The design of responsive Web applications is traditionally based on the assumption that they run on a single client at a time. Thanks to CSS3 media queries, developers can declaratively specify how the Web application UI adapts to the capabilities of specific devices. As users own more and more devices and they attempt to use them to run Web applications in parallel, we propose to extend CSS media queries so that they can be used to adapt the UI of liquid Web applications while they are dynamically deployed across multiple devices. In this paper we present our extension of CSS media queries with liquid-related types and features, allowing to detect the number of devices connected, the number of users running the application, or the role played by each device. The liquid media query types and features defined in this paper are designed and suitable for liquid component-based Web architectures, and they enable developers to control the deployment of individual Web components across multiple browsers. Furthermore we show the design of liquid media queries in the Liquid.js for Polymer framework and propose different adaptation algorithms. Finally we showcase the expressiveness of the liquid media queries to support real-world examples and evaluate the algorithmic complexity of our approach.
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- Liquid software
- Media queries
- Multi-device adaptation
- Responsive user interface
- Complementary view adaptation
1 Introduction
Liquid software [14] stands for a metaphor [20] that associates the shape of liquids with software: as a liquid is able to flow into and adapt its shape to any container, liquid software is able to flow across and adapt itself to fit on all the devices it is deployed on. Liquid software allows to seamlessly migrate at runtime parts of an application (e.g. individual components of the user interface) or the whole application from a device to another. Liquid applications are responsive (e.g. they are able to adapt to any device running it), but more importantly they are also able to adapt to the set of devices simultaneously running the application. Finally liquid applications can share their state across multiple devices while keeping it synchronized [18].
Nowadays, due to the improvement of Web technologies with the release of new Web standards (e.g. supporting full-duplex, direct communication between clients), we are witnessing the shift towards more complex and decentralized Web architectures [3], which in turn enable developers to create Web applications featuring support for the liquid user experience.
In our previous works we showed how we designed liquid abstractions for the data and logic layers in liquid Web architectures [5]. In this paper we focus on the user interface layer as we introduce liquid media queries, an upgrade to standard CSS3 media queries [2] that allows the developers to create their own CSS style sheets that get activated when their Web applications are deployed across multiple devices. While as part of the liquid user experience, end users can control which user interface components are deployed on each device (e.g., by swiping or drag and drop), developers can use liquid media queries to declarative describe how their applications can automatically react to changes in their deployment environment.
The developers of liquid applications should be able to offer to the users an automatic rule-based deployment mechanism for populating all of the users’ devices with pieces of the application they are running, because a misuse of the manual liquid user experience may lead to non-intuitive deployments which contradict with the developer expectations and intent. For example, in case of a picture sharing application, it should be possible to provide constraints for placing the components for taking and selecting pictures on the phones, while the picture viewer component gets deployed on a larger display. This way, users can select which picture to display from their personal smartphone photo library and take advantage of a public device to have a shared slideshow.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. After reviewing related work in Sect. 2, we present the design of liquid media queries in Sect. 3 and show how they are encoded within the Liquid.js for Polymer [4] framework (Sect. 4). The queries drive the algorithms outlined in Sect. 5, which are used to automatically adapt a distributed user interface across multiple devices [13] – as shown in the example scenarios of Sect. 6 – making it possible to shift from the traditional responsive UI adaptation [12], to a complementary one [15] able to automatically migrate Web components across the set of heterogeneous devices running a liquid Web application simultaneously.
2 Related Work
In the literature we can find several research topics concerning adaptive multi-device user interfaces [19] such as Distributed User Interfaces (DUI) [11] or Cross-Device Interfaces [17]. All deal with distributed component-based user interfaces deployed across multiple devices [1]. User interface elements can be distributed across the devices either synchronously or asynchronously: when we talk about asynchronous distribution the devices do not need to be connected in parallel when the UI elements are moved, while for synchronous distribution the devices need to be simultaneously connected [1].
In this paper we deal only with synchronous distribution, and design the automatic complementary view adaptation for the components of liquid web applications. In our scenario multiple devices are used together to accomplish a common task, however each device may play a different role and thus display different and complementary visual components. If the set of connected devices changes, then the distributed user interface should flow and adapt accordingly to the new configuration of the environment [10].
