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Per-Dereference Verification of Temporal Heap Safety via Adaptive Context-Sensitive Analysis

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Static Analysis (SAS 2019)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNPSE,volume 11822))

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We address the problem of verifying the temporal safety of heap memory at each pointer dereference. Our whole-program analysis approach is undertaken from the perspective of pointer analysis, allowing us to leverage the advantages of and advances in pointer analysis to improve precision and scalability. A dereference \(\omega \), say, via pointer q is unsafe iff there exists a deallocation \(\psi \), say, via pointer p such that on a control-flow path \(\rho \),p aliases with q (with both pointing to an object o representing an allocation), denoted , and \(\psi \) reaches \(\omega \) on \(\rho \) via control flow, denoted . Applying directly any existing pointer analysis, which is typically solved separately with an associated control-flow reachability analysis, will render such verification highly imprecise, since (i.e., \(\exists \) does not distribute over \(\wedge \)). For precision, we solve , with a control-flow path \(\rho \) containing an allocation o, a deallocation \(\psi \) and a dereference \(\omega \) abstracted by a tuple of three contexts . For scalability, a demand-driven full context-sensitive (modulo recursion) pointer analysis, which operates on pre-computed def-use chains with adaptive context-sensitivity, is used to infer , without losing soundness or precision. Our evaluation shows that our approach can successfully verify the safety of 81.3% (or \(\frac{93,141}{114,508}\)) of all the dereferences in a set of ten C programs totalling 1,166 KLOC.

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We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. This research is supported by an Australian Research Grant DP180104169.

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Yan, H., Chen, S., Sui, Y., Zhang, Y., Zou, C., Xue, J. (2019). Per-Dereference Verification of Temporal Heap Safety via Adaptive Context-Sensitive Analysis. In: Chang, BY. (eds) Static Analysis. SAS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11822. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-32303-5

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-32304-2

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