
1 Introduction

Modern clinical monitoring systems usually deliver large amounts of data, which in some cases must be processed in real time. Typical examples of such medical procedures are electroencephalography (EEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), etc. Furthermore, sometimes the medical data must be heavily processed, for example, the processing of medical images or the spectral analysis of EEG data. Very often the amount of data cannot be handled appropriately (in a reasonable time) by standard computers and parallel computing becomes necessary for achieving acceptable computing times [1,2,3]. This is especially true when real time computing is needed.

In this paper, we use the SICAMM (Sequential Independent Component Analysis Mixture Modeling) algorithm, a Bayesian classification procedure [4]. The case study tackled in this paper is the analysis of EEG signals in epileptic patients taken during memory and learning neuropsychological tests. Since this case study provides large amounts of output data, initial versions of the SICAMM algorithm (written in Matlab language [12]) would need large, unacceptable computing times.

This paper describes several parallelization techniques that are applied to the SICAMM algorithm. The parallel algorithms proposed have been implemented in different hardware platforms so that the system can be adapted to different requirements. The best results have been obtained using GPUs for the heaviest computations. Moreover, the GPU utilization has allowed an increase in the performance of SICAMM algorithm, making it possible its use in real-time applications.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the SICAMM algorithm. Section 3 discusses the different optimizations and parallelization applied to the SICAMM algorithm. Section 4 presents a case study of EEG signal processing where the different implementations were applied. Section 5 includes an analysis of the results in terms of efficiency. Conclusions and future work are presented in Sect. 6.

2 State of the Art: Automatic Classification, Sequential ICAMM

The automatic classification problem can be described as follows: let \( x_{i} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M} \), \( i = 1,2, \ldots .\,Nx \) be the observed data, \( M \) the number of data sources and Nx the number of signal to be processed. Each data vector \( x_{i} \) may belong to one of \( K \) different classes. A procedure is sought that classifies the data, i.e. a procedure that indicates if the vector \( x_{i} \) belongs to one of the K existing classes. The output of the classification is given in a vector of class assignments, \( Ce \in {\mathbb{R}}^{Nx} \), such that if the i-th data vector \( x_{i} \) is found to belong to the j-th class (\( {\text{j}} = 1, \ldots ,K \)), then \( Ce\left( i \right) \) is given the value \( j \). There are many automatic classification methods (neural networks, support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors, etc. see for example [7]). Here, we only consider and optimize the SICAMM method [4].

We will start by describing the ICAMM (Independent Component Analyzer Mixture Modeling) method. ICAMM is an automatic classification method where several classes are considered and each class is modeled using an independent component analyzer (ICA). ICAMM has been applied to a number of real-world applications, for instance, non-destructive testing, image processing, and change detection (see [8,9,10] and their references). The SICAMM algorithm is the extension of ICAMM to the case where data has sequential dependence i.e., when \( x_{i} \) depends in some way on the values of \( x_{j} ,j < i \).

Let us review the main concepts of the SICAMM algorithm. An ICA is formulated as a linear model of the observed data, the vectors \( x_{i} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M} \). These vectors are assumed to be a linear transformation of a vector of sources \( s_{i} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M} \) given by a mixing matrix \( \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times M} \), as \( x_{i} = A s_{i} \).

If the mixing matrix \( A \) is invertible (with \( W = A^{ - 1} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times M} \) being the demixing matrix), we can express the joint probability density \( {\text{p}}\left( {x_{i} } \right) \) in terms of the product of the marginal densities of the elements of \( {\text{p}}\left( {s_{i} } \right) \), as \( {\text{p}}(x_{i} ) = \left| {\text{det}\,W} \right| {\text{p}}\left( {s_{i} } \right) \), where \( s_{i} = W x_{i} \). The general expression of ICAMM requires some bias vectors to separate the components of the mixture of \( K \) classes or data groups. To do this, each class will have its own mixing matrix (\( A_{k} \)) and its own bias vector (\( b_{k} \)). Therefore, if \( x_{i} \) belongs to class \( k \) (\( Ce\left( i \right) = k \)), then \( x_{i} = A_{k} s_{k,i} + b_{k} , \) where it is assumed that \( x_{i} \) belongs to class \( k \), denoted by \( Ce\left( i \right) \). \( A_{k} \) and \( s_{k} \) are, respectively, the mixing matrix and the source vector of the ICA model of class \( k \), and \( b_{k} \) is the corresponding bias vector.