In the literature there are several attempts to use rules to describe cross-device user interfaces. Most of them rely on centralised architectures for computing the configuration and then the distribution of the components across multiple device. Zorrilla et al. [21] discuss a centralized custom rule-based approach that allows to assigns properties both to components and devices, it scores the best targets for distribution, and then shows and hides the corresponding components depending on the devices they are deployed on. Liquid media queries are also rule-based as they extend the CSS3 media query standard. However, the implementation of our algorithm is meant to be decentralized and involve every device on which the application is running.
Husmann et al. [7] implement cross-device user interfaces in a decentralized environment and define a similar rule-based approach. They do not associate the rules to CSS media queries, nor they support multiple CSS style sheets that need to be enabled or disabled on the target devices. Their approach instead deploys the whole application on all the connected devices and then hides the components that should not be displayed. Our approach is more fine-grained as it moves across the devices only the components that need to be deployed, migrating them directly from the device they are currently running on, instead of deploying the whole application from a centralized server.
3 Liquid Media Types and Features
CSS3 media types and features can be used to adapt the user interface of an application to multiple devices by associating a CSS style sheet with some expected device characteristics. Standard media features consider qualities of the Web browser and its environment (e.g., the screen size and resolution, the output media, the device orientation). If the media query matches what the device supports, the corresponding style is activated.
Standard CSS3 media queries are at the foundation for responsive user interfaces that adapt the Web application user interface layout to a single device at the time. However, they lack sufficient expressive power to describe the user interface adaptation in a multi-device environment. For this reason in this Section we introduce and describe new media types and features for liquid web applications (Table 1). Together they enable developers to perform cross-device user interface adaptation by declaratively constraining on which devices a component should be deployed on and by controlling which style sheets should be applied depending on properties of the set of devices connected to their application.
liquid and liquid-devices - Liquid software is strongly tied to multi-device environments, especially when parallel screening scenarios are considered [5]. In these scenarios liquid applications must be deployed on multiple devices in parallel. Understanding when the liquid application is running on multiple devices is required for the adaptation. The liquid feature refers to any environment with at least two connected devices, while the liquid-devices feature allows to tune this value for specific uses cases. Similarly to CSS3 media queries, it is also possible to define the minimum and maximum values for the liquid-devices feature by setting the values for min-liquid-devices and max-liquid-devices (e.g. it is possible to dynamically change the view of the liquid application when there are at least three connected devices instead of two, or create different views for specific number of connected devices).
liquid-users - In multi-user parallel scenarios [5] the liquid application is deployed across multiple devices and multiple users can interact with it at the same time. The liquid-users media feature allows to adapt a user interface depending on the number of users connected to the application. The features min-liquid-users and max-liquid-users can also be used for creating styles for single user applications (e.g. max-liquid-users: 1) and multi-user application (e.g. min-liquid-users: 2).
liquid-device-ownership - The types of access granted to devices can be either private, shared, or public. A private device is owned and used exclusively by one user. Shared devices are owned by one user, but they can be used by another. Public devices (e.g. public displays [16]) can be used by both registered and authenticated users or anonymous guests.
liquid-device-role - The device role is an application-specific feature. In Liquid.js for Polymer is possible to configure the connected devices and assign roles to them (e.g. controller, console, multimedia display). When the role of a device in a liquid application is not tightly bound to the type of device, the device-role can be used by the developers to assign specific styles to the user interface. When using the liquid-device-role feature, any device connected to the application must be configured with the chosen role. The role meta data associated with the device can change at any time, thus activating or deactivating the corresponding media query.
liquid-device-type - The latest standard media types only distinguish between screen, print, or speech devices. Depending on the context of the application, it can be useful to distinguish the types of screen devices connected so that they can be assigned to perform certain kind of tasks (e.g. desktop computers are used more for working in an office) [9], while other devices are more convenient in certain social situations (e.g., smartphones as opposed to laptops are more convenient during meals) [8]. In our current implementation liquid-device-type can be set to Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Phone.
4 Liquid Style Element
CSS3 media queries do not allow us to define new query types or features, nor they support customizing existing onesFootnote 1. The solution we designed for extending the standard media queries is to create a new Web component labeled as liquid-style inside the Liquid.js for Polymer framework [4].

The liquid-style element shown in Listing 1.1 allows developers to write their own liquid media queries and encapsulate a standard CSS style sheet that is automatically activated when the media query expression is accepted by the device. The liquid-style component allow developers to assign values to their attributes (e.g., device-role) that are mapped to the previously defined liquid media types and features by adding the liquid- prefix (e.g., liquid-device-role). Developers define new liquid media queries by assigning values to the corresponding attributes, as shown in Listings 1.2 and 1.3.

