In this paper, we introduce a novel GPU-based Connected Components Labeling algorithm: the Block-based Union Find. The proposed strategy significantly improves an existing GPU algorithm, taking advantage of a block-based approach. Experimental results on real cases and synthetically generated datasets demonstrate the superiority of the new proposal with respect to state-of-the-art.
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1 Introduction
In the last decades, the maturity of Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) encouraged the development of algorithms specifically designed to work in a data-parallel environment [4]. Indeed, applications characterized by irregular control flow and irregular memory access patterns usually break the parallel execution model when ported on GPU: they must be redesigned to take advantage of the GPU architecture [12]. Connected Components Labeling (CCL), an essential image processing algorithm that extracts objects inside binary images, is such a kind of algorithm. The labeling procedure transforms an input binary image into a symbolic one in which all pixels belonging to a connected component are given the same label. Even though labeling has an intrinsically sequential nature [7, 19, 24], many algorithms exploiting the parallelism of both CPUs and GPUs have been recently proposed [3, 11, 13, 27, 38].
CCL, originally introduced by Rosenfeld and Pfaltz in 1966 [35], has an exact solution, and the algorithms are mainly characterized by their execution time. Since labeling represents the base step of many image processing applications [14, 15, 17, 18, 28, 33, 34], it is required to be as fast as possible. Unfortunately, CCL is not as easy to parallelize as other image processing tasks: CPU and GPU algorithms usually have comparable performance [32]. However, efficient data-parallel algorithms are valuable for applications that totally run on GPU, allowing to remove the need for data transfers between CPU and GPU memory.
In this paper, we introduce a new 8-connectivity GPU-based connected components labeling algorithm, which improves previously proposed solutions by taking advantage of the \(2\times 2\) block-based approach originally presented in [21] for sequential algorithms. The proposed method reduces the amount of memory accesses, significantly improving state-of-the-art performance in terms of execution time over both real case and synthetically generated datasets. The source code of our proposal is available in [36].
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, the main contributions on parallel CCL are resumed. Section 3 analyzes the Union Find algorithm, which represents the basis of our work, then Sect. 4 details our proposal. Section 5 demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach in comparison with other state-of-the-art methods, providing an exhaustive evaluation. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Sect. 6.
2 Related Work
The first work on GPU CCL dates back in 2010, when Hawick et al. [22] proposed Label Equivalence (LE). LE is an iterative algorithm that propagates the minimum label through every connected component. The process is sped up by alternating the propagation phase with label equivalences resolution. In 2011, Kalentev et al. [26] proposed an optimization of Label Equivalence, which we will call OLE, obtained by removing overabundant operations and memory allocations. Komura Equivalence (KE) [27] was also created as an improvement over Label Equivalence, which removes the need for multiple iterations. The original algorithm employs 4-connectivity, and it has been extended to 8-connectivity in [2]. Zavalishin et al. [38] further improved OLE, applying a block-based strategy to reduce the number of temporary labels, and memory accesses. The result is known as Block Equivalence (BE). The benefit introduced by blocks was partially lessened by an increased allocation time, caused by the need for additional data structures to record block labels and connectivity information. Union Find (UF), by Oliveira and Lotufo [31], is a parallel algorithm that employs the Union-Find data structure, commonly used to solve labels equivalences by sequential algorithms [10, 21, 37].

3 Preliminaries
The proposal of this paper is an optimization of the Union Find algorithm (UF), by Oliveira and Lotufo, which is briefly introduced in this section. UF performs a partitioning of the output image L by creating subsets of connected pixels, and merging together those belonging to the same connected component. To perform this task, it takes advantage of the Union-Find paradigm, which represents subsets as directed rooted trees and provides convenient functions to deal with them: Find that returns the root of a tree and Union that joins together two different trees.
Trees are coded in the output image L, using temporary labels: for a pixel p, with raster index \(id_p\), \(L[id_p] = id_f\) is the father node of p. A possible implementation of the Union-Find functions is reported in Algorithm 1. A description follows:
Find(L, a) consists of traversing the tree to which a belongs, starting from a up to the root node.
Union(L, a, b) first calls Find twice to get the roots of the trees containing a and b, and then sets the smaller root as the father of the other one, thus joining the two trees into a single one. The procedure used in the source code is slightly more complicated, to avoid race hazards in a parallel environment.