SICAMM extended the mixture model to consider time dependencies. This is modelled through transition probabilities, \( \pi_{kj} \), which give the probability that the i-th data vector belongs to class \( k \) given that the \( i - 1 \)-th data vector belongs to class \( j \): \( \pi_{kj} = P\left( {Ce\left( i \right) = k|Ce\left( {i - 1} \right) = j} \right) \). An initial description of the SICAMM algorithm in its more general form (\( K \) classes) is shown as Algorithm 1.

figure a

3 Optimization and Parallelization

In this section, we discuss the implementation of the SICAMM algorithm plus the different optimizations. We start with an initial implementation of the SICAMM algorithm, given in pseudo code.

We restrict ourselves to the case where two classes (\( K = 2 \)) are considered. The source probabilities \( p(s_{1} ) \) and \( p\left( {s_{2} } \right) \) (\( ps1 \) and \( ps2 \) in Algorithm 2) are computed using two sets of (correctly) pre-classified signals, \( S_{1} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times Nf1} \) and \( S_{2} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times Nf2} \). Therefore, the input data is the following: the two pre-classified sets \( S_{1} \) and \( S_{2} \), the demixing matrices \( W_{1} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times M} \), \( W_{2} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times M} \); the bias vectors \( b_{1} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M} \), \( b_{2} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M} \); and the probability transition parameter \( r \in {\mathbb{R}} \), where \( r = \pi_{11} = \pi_{22 } \). Accordingly, \( \pi_{21} = \pi_{12} = 1 - r \). The signals to be classified are the vectors \( x_{i} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M} \); in a real situation, these vectors should be processed at a fast rate. A total of \( Nx \) signals are analyzed. The first version of this algorithm was developed in Matlab (R2016b), using the Statistics Toolbox function “ksdensity” to obtain the probability densities \( ps1 \) and \( ps2 \). Although the results were correct, the code was quite inefficient due to (among other circumstances) repeated pre-computations of medians and typical deviations of the pre-classified signals, \( S_{1} \) and \( S_{2} \). A basic (but more efficient) version of the SICAMM algorithm is presented here as Algorithm 2, where these pre-computations are made only once, outside of the main loop.

figure b

For each incoming signal \( x_{i} \), the output is the value of the vector \( Ce(i) \), which will be 1 if the signal \( x_{i} \) belongs to class 1 and 2 if the signal \( x_{i} \) belongs to class 2. The part of algorithm with the larger computational cost is the computation of the source probabilities \( ps1 \) and \( ps2 \). The “density” routine (Algorithm 3) is a simplified and adapted version of the Matlab “ksdensity” function. In order to obtain reasonable execution times, this algorithm was coded in C language.

figure c

Some interesting aspects of Algorithms 2 and 3 are commented on below:

  • The initial iteration of the algorithm (line 20, for the first signal) is slightly different from the rest of the iterations in order to correctly initialize the probabilities \( PC1 \) and \( PC2 \).

  • For each incoming signal, the most computationally expensive part is the execution of the “density” function (Algorithm 3). The computational cost of Algorithm 3 for each signal (discarding lower order terms) can be established by examining lines 12 and 13 in Algorithm 3. These two lines are executed \( M \cdot Nf \) times, and there are six floating point operations and one call to the exponential function in these lines. Therefore, the cost per signal is \( 6 \cdot M \cdot Nf \) flops and \( M \cdot Nf \) evaluations of the exponential function. Algorithm 3 is called twice with each signal, one with \( S1 \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times Nf1} \) and the other with \( S2 \in {\mathbb{R}}^{M \times Nf2} \). Therefore, the theoretical cost of the whole “density” algorithm for a single entry signal \( x_{i} \) can be established as \( 6 \cdot M \cdot (Nf1 + Nf2) \) flops and \( M \cdot (Nf1 + Nf2) \) exponentials.