In the first example, the liquid media query expression contains both the liquid feature and the liquid-device-type type. Inside the liquid-style component is not necessary to explicitly set the liquid feature to true, since it is the default value for the element, while liquid-device-type maps to the attribute device-type.
The second media query expression contains the liquid media features liquid-device-role and min-liquid-users, which map directly to the attributes device-role and min-users. Furthermore the expression also contains the standard media feature min-height, which is set into the css-media attribute as any non-liquid part of the query expression.
4.1 Automatic Component Migration and Cloning
Automatic complementary view adaptation is achieved through the liquid media query expressions that both define when styles should be enabled on a device and constrain where the components should be migrated if any device with the appropriate features connects to the application. The liquid-style component is designed to be attached directly to a Liquid.js liquid-component [4] and bundled with a standard Polymer component. The framework extracts the liquid media query expressions from within every instantiated component and shares them with all other connected devices so that they can check whether they would satisfy the liquid media queries. Whenever a query is accepted on a device, that device becomes a possible target for the migration of the corresponding component. Since it is possible to define multiple liquid-style elements inside a component, each can have a different priority (see Listing 1.1). The priority attribute helps the developers to define multiple styles for different environments, while still being able to influence the migration process, as described in Sect. 5.
In addition to the migration, the liquid-style component provides another liquid user experience primitive for deploying components across multiple devices [5] called cloning, in which components are copied and kept synchronized across two or more devices. Migration enables to redistribute pre-existing user interface components across multiple devices, however it does not allow developers to create adaptive user interfaces with rules for instantiating new components like “component X needs to be instantiated in all public displays” or “component Y needs to be instantiated on phones devices, but only once per user”. While the migration of a component is obtained by simply adding a liquid-style element, cloning components requires additional configuration.
The attribute labeled clone in Listing 1.1 is used to enable multiple instances of the same source component to be cloned across multiple devices instead of just migrating it on one of them. The clone attribute accepts values in the form of \(N-feature\), where N is a positive non-zero integer or the symbol \(*\), and \(feature \in \{user, device, phone, tablet, desktop, laptop, shared, public, private, role=X\}\).
The value N specifies the maximum number of instances of the source component which should be cloned across the set of available devices which match the liquid media query constraints in relation to the chosen feature. Their combination allows to write cloning rules such as:
1-user, clone the component once per user, picking one of their available devices;
1-device, the component is cloned at most once per device type;
2-tablet, up to two component instances are cloned among all available tablets;
*-public, the component is cloned on all available public devices.
*-role=dashboard, the component is cloned on all devices playing the dashboard role;
The clone attribute works in conjunction with the other attributes of the liquid-style component, so that the liquid media query expression mapped from the attributes must be accepted on the device so that it is considered a valid cloning target.
5 Liquid UI Adaptation Algorithm
The UI adaptation algorithm operates on three distinct phases: constraint-checking and priority computation, migration and cloning, and local component adaptation. First it decides which devices are suitable for displaying a component encapsulating the liquid media query, then it migrates or clones the component on the highest priority device and activates the corresponding style sheet as soon as the component is loaded on the target device.

5.1 Phase 1: Constraint-Checking and Priority Computation
The constraint-checking phase decides if there is a suitable device in the pool of connected devices that satisfies the liquid media query expressions encapsulated inside the components.
Algorithm 1 computes the matrix of valid target devices in which at least one liquid media expression is accepted. The matrix has size \(\#components \times \#devices\). Each element represents with a positive integer the highest priority value of all the accepted liquid media queries encapsulated in the component, or zero if there are no accepted queries.
The matrix shown in (1) is the priorityMatrix produced by Algorithm 1 during the example scenario shown in Fig. 2, when both UserA and UserB are connected. There are four instantiated components and seven devices connected to the application. \(c_{video}\)’s liquid media queries (see Sect. 6) are accepted by device \(d_{laptop}, d_{tv}\). At least one query of priority 2 was accepted by device \(d_{laptop}\) and at least one query of priority 4 was accepted by devices \(d_{tv}\). \(d_{phone1}\) accepts at least one query encapsulated in components \(c_{videoController}\), \(c_{suggestedVideo}\), the first one with priority 2 and the latter with priority 1.