An example of execution of the whole algorithm is depicted in Fig. 2. The algorithm consists of three kernels: Initialization, Merge and Compression. During Initialization, single-node trees are coded in the output image L, by assigning each foreground pixel its own raster index. All background pixels are set to 0.
The aim of the Merge kernel is to build a single tree for each connected component. To achieve this goal, each thread working on a foreground pixel x joins the tree of x to those of its foreground neighbors, by means of Union procedures. Since Union is symmetric, checking the whole neighborhood is not necessary. Instead, only half of it is considered, identified by the mask depicted in Fig. 1a. The effects of Merge on Union-Find trees are shown in Fig. 2c. In this example, the thread operating on pixel 15 performs a Union between 15 and 1, and then another Union between 15 and 5.
In the Compression kernel, every Union-Find tree is flattened, by linking every node directly to the root. This process ends the connected components labeling task, because every pixel of the same connected component is given the same value.
Example of Union Find execution. (b) is the expected labels image after Initialization. (c) is a temporary result of Merge kernel, under the assumption that threads run in raster scan order, and the execution reached thread 15. (d) is the final labels image after the execution of the Compression kernel.
4 Proposed Algorithm
Grana et al. noticed in [21] that, in the case of a two-dimensional image and 8-connectivity, all foreground pixels within \(2\times 2\) blocks always share the same label. Consequently, they designed a CCL algorithm that uses block labels instead of pixel labels throughout the process, to greatly reduce the total amount of memory accesses and speed up performance consequently.

We propose a new GPU CCL 8-connectivity algorithm, which is an optimized variation of UF obtained through the application of \(2\times 2\) blocks. Our proposal, named Block-based Union Find (BUF), inherits the base structure of Union Find (Sect. 3). The difference resides in the use of block labels. In fact, every thread works on a \(2\times 2\) block, which we will refer to as the X block. The algorithm implements the same kernels as UF, plus the additional FinalLabeling, which is needed to copy block labels into pixels. Differently from the work by Zavalishin et al. [38], we do not allocate memory for block labels. Instead, until the end of the algorithm, we store them directly in the output image: the label assigned to a block is stored in its top-left pixel, whose raster index is also used as the block id.
The first kernel of the algorithm, Initialization, creates the starting Union-Find trees. At the beginning, one separate tree is built for each block X, by performing \(L[id_X] \leftarrow id_X\). Then, the Merge kernel joins the trees of connected blocks, as illustrated in Algorithm 2. The block neighborhood mask, which contains half the neighborhood, is depicted in Fig. 1b. Since blocks connections are determined by lower level pixel connections, for every neighbor block of the mask we must check whether some of its pixels are connected to some internal pixels of block X. A naive approach, which just checks each adjacent block one by one, would require multiple readings of internal pixels. So, it is better to find a more efficient way. We adopted a strategy based on the work by Zavalishin et al. [38], which involves a preliminary scan of pixels inside the block: for each foreground one, its external neighbors are added to a set of pixels that will be checked subsequently. The aforementioned set of pixels is represented as a bitset that contains a bit for each pixel in a \(4\times 4\) square that encloses the X block, as reported in Fig. 4. Initially, every bit is set to 0. When an internal pixel a is read and recognized as foreground, each external pixel e neighbor to a must have its corresponding bit set to 1. To conveniently achieve this goal, the whole \(3\times 3\) square centered on a is set accordingly, by means of a bitmask (Fig. 4b). Bitmask \(\mathtt {0x777}\) is required to set neighbors of the top-left pixel inside block X. The bitmasks of other pixels can be obtained in the following way: if the pixel is in the right column of the block, \(\mathtt {0x777}\) is shifted one bit left. If the pixel is in the bottom row, the bitmask is shifted four bits left. The bottom-right pixel of X is never responsible for connections between blocks inside the mask, so it is never used. To find out which neighbor blocks are connected to X, the Merge kernel must then check which pixels of the bitset are set, and read their values. A Union is performed between X and connected blocks, as it happens for single pixels in UF.
The BUF Compression kernel then performs the flattening of Union-Find trees, by linking each block directly to the result of the Find. The effects of Merge and Compression on an input image are depicted in Fig. 3. Eventually, FinalLabeling copies the label of each block into its internal foreground pixels, thus producing the final output.
Example of Block-based Union Find execution. (a) are the labels after Initialization. Every block has its own label, equal to the raster index of its top-left pixel. (b) are final block labels, after Compression. Blocks in the same connected component shares the same label, and the only remaining thing to do is to copy block labels into internal foreground pixels.