  • Algorithm 3 is easily parallelizable in different ways. The inner loop (“For i=1:Nf”, line 11) can be parallelized using, for example, standard OpenMP directives [13]. The outer loop (“For j=1:M”, line 8) can also be executed trivially in parallel. In such situations, usually the best strategy is to parallelize the outer code using OpenMP (so that each “j” index is processed by a single core), and to use compiler directives to force the compiler to “vectorize” the inner loop. This means that, in each core, the computation is accelerated by using vector registers and vector instructions, such as the AVX instruction set, which can carry out several operations in a single clock cycle [14]. The parallel version tested in Sect. 5 was parallelized in this way.

3.1 Block Version

Algorithm 2 must process incoming signals sequentially because of the dependence of the probabilities \( PC1X \) and \( PC2X \) on the accumulated probabilities \( PC1 \) and \( PC2 \), which come from former iterations. However, the computational cost of the code where these probabilities are used (lines 16 to 28) is minimal; the largest computational cost is in the calls to the “density” function and, to a lesser extent, in the matrix-vector products in line 13. On the other hand, the computations carried out in “density” for an incoming signal, and the matrix-vector products, are completely independent from the computations for other signals. Therefore, it is possible to group several incoming signals in a block and perform several calls to “density” (possibly in parallel), and later on, process the output of the “density” function for all of the signals of the block, obtaining the corresponding values of the \( Ce \) vector.

A block version of Algorithms 2 and 3 was developed where the signals are processed in blocks of \( B_{size} \) signals. The use of blocks improves the memory traffic, and allows the matrix-vector products in line 13 to be embodied as matrix-matrix products, which are significantly more efficient [14]. They are carried out using calls to BLAS routines [15].

This version obtained good performance, but it cannot be presented here due to lack of space. Nevertheless, the best results were obtained with GPU-accelerated versions, which are described in the next section.

3.2 GPU Version

Nowadays GPUs are used in many science fields where heavy computations are required. These devices, which were originally designed to handle the graphic interface with the computer user, have had strong development driven by the videogame market. Therefore, GPUs have actually become small supercomputers. The main feature of GPUs (considered as computing devices) is that they have a large number of small, relatively slow cores (slow compared with CPU cores). The number of cores in a NVIDIA GPU ranges today from less than 100 in cheap GeForce cards to around 4000 cores in a Tesla K40.

The use of GPUs for general-purpose computation received an enormous push with the launch of CUDA, a parallel programming environment for GPUs created by NVIDIA. CUDA allows for relatively easy programming of the GPUs by using extensions of the C language (it is also possible to program in other languages). CUDA programs look like standard C programs, but they have special routines to send/receive data from the GPU, and allow special pieces of code called “kernels”, which contain the code to be executed in the GPU. A detailed description of CUDA can be found in many recent papers; we will assume a basic knowledge of CUDA from the reader in order to avoid another lengthy description of the basics of CUDA programming [6].

3.2.1 Description of the Main GPU Algorithm

The idea behind our GPU implementation is: (1) to process the signals in blocks, processing them as matrices with \( B_{size} \) columns, (2) to leave the sequential part of the main loop of Algorithm 2 (lines 16 to 28) untouched, and (3) to use the GPUs for the bulk of the computation (lines 13 to 14).

