1 Introduction

Quantum computers pose a looming threat to cryptography. By an unfortunate coincidence, the enhanced computational power of quantum computers allows for solving the exact mathematical problems, such as factoring and discrete log, underlying the bulk of public-key cryptography used today [Sho94]. The good news is that “quantum-safe” mathematical tools—such as lattices, multivariate equations, or isogenies—exist that can be used as a drop-in replacement in many setting. Nevertheless, many challenges remain. For example, using a quantum-safe drop-in replacement does not always guarantee the security of the overall protocol, as many of the classical proof techniques fail to carry over to the quantum setting [VDG98, ARU14, BDF+11]. It may also be that quantum attackers may get “superposition access” to the honest parties, opening up new avenues of attack [KM10, Zha12a, DFNS14, KLLN16].

In this work, we consider an entirely different threat from quantum computers, which to our knowledge has not been identified before: quantum piracy!

Traitor Tracing. The focus of this work will be the setting of traitor tracing, one of the fundamental goals in cryptography. Originally defined by Chor, Fiat and Naor [CFN94], traitor tracing helps protect content distributors from piracy. In such a system, every legitimate user has their own secret decryption key which can decrypt ciphertexts. The content distributor is worried about a user distributing their key to unauthorized users. Of course, little can be done to stop a user from distributing their key. Instead, in the event that the distributor discovers an unauthorized decryption key, the distributor would like to identify the source of the key, so that the user (deemed a “traitor”) can be prosecuted or have their credentials revoked. This “tracing” should be possible even if the user tries to hide their identity, say, by embedding their key in an obfuscated pirate decoder program. What’s more, tracing should still succeed even if many malicious users pool their keys into a single decoder. As sketched in [CFN94], classical tracing can readily be build from generic public key encryption, albeit with large ciphertexts. Therefore, the goal is typically to devise traitor tracing with small ciphertexts. Numerous number-theoretic [BSW06, GGH+13, BZ14, GKW18] and combinatorial schemes [CFN94, BN08] have been shown, with various trade-offs between system parameters and the computational assumptions needed for security.

Most of cryptography concerns several honest parties communicating with each other, while an adversary eavesdrops or manipulates the communication between them. Traitor tracing is in some sense the opposite: several dishonest parties (namely, the traitor(s) and the receiver of the pirate decoder) communicate, while the honest party (the content distributor) is intercepting this communication (the decoder). This role reversal makes traitor tracing a fascinating problem, as the very cryptographic techniques employed to help secure communication between honest partiescan be employed by the dishonest parties in an attempt to hide their identity and protect themselves from being traced.

Traitor Tracing Meets Quantum Attackers. The aforementioned role reversal also has interesting consequences once quantum computers are involved, as we now highlight. Certainly, the underlying mathematical tools now need to be quantum resistant; for example, post-quantum obfuscation [BGMZ18] or LWE-based traitor tracing [GKW18] can be used. The proofs of security must also work for quantum attackers; existing traitor tracing schemes satisfy this as well. What is obtained is the following: if a classical pirate decoder is intercepted from a quantum traitor, that traitor can be identified.

But now suppose the traitor has a quantum computer and is sending its decoder to a quantum recipient. Just as a classical traitor can attempt to use classical cryptographic techniques to evade detection, this quantum traitor could now try to leverage quantum cryptography. Quantum cryptography uses the unusual features of quantum physics such as no-cloning to achieve never-before-possible applications, such as information-theoretic key agreement [BB87], unforgeable currency [Wie83, AC12], unclonable programs [Aar09], certifiable randomness [BCM+18], and secret keys that self-destruct after use [AGKZ20].

Therefore, we can imagine the traitors creating and sending a decoder comprising a quantum state. We stress that the entire system remains classical under normal operation: keys, ciphertexts, encryption, and decryption are all entirely classical and can be run on classical computers and classical networks. The attacker only ever receives classical communication from the honest parties. Even so, the quantum attackers can use a communication channel outside of the system: they can meet in person to exchange the decoder, or perhaps send the decoder over an outside quantum-enabled network. Nothing the content distributor does can prevent the traitor from sending a quantum decoding device.

Existing traitor tracing results do not handle such quantum decoders. In more detail, essentially all classical tracing algorithms work by testing a decoder on a variety of different ciphertexts and examining the outputs. When moving to quantum decoders, the measurement principle in quantum mechanics means that extracting information from a quantum state may irreversibly alter it. This means, after potentially the first ciphertext is decrypted, the decoder’s state may be irreversibly altered into a state that is no longer capable of decrypting, essentially self-destructing. Now, a useful pirate decoder would likely not self-destruct on valid ciphertexts. However, a decoder that eventually self-destructs but evades tracing may be a worthwhile compromise for a traitor. Moreover, all classical tracing algorithms will also run the decoder on many invalid ciphertexts, and the utility of the decoder does not require it to decrypt such ciphertexts.

The above discussion means even the most basic of classical traitor tracing results—for example, the aforementioned generic scheme from public key encryption—may no longer work in the setting of quantum decoders. In fact, it turns out that even defining tracing in this setting is non-trivial, for reasons discussed in Sect. 1.2 below.

We note that similar issues may arise any time there is adversarial communication that the honest party is trying to learn information from. In such cases, the adversary may benefit from using quantum communication, even if the cryptosystem itself entirely classical. Software watermarking [BGI+01, CHN+16] is another example of where such issues may arise. In such cases, classical security proofs should be revisited, and new techniques are likely needed. In this work, we focus exclusively on the case of traitor tracing, but we expect the tools we develop to be useful for other similar settings.

1.1 Our Results

Definition. Our first result is a new definition for what it means to be a secure tracing scheme in the presence of quantum decoders. As we will see, the obvious “quantumization” of the classical definition leads to a nonsensical definition. We must therefore carefully devise a correct quantum definition of traitor tracing, which requires developing new ideas.

Negative Result. One could have hoped that the tracing algorithm could be entirely classical, except for the part where it runs the decoder. We show barriers to such classical tracing algorithms, in particular showing that such algorithms cannot trace according to our security notion. Thus, any tracing algorithm satisfying our definition must be inherently quantum.

Positive Result. Finally, we develop a quantum tracing algorithm. Our tracing algorithm works on any private linear broadcast encryption (PLBE) scheme satisfying certain requirements. This in particular captures the constructions from generic public key encryption and from obfuscation, simply replacing the classical tracing algorithm with ours. As demonstrated by our negative result, our tracing requires new inherently quantum ideas. In particular, we employ a technique of [MW04], which was previously used in the entirely different setting of quantum Arthur-Merlin games.

1.2 Technical Overview

Live Quantum Decoders. For simplicity in the following discussion, we will assume the message space is just a single bit. Classically, the definition of security for a traitor tracing system is roughly as follows: define a “good” pirate decoder as one that can guess the message with probability noticeably larger than 1/2. Then security requires that any good pirate decoder can be traced with almost certainty to some user identity controlled by the adversary.

First, we will change terminology slightly. For a classical decoder, whether the decoder is good or bad is a fixed and immutable property. However, quantumly, whether the decoder can decrypt or not is potentially in flux as we disrupt the decoder by interrogating it. Therefore, we prefer the terms “live” and “dead” to “good” and “bad”: a live decoder is one that, in its current state, would successfully decrypt a random ciphertext. Unlike the classical case, a live decoder may become dead after such decryption.

We now describe several examples which illustrate the difficulties in defining liveness of quantum decoders.

Example 1

We will consider two simple attacks. In both cases, the adversary controls a single secret key \(\mathsf{sk}_i\) for user i. It creates two programs, \(D_0\) which has \(\mathsf{sk}_i\) hard-coded and decrypts according to the honest decryption procedure, and \(D_1\) which simply outputs a random bit.

The first adversary, A, chooses a random bit b, and outputs the decoder \(D_b\). A is entirely classical, and any reasonable notion of liveness would assign \(D_0\) to be live and \(D_1\) to be dead, so A outputs a live decoder with probability 1/2.

The second adversary, B, chooses a random bit b, and outputs the decoder

figure a

Here, is a quantum superposition of the two decoders \(D_0,D_1\), with a “phase” that depends on b. To run the decoders, simply run in superposition to get the superposition of outputs of the decoders, finally measuring and outputting the result. The question is then: with what probability does B output a live decoder?

On one hand, we might be tempted to assign both decoders , to be live, since both decoders can readily be verified to have a probability of decrypting. In any case, the phase does not fundamentally change the nature of the decoders, so any reasonable notion of liveness should assign and either both live or both dead. In this case, B’s output is deterministically either live or dead. In particular, A and B have different distributions of liveness.

On the other hand, consider the density matrices of the outputs of A and B. For a quantum process outputting state \(|\psi _i\rangle \) with probability \(p_i\), the density matrix is \(\sum _i p_i |\psi _i\rangle \langle \psi _i|\). According to the postulates of quantum mechanics, no physical operation (even computationally unbounded) can distinguish states with identical density matrices. But a routine calculation shows that the density matrices of A and B are in fact identical, meaning that the notion of liveness must be non-physical! Such a non-physical security definition cannot possibly reflect real-world security goals. We note that this example can be readily generalized to any non-trivialFootnote 1 way to assign liveness to quantum states.

Idea 1: Measuring the Decoder. We observe that in the above example are really just simple quantum versions of probability distributions: the decoders can be roughly thought of as being \(D_0\) with probability 1/2 and \(D_1\) with probability 1/2. For classical pirate decoders, similar issues arise if we try to apply the notion of “live” to the entire probability distribution over decoders. Instead, classically we would only consider the goodness of actual concrete pirate decoder produced by the adversary. The only thing quantum about our example is that it turned a probability distribution—which models uncertainty in the outcome, and is therefore non-physical—into a well-defined physical object.