Algorithm 1 also computes the cloneMatrix shown in (2), which has a similar structure to the priorityMatrix, but stores only the information about the components that define at least one clone rule in the attributes of the liquid-style elements they encapsulate. The matrix has size \(\#components_{clone} \times \#devices\) where \(\#components_{clone} \le \#components\).
Liquid.js runs the Algorithm 1 whenever one of the following events occurs:
A component is created or deleted from a device. Creating or deleting a components does not affect the acceptance of the liquid media queries of any other components. When a new component is created (or removed), a row is added (or removed) to the priorityMatrix and the algorithm recomputes the highest priority score. If the component defines a liquid media query with the clone attribute, then the highest priority value between the clone styles is also stored in the cloneMatrix.
The meta-configuration of a device is changed. When the device type, ownership, and role change, the priority values of the corresponding column are updated for both matrices.
A device joins or leaves the current session. These events affect the devices, min-devices, and max-devices features of the liquid media queries, which triggers the recomputation of the whole priorityMatrix and cloneMatrix.
A user connects or disconnects from the application. Changes to the users, min-users, and max-users features also require a complete recomputation of the priorityMatrix and cloneMatrix.
5.2 Phase 2: Migration and Cloning
The migration and cloning phase uses the previously computed priorityMatrix and cloneMatrix to determine on which device each component should be migrated or cloned on. The algorithm prepares a migration plan where each component is assigned a given target device. The choice follows a best fit algorithm so that the number of components running on each device is minimized, thus spreading the liquid Web application across as many devices as possible. If the component instances outnumber the available devices, some of the components will be co-located on the same device still according to their priority. Equation (3) shows the resulting migrationPlan computed by the algorithm. \(c_{video}\) is migrated to \(d_{tv}\) with the highest priority, \(c_{comments}\) is migrated to \(d_{laptop}\) with the lowest. Once it is ready, Liquid.js uses the migration plan to redeploy the components across the set of devices.
After the migration step is complete, the cloning routine can start. This process exploits the cloneMatrix computed in phase 1 and the clone rules associated to the components that need to be cloned. All the devices that were not used in the previous migration step are flagged as candidates for running a cloned component. The candidates are grouped and prioritized following the clone rules, the device that contains the source component that needs be cloned is never considered as a possible target of the cloning, and every component which can be cloned is associated with a list of target devices on which it can be copied. Similarly to the previous step, the algorithm prepares a clone plan that is used by Liquid.js for cloning components. Equation (4) shows the output clonePlan computed with the matrix shown in Eq. (2) under the constraints of the liquid media queries of the scenario depicted in Fig. 2 (see Sect. 6 for the constraints).
The algorithm that computes the migration plan attempts to minimize the number of component instances running on each device. Also, it resolves ties by selecting components based on the order of instantiation. This could be improved by prioritising components with higher score values that have the least number of possible targets devices. This approach works with an initial configuration where all components are initially running on one devices, so the outcome does consider the overall migration cost, seen in terms of the number of migration operations to be performed and the time required to migrate a given component instance. Minimizing such cost would become important when the algorithm is applied to an input configuration of components already instantiated across multiple devices.
5.3 Phase 3: Component Adaptation
The component adaptation phase happens once the migration and cloning is complete. Each device checks for each instantiated component which liquid media queries are accepted and activates the associated style sheet. The standard CSS mechanisms for dealing with overlapping selectors take over.
5.4 Run-Time Complexity
The complexity of the algorithm we discussed in Sect. 5 depends on three factors: the number of devices (D), the number of the components (C), and the number liquid-style elements (S). In the worst case, the run-time complexity of Algorithm 1 is \(\mathcal {O}(D * C * S)\). However, the actual run-time complexity depends on the event that triggered the incremental version of the algorithm: – \(\mathcal {O}(D * S)\) for newly created components; – \(\mathcal {O}(C)\) for deleted components; – \(\mathcal {O}(C * S)\) for changed device configurations; – \(\mathcal {O}(D * C * S)\) for all other events. The run-time complexity of the migration and cloning phase is \(\mathcal {O}(C * D^2)\), and the adaptation algorithm explained in Subsect. 5.3 has complexity \(\mathcal {O}(S)\).
The execution for Algorithm 1 can be parallelized as the responsibility for computing the priority Matrix columns can be offloaded on each device, assuming that they all have access to the component liquid style definitions. Each device takes care of updating their columns whenever an event occurs and stores the result in the application shared state, which is automatically synchronized among all devices.