The main GPU algorithm is Algorithm 4. The first change is that the data must be sent to the GPU; the data that must remain in the GPU all of the time (variables \( W1 \), \( W2 \), \( b1 \), \( b2 \), \( S1,S2,sig1,sig2 \)) is sent to the GPU before the start of the main loop (line 9). Then the main loop starts like Algorithm 2, but the signals are grouped in blocks of \( B_{size} \) columns which are sent to the GPU. The matrix-matrix products are carried out using the CUBLAS “cublas_dgemm” routine [17]. The calls to “density” are rewritten as CUDA kernels that process a block with \( B_{size} \) signals in each call. A value of \( B_{size } = 100 \) has shown to be adequate to obtain good performance with this routine. These CUDA kernels are described in the next section. The goal is the same, to compute the probabilities \( ps1 \) and \( ps2 \). Once these probabilities are computed, they are sent back to the CPU, where the rest of the algorithm is identical to Algorithm 2.

figure d

3.2.2 Description of the “Density” Algorithm for GPU

The “density” algorithm must be rewritten as a CUDA kernel. The work unit in the GPU is the thread. The cores of the GPU can execute these threads concurrently so there can be thousands of threads running in a GPU at the same time. GPU threads can be organized in thread blocks that can be one-, two-, or three-dimensional. The thread blocks can be visualized as “teams” of blocks working together with some shared information. The kernels are executed in parallel by all of the threads in all of the blocks, but they execute their tasks on different data. The blocks can also be organized in grids, which can also be one-, two-, or three-dimensional. Clearly, there is plenty of flexibility.

We have chosen the following scheme to obtain a kernel called “density_block_GPU” equivalent to “density”, but computes the probabilities of \( B_{size} \) signals in a single call to the kernel. We have chosen one-dimensional blocks, with 512 threads each. Each block of threads is responsible for the computation of an \( out\left( {j, k} \right) \) value. In other words, each block performs computations analogous to the inner loop (“For i=1:Nf”) in “density”. This loop is a reduction, where all the “aux” values must be added to obtain the final \( out(j, k) \) value. This reduction has been programmed using a simplified version of the algorithm for reductions in CUDA proposed by Mark Harris [18]. All of the threads of the block cooperate using shared memory.

figure e

Then we use a two-dimensional grid of blocks of threads of size \( M \cdot B_{size} \). The number of rows of the grid is \( M \), and each row (the blocks of threads of that row) performs computations that are analogous to the “for j=1:M” loop (line 8, Algorithm 3). Finally, the number of columns of the grid is \( B_{Size} \), and each column (the blocks of threads of that column) of the grid deals with a column of the \( B_{size} \) blocks of signals being processed. Then, the block of the grid with index \( (j,k) \) computes the value \( out (j, k) \). A simplified version of the kernel is shown in Algorithm 5.

Lines 18 to 21 of the “density” function involve a further reduction, which is needed to compute the final \( ps\;{\text{values}} \). In the GPU version, this computation must be carried out for \( B_{size} \) vectors. For the sake of simplicity, it was more convenient to carry out this reduction in a different kernel. Thus, the “density_Block_GPU” returns the matrix “\( out \)”, of size \( M \cdot B_{Size} \), and a different kernel (Algorithm 6) carries out the final reduction through two kernel calls (lines 16 and 17 of Algorithm 4).

figure f

4 Case Study

As mentioned above, we considered the analysis of EEG signals taken from six epileptic patients that were performing a memory and learning neuropsychological test. This test was performed as part of the clinical evaluation of the patients.

The signals were recorded using an EEG device of \( 19 \) channels with a sampling frequency of \( 500 \) Hz positioned according to the 10–20 system. The signals were filtered and split into epochs of \( 0.25 \) s length (i.e., window size of \( 125 \) with \( 124 \) samples of overlap). This short length was selected in order to ensure that all stages of the test (some of which were very short) were spread over multiple epochs, thus improving parameter estimation. The theta-slow-wave-index (TSI) was estimated for each epoch as a feature for classification. (e.g. see [19], for its definition and computation). The neuropsychological test was drawn from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS, [20]) suite. WAIS is designed to measure intelligence in adults and older adolescents.

The specific sub-test of WAIS used was the Digit Span, which is divided into two stages. In the first stage, called Digit Span Forward, the participant is read a sequence of numbers and then is asked to recall the numbers in the same order. In the second stage, Digit Span Backward, the participant is read a sequence of numbers and is asked to recall the numbers in reverse order. In both stages, the objective is to correctly recall as many sequences as possible. The test is repeated a number of trials until the subject fails two consecutive trials. In the case of Subject #5, the total number of trials performed was \( 30 \), of which the data of the first \( 14 \) trials was used for training and the data of the last \( 16 \) trials was used for testing the developed algorithms. The TSI index was recorded with the goal of classifying the phases of stimuli presentation (phase 1) and subject response (phase 2).