Motivated by the role of measurements in quantum mechanics, the natural solution to the above example is to consider as being a superposition over live and dead decodersFootnote 2. The security definition and challenger will then measure whether the decoder is live or dead, rather than try to assign liveness to the overall quantum state. In the example above, this is done by simply measuring , obtaining a random choice of \(D_0,D_1\), and then performing the classical test for liveness. If the decoder measures to be live, then we require the decoder to actually be live, and moreover we require tracing to succeed. This easily resolves the above example, since measuring live vs dead will simply collapse the quantum decoder to a classical probability distribution.

More abstractly, a decoder has some actual probability \(\hat{p}\) of decrypting random ciphertexts; in our example, \(\hat{p}=3/4\). However, this probability is hidden inside the quantum state and cannot be accessed in a physically meaningful way. The solution is instead to measure or observe the success probability, resulting in a measured success probability p. For as given above, when we observe p, we find that it can be either 1/2 or 1, each with 50% probability.

Example 2

In the case of more general decoders, however, defining the procedure to measure success probabilities is non-trivial. We cannot in general simply perform the standard measurement as above, as doing so might break the decoder. As a simple example, the decoder’s state could be the quantum Fourier transform applied to from the example above. Evaluation simply applies the inverse transform, recovering , and then running the decoder as above. If we try to observe p by performing a standard measurement on this “encoded” decoder, the measurement will result in garbage. The observed p will therefore be 1/2, despite the actual overall success probability of the decoder still being 3/4.

In Example 2, we could of course define our measurement for p as: perform the inverse Fourier transform, and then perform the standard measurement. While this works for this particular case, the example illustrates that care is needed in determining how to measure liveness, and that the exact way we measure p will depend on the decoder itself. We need an automated way to determine the appropriate measurement that works, regardless of how operates.

Example 3

In the classical setting, the goodness or liveness of a decoder is determined by deciding whether the probability that the decoder correctly decrypts is above a given threshold. However, the exact probability cannot be computed efficiently: it amounts to determining the precise number of accepting inputs of a circuit, which is NP-hard. Therefore, most definitions of classical tracing are actually inefficient, in the sense that determining whether or not an adversary broke the security experiment cannot be determined in polynomial time.

Now, one could imagine estimating the success probability by simply running the decoder on several random ciphertexts. This gives rise to a definition of liveness that actually can be meaningfully translated to the quantum setting: namely, to measure liveness, run the decoder on several random ciphertexts in sequence, compute the fraction of ciphertexts that were correctly decrypted, and finally outputting “live” if the fraction exceeded a given threshold.

On the other hand, this notion of liveness has some limitations. First, suppose the measurement used q ciphertexts. Then the decoder could potentially decrypt q ciphertexts correctly and self-destruct. The decoder would measure as live, but actually result in a dead decoder, which would subsequently be untraceable.

Another issue is that this attempted notion of liveness is rather weak. A decoder may start off with a very high probability of decryption, and then reverse to a high probability of failure, so that overall the decoder appears dead to this test. Defining security relative to this notion of liveness would not guarantee any traceability for such decoders. Yet, such decoders would reasonably be considered useful, and would ideally be traced.

Motivated by the above discussion, we now give a “wish list” of features a liveness measurement should posses:

  • It should collapse to the classical notion of goodness for a classical decoder.

  • It should be “encoding independent”. That is, if we apply some quantum transformation to the decoder’s state (that gets undone when running the decoder), this should not affect the goodness of the decoder.

  • If the same measurement is applied twice in a row (without any operations in between), it should return the same outcome both times. In other words, if a decoder is measured to be live, the resulting decoder should still be live.

  • It should label decoders that start off with a high probability of decryption live, even if the decoder starts failing later.

Idea 2: Projective Implementations. In order to describe our solution, we recall some basic quantum measurement theory. A quantum state is simply a complex unit vector \(|\psi \rangle \) of dimension d. For example, if the state consists of k qubits, d will be \(2^k\), with the components of \(|\psi \rangle \) specifying weights for each of the d possible k-bit strings.

Any quantum measurement can be described as a positive operator valued measure (POVM). Such a measurement \({\mathcal {M}}\) is described by n Hermitian positive semi-definite matrices \(M_1,\dots ,M_n\) such that \(\sum _i M_i={\mathbf {I}}\). When applying \({\mathcal {M}}\) to \(|\psi \rangle \), the measurement results in outcome i with probability \(p_i=\langle \psi |M_i|\psi \rangle \). The normalization on \(|\psi \rangle \) and \({\mathcal {M}}\) ensures that this is a valid probability distribution. We stress that the matrices \(M_i\) and the weights in the vector \(|\psi \rangle \) are not explicitly written out, but are implicitly defined by the measurement apparatus and the procedure that generates \(|\psi \rangle \).

In our setting, we have the following POVM measurement: encrypt a random message bit m, run the pirate decoder on the resulting ciphertext, and then output 1 or 0 depending on whether the decoder correctly decrypts or not.

While the POVM formalism describes the probability distribution of the measurement, it does not describe the post-measurement quantum state. Indeed, many measurement apparatus could yield the same POVM, but result in different post-measurement states. A general quantum measurement, in contrast, determines both the measurement outcomes and the post-measurement states.

Our goal, given a POVM \({\mathcal {M}}\) and a state \(|\psi \rangle \), is to learn the probability distribution from applying \({\mathcal {M}}\) to \(|\psi \rangle \). The discussion above demonstrates that the actual probability distribution is information-theoretically hidden and inaccessible. Instead, we want a measurement \({\mathcal {M}}'\) that measures the distribution, such that \(|\psi \rangle \) is a superposition over states with “well-defined” output distributions.

We interpret the above as the following. For a POVM \({\mathcal {M}}\) over outputs \(\{1,\dots ,n\}\), we want a measurement \({\mathcal {M}}'\) which outputs a distribution (as in, it outputs a probability vector) over \(\{1,\dots ,n\}\) such that \({\mathcal {M}}\) generates the same distribution of outputs as the following procedure:

  • First, measure \({\mathcal {M}}'\) to obtain an observed distribution D

  • Then sample a random value in \(\{1,\dots ,n\}\) according to D.

Additionally, we want that subsequently applying \({\mathcal {M}}\) to the post-measurement state will yield exactly the distribution D, corresponding to measuring a decoder as live actually yielding a live decoder. We will call \({\mathcal {M}}'\) the projective implementation of \({\mathcal {M}}\)Footnote 3. See Sect. 3 for a precise definition.

For general \({\mathcal {M}}\), there is no way to come up with a projective implementation \({\mathcal {M}}'\). In fact, we show that the existence of \({\mathcal {M}}'\) is equivalent to the matrices \(M_1,\dots ,M_n\) in \({\mathcal {M}}\) all commuting, and when it exists \({\mathcal {M}}'\) is unique. Concretely, \({\mathcal {M}}'\) is the projective measurement in the simultaneous eigenbasis of the \(M_1,\dots ,M_n\).

In our case, \({\mathcal {M}}\) has two outcomes, either correct or incorrect decryption, and normalization (\(M_0+M_1={\mathbf {I}}\)) implies that \(M_0\) and \(M_1={\mathbf {I}}-M_0\) always commute. Therefore, \({\mathcal {M}}'\) must exist. Our test of liveness, essentially, will perform the measurement \({\mathcal {M}}'\) to get a distribution over \(\{0,1\}\)—which is equivalent to measuring a success probability p—and then output “live” if p is sufficiently large; otherwise it outputs “dead”.

We note that this liveness measurement satisfies all of our “wish list” items. In the case of classical decoders, \(M_0,M_1\) are diagonal matrices whose entries are the success probabilities of the various classical decoders. As such, our projective implementation reduces to the classical goodness notion. Applying any encoding to the decoder state simply rotates the eigenbases of \((M_0,M_1)\), but our notion automatically adjusts to such a rotation. The measurement is projective, implying that applying it twice will always yield the same answer. Finally, the notion captures the success probability of decrypting the very first ciphertext, and is not dependent on any subsequent decrypting abilities.

Our Quantum Tracing Model. With a notion of liveness in hand, we now turn to our tracing model. Even in the classical case there are potentially multiple tracing models. The most permissive for the tracing algorithm is to give the tracer the entire code of the decoder. This tracing model captures the setting where the decoder is an actual piece of software that the tracer has access to. Analogously, in the quantum setting we could give the tracer the actual quantum state representing the decoder, corresponding to a quantum software model.

On the other hand, over twenty-plus years of work on classical traitor tracing, the community has largely settled on a weaker “black box” model where the tracer can only query the decoder on ciphertexts and see the responses, but otherwise cannot observe how the decoder works. This is motivated in part due to the possibility of the decoder being obfuscated [BGI+01, GGH+13]—which informally hides everything about a program except for its input/output behavior—meaning the tracing algorithm does not gain much by inspecting the decoder’s code. Moreover, in many cases it is desirable to trace an actually physical decoder box constructed by the traitors. In this case, various hardware security measures might be in place to prevent inspecting the decoder’s operation.

In the black box setting, however, it is trivial to devise untraceable decoders: the decoder simply maintains a counter and ceases to function after a certain number of decryptions. If the number of ciphertexts the decoder decrypts is set small enough, tracing will become impossible. Such decoders are clearly less useful to pirates, but nonetheless represent a way for traitors to evade tracing.

The classical solution is to restrict attention to stateless decoders. The implicit assumption in this model is that the tracer has some way to reset or rewind the decoder to its original state. In the software setting, such resets are trivial. Such resets may also be plausible—perhaps a hard reboot or cutting power will cause the counter to reset—depending on the hardware employed by the traitors.

Motivated by the years of development leading to the classical black box stateless decoder model, we would like to develop an analogous model for quantum decoders. However, we immediately face a definitional issue: for a general quantum decoder, it may be information-theoretically impossible to rewind the decoder to its initial state. This holds true even if we consider the software setting where the tracer has complete unfettered access to the decoder.

