Modern operating rooms require medical specialists to handle complex surgeries so that effective and yet safe treatment can be delivered. The development of a medical cyber-physical system is a highly multidisciplinary and challenging endeavour. In this paper, an intelligent surgical theatre (aka surgical theatre of the future) architecture was proposed based on Cyber-Physical System (CPS) concepts. The proposed architecture, which comprises of intelligence components, cyber components, cyber-physical interfaces and physical components, is specially designed to facilitate effective data/information exchanges among these components. The proposed architecture also accounts for three various stages of a typical surgical operation (i.e. pre-operation, intra-operation and post operation), which are all essential for the development of a complete CPS-based Operating Room of the Future (ORF). As higher levels of teamwork, communication and coordination can now be achieved with a system based on the proposed architecture, it has the potential to enhance safety, increase efficiency and reduce costs in the ORF.
This work was supported in part by Singapore MOE FRC Tier 1 Grant (R265000-614-114). We wish to acknowledge the collaboration with the research group led by P.A. Heng of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on the development of the prototype robotic assisted ablation system.
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1 Introduction
The operating room (OR) of today requires medical specialists to handle complex surgeries so that effective and yet safe treatment can be delivered. Hence, it is a high-risk, dynamic and stressful environment [1]. Despite attempts to reduce these negative factors by introducing advanced technologies and more specialists in the OR, the current ORs remain overcrowded and inefficient. For instance, the scans and data of patients are currently not well integrated or presented within a reasonable time frame in the OR. These inefficiencies can lead to a potential negative impact on the safety of the patient and costs [6]. According to statistics, around 40% of surgery-related errors occur in the operating room. Because of increasing importance of safety, quality and efficiency in the healthcare industry, there is a need to gear towards the Operating Room of the Future (ORF) [1].
It is crucial to promote better integration of advanced technologies, and to improve teamwork, communication and coordination within the ORF [6]. It is also crucial to consider an information-based architecture that facilitates dataflow when developing the ORF; this promotes a more systematic approach for surgical procedures [1]. One solution to develop an ORF that will fulfil the stated requirements is to adopt Cyber-Physical System (CPS) technologies. CPSs generally involve an optimal mix of enabling advanced technologies with an aim to facilitate dataflow among physical and cyber components, and this leads to higher levels of communication and coordination within the OR [9, 12, 14]. For instance, collaboration between the physical and cyber components can be leveraged and the quality of process can be further improved with the introduction of intelligence components within the CPS [2]. Such systems that involve surgical processes have been an ongoing area of development and have been labeled as Medical CPS (MCPS) in the literature [7].
The development of a MCPS is a highly multidisciplinary and challenging endeavour with abundant literature describing implementations for a wide range of medical applications. Haque et al. [4] reviewed and categorized a multitude of such systems based on eight different elements. Six challenges for MCPS have been identified by Lee et al. [7]: high assurance software, interoperability, context awareness, autonomy, security and privacy, and certifiability. A number of recent works attempt to answer these challenges - Okamoto et al. [11] described the use of industrial middleware Open Robot/Resource interface for the Network (ORiN) proposed by the Japan Robot Association for the integration of medical devices in an operating room. Their work illustrated that the proposed MCPS can not only be constructed flexibly, but also effectively aids in the device exchange procedures. Similarly, Joerger et al. [5] has reported a successful proof of concept MCPS for management of a large suite of ORs at Houston Methodist Hospital. Their work illustrated the usefulness of the proposed MCPS to promote better communication, implementation efficiency and teamwork. Lastly, in the work of Li et al. [8], a MCPS was proposed specifically for the handling and monitoring of surgical instruments in the OR. It was concluded that the amount of human errors made in the OR can be eliminated when their MCPS was proposed, as the human involvement in these tasks is significantly reduced. Their proposed MCPS can potentially result in a safer and more accurate surgery process. Overall, these works illustrated the usefulness of MCPS to improve teamwork, efficiency, flexibility, communication and coordination during surgical procedures.
2 Methods
2.1 Intelligent Surgical Theatre Architecture
The future surgical theatre will compose of intelligence components, cyber components, cyber-physical interfaces and physical components (Fig. 1). There are four types of data/information exchange among the components. Reports are compiled and organized data as summaries to be interpreted by the sink. Analysis are processed data which information could provide insights to the sink to solve problems. Raw data are unprocessed data from the physical environment. Lastly, controls are input to cause corresponding responses in a control system.