6 Liquid UI Adaptation Example
We show the expressiveness of liquid media queries by designing the liquid-style components on a realistic multi-device video player application.
The video player is built with four components (see Fig. 1): – the video component which displays and plays the video; – the video controller component which allows the user to play/pause and seek to a specific time in the selected video; – the suggested videos component that displays a list of recommended videos, which can be selected to be played; – the comments component where the user can read or post comments about the video.
These components can be deployed across different devices (phones, tablets, laptops, and televisions) owned by one or multiple users.

It is best to display the video component (see Listing 1.4) on the devices with big screens, for this reason we define three liquid media query expressions including the attributes device-type: laptop, device-role: display, and device-ownership: shared with different priorities. The rule for device-type: laptop has an higher priority over the rule defined for the comments component (see Listing 1.5) so that whenever a laptop device is available, the video component is migrated to the laptop. If the user configures the role of any device and assigns the role display to it, then this device will have priority over the laptop. Finally, if there are multiple users connected to the application (attribute min-users:2), the priority for deploying the video component is given to shared devices (e.g., a television).
The video controller component (see Listing 1.6) defines a liquid media query expression with the attribute clone:1-user. The clone rule migrates the component to a phone owned by a user, then it clones the component for every other user, if they connect at least another phone to the application.
The suggested video component (see Listing 1.7) defines two styles: one for tablets and the other for phones. The tablet style has an higher priority with respect to the phone style.
Scenario 1: Second User Connects a Phone. In Fig. 2 we show the component redistribution for a set of devices before and after a second user connects to the application. The initial configuration with only devices owned by UserA is obtained following the priorities associated with the liquid-style elements of each component. Starting from the suggested video component, which migrates to the tablet, then the video component migrates to a laptop device, because the higher priority rules it holds are not accepted by any other device. The video controller migrates to a phone device, but it is not cloned on both available phones because of the clone rule set to 1-user. Finally, the comments component migrates to the second laptop device.
After UserB logs in the application and connects an additional phone device, the user interface is redistributed as follows. The video component is migrated to the television device because of the ownership and min-users rules have now higher priority 4. The video controller component is cloned to UserB’s phone.
Scenario 2: Dynamic Device Role Change. In Fig. 3 we show an example of dynamic change in the metadata configuration of the connected devices. The initial device configuration is not accepted by at least one liquid media query defined in the video controller component, and the target device for the video and comments components points the same laptop. Starting from the highest priority, the suggested video component is deployed on the tablet and the video component is deployed on the laptop. Since the laptop component is already the target of the video component, the comments component migrates to the television, which was ranked as the next possible target for migration. The video controller component is deployed on the tablet device with the lowest priority.
When UserA assigns the role display to the television, the device metadata changes. The user interface is redistributed and the video component migrates to the television, because the liquid-style that defines the property device-role is now accepted by the device with an higher priority. The comment component migrates to the now available laptop device.
7 Conclusion and Future Work
This paper describes a rule-based approach that can be used by developers to declaratively specify how the components within a liquid web application can dynamically and automatically be deployed across multiple devices. The liquid media query concept allows developers to define CSS style sheets for Web components in relation to the dynamic multi-device environment they are expected to be deployed on. We identify the main features defining the liquid environment properties (e.g., the number of connected devices, their types, the number of users, various kinds of device ownership, and the application-specific role played by a device). The liquid-style element we designed takes care of encoding the liquid media queries so that the Liquid.js for Polymer framework can automatically choose where to deploy a component by evaluating which devices accept the corresponding liquid media query constraints.
The algorithms in this paper are designed under the assumption that the number of devices running a liquid Web application is limited and small. While this is true for single user environments, in which the number of devices owned by one user is small (3 on average [6]), further work is needed to assess the scalability of the approach to deal with a large number of devices in a multi-user collaborative scenario where it may become impractical to declare liquid media queries matching all possible device combinations.
Another direction for future work concerns the use of logical operators such as not and only found in standard CSS media queries but which are not supported by the proposed encoding using attributes of the liquid-style element.
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This work is supported by the SNF with the “Fundamentals of Parallel Programming for PaaS Clouds” project (Nr. 153560).
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Gallidabino, A., Pautasso, C. (2019). Multi-device Adaptation with Liquid Media Queries. In: Bakaev, M., Frasincar, F., Ko, IY. (eds) Web Engineering. ICWE 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11496. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19274-7_33
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19274-7_33
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