Our Solution. We now describe our solution. Recall that, outside of measurements, quantum operations are indeed reversible. Therefore, we can imagine running the decoder until the measurement that produces the decrypted value. Then, we assume the ability to run all the operations, save for the final measurement, in reverse. This rewinding cannot possibly recover the initial state of the decoder, but in some sense it represents the closest we can get to a full rewinding. For example, in this model, the decoder’s operation is “projective,” which implies that a second decryption of the same ciphertext immediately following the first actually will not further alter the decoder’s state, and moreover is guaranteed to give the same output. Analogous to the gentle measurement lemma [Aar04], if a particular decoder output occurs with overwhelming probability, a projective measurement will only negligibly affect the decoder’s state. In particular, such projections collapse to the notion of stateless decoders in the classical setting.

Our black box decoder model therefore assumes that the decoder’s operation is a projective measurement. Our precise formalization of a quantum black box model is somewhat delicate; see Sect. 4 for details. At a high level, what gets measured is not the adversary’s output itself, but rather the single bit indicating whether the decoder was correct. This is done partly to accommodate relaxed decoder models from the classical literature [GKW18], and also motivated by the level of access that our ultimate tracing algorithm will need.

Our black box quantum decoder model is a natural generalization of the classical stateless decoder model. However, it remains to be seen whether it actually represents a realistic model of quantum hardware devices. Nevertheless, we emphasize that in the setting of quantum software decoders, it is always possible to perform the rewinding to implement a projective decoder. As a result, our model at least captures what is possible in the software setting.

Negative Result for Classical Black Box Tracing. One may hope that existing classical tracing algorithms for stateless decoders might also work for projective decoders, or at least that alternate classical tracingFootnote 4 could be devised. We show, unfortunately, that such classical tracing is unlikely. Concretely, for any , we devise a quantum projective black box pirate decoder such that:

  • The decoder starts out with decryption probability at least \(1/2+\epsilon \).

  • For any polynomial-length sequence of classical ciphertext queries, there is a non-negligible probability that the decoder will respond to all queries with 0.

If the decoder outputs zero on all queries, it is clearly impossible to trace. The usual classical notions of tracing require that the tracing algorithm identifies a traitor with overwhelming probability by making \(q=\mathsf{poly}(1/\epsilon )\) queries. Our counterexample would invalidate this definition.

We note that the definition of tracing could be relaxed to allow for some inverse polynomial probability \(\tau \) that tracing fails, and then allow the number of queries by the tracer to be \(q=\mathsf{poly}(1/\epsilon ,1/\tau )\). Our counterexample does not rule out such a weaker tracing notion. Nevertheless, our counter example shows that the existing guarantees of classical tracing algorithms do not carry over to the quantum projective decoder setting. Additionally, it shows that if one wants to achieve the strong tracing guarantees analogous to tracing classical decoders, the tracing algorithm should make quantum queries to the decoder. Thus, our model of black box decoders will allow for such quantum queries. Again, such queries are always possible for software decoders.

Our Quantum Tracing Algorithm. We now turn to our tracing algorithm. We observe that essentially all classical traitor tracing solutions work abstractly as follows: the tracer generates ciphertexts from invalid distributions \(D_S\) for various subsets S of users, where decryption is possible only for users in S. An additional guarantee is typically that only users in the symmetric difference of S and T can distinguish \(D_S\) from \(D_T\). The tracer estimates the probabilities \(\hat{p}_S\) that the pirate decoder decrypts \(D_S\) by testing the decoder on various samples from \(D_S\). Typically, the first S is the set of all users, corresponding to \(D_S\) being all valid ciphertexts. Subsequently, additional sets S are considered. Large gaps between the \(\hat{p}_S\) then give information about the identities of the traitor(s).

This framework is very broad, encompassing essentially the entire body of traitor tracing literature. For example, it encompasses the private linear broadcast encryption (PLBE) approach of [BSW06], which is the backbone of most of the various algebraic traitor tracing constructions [BSW06, GGH+13, BZ14, GKW18]. Here, the sets S have the form \([i]=\{1,2,\dots ,i\}\) for various i. This framework also encompasses combinatorial schemes such as [CFN94, BN08]. For example, the most basic scheme of [CFN94] uses the bit-fixing sets \(S_{i,b}=\{x\in \{0,1\}^k:x_i=b\}\). The fingerprinting code-based construction of [BN08] uses a set structure that is actually kept secret, except to the tracer.

Our goal will be to upgrade classical tracing algorithms to work with quantum decoders. As we will see, there are numerous problems that must be overcome.

Approximating \({\mathcal {M}}'\) Efficiently. We first aim to build a quantum analog of this classical probability estimation. For exactly the same reasons encountered when defining traitor tracing, the actual success probabilities \(\hat{p}_S\) cannot be accessed in any physical way for a quantum decoder. As in the discussion leading to our tracing definition, the most natural alternative is to instead measure the success probability, obtaining a measurement \(p_S\). In the case of S being all users, this means the tracing algorithm would need to implement the measurement \({\mathcal {M}}'\) from above, and for other S analogous measurements will be needed.

However, while a projective implementation \({\mathcal {M}}'\) is guaranteed to exist, we have not guaranteed that it is computationally efficient. In fact, it cannot be computationally efficient, even classically. This is simply because, even classically, we cannot efficiently learn the exact output distribution of a programFootnote 5. Classically, this is resolved by having the tracer estimate the success probability of the decoder, and demonstrating that an estimate is good enough for tracing.

We would therefore like to develop a procedure that approximates the measurement \({\mathcal {M}}'\). Yet the matrices \(M_i\) are exponentially-large, being only implicitly defined by the measurement apparatus of the decoder. Therefore, eigen-decomposition would be intractable. Our negative result also means cannot use classical estimation techniques, since those work by running the decoder on classical ciphertexts.

Instead, we devise an operation on the quantum pirate decoder that tries ciphertexts in superposition; our operation will still work in the black box projection model for pirate decoders, which allows for such quantum queries. Our algorithm makes use of the fact that \({\mathcal {M}}'\) is projective. More precisely, if \({\mathcal {M}}_c=(M_{c,0},M_{c,1})\) is the measurement which tests if the decoder correctly decrypts c, then \({\mathcal {M}}_c\) is guaranteed to be projective by our decoder model. The overall measurement POVM \({\mathcal {M}}_c=(M_0,M_1)\) for testing correctness on a random ciphertext is then the average or mixture of the \({\mathcal {M}}_c\):

$$\begin{aligned} M_b=\sum _c\Pr [c] M_{c,b}. \end{aligned}$$

Our black box decoder model allows us to evaluate the projective \({\mathcal {M}}_c\) for any ciphertext c, or even evaluate the \({\mathcal {M}}_c\) for superpositions of c values. We demonstrate how to use this ability to compute an approximation of \({\mathcal {M}}'\).

To do so, we employ a technique of Watrous and Marriott [MW04], which was originally used for decreasing error in quantum Arthur-Merlin games. We show that their algorithm, with some small modifications, works in our setting to achieve a reasonable approximation of \({\mathcal {M}}'\). At a very high level, the algorithm runs \({\mathcal {M}}_c\) over a superposition of c, and getting a measurement outcome \(b_1\). Then we apply a particular measurement to the superposition of c, obtaining measurement \(d_1\). We interleave and repeat both measurements a number of times, obtaining a sequence \(d_0=0,b_1,d_1,b_2,d_2\dots \). The output is \(p'\) where \(1-p'\) is the fraction of bit flips in the sequence.

Following the analysis from [MW04], we show that the output of this measurement indeed approximates the distribution of \({\mathcal {M}}'\). One wrinkle is that [MW04] did not care about the post-measurement state of the decoder, whereas we want the post-measurement states for \({\mathcal {M}}'\) and the approximation to be “close” in some sense. We show that, by being careful about exactly when the sequence of measurements is terminated, we can guarantee the necessary closeness.

On Computational Indistinguishability. Recall that, in addition to estimating probabilities \(p_S\), classical tracing algorithms typically rely on \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) being close for different sets ST, as long as the adversary controls no users in the symmetric difference between ST. Classically, such closeness follows readily from the indistinguishability between (many samples of) \(D_S,D_T\). Indeed, if \(p_S,p_T\) were far, a distinguisher could use the samples to compute an estimate of the success probability, and then guess which distribution the samples came from.

Quantumly, such closeness is non-obvious. Since the POVMs corresponding to \(D_S,D_T\) simply run the decoder on a single classical ciphertext, we know that the probability the decoder is correct on the two distributions must be close. This implies that the means of the distributions on \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) must be close. But this alone is insufficient. For example, for a given decoder, \(p_S\) might be always measure to be 3/4, whereas \(p_T\) measures to be 1/2 or 1 with equal probability. Both distributions have the same mean, but are nevertheless far apart.

Now, our algorithm for approximating the projective implementation allows us to efficiently estimate \(p_S\) or \(p_T\), which would therefore allow us to distinguish the two cases above. However, our algorithm runs the decoder on quantum superpositions of exponentially-many ciphertexts, and this quantumness is somewhat inherent, per our negative result. But perhaps such superpositions are actually distinguishable, even if the individual ciphertext samples are not? For example, [GKZ19] shows that superpositions over LWE samples can be distinguished, despite individual samples being presumably indistinguishable.

We show that, nonetheless, if polynomially-many samples of \(D_S\) and \(D_T\) are computationally indistinguishable, then the distributions over measured \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) must be close, in some senseFootnote 6. We show this by a careful application of the small-range distributions of Zhandry [Zha12a]. These distributions allow us to approximate the measurements of \(p_S\) or \(p_T\) using only a polynomial number of classical samples from either ciphertext distribution.

Handling Non-simultaneous Measurements. Based on the above indistinguishability result, we know, for a given decoder state, that \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) being far means the attacker must in fact control a user in the symmetric difference between S and T. As in the classical case, we would therefore like to use this information to narrow down our list of suspected traitors. Unfortunately, we cannot actually simultaneously measure \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) for the same state: once we measure one of them, say \(p_S\), the decoder state is potentially irreversibly altered. If we then measure \(p_T\), we will get a result, but \(p_T\) and \(p_S\) will be measurements from different states, and it is not obvious what comparing \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) yields.