(a) shows how pixels in a \(4\times 4\) square centered on the X block are numerated. These numbers correspond to the pixel position in the associated bitset. Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 are used to record whether the corresponding pixel is to be checked for determining blocks connectivity or not. The other bits are stored for convenience. (b) depicts the \(3\times 3\) bitmask (\(\mathtt {0x777}\)) corresponding to the neighbors of the top-left internal pixel.
5 Comparative Evaluation
The proposed strategy is evaluated by comparing its performance with state-of-the-art algorithms. Experimental results reported and discussed in this Section are obtained running the YACCLAB benchmark [10, 20] on an Intel Core i7-4770 CPU (with \(4\times 32\) KB L1 cache, \(4\times 256\) KB L2 cache, and 8 MB of L3 cache), and using a Quadro K2200 NVIDIA GPU with Maxwell architecture, 640 CUDA cores and 4 GB of memory. All the compared algorithms have been implemented using CUDA 10.0 and compiled for x64 architectures, employing MSVC 19.15.26730 and NVCC V10.0.130 compilers with optimizations enabled. The benchmark provides a set of datasets covering real case scenarios for CCL, among which we selected the most significant ones: MIRflickr [25], Medical [16], Tobacco800 [1, 29], XDOCS [6, 8, 9], Fingerprints [30], and 3DPeS [5]. A complete description of these datasets can be found in [10]. The first experiment carried out is the comparison between algorithms in terms of average execution time over real datasets (Table 1). Our proposal outperforms state-of-the-art on all test collections. The speed-up between BUF and KE, the best among competitors, varies from 1.1 (MIRflickr) to 1.3 (XDOCS).
To better investigate the algorithms behavior, Fig. 5 is also reported, where bar charts report separately the time needed for allocating data structures and the time required by the labeling procedure. The allocation time is the same for each strategy, but for BE. Indeed, all the algorithms must only allocate memory for the output image. BE always requires a higher allocation time, since it relies on additional matrices to store equivalences between blocks and their labels. Obviously, this additional time is data dependent. We can notice that OLE always has the highest execution time. The main drawback of the algorithm is its iterative nature, which is inherited by its block-based variation, BE. In fact, the benefits introduced by blocks allow BE to only have comparable performance to UF, which employs a direct, non iterative approach. Moreover, BE is partially hindered by its increased allocation time.
With our approach, we greatly improve the performance of UF. In fact, the use of block labels allows to divide by four the initial number of Union-Find trees. Consequently, the amount of Union operations required to merge trees in the same connected component drastically decreases, and the lessened average depth of trees allows to simplify Find calls. Besides, BUF, while benefiting from the advantages of blocks, avoids the main flaw of BE, namely the allocation of additional memory.
Following a common approach in literature [21, 23, 37], additional tests have been performed on images with increasing foreground density, in order to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the algorithms (Fig. 6). OLE has an increasing trend in the execution time up to 40% of foreground density, and then a decreasing one after this value. Indeed, the number of iterations required by the labeling procedure reaches the highest value when foreground density is about 40%. BE has a similar behavior, albeit with better performance. The execution time of UF grows with foreground density. The reason is that each pixel thread has to perform one Union for each connected neighbor, and the number of those pixels depends on image density. BUF has a similar trend to UF, since it inherits its basic behavior. The adoption of a block-based approach, anyway, allows to decrease the amount of operations, drastically reducing the total execution time. At 80% density and above, the high number ot Union operations makes BUF slower than BE. Anyway, such density values are rather uncommon in real cases.
6 Conclusion
In this paper, the problem of GPU-based Connected Components Labeling in binary images has been addressed. A new algorithm has been proposed, Block-based Union Find, which was obtained by combining an existing strategy with a block-based approach. This allows to considerably lessen the number of memory accesses and consequently reduce execution time. Experimental tests on a wide selection of real case datasets, covering most of the fields where CCL is commonly used, confirm that our proposal represents the state-of-the-art for GPU-based Connected Components Labeling.
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Allegretti, S., Bolelli, F., Cancilla, M., Grana, C. (2019). A Block-Based Union-Find Algorithm to Label Connected Components on GPUs. In: Ricci, E., Rota Bulò, S., Snoek, C., Lanz, O., Messelodi, S., Sebe, N. (eds) Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2019. ICIAP 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11752. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30645-8_25
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30645-8_25
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
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