The classification accuracy obtained for the six subjects is shown in Table 1. The results obtained have reasonable accuracy.

Table 1. Classification accuracy results

The case selected for testing the algorithms was the data from subject #5. In this case, the classification accuracy was 77.85% and the total number of EEG signals was \( 115886 \) (\( 231.77 \) s). Fifty percent of this data (\( 57943 \) signals) was used for the training stage of the algorithm and the rest (\( 57943 \) signals) was used for testing. Thus, the dimensions of the parameters were the following: \( k = 1,2 \) (1: stimuli presentation; 2: subject response); matrices \( W1 \) and \( W2 \) of size 19 × 19; bias vectors \( b1 \) and \( b2 \) of size 19 × 1; transition probability parameter r; signals of the first class \( S1 \) of size 19 × 30654; and signals of the second class \( S \), of size 19 × 27289.

5 Analysis of Results in Terms of Efficiency

The data of the experiment described above for Subject #5 was processed with the initial, sequential, and parallel versions. The results of all of the versions were identical (in terms of classification) in all of the cases. We used two machines with different characteristics. The first one was a standard desktop computer with a core-i7 Intel CPU, with 4 cores, 10 GB of RAM, and a GeForce GT 530 GPU with 96 cores. The second computer is a relatively expensive machine, with a Xeon CPU with 24 cores, and a k40 T NVIDIA GPU with 2880 cores.

In the standard desktop, we tested the following versions of the code: single core (to evaluate the benefits of parallelization); version parallelized with OpenMP, running with 4 cores and GPU version running in a GT530 card.

The results are summarized in Table 2:

Table 2. Execution time for the experiment on a standard desktop computer.

This table shows the effect of the different parallelization/optimizations. Since the total duration of the experiment was \( 231.77 \) s, the last version (with a cheap GPU) would allow real-time processing of the data.

We tested two versions on the second machine: v1: version parallelized with OpenMP, running with 24 cores, and v2: GPU version running in a k40 T card. The results are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Execution time for the experiment on a high performance server.

In order to obtain a better evaluation of the computational cost, we generated different subsets of the EEG data of Subject #5 and tested the code by varying the “size” of the problem. Taking into account that the computational cost per signal received was \( 6*M \cdot (Nf1 + Nf2) \) flops and \( M \cdot (Nf1 + Nf2) \) exponentials, we defined the “size” of the problem as \( M \cdot (Nf1 + Nf2) \). We fixed the number of incoming signals (\( 20000 \)) and executed the different versions of the code for increasing values of problem size: \( 100000 \), \( 300000 \), \( 600000 \), and \( 800000 \) corresponding to \( 2, 5, 10 \), and \( 14 \) EEG channels from the total of the \( 19 \) EEG channels measured. The results are summarized in Figs. 1 and 2.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Computing time (seconds) on a standard desktop

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Computing time (seconds) on a high performance computing server

6 Conclusion

The results show the large reduction of computational time due to the proposed parallelization. GPU versions are especially appropriate in problems of this kind. Specifically, a small laptop with a GPU with some data-acquisition equipment may be enough to register and process large amounts of biomedical data in an affordable period of time.

The approach has been illustrated in the automatic classification of electroencephalographic signals from epileptic patients that were performing a neuropsychological test. The state-of-the-art SICAMM algorithm has been considered due to its computational complexity and good results. Moreover, it is especially suited to parallelization. This parallelization opens up the use of SICAMM in real time on a realistic clinical setting. There are many possible applications for this setting, for instance, the real-time detection of epileptic seizures would allow the activation of certain clinical procedures or analyses.

As a future work, the proposed approach might be implemented in wearable devices for medical applications, thus facilitating fast, real-time monitoring and diagnosis.