Nevertheless, we show that if \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) are measured in succession, and if the underlying distributions \(D_S\) and \(D_T\) are indistinguishable (for polynomially many samples), then \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) will in fact be close. Supposing we applied the actual projective implementation corresponding to \(D_S\), we know that the resulting decoder is an eigenstate of the measurement. Thus, if we applied the projective implementation a second time to , obtaining a second measurement \(p_S'\) of \(\hat{p}_S\), then \(p_S=p_S'\). We show that if we relax to using our approximation algorithm, then \(p_S'\approx p_S\). If we replace this second measurement on with our approximation of \(p_T\), then by our computational indistinguishability guarantee, \(p_T\approx p_S'\approx p_S\) (notice that \(p_S'\) is never actually computed; it is just used in the analysis). Thus, if \(p_S\) and \(p_T\) are far, the adversary must control a user in the symmetric difference between S and T, as desired.

How to Trace PLBE. Up until this point, our discussion has applied broadly to most tracing algorithms and one may hope to simply swap out the probability estimation steps of classical tracing algorithms with our approximate projective implementation algorithm. Unfortunately, this does not appear to work in general. To see the issue, consider a tracing algorithm which first computes (an estimate of) \(p_S\). We know that the decoder is live, so \(p_{[N]}\) (the success probability for valid ciphertexts) must be noticeably higher than 1/2; let’s say \(p_{[N]}=1\). Suppose \(p_S\) is measured to be \(1/2\ll p_{[N]}\). We therefore know that the adversary must control a user in \([N]\setminus S\). However, this might not be sufficient for accusing a user: perhaps S only contains N/2 users, in which case we have only narrowed the attacker down to half the users. Tracing must then proceed to compute \(p_T\) for a different set T. But at this point, perhaps the decoder has actually collapsed to a dead decoder and we can no longer learn any information from it.

The takeaway is: the very first time any gap is found, the decoder could potentially now be dead, and we should therefore be ready to accuse a user. In the example above, if S contained all but one user, say user N, we could then immediately accuse user N. We would then satisfy the desired tracing guarantee, despite having a now-useless decoder. If on the other hand \(p_S\) were measured to be greater than 1/2, we can continue to measure \(p_T\). The same issue occurs if there is more than one user in \(S\setminus T\), so we would want to have T contain all users in S except a single user, say user \(N-1\).

What is needed, therefore, is a linear set structure, where it is possible to encrypt to subsets [j] of users, \(j=N,N-1,\dots ,0\), where users \(i\le j \) can decrypt, users \(i>j\) cannot, and it is impossible to distinguish [j] from \([j-1]\) unless the adversary controls user j. In other words, we need private linear broadcast encryption (PLBE) as defined by [BSW06]. Based on the above, we show that any PLBE with the right properties (elaborated below) can be traced. Our tracing algorithm proceeds essentially as the classical tracing algorithm given in [BSW06], except that we use our quantum approximation algorithm to compute the various probabilities \(p_{[j]}\). We also must compute the \(p_{[j]}\) in a particular order, namely in order of decreasing j, whereas the order does not matter in [BSW06].

Applications and Limitations. Fortunately, PLBE is the most common approach to building traitor tracing, and therefore our tracing algorithm is broadly applicable. For example, sufficiently strong PLBE can be instantiated from

  • Generic public key encryption, resulting in ciphertexts and public keys that grow linearly with the number of users.

  • From post-quantum obfuscation [BGMZ18], following [GGH+13, BZ14], resulting in constant-sized ciphertexts.

  • In the setting of bounded collusions, we can use bounded-collusion secure functional encryption, which can be instantiated from generic public key encryption [AV19]. The resulting scheme has ciphertexts growing linearly in the collusion bound (but independent of the total number of users).

We note that PLBE can also be constructed from pairings [BSW06], though this instantiation is not useful in our context since pairings are insecure against quantum attackers.

Unfortunately, our analysis does not seem to extend to a variant of PLBE that was recently constructed from LWE by Goyal, Koppula, and Waters [GKW18] for subtle reasons. Indeed, their version of PLBE has encryptions to sets [j] for \(j<N\) requiring a secret encryption key, and indistinguishability of \(D_{[j]}\) and \(D_{[j-1]}\) only holds for those who do not know the secret encryption key. The implication is that tracing can only be carried out by the holder of the secret key. The fact that tracing requires a secret key is itself not a problem for us, as we can similarly consider a secret key version of tracing. The issue is that, when we prove \(p_{[j]}\) is close to \(p_{[j-1]}\), we need indistinguishability between [j] and \([j-1]\) to hold for polynomially ciphertexts. On the other hand, [GKW18] only remains secure for a constant number of ciphertexts, and the natural ways of extending [GKW18] to handle more ciphertexts will blow up the ciphertext too much. We therefore leave tracing quantum decoders for [GKW18] as an important open problem.

We also note that our approach does not appear to extend to combinatorial traitor tracing schemes, such as [CFN94, BN08]. In these schemes, the sets S do not have the needed linear structure. As discussed above, this means that the decoder could fail on the first distribution \(D_S\) for \(S\ne [N]\), and no longer work for any other distribution. Since \([N]\setminus S\) contains more than 1 identity, there is no way to accuse a user using our approach. We leave as an interesting open question developing a tracing algorithm for these combinatorial constructions, or alternatively demonstrating a quantum pirate decoder that cannot be traced.

1.3 Paper Outline

Section 2 gives a basic background in quantum notation and operations. In Sect. 3, we develop our notion of projective implementations, which will be used in Sect. 4 to define traitor tracing for pirate decoders. In Sect. 5, we demonstrate that quantum access to a quantum decoder is necessary for tracing. In Sect. 6, we develop our algorithm for estimating the success probability of a pirate decoder, which is then used in our tracing algorithm in Sect. 7.

2 Quantum Preliminaries

In this work, we will make use of two formalisms for quantum measurements. The first, a positive operator valued measure (POVM), is a general form of quantum measurement. A POVM \({\mathcal {M}}\) is specified by a finite index set \({\mathcal {I}}\) and a set \(\{M_i\}_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) of hermitian positive semidefinite matrices \(M_i\) with the normalization requirement \(\sum _{i\in {\mathcal {I}}} M_i={\mathbf {I}}\). The matrices \(M_i\) are called items of the POVM. When applying a POVM \({\mathcal {M}}\) to a quantum state \(|\psi \rangle \), the result of the measurement is i with probability \(p_i=\langle \psi |M_i|\psi \rangle \). The normalization requirements for \({\mathcal {M}}\) and \(|\psi \rangle \) imply that \(\sum _i p_i=1\), and therefore this is indeed a probability distribution. We denote by \({\mathcal {M}}(|\psi \rangle )\) the distribution obtained by applying \({\mathcal {M}}\) to \(|\psi \rangle \).

The POVM formalism describes the probabilities of various outcomes, but it does not specify how \(|\psi \rangle \) is affected by measurement. Indeed, there will be many possible implementations of a measurement giving rise to the same probability distribution of outcomes, but resulting in different post-measurement states.

To account for this, the second formalism we will use is simply called a quantum measurement. Here, a quantum measurement \({\mathcal {E}}\) is specified by a finite index set \({\mathcal {I}}\) and a set \(\{E_i\}_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) of matrices \(E_i\) (not necessarily hermitian nor positive) such that \(\sum _{i\in {\mathcal {I}}} E_i^\dagger E_i = {\mathbf {I}}\). The matrices \(E_i\) are called measurement operators. When applying a quantum measurement \({\mathcal {E}}\) to a quantum state \(|\psi \rangle \), the result of the measurement is i with probability \(p_i=\langle \psi |E_i^\dagger E_i |\psi \rangle =\Vert E_i |\psi \rangle \Vert ^2\). Conditioned on the outcome being i, the post-measurement state is \(E_i |\psi \rangle /\sqrt{p_i}\), where the factor \(\sqrt{p_i}\) is to ensure that the state is normalized.

We note that any quantum measurement \({\mathcal {E}}\) is associated with a POVM \({\mathcal {M}}=\mathsf{POVM}({\mathcal {E}})\) with \(M_i=E_i^\dagger E_i\). We will call \({\mathcal {E}}\) an implementation of \({\mathcal {M}}\). We note that while each quantum measurement implements exactly one POVM, each POVM may be implemented by many possible quantum measurements.

A projective measurement is a quantum measurement where the \(E_i\) are projections: \(E_i\) are hermitian and satisfy \(E_i^2=E_i\). We note that \(\sum _i E_i = \sum _i E_i^\dagger E_i = {\mathbf {I}}\) implies that \(E_iE_j=0\) for \(i\ne j\).

A projective POVM is a POVM where \(M_i\) are projections. We note that the POVM associated with a projective measurement is projective. However, a projective POVM may be implemented by non-projective measurements. As with quantum measurements, a projective POVM will satisfy \(M_iM_j=0\) for \(i\ne j\).

3 Commutative POVMs and Projective Implementations

In this section, we give some additional definitions for quantum measurements and POVMs, as well as some basic results. In Sect. 4, we use these definitions and results to define our notion of traitor tracing for pirate decoders.

Definition 1

A POVM \({\mathcal {M}}=\{M_i\}_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) is commutative if \(M_iM_j=M_jM_i\forall i,j\).

Let \({\mathcal {I}}\) be an index set, and let \({\mathcal {D}}\) be a finite set of distributions over \({\mathcal {I}}\). Let \({\mathcal {E}}=\{E_D\}_{D\in {\mathcal {D}}}\) be a projective measurement with index set \({\mathcal {D}}\). Consider the POVM \({\mathcal {M}}=\{M_i\}_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) where \(M_i=\sum _{D\in {\mathcal {D}}} E_D \Pr [D=i]\). Then \({\mathcal {M}}\) is equivalent to the following measurement process:

  • First apply the measurement \({\mathcal {E}}\) to obtain a distribution D

  • Then choose a random sample i according to D

Definition 2

For \({\mathcal {E}},{\mathcal {M}}\) be as above, \({\mathcal {E}}\) is the projective implementation of \({\mathcal {M}}\).

