- Presents the state of the art in cybersecurity, and critically reviews existing approaches
- Addresses the intersection of two hot topics: cybersecurity and data science
- Includes an essential introduction to field
Part of the book series: Intelligent Systems Reference Library (ISRL, volume 177)
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About this book
This book presents a collection of state-of-the-art approaches to utilizing machine learning, formal knowledge bases and rule sets, and semantic reasoning to detect attacks on communication networks, including IoT infrastructures, to automate malicious code detection, to efficiently predict cyberattacks in enterprises, to identify malicious URLs and DGA-generated domain names, and to improve the security of mHealth wearables. This book details how analyzing the likelihood of vulnerability exploitation using machine learning classifiers can offer an alternative to traditional penetration testing solutions. In addition, the book describes a range of techniques that support data aggregation and data fusion to automate data-driven analytics in cyberthreat intelligence, allowing complex and previously unknown cyberthreats to be identified and classified, and countermeasures to be incorporated in novel incident response and intrusion detection mechanisms.
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Table of contents (6 chapters)
Editors and Affiliations
About the editors
Dr. Leslie F. Sikos is a computer scientist specializing in network forensics and cybersecurity applications powered by artificial intelligence and data science. He has worked in both academia and the industry and acquired hands-on skills in datacenter and cloud infrastructures, cyberthreat management, and firewall configuration. He regularly contributes to major cybersecurity projects in collaboration with the Defence Science and Technology Group of the Australian Government, CSIRO’s Data61, and the CyberCRC. He is a reviewer of journals such as Computers & Security and Crime Science and chairs sessions at international conferences on AI in cybersecurity. Dr. Sikos holds professional certificates and is a member of industry-leading organizations, such as the ACM, the IEEE Special Interest Group on Big Data for Cyber Security and Privacy, and the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy.
Prof. Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo received a Ph.D. in Information Security in 2006 from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He currently holds a Cloud Technology Endowed Professorship at The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA, and has a courtesy appointment at the University of South Australia, Australia. He serves on the editorial board of Computers & Electrical Engineering, Computers & Security, Cluster Computing, Digital Investigation, IEEE Access, IEEE Blockchain Newsletter, IEEE Cloud Computing, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, PLoS ONE, Soft Computing, etc. He also serves as the Special Issue Guest Editor of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (2017), ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (2016), Applied Soft Computing (2018), Computers & Electrical Engineering (2017), Computers & Security (2018), Digital Investigation (2016), Future Generation Computer Systems (2016, 2018), IEEE Access (2017, 2018), IEEE Cloud Computing (2015), IEEE Communications Magazine (2018), IEEE Network (2016), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2017), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2017), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (2018), Journal of Computational Science (2018), Journal of Computer and System Sciences (2017), Multimedia Tools and Applications (2017), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (2017), Pervasive and Mobile Computing (2016), Wireless Personal Communications (2017), etc. In 2016, he was named the Cybersecurity Educator of the Year – APAC (Cybersecurity Excellence Awards are produced in cooperation with the Information Security Community on LinkedIn), and in 2015, he and his team won the Digital Forensics Research Challenge organized by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He is the recipient of the 2018 UTSA College of Business Col. Jean Piccione and Lt. Col. Philip Piccione Endowed Research Award for Tenured Faculty, IEEE TrustCom 2018 Best Paper Award, ESORICS 2015 Best Research Paper Award, 2014 Highly Commended Award by the Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency, Fulbright Scholarship in 2009, 2008 Australia Day Achievement Medallion, and British Computer Society’s Wilkes Award in 2008. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society and an IEEE Senior Member.
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Data Science in Cybersecurity and Cyberthreat Intelligence
Editors: Leslie F. Sikos, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
Series Title: Intelligent Systems Reference Library
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-38788-4
Publisher: Springer Cham
eBook Packages: Intelligent Technologies and Robotics, Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)
Copyright Information: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-38787-7Published: 06 February 2020
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-030-38790-7Published: 06 February 2021
eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-38788-4Published: 05 February 2020
Series ISSN: 1868-4394
Series E-ISSN: 1868-4408
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XII, 129
Number of Illustrations: 20 b/w illustrations, 25 illustrations in colour
Topics: Data Engineering, Computational Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Cybercrime, Computer Crime