Each operation workflow could be sectioned into pre-operation, intra-operation and post operation. In pre-operation, assuming a pre-operation plan has been defined, organization and requisition of the required equipment, entry and preparation of patient based on the surgical plan is performed. The moment a medical practitioner lay a medical resource onto the patient, for example, the action of anesthetizing the patient, the surgery enters the intra-operation phase. Here, the surgical plan is executed, with surgeons adapting to complications based on SOPs and experience. Immediately after the surgical site of the patient is closed and the patient has stabilized enough to exit the operating theatre, the surgery enters the post-operation phase. In the post-operation phase, the process flow is reviewed and equipment is marked for sterilization and/or dispensed for other operations.
2.2 Cyber-Twin
The cyber components also include resource management and process management. The management systems utilizes analysis from the cognitive engine and the information of available options to select resource and procedure to be taken during the pre-operation and intra-operation phases. These management systems function mainly based on simple logics to make decisions. They are used to control the actions of the monitoring system.
During the pre-operation phase, analysis from the cognitive engine suggests the list of surgical instruments required. The resource management system commands the monitoring system at the entrance of the operation theatre to itinerary check on instruments that were brought into the operation theatre. At the same time, the resource management system also commands the monitoring system in the operation theatre to check the set-up of equipment that are already in the room. On the other hand, based on the inputs from the cognitive engine, the process management system will attempt to recommend a list of suitable tasks that is specific to the given application; the medical practitioner can choose to utilize the recommended process or customize his own process based on his expertise and experience.
During the intra-operative phase, if an emergency has occurred and there is a need of a new resource that is not in the operation theatre, the medical practitioner could request for it from inside the room. The resource management will notify the resource monitoring system to look out for the delivery status of that resource until it arrives. On the other hand, the process management system controls the process monitoring system to identify the current operation status. The process monitoring system can be made up of various sensory systems to collect relevant data, which will be sent to the intelligence system for sense-making. Moreover, the process management system is able to better execute the task monitoring process over time, due to the learning and analytical capabilities of the supporting intelligence system (made up of cognitive engine, machine learning and blockchain components).
The cyber-physical interface forms a communication bridge between the cyber programs and the physical environment. During the intra-operative phase, the medical practitioners interacts with the cyber components using this interface. Typically a user interface panel can be located in the operation theatre to enable the medical practitioner to request for resources. To avoid the repeated need for disinfection of such physical interfaces, alternate methodologies like gesture based methods can be utilized to reduce the risk of contamination [15]. For added security, the use of biometric recognition in [10] can be integrated to improve gesture-based interfaces by automatically identifying the operators who are wearing gloves. The resource request and delivery system are connected to the resource storage outside of operation theatre. The request will be managed in a central system to allocate available resources. From the other end, any available staff could deliver the resource and send it into the theatre via a delivery tunnel that automatically logs reports to the resource management and sterilizes the resource.
The resource monitoring system compiles the resource data and sends them to the process monitoring system which mainly consists of cameras that tracks the on-going surgery procedure. During the pre-operation phase, the medical practitioner could set-up a simulation of the discussed procedure to confirm their decisions. The monitoring systems provide real-time update to the simulation on the resource available and the past processes that had happened. Simulation could also be played during the intra-operation phase if desired either via augmented reality or on monitor screen. Although the system is capable of making its own intelligent decisions, a field expert is still required to make the final decision as a precaution to system inaccuracy and/or error. The system is specially designed to recommend decision options, rather than to decide on behalf of the medical practitioner.
2.3 Cognitive Engine and Machine Learning
The intelligence components are made up of a cognitive engine that plays the role of inferencing and monitoring the resources and processes involved for the surgical operation. For context awareness, semantic approaches for cognitive engines have been explored for improving intelligence CPS. The key motivation is to enable the CPS to infer and adapt to new information or uncertainty, catching errors and mitigating risks before they occur. Typically, these methods utilize an expert knowledge base through the design of an ontology accessible by both humans and computers. During the pre-operation phase, the ontology is first designed by the medical practitioners as part of the planning process of the surgery. The cognitive engine will infer the resources required for the surgery as part of the checking process with the medical practitioner’s decision. Detailed implementation of such a cognitive engine is described in [13]. Inference results from the cognitive engine will be sent to the resource and process management which stores the planned sequence and information of the matching resources to be used. The release of analysis to the management system depends on the reported context from the monitoring system. The analysis may also suggest alternatives to the medical practitioners based on the updated context. This augmented decision cross-checks with the surgeons’ situational awareness via the cyber-physical interface, in case the surgeon misses some information due to information overload. After the operation, the knowledge can be directly updated by the results from the machine learning unit to improve on the planned surgery; this is only applicable for straightforward knowledge types. However, if the knowledge type(s) is too complicated and require significant additional problem solving, it is necessary for the medical practitioners to get involved in the knowledge updating process; they could utilize the results from the machine learning unit to aid them in this process.