Lemma 1

A POVM \({\mathcal {M}}=\{M_i\}_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) is commutative if and only if it has a projective implementation; the projective implementation is unique.


The proof is given in the Full Version [Zha20]. The basic idea is that a projective implementation corresponds to an eigenbasis for the simultaneous diagonalization of the \(M_i\); such simultaneous diagonalization is possible if and only if the \(M_i\) commute.

Therefore, for a commutative POVM \({\mathcal {M}}\), we will let \(\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {M}})\) denote the unique projective measurement.

4 Defining Tracing of Quantum Pirates

4.1 Traitor Tracing Syntax

Here, we give the syntax for public key traitor tracing with public traceability. Variants with secret key encryption and/or secret key tracing are defined analogously. A traitor tracing system is a tuple of four algorithms \((\mathsf{Gen},\mathsf{Enc},\mathsf{Dec},\mathsf{Trace})\) defined as follows:

  • \(\mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda , 1^N)\) is a classical probabilistic polynomial time (PPT) algorithm that takes as input the security parameter and a number N of users, and samples a public key \(\mathsf{pk}\), and N secret keys \(\mathsf{sk}_1,\dots ,\mathsf{sk}_N\).

  • \(\mathsf{Enc}(\mathsf{pk},m)\) is a classical PPT algorithm that takes as input the public key \(\mathsf{pk}\) and a message m, and outputs a ciphertext c.

  • \(\mathsf{Dec}(\mathsf{sk}_i,c)\) is a classical deterministic algorithm that takes as input a secret key \(\mathsf{sk}_i\) for user i and a ciphertext, and outputs a message \(m'\).

  • takes as input the public key \(\mathsf{pk}\), two messages \(m_0,m_1\), and a parameter \(\epsilon \). It makes queries to a pirate decoder . It ultimately outputs a subset of [N], which are the accused users.

4.2 Decoder Models

We now specify and what a query to does. consists of a collection of qubits \(|\psi \rangle \) and the description of an efficient procedure U. U maps a ciphertext c to an efficiently computable unitary operation U(c) which acts on \(|\psi \rangle \).

The assumed operation of the decoder in this model, denoted , is the following: on input a ciphertext c, compute U(c). Then apply U(c) to \(|\psi \rangle \). Finally, measure the first qubit of \(U(c)|\psi \rangle \), and output the result.

In the classical setting, various levels of access to the decoder may be possible. For example, the decoder may be a digital program, and the tracer actually obtains the program code. Alternatively, the decoder may be an actually physical piece of hardware, and the tracer has only access to the input/output behavior. In the quantum setting, one can imagine analogous scenarios. Below, we describe decoder models to capture some scenarios in the quantum decoder setting.

Software Decoder Model. The Software Decoder model will be the quantum analog of the classical setting where the decoder is a software program. In this model, a query to consists of the empty string \(\epsilon \), and in response the \(\mathsf{Trace}\) receives the entire state (including U). In this sense, \(\mathsf{Trace}\) has complete access to the entire decoder. Next, we will consider decoder models where \(\mathsf{Trace}\) has limited access. Such models will be potential useful in hardware settings.

The Black Box Projection Model. We now develop a black box model of quantum decoders, which hopefully generalizes the classical notion of stateless decoders. Of course, some limitations of the decoder are necessary, to prevent simple counterexamples like self-destructing after a counter reaches a certain value. Our goal is to identify the minimal type of query access needed to allow tracing. The result is our Black Box Projection model. In our model, a query to has the form \(\sum _{\mathsf{aux},c,b}\alpha _{\mathsf{aux},c,b}|\mathsf{aux},c,b\rangle \), where c ranges over ciphertexts, b over bits, and \(\mathsf{aux}\) over an arbitrary domain. In response to the query, does the following:

  1. 1.

    First, it performs the following action on basis states:

    $$\begin{aligned} |\mathsf{aux},c,b\rangle \otimes |\psi \rangle \mapsto |\mathsf{aux},c,b\rangle \otimes U(c)|\psi \rangle . \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.

    Apply a controlled NOT (CNOT) to the b register, where the control bit is the first qubit of the decoder’s state.

  3. 3.

    Next, it applies the inverse of Step 1:

    $$\begin{aligned} |\mathsf{aux},c,b\rangle \otimes |\psi \rangle \mapsto |\mathsf{aux},c,b\rangle \otimes U^\dagger (c)|\psi \rangle . \end{aligned}$$
  4. 4.

    Finally, it measures the b register, and then returns the result b as well as whatever remains in the \(\mathsf{aux},c\) registers.

Note that the query is a projective measurement on \(|\psi \rangle \). Recall that applying a projective measurement twice in a row will always result in identical outcomes. This is similar to how a classical stateless (deterministic) decoder will always produce the same outcome on repeated ciphertexts. Thus projective measurements are a generalization of stateless decoders, though other generalizations are possible.

Lemma 2

Let be any quantum polynomial-time algorithm that takes as input x and makes queries to in the Black Box Projection model. Then there exists another quantum polynomial-time algorithm in the Software Decoder model such that, for any xy, .

Since the Black Box Projection model is the weakest model we consider, ability to trace in this model gives the strongest guarantees. We now discuss some of the choice made in our Black Box Projection model.

Superposition Queries. Our model allows queries on superpositions of ciphertexts. We could have instead required classical queries. Unfortunately, such a model seems untraceable, evidenced by our negative result in Sect. 5.

Returning the Ciphertext Registers. One could alternatively only return \(b'\) and not the ciphertext (the \(\mathsf{aux}\) registers being held privately by \(\mathsf{Trace}\)). This is equivalent to measuring the ciphertext, resulting in effectively a classical query model.

The Role of b. An alternative is to measure the first qubit of the decoder’s state directly (that is, the intended output of the decoder), instead of measuring the result of XORing with b. We have two reasons for our modeling choice:

  • The standard query model for quantum operations has the query response XORed into some registers provided as part of the query. Our modeling mimics this query behavior. We thus have the measurement applied to only the output of the decoder in the XOR query model, rather than having the measurement applied to the private state of the decoder.

  • If we initialize the b registers to initially contain the correct answer expected from the decoder, the result of the query measurement will tell us whether the decoder answered correctly or incorrectly, as opposed to telling us the actual answer. This turns out to be crucial for our tracing algorithm. Indeed, as we will see in Sect. 6, the given Black Box Projection model will allow us to measure the success probability of the decoder. On the other hand, if the measurement were applied directly to the decoder state, we would be able to measure either of the probabilities \(p_r\) that the decoder outputs 1 on a random encryption of the bit r. To to get the success probability, we would need to know both \(p_0\) and \(p_1\). But in the quantum case it may not be possible to learn both values simultaneously if the measurements are “incompatible.”

4.3 Correctness and Security

Definition 3

A traitor tracing system is correct if, for all messages m and functions \(N=N(\lambda ),i=i(\lambda )\),

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [\mathsf{Dec}(\mathsf{sk}_i,\mathsf{Enc}(\mathsf{pk},m))=m:(\mathsf{pk},\mathsf{sk}_1,\dots ,\mathsf{sk}_N)\leftarrow \mathsf{Gen}(\lambda ,N)]\ge 1-\mathsf{negl}(\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

For brevity, we omit the semantic security requirement and focus on tracing. Our definition is inspired by that of [GKW18], adapted to use our decoder model. For a decoder , two messages \(m_0,m_1\), consider the operation on \(|\psi \rangle \):

  • Choose a random bit \(b\leftarrow \{0,1\}\)

  • Run \(c\leftarrow \mathsf{Enc}(\mathsf{pk},m_b)\) to get a random encryption of \(m_b\).

  • Run .

  • Output 1 if and only if \(b=b'\); otherwise output 0.

Let \({\mathcal {M}}=(M_0,M_1)\) be the POVM given by this operation, which we call the associated POVM to the decoder. Note that \(M_0\) and \(M_1={\mathbf {I}}-M_0\) commute, so \({\mathcal {M}}\) has a projective implementation \({\mathcal {M}}'=\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {M}})=\{M'_p\}_p\), where each \(M'_p\) corresponds to the probability distribution on \(\{0,1\}\) that is 1 with probability p.

Tracing Experiment. For an adversary A, function \(\epsilon (\cdot )\), and security parameter \(\lambda \), we consider the following experiment on A:

  • A gets \(\lambda \), and replies with a number N. Both \(\lambda ,N\) are represented in unary.

  • Run \((\mathsf{pk},\mathsf{sk}_1,\dots ,\mathsf{sk}_N)\leftarrow \mathsf{Gen}(1^\lambda ,1^N)\), and send \(\mathsf{pk}\) to A.

  • A then makes an arbitrary number of classical queries on identities \(i\in [N]\); in response it receives \(\mathsf{sk}_i\). Let S be the set of i queried by A.

  • Next, A outputs for decoder and messages \(m_0,m_1\).

Now consider two possible operations on :

  • . Let \(\mathsf{BadTrace}\) as the event that \(S\setminus S'\ne \emptyset \). We define the event \(\mathsf{GoodTrace}\) as the event that \(S'\ne \emptyset \)

  • Apply the measurement \({\mathcal {M}}'\) to , obtaining a probability p. Let \(\mathsf{Live}\) be the event that \(p\ge 1/2+\epsilon \).

Definition 4

A tracing system is quantum traceable if for all quantum polynomial time adversaries A and for every inverse polynomial \(\epsilon \), there is a negligible \(\mathsf{negl}\) such that \(\Pr [\mathsf{BadTrace}]<\mathsf{negl}(\lambda )\) and \(\Pr [\mathsf{GoodTrace}]\ge \Pr [\mathsf{Live}]-\mathsf{negl}(\lambda )\).

5 On the Necessity of Quantum Queries

We consider a variant of our Black Box Projection model where queries to the decoder are only on classical ciphertexts c. Concretely, when a query is made to , the c registers are additionally measured, to ensure that only a classical ciphertext is input. We call this the Classical Black Box Projection model.

