of DNS traffic gives us a good chance to measure the false positive rate, which is very important for real world usage. In the following, these infected hosts are used as ground truth to analyze the result.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Domain samples queried by the infected hosts.

4.2 Result Analysis

In Table 3, we present the detection result of LagProber. TPr and FPr denote the true and false positive rates, respectively. \(D_h\) denotes the ratio between the number of detected infected hosts and the total number \(N_{inf}\) of active infected hosts. As one host can generate multiple vectors, the metrics, i.e., TPr and FPr, are calculated based on whether LagProber correctly or falsely classifies a host in a certain time window (1 h). For example, if the vectors generated by an infected host are clustered in a significantly large cluster, we identify a true positive. The true negative, false positive and false negative can be identified similarly. Besides, we also manually examine the classified vectors to ensure the malicious. This is because that the infected hosts can also generate benign queries, and if they fail to connect the C&C servers the positive vectors can not be labeled solely based on the ground truth.

Table 3. Summary of the detection result.

As shown in Table 3, the TPr of LagProber is about 90% in average. The false negatives mainly emerges in the case that the number of vectors generated by the infected hosts is too small to construct a significantly large cluster. Anyway, LagProber can detect all the infected hosts (with \(D_h=100\%\)).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The relationship between the size and maliciousness of clusters.

The FPr of LagProber is about 2% in average. The false positives are mainly caused by the small clusters being identified as significantly large by Grubbs’ test. These small clusters are accidentally by the Network Address Translation (NAT) routers in the monitored network when they query a sequence of distinct NXDomains in a short period. In Fig. 5, we present the relationship between the size and maliciousness of clusters. The abscissa axis represents the size of clusters and the vertical axis denotes the ratio of malicious ones. When the size of clusters is 5, the ratio of malicious ones is 90% and when the size exceeds 6, all of the clusters are malicious. Hence, to reduce the false positives, one can simply set the threshold as 6 to identify the significantly large clusters.

In conclusion, LagProber can detect all the infected hosts with less false positive rate. This illustrates that the features extracted from the time lags can be utilized to effectively detect the DGA-based malware. Besides, since most hosts in our dataset are the NAT routers, LagProber can achieve a better performance when processing the traffic generated from local or enterprise networks which contain more personal computers.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

System performance.

4.3 System Performance

In our experiment, we run LagProber on Ubuntu 12.04 with CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00 GHz and 32 GB memory. As shown in Fig. 6, our system spends about 25 min to analyze the traffics (about 24 GB in bro DNS log format [2]) collected in May 1st, 2018. Since we rule out the repeatedly queried domains in a single day, usage percentage of CPU raises up to 90% at the beginning and then gradually decreases to about 9%. LagProber only stores the vectors generated in an hour so that the memory usage is less and stable (about 0.3%). In summary, when running on the traffic collected from a large scale network, the CPU usage rate is 22.5% in average and the memory usage is about 1 GB. All the results prove that LagProber has scalable performance.

5 Discussion

Limitation. The limitations of this work are as follows. First, the dataset only contains few kinds of DGA-based malware families due to that it is not easy to find the real world traffic of DGA-based malware families with distinct time lags. However, as we can see in Table 1, the time lag (0 s), of most malware families is the same as dga-1 (Sect. 4.1), which indicates LagProber can detect most of them. Second, the attacker can implement long time lags, which is more similar with benign hosts, to evade our detection. In this case, a longer time window can be used for accurate detection. Moreover, they have to spend much more time to connect the C&C servers, and the utility of the infected hosts to attacker is reduced or limited because the attacker can no longer command his bots promptly and reliably.

Comparison. The most generally time-based features to detect DGA-based malware are the periodicity of C&C connection and the change point of the NXDomain traffic. First, for the periodicity-based detection approaches, multiple C&C connections are needed to extract the features while time lags of the NXDomains can be extracted in a single C&C connection. If the infected hosts do not periodically connect the C&C servers, the periodicity-based approaches are ineffective. Second, for change point detection approaches, it is difficult for them to accurately detect DGA-based malware because of that the benign hosts are also very likely to generate the suddenly increased traffics. Hence, the previous works [9, 34] should utilize other evidences, like lexical or whois features for accurate detection, while LagProber can achieve a low false positive rate merely based on the features extracted from time lags. Last but not least, the features extracted from time lags can be used compatibly with the periodicity, change point or lexical-based detection. For example, when the periodicity or change point is detected, one can also analyze the time lags to improve the accuracy.