During the post-operation phase, the machine learning unit ingests data from report generated by the block chain system that is part of the cyber component. The block chain system records the whole surgical processes and provides inspection logic on the quality of the operation. For example, the block chain could calculate the failing rate of performing a cut by a specific surgeon. The process can be reviewed on demand, meaning that the results could only be accessed if the authorized individual gives permission. Since the information stored in block chain is posted and mined with unique encryption, this provides added security to the patient and the medical practitioners’ private and confidential records. The block chain component can also be further utilized to perform peer-to-peer validation of the surgical procedure. This will help enhance the process management system. By feeding the block chains into the machine learning unit, the system could provide adapted suggestions to the medical practitioners on the next operation on resource distribution and surgical procedure which can potentially lead to higher success rate.
3 RadioFrequency Ablation Needle Insertion Robot
In this section, the application of our proposed architecture for Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) of liver tumors is described. The main aim of this case study is to illustrate the potential feasibility of the proposed architecture for surgical procedures. Hence, the chosen equipment and methods as mentioned in this case study example are meant for illustration purposes.
For this case study, a cognitive engine for the surgical process [13] and a robotic system for minimally invasive percutaneous RFA ablation [3] are adopted and integrated together with medical image processing, surgery pre-planning and Kinect-based vision registration to enable large and multiple RFA needle insertions to be performed with high accuracy, consistency and efficiency.
Figure 2 depicts a simulation of the OR with the resources required for the surgery. The constructed virtual, intelligent surgical theatre’s physical components include various depth cameras, display monitors, resource delivery tubes, anaesthetic machine, and the needle insertion robot. Its cyber components, which are not visible in the figure itself, include the resource and process management systems and the blockchain inspection system. Interfacing between the physical and cyber components are its cyber-physical components, which include the cyber-twin modules for each of the physical components (e.g. patient, medical practitioners), resource request interface, and system interface.
Figure 3 depicts the data flow within the MCPS architecture. The needle insertion system utilizes an AR application, which is monitored by the Human Cyber-Twin, to dispense instructions to the human operator. The RFA system also involves a deep reinforcement learning algorithm, where data is retrieved by the Robot Cyber-Twin. The optimal policy from the learning algorithm will then determine the actions of the surgical robots based on the received data. Next, the RFA system involves calibration algorithms that are dependent on information (i.e. 3D imagery data of depth and colour measurements) received from the depth cameras. These calibration algorithms will process the data and send the results to the intelligence component via the Depth Camera Cyber-Twin and Blockchain System sub-components for phase recognition analysis and other forms of data analysis. Lastly, the role of the cloud is to facilitate data flow among the various components.
4 Discussion and Conclusion
In this paper, an intelligent surgical theatre architecture was proposed based on CPS concepts. As higher levels of teamwork, communication and coordination can be potentially achieved with a system based on the proposed architecture, it has the potential to enhance safety, increase efficiency and reduce costs in the ORF. Moreover, the proposed system has the potential to overcome the various challenges (i.e. high assurance software, interoperability, autonomy, context awareness intelligence, device certifiability, security and privacy), which are mentioned by Lee et al. [7], in designing successful MCPS.
The RFA case study illustrates the potential of the proposed system to improve accuracy, consistency and efficiency for surgical processes, even when large and multiple surgical procedures are performed. As surgeries are generally complex procedures, the introduction of CPS utilizing intelligent subsystem and cyber-twins could help in the decision-making processes and facilitate effective and efficient data flow. However, the challenges, that may be faced in developing a successful CPS based on the proposed architecture, include requiring (a) to manage and maintain many subsystems at the same time, (b) heavy computing capabilities because of its intelligence and cyber-twin components, and (c) the involvement of the medical practitioner during the various operation phases.
For future works, we will first consult experienced surgeons to verify the challenges that are commonly faced in the OR and to verify the feasibility of the proposed architecture. To further develop our existing architecture, we will consider developing a model with an ontology that represents time explicitly for surgical processes. We will also conduct preliminary investigation of the proposed architecture via computer simulations to prove its feasibility. Future works will primarily include the physical development of the intelligent surgical theatre based on the proposed architecture. Experiments will be conducted based on a case study example to evaluate the developed system as a whole.
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Chng, CB., Wong, PM., Ho, N., Tan, X., Chui, CK. (2019). Towards a Cyber-Physical Systems Based Operating Room of the Future. In: Zhou, L., et al. OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters and Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging. OR 2.0 MLCN 2019 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 11796. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32695-1_6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-32695-1_6
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-32694-4
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-32695-1
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