Theorem 1

Any traitor tracing scheme which operates in the Classical Black Box Projection model is not quantum traceable according to Definition 4.


We construct an adversary A which chooses an arbitrary polynomial N, a random \(j\in [N]\), and queries for secret key \(\mathsf{sk}_j\). It then chooses two arbitrary distinct messages \(m_0,m_1\) and constructs the following decoder . First let

$$\begin{aligned} \mathsf{Dec}'(c):={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}b&{}\text {if }\mathsf{Dec}(\mathsf{sk}_j,c)=m_b\\ 0&{}\text {otherwise}\end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Let \({\mathcal {H}}\) have basis \(\{|c\rangle \}_c\cup \{|\bot \rangle \}\), where c ranges over all possible ciphertexts. The decoder’s initial state is \(|\bot \rangle \otimes |0\rangle |m_0,m_1,\mathsf{sk}_j\rangle \). That is, the decoder’s state consists of the system \({\mathcal {H}}\) initialized to \(|\bot \rangle \), a qubit \({\mathcal {H}}_2\) initialized to \(|0\rangle \), as well as the messages \(m_0,m_1\) and the secret key \(\mathsf{sk}_j\). Define the vectors \(|\phi _c\rangle \in {\mathcal {H}}\) as \(|\phi _c\rangle =\sqrt{2\epsilon } |\bot \rangle +\sqrt{1-2\epsilon }|c\rangle \). Let U(c) be the unitary over \({\mathcal {H}}_2\otimes {\mathcal {H}}\):

$$\begin{aligned} U(c)=(|1-\mathsf{Dec}'(c)\rangle \langle 1|+|\mathsf{Dec}'(c)\rangle \langle 0|)\otimes |\phi _c\rangle \langle \phi _c| + {\mathbf {I}}\otimes ({\mathbf {I}}-|\phi _c\rangle \langle \phi _c|) \end{aligned}$$

The output register for is set to \({\mathcal {H}}_2\). Informally, U(c) applies the projective measurement \((P_c,Q_c={\mathbf {I}}-P_c)\), where \(P_c:=|\phi _c\rangle \langle \phi _c|\). Then conditioned on the measurement output being 1, it XORs \(\mathsf{Dec}'(c)\) into the output register.

In the Full Version [Zha20], we demonstrate that will almost certainly measure to be live for parameter \(\epsilon \); that is, \(\Pr [\mathsf{Live}]\ge 1-\mathsf{negl}\). On the other hand, we show that \(\Pr [\mathsf{GoodTrace}]<1-\delta \), for some inverse polynomial \(\delta \) that depends on the number of queries made by the tracing algorithm. This is proved by showing that there is some inverse polynomial probability that all tracing queries are answered with 0, in which case tracing is impossible.   \(\square \)

6 On Mixtures of Projective Measurements

We now develop some additional tools that will be used in our quantum tracing algorithm in Section 7. We will explore efficient approximations of projective implementations, as well as questions of computational indistinguishability.

We consider the following abstract setup. We have a collection \({\mathcal {P}}=\{{\mathcal {P}}_i\}_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) of binary outcome projective measurements \({\mathcal {P}}_i=(P_i,Q_i)\) over the same Hilbert space \({\mathcal {H}}\). Here, \(P_i\) corresponds to output 0, and \(Q_i\) corresponds to output 1. We will assume we can efficiently measure the \({\mathcal {P}}_i\) for superpositions of i, meaning we can efficiently perform the following projective measurement over \({\mathcal {I}}\otimes {\mathcal {H}}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \left( \;\sum _i |i\rangle \langle i | \otimes P_i \;,\; \sum _i |i\rangle \langle i | \otimes Q_i \;\right) \end{aligned}$$

Here, we call \({\mathcal {P}}\) a collection of projective measurements, and call \({\mathcal {I}}\) the control. For a distribution D over \({\mathcal {I}}\), let \({\mathcal {P}}_D\) be the POVM which samples a random \(i\leftarrow D\), applies the measurement \({\mathcal {P}}_i\), and outputs the resulting bit. We call \({\mathcal {P}}_D\) a mixture of projective measurements. The POVM is given by the matrices \((P_D,Q_D)\) where

$$\begin{aligned} P=\sum _{i\in {\mathcal {I}}} \Pr [i\leftarrow D]P_i\;\;\;\text {and}\;\;\;Q=\sum _{i\in {\mathcal {I}}} \Pr [i\leftarrow D]Q_i \end{aligned}$$

In this section, we will address two questions:

  • Since \({\mathcal {P}}_D\) has a binary outcome, there exists a projective implementation \({\mathcal {M}}=\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D)\). Can we efficiently approximate the measurement?

  • If \(D_0,D_1\) are computationally indistinguishable, what does that say about the outcomes of \({\mathcal {M}}_0=\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_{D_0})\) and \({\mathcal {M}}_1=\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_{D_1})\)?

6.1 Additional Definitions

Shift Distance. For \(a\in \mathbb {R}\) and interval \([b,c]\subseteq \mathbb {R}\), denote the distance between a and [bc] as \(|a-[b,c]|:=\min _{x\in [b,c]}|a-x|\). For \(a\in [b,c]\), the distance is 0 and for \(a\notin [b,c]\), the distance is \(\max (a-c,b-a)\). Let \(D_0,D_1\) be two distributions over \(\mathbb {R}\), with cumulative density functions \(f_0,f_1\), respectively. Let \(\epsilon \in \mathbb {R}\). The Shift distance with parameter \(\epsilon \) is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} {\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}(D_0,D_1):=\sup _{x\in \mathbb {R}} \big |f_0(x)-[f_1(x-\epsilon ),f_1(x+\epsilon )]\big | \end{aligned}$$

Note that small shift distance does not imply small statistical difference, as distributions with disjoint supports can have small shift distance. Also note the triangle-like inequality \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon _1+\epsilon _2}_\mathsf{Shift}}(D_0,D_2)\le {\varDelta ^{\epsilon _1}_\mathsf{Shift}}(D_0,D_1)+{\varDelta ^{\epsilon _2}_\mathsf{Shift}}(D_1,D_2)\).

Shift Distance for Measurements. Let \({\mathcal {M}}=(M_i)_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) and \({\mathcal {N}}=(N_j)_{j\in {\mathcal {J}}}\) be real-valued quantum measurements over the same quantum system \({\mathcal {H}}\). The shift distance between \({\mathcal {M}},{\mathcal {N}}\), denoted \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}({\mathcal {M}},{\mathcal {N}})\) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} {\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}({\mathcal {M}},{\mathcal {N}}):=\sup _{|\psi \rangle } {\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}(\;{\mathcal {M}}(|\psi \rangle )\;,\;{\mathcal {N}}(|\psi \rangle )\;) \end{aligned}$$

Almost Projective Measurements. We define “almost” projectivity, based on the fact that repeated consecutive projective measurements yield the same output.

Definition 5

A real-valued quantum measurement \({\mathcal {M}}=(M_i)_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) is \((\epsilon ,\delta )\)-almost projective if the following is true: for any quantum state \(|\psi \rangle \), apply \({\mathcal {M}}\) twice in a row to \(|\psi \rangle \), obtaining measurement outcomes xy. Then \(\Pr [|x-y|\le \epsilon ]\ge 1-\delta \).

6.2 Approximating Projective Implementations

We now address the question of efficiently approximating the projective implementation \({\mathcal {M}}=\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D)\) of a mixture of projective measurements \({\mathcal {P}}_D\). We note that exact measurement is computationally infeasible, as it captures computing acceptance probabilities of circuits. Instead, we employ techniques from [MW04] to develop an algorithm \(\mathsf{API}\) which efficiently approximates the projective implementation of \({\mathcal {P}}_D\). We first define two subroutines.

Controlled Projection. Let \({\mathcal {P}}=\{{\mathcal {P}}_i=(P_i,Q_i)\}_{i\in {\mathcal {I}}}\) be a collection of projective measurements over \({\mathcal {H}}\). Let D a distribution with random coin set \({\mathcal {R}}\). We will abuse notation and let \({\mathcal {R}}\) also denote the \(|{\mathcal {R}}|\)-dimensional Hilbert space. The controlled projection is the measurement \(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}=(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^0,\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^1)\) where

$$\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^0=\sum _{r\in {\mathcal {R}}}|r\rangle \langle r| \otimes P_{D(r)}\;\;\;,\;\;\; \mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^1=\sum _{r\in {\mathcal {R}}}|r\rangle \langle r| \otimes Q_{D(r)}.$$

\(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}\) is readily implemented using the measurement in Eq. 1. First, initialize control registers \({\mathcal {I}}\) to 0. Then perform the map \(|r\rangle |i\rangle \mapsto |r\rangle |i\oplus D(r)\rangle \) to the \({\mathcal {R}}\times {\mathcal {I}}\) registers. Next, apply the mixture of projective measurements assumed in Eq. 1. Finally, perform the map \(|r\rangle |i\rangle \mapsto |r\rangle |i\oplus D(r)\rangle \) again to un-compute the control registers, and discard the control registers.

Uniform Test. Define \(\mathsf{IsUniform}_{{\mathcal {R}}}=(|\mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\rangle \langle \mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}|,{\mathbf {I}}-|\mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\rangle \langle \mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}|)\) where

$$\begin{aligned} |\mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\rangle =\frac{1}{\sqrt{|{\mathcal {R}}|}}\sum _{r\in {\mathcal {R}}}|r\rangle . \end{aligned}$$

The Algorithm \(\mathsf{API}\). Our algorithm is parameterized by a distribution D, collection of projective measurements \({\mathcal {P}}\), and real values \(0< \epsilon ,\delta \le 1\), and is denoted as \(\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^{\epsilon ,\delta }\). On input a quantum state \(|\psi \rangle \) over Hilbert space \({\mathcal {H}}\), it works as follows:

  1. 1.

    Initialize a new register \({\mathcal {R}}\) to the state \(|\mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\rangle \).

  2. 2.

    Initialize a classical list \(L=(0)\).

  3. 3.