6 Related Work

A wealth of researches have been conducted on detecting DGA-based malware. They mainly utilize the lexical property of the generated domains. Antonakakis et al. [8] introduce a system, Pleiades, to detect DGA bots in large scale network by clustering the NXDomains with the similar character distribution generated by the same DGA-based malware families. Sharifnya et al. [26] present a reputation system to detect DGA botnets by periodically clustering DNS queries with similar characteristics. Schiavoni et al. [25] present a system, Phoenix, to track and fingerprint DGA botnets by clustering domains with similar character distributions. Wang et al. [29] present a system, DBod, to detect DGA botnet by searching for the similar set of NXDomains queried by the bots. Thomas et al. [27] present a method to detect DGA domains by clustering the NXDomains with similar character distributions queried by distinct recursive DNS servers. Yadav et al. [32] introduce three metrics, i.e., K-L divergence, Jaccard Index and Edit distance, to detect DGA domains sharing the same postfix or C&C IP addresses. Yadav et al. improve their work [32] using NXDomains and temporal correlation in [31]. Zhang et al. [34] present a system, BotDigger, to detect a single bot by searching for the suddenly increasing and decreasing random generated SLD queries before and after C&C connection. Mowbrey et al. [22] present an approach to detect a DGA bot by examining the anomaly domain length distribution in a time slot. Luo et al. [20] and Truong et al. [28] present a set of lexical features to separate a DGA domain from a popular one. Woddbridge et al. [30] and Lison et al. [19] present deep learning methods to predict a DGA domain. While existing solutions demonstrate their effectiveness in detecting malicious servers or server infrastructures, they still can be significantly degraded by generating readable domains [11].

Krishnan et al. [15] implement Threshold Random Walk algorithm [13] to identify an infected host in a fast way without analyzing the lexical property. Their approach relies on the assumption that an infected host is more likely to query a previously unseen NXDomain than a benign host. They have to train the parameters based on at least 24 hours traffic every time when they deploy their approach. Besides, since the malicious samples are not easy to achieve, the probability that an infected host queries a previously unseen NXDomain is pretty difficult to be estimate. Conversely, LagProber detects infected hosts needs no malicious samples.

Except the above DGA-based malware techniques, some botnet or malware domain detection approaches without the lexical can also be utilized to detect DGA domains. Manadhata et al. [21] utilize belief propagation algorithm on graphical models to detect malicious domains. Lee et al. [17] develop a malicious domain detection technique using the sequential correlation property of malicious domains. Khalil et al. [14] and Rahbarinia et al. [24] present methods to infer the suspicious domains which have strong relationship with the known malicious ones. Bilge et al. [9] introduce EXPOSURE to detect malicious domains. They extract 15 features and divide the features into Time-based, DNS answer-based, TTL value-based and Domain name-based. Then, a detection model is trained by using decision tree algorithm. Kwon et al. [16] present PsyBoG to detect botnet by analyzing similar periodicity of the bots. The graph-based approaches [17, 21], which need plenty of samples and time to build and process a graph structure, are resource consuming. The time-based approaches [9, 16] rely on longer term time patterns, e.g., active time in a month [9] or periodicity of C&C connection. In contrast, LagProber detects DGA-based malware families in a short term mode, i.e., the time lag between two NXDomain queries, and does not rely on the periodicity.

The aforementioned systems are mostly limited by the lexical property, and thus work only on random generated domains. LagProber is a novel general detection system that does not have such limitations and can greatly complement existing detection approaches.

7 Conclusion

In this work, we develop a system, LagProber, to detect DGA-based malware that is independent of the lexical property of the generated domains. Our system exploits a new essential property of DGA-based malware, i.e., hosts infected by the same malware family will exhibit similar patterns of the query time lags of NXDomains. In our experimental evaluation real-world network traces, LagProber shows excellent detection accuracy with a very low false positive rate on normal traffic.