    Repeat the following “main loop” a total of \(T=\lceil \ln (4/\delta )/\epsilon ^2\rceil \) times:

    1. (a)

      Apply the controlled projection \(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}\) over the joint system \({\mathcal {R}}\otimes {\mathcal {H}}\), resulting in measurement outcome \(b_{2i-1}\). Append \(b_{2i-1}\) to the end of L.

    2. (b)

      Apply the Uniform Test \(\mathsf{IsUniform}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\) to the system \({\mathcal {R}}\), resulting in measurement outcome \(b_{2i}\). Append \(b_{2i}\) to the end of L.

  4. 4.

    Let t be the number of bit flips in the sequence \(L=(0,b_1,b_2,\dots ,b_{2T})\), and let \(\tilde{p}=t/2T\) be the fraction of bit flips

  5. 5.

    If in the last iteration of the “main loop” \(b_{2T}=1\), repeat the “main loop” until the first time \(b_{2i}=0\).

  6. 6.

    Discard the \({\mathcal {R}}\) registers, and output \(\tilde{p}\).

Theorem 2

For any \(\epsilon ,\delta ,{\mathcal {P}},D\), we have that:

  • \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}(\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^{\epsilon ,\delta },\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D))\le \delta \). That is, \(\mathsf{API}\) approximates the projective implementation \(\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D)\).

  • \(\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^{\epsilon ,\delta }\) is \((\epsilon ,\delta )\)-almost projective.

  • The expected run time of \(\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^{\epsilon ,\delta }\) is \(X\times \mathsf{poly}(1/\epsilon ,\log (1/\delta ))\), where X is the combined run time of D, the procedure mapping i to the measurement \((P_i,Q_i)\), and the run-time of the measurement \((P_i,Q_i)\).


Let \(|\psi \rangle \) be an arbitrary state. Write \(|\psi \rangle =\sum _p \alpha _p |\psi _p\rangle \) where \(|\psi _p\rangle \) are eigenvectors of \({\mathcal {P}}_D\) with eigenvalue pFootnote 7. In other words, \(Q_D|\psi _p\rangle =p |\psi _p\rangle \). Define the following states:

  • \(|u^0_p\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(1-p)|{\mathcal {R}}|}}\sum _r |r\rangle P_{D(r)}|\psi _p\rangle \). Notice that

    $$\begin{aligned}\langle u^0_p|u^0_p\rangle&=\frac{1}{(1-p)|{\mathcal {R}}|}\left( \sum _r \langle r| \langle \psi _p|P_{D(r)}\right) \left( \sum _s |s\rangle P_{D(s)}|\psi _p\rangle \right) \\ {}&=\frac{1}{(1-p)}\langle \psi _p|\left( \frac{1}{|{\mathcal {R}}|}\sum _r P_{D(r)}\right) |\psi _p\rangle =\frac{1}{1-p}\langle \psi _p|P_D|\psi _p\rangle =1.\end{aligned}$$

    Also, notice that \(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^0|u^0_p\rangle =|u^0_p\rangle \) whereas \(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^1|u^0_p\rangle =0\).

  • \(|u^1_p\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{p |{\mathcal {R}}|}}\sum _r |r\rangle Q_{D(r)}|\psi _p\rangle \). By an analogous calculation for \(|u^0_p\rangle \), we have that \(\langle u^1_p|u^1_p\rangle =1\). Since different eigenvectors of \({\mathcal {P}}_D\) are orthogonal, we also have that \(\langle u^1_p|u^1_{p'}\rangle =0\) for \(p\ne p'\). Since \(P_iQ_i=0\), we have \(\langle u^1_p | u^0_{p'}\rangle =0\) for any \(p,p'\) (not necessarily distinct). This means \(B=\{|u^b_p\rangle \}_{b,p}\) is orthonormal. Also, notice that \(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^0|u^1_p\rangle =0\) whereas \(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}^1|u^1_p\rangle =|u^1_p\rangle \).

  • \(|v^0_p\rangle =|\mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\rangle \otimes |\psi _p\rangle \). Notice that \(|v^0_p\rangle =\sqrt{1-p}|u^0_p\rangle +\sqrt{p}|u^1_p\rangle \). Also notice that \(\mathsf{IsUniform}_{{\mathcal {R}}}^0\otimes {\mathbf {I}}|v^0_p\rangle = |v^0_p\rangle \) and \(\mathsf{IsUniform}_{{\mathcal {R}}}^1\otimes {\mathbf {I}}|v^0_p\rangle = 0\)

  • \(|v^1_p\rangle =-\sqrt{p}|u^0_p\rangle +\sqrt{1-p}|u^1_p\rangle \). Notice that \(\langle v^b_p|v^{b'}_{p'}\rangle \) is 1 if \(b=b'\wedge p=p'\) and 0 otherwise. This means \(B'=\{|v^b_p\rangle \}\) is orthonormal, spanning the same space as B. Finally, notice that \(\mathsf{IsUniform}_{{\mathcal {R}}}^0\otimes {\mathbf {I}}|v^1_p\rangle = 0\) and \(\mathsf{IsUniform}_{{\mathcal {R}}}^1\otimes {\mathbf {I}}|v^1_p\rangle = |v^1_p\rangle \).

At the beginning of the first run of the “main loop” (Step 3), the state of the system is \(|\psi _\emptyset \rangle :=|\mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\rangle \otimes |\psi \rangle \). Writing this state in the basis \(B'\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} |\mathbb {1}_{{\mathcal {R}}}\rangle \otimes |\psi \rangle =\sum _p\alpha _p |v^0_p\rangle . \end{aligned}$$

Let \(|\psi _L\rangle \) for \(L\in \{0,1\}^z\) denote the unnormalized state of the system after the first z measurements, if the sequence of measurement outcomes is L. Let t(L) denote the number of bit flips in the sequence \(0,L_1,L_2,\dots ,L_z\).


\(|\psi _L\rangle =\theta _L\sum _p \alpha _p (\sqrt{p})^{t(L)}(\sqrt{1-p})^{z-t(L)}{\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} |v^{L_z}_p\rangle &{}\text {if }z\bmod 2=0\\ |u^{L_z}_p\rangle &{}\text {if }z\bmod 2=1\end{array}\right. }\) where \(\theta _L\) is a global phase factor, \(|\theta _L|=1\).


We prove by induction. The base case \(z=0\) is true. Now assume that the claim is true for \(z-1\). We prove the odd z case, the even case being essentially identical. Let \(L'\) be L but with the last entry removed. By induction we have

$$\begin{aligned} |\psi _{L'}\rangle =\theta _{L'}\sum _p \alpha _p (\sqrt{p})^{t(L')}(\sqrt{1-p})^{z-1-t(L')}|v^{L_{z}'}_p\rangle . \end{aligned}$$

Observe that \(|v^b_p\rangle =\sqrt{1-p}|u^b_p\rangle -(-1)^b|u^{1-b}_b\rangle \). We apply \(\mathsf{CProj}_{{\mathcal {P}},D}\); if the outcome is b, this projects onto \(\{|u^b_p\rangle \}_p\). If \(L_z=L_{z-1}'\oplus c\), then \(t(L)=t(L')+c\), and

$$\begin{aligned} |\psi _{L}\rangle =\theta _{L'}(-1)^{c L_z}\sum _p \alpha _p (\sqrt{p})^{t(L')+c}(\sqrt{1-p})^{z-t(L')-c}|u^{L_z}_p\rangle \end{aligned}$$

Setting \(\theta _L\) appropriately gives the desired outcome.   \(\square \)

At Step 4, the unnormalized state is \(|\psi _L\rangle \) as defined above, where L contains the results of measurements. The probability of obtaining a particular L is

$$\begin{aligned} \langle \psi _L|\psi _L\rangle =\sum _p |\alpha _p|^2 (p)^{t(L)}(1-p)^{2T-t(L)}. \end{aligned}$$

L is therefore distributed according to the following distribution:

  • First apply \(\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D)\) to \(|\psi \rangle \) to obtain a value p

  • Let K be a list of 2T independent coin flips with expected value p.

  • Set \(L_i\) to be the parity of the first i bits of K.

Then \(2T\tilde{p}=t(L)\) is just the number 1s in K. Hoeffding’s inequality then gives

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [|\tilde{p}-p|\ge \epsilon /2]\le 2e^{-2(2T)(\epsilon /2)^2}\le \delta /2<\delta , \end{aligned}$$

for \(T\ge \ln (4/\delta )/\epsilon ^2\). This implies that \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}(p,\tilde{p})\le {\varDelta ^{\epsilon /2}_\mathsf{Shift}}(p,\tilde{p})\le \delta /2\le \delta \).

We now analyze the run-time, which is dominated by the number of iterations of the main loop, including Step 5. Note that Step 5 terminates once the number of bit flips in L is even. The number of iterations is identically distributed to:

  • Sample p by running \(\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D)\).

  • Flip 2T biased random coins whose probability of outputting 1 is p.

  • Flip an even number of additional coins until the overall parity is 0.

  • Output the total number of coin tosses, divided by 2.

We can simplify this experiment by pairing off the coin tosses, and only looking at the parity of each pair, which itself is a biased coin with expectation \(q=2p(1-p)\):

  • Sample p by running \(\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D)\).

  • Flip T biased random coins whose probability of outputting 1 is \(q=2p(1-p)\).

  • Flip additional coins until the overall parity is 0.

  • Output the total number of coin tosses.

Let \(T'(q)\) be the expected number of additional coins for a given q; note that \(q\in [0,1/2]\). Note that \(T'(0)=0\), since the parity is always even. For \(q>0\), if the parity is even after T steps, no additional flips are needed. Assuming T is even, a routine calculation shows that the probability the parity is odd after the first T steps is \((1-(1-2q)^{2T})/2\), in which case an expected 1/q additional flips are needed. Thus \(T'(q):=(1-(1-2q)^{2T})/2q\) for \(q>0\). For \(q\in (0,1/2]\), \(T'\) is monotonically decreasing, and \(\lim _{q\rightarrow 0} T'(q) = 2T\). Therefore, for any fixed q, we can upper bound the total expected number of coin tosses to \(T+2T=3T\). By linearity of expectation, this also holds over any distribution over q. Thus, the expected number of runs of the main loop is at most 3T.

Finally, we consider applying \(\mathsf{API}\) twice to the same state. Notice that, since the first run of \(\mathsf{API}\) is guaranteed to stop when the last bit of L is 0, this corresponds to \({\mathcal {R}}\) containing a uniform superposition. But this means that when we start the second run of \(\mathsf{API}\), the state going into the main loop will actually be identical to the state at the end of the first run. We can therefore view the two runs of \(\mathsf{API}\) as a single run, but with a larger value of T. The overall list K produced by both runs, but stopping at Step 4 in the second run, is then distributed according to:

  • Sample p by running \(\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_D)\).

  • Flip 2T biased random coins whose probability of outputting 1 is p.

  • Flip an even number of additional random coins, until a 0 is found.

  • Then flip 2T more biased random coins.

  • Let K be the overall list of coin flips.

The first output, \(\tilde{p}_1\), is then just the fraction of 1’s in the first 2T bits of K, whereas the second output, \(\tilde{p}_2\), is the fraction of 1’s in the last 2T bits of K. These fractions are independent. Recalling that

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [|\tilde{p}-p|\ge \epsilon /2]\le \delta /2, \end{aligned}$$

we have that \(\Pr [|\tilde{p}_1-\tilde{p}_2|\ge \epsilon ]\le \delta \). Thus \(\mathsf{API}\) is \((\epsilon ,\delta )\)-almost projective.   \(\square \)

6.3 On Computational Indistinguishability

Here, we show that if the underlying distributions \(D_0,D_1\) are computationally indistinguishable, then the resulting projective implementations \({\mathcal {M}}_0=\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_{D_0})\) and \({\mathcal {M}}_1=\mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_{D_1})\) are close.

Theorem 3

Let \(\rho \) be an efficiently constructible mixed state, and \(D_0,D_1\) efficiently sampleable, computationally indistinguishable distributions. For any inverse polynomial \(\epsilon \), there exists a negligible \(\delta \) such that \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}({\mathcal {M}}_0(\rho ),{\mathcal {M}}_1(\rho ))\le \delta \).


The rough idea is that we will switch from the projective implementation \({\mathcal {M}}_b\) to our approximation \(\mathsf{API}\). Since \(\mathsf{API}\) is efficient, we argue that the results of \(\mathsf{API}\) must be close. The difficulty is that \(\mathsf{API}\) makes queries on a superposition of exponentially-many samples from the respective \(D_b\) distribution, whose indistinguishability does not follow from the indistinguishability of single samples. We nevertheless show that the outputs of \(\mathsf{API}\) under the two distributions must be close by using the small-range distributions of Zhandry [Zha12a].

Consider an adversary A producing a mixture \(\rho \). Let \({\mathcal {R}}\) be the space of random coins for \(D_0,D_1\); we can assume wlog that they share the same random coin space. We now define the following sequence of hybrid distributions:

Hybrid 0. The distribution is \(p_0\leftarrow {\mathcal {M}}_0(\rho )\) where \(\rho \) is generated by A.

Hybrid 1. Here, we choose a random permutation \(\varPi \) on \({\mathcal {R}}\). Let \(D^\varPi _0(r)=D_0(\varPi (r))\). Run \(p_1\leftarrow \mathsf{ProjImp}({\mathcal {P}}_{D^\varPi _0})\). Since \(D_0\) and \(D^\varPi _0\) are identical distributions, the measurements \({\mathcal {P}}_{D_0}\) and \({\mathcal {P}}_{D^\varPi _0}\) are identical, and therefore so are their projective implementations. Thus, \(p_0\) and \(p_1\) are identically distributed.

Hybrid 2. Here, we will generate \(p_2\leftarrow \mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D^\varPi _0}^{\epsilon ',\delta '}(\rho )\), for a function \(\delta '\) and an inverse polynomial \(\epsilon '\) to be chosen later. By Theorem 2, we have that \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon '}_\mathsf{Shift}}(p_1,p_2)\le \delta '\).

Hybrid 3. Now we change \(\varPi \) to be the small-range functions \(\varSigma =G\circ F\) of Zhandry [Zha12a], where \(F:{\mathcal {R}}\rightarrow [s]\) and \(G:[s]\rightarrow {\mathcal {R}}\) are random functions, and s is a parameter. Let \(p_3\leftarrow \mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D^{\varSigma }_0}^{\epsilon ',\delta '}(\rho )\). Let \(\varPhi \) be the distribution of random functions on \({\mathcal {R}}\). Yuen and Zhandry show the following:

Theorem 4

([Yue14, Zha15]). For any quantum algorithm B making Q quantum queries to \(\varPi \) or \(\varPhi \), \(|\Pr [B^{\varPi }()=1]-\Pr [B^{\varPhi }()=1]|\le O(Q^3/|{\mathcal {R}}|)\).

Theorem 5

([Zha12a]). For any quantum algorithm B making Q quantum queries to \(\varPhi \) or \(\varSigma \), \(|\Pr [B^{\varPhi }()=1]-\Pr [B^{\varSigma }()=1]|\le O(Q^3/|{\mathcal {R}}|)\).

Theorems 4 and 5 in particular means that \({\varDelta ^{0}_\mathsf{Shift}}(p_2,p_3)\le O(Q^3/s+Q^3/|{\mathcal {R}}|)\).

Hybrid 4. This is the same as Hybrid 3, except that we change F to be a 2Q-wise independent function E. Let \(p_4\leftarrow \mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D^{G\circ E}_0}^{\epsilon ',\delta '}(\rho )\). Since \(\mathsf{API}\) only makes Q queries to F or E, the following theorem implies that \(p_3\) and \(p_4\) are identically distributed:

Theorem 6

([Zha12b]). For any quantum algorithm B making Q quantum queries to F or E, \(\Pr [B^{F}()=1]=\Pr [B^{E}()=1]\).

Assume \(|{\mathcal {R}}|>s\), adding random coins to \({\mathcal {R}}\) that are ignored by \(D_0,D_1\) if necessary. Then \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon '}_\mathsf{Shift}}(p_0,p_4)\le O(Q^3/s)+\delta '\).

Hybrid 5. Next, we switch to using the distribution \(D_1^{G\circ E}(r)=D_1(G(E(r)))\). Let \(p_5\leftarrow \mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D^{G\circ E}_1}^{\epsilon ',\delta '}(\rho )\). Note that \(D_b(G(\cdot ))\) can be interpreted as a list of s samples from \(D_b\), which the input selecting which sample to use. Since \(D_0\) and \(D_1\) are computationally indistinguishable, so are s samples. Notice that the entire experiment in Hybrids 4/5 are efficient. Therefore, by a straightforward argument, we have that \({\varDelta ^{0}_\mathsf{Shift}}(p_5,p_6)\le \gamma \) where \(\gamma \) is negligible.

Hybrids 6–9. Hybrid \(6+g\) is identical to Hybrid \(5-g\) except for replacing \(D_0\) with \(D_1\). In Hybrid 9, the output is exactly \({\mathcal {M}}_1(\rho )\). Putting everything together, we have that \({\varDelta ^{2\epsilon '}_\mathsf{Shift}}({\mathcal {M}}_0(\rho ),{\mathcal {M}}_1(\rho ))\le O(Q^3/s)+2\delta '+\gamma \).

Let \(\epsilon \) be an inverse polynomial, and suppose \(\delta :={\varDelta ^{\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}({\mathcal {M}}_0(\rho ),{\mathcal {M}}_1(\rho ))\) is non-negligible, lower bounded by an inverse-polynomial w infinitely often. Set \(\epsilon '=\epsilon /2\) and \(\delta '=w/4\). Then \(\log (1/\delta ')\) is logarithmic. Recall \(Q=O(\log (1/\delta ')^3/(\epsilon ')^2)\). For the infinitely-many values of the security parameter where \(\delta \ge w\), we have that \(w\le \delta \le O(Q^3/s)+w/2+\gamma \), which re-arranges to \(w\le O(\log (1/w)^3/\epsilon ^6 s)+2\gamma \). But now choose \(s=2\times O(\;(1/\epsilon )^6(1/w)\log (1/w)^3\;)\), a polynomial. This gives \(w\le w/2 + 2\gamma \), or \(w\le 4\gamma \), which can only happen for finitely many security parameters since \(\gamma \) is negligible, a contradiction. Thus \(\delta \) must be negligible.   \(\square \)

Corollary 1

Let \(\rho \) be an efficiently constructible, potentially mixed state, and let \(D_0,D_1\) be two computationally indistinguishable distributions. Then for any inverse polynomial \(\epsilon \) and any function \(\delta \), there exists a negligible \(\mathsf{negl}\) such that \({\varDelta ^{3\epsilon }_\mathsf{Shift}}(\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D_0}^{\epsilon ,\delta },\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D_1}^{\epsilon ,\delta })\le 2\delta +\mathsf{negl}\).

7 Tracing PLBE

7.1 Private Linear Broadcast Encryption

Our construction will use the Private Linear Broadcast Encryption (PLBE) framework of Boneh, Sahai, and Waters [BSW06]. A PLBE scheme is a triple of probabilistic classical polynomial time algorithms \((\mathsf{Gen'},\mathsf{Enc'},\mathsf{Dec'})\) where:

  • \(\mathsf{Gen'}(1^N,1^\lambda )\) takes as input a number of users N and a security parameter \(\lambda \). It outputs a public key \(\mathsf{pk}\), plus N user secret keys \(\mathsf{sk}_i\) for \(i\in [N]\).

  • \(\mathsf{Enc'}(\mathsf{pk},j,m)\) takes as input the public key, an index \(j\in [0,N]\), and a message m. It outputs a ciphertext c.

  • \(\mathsf{Dec'}(\mathsf{sk}_i,c)\) takes as input a secret key \(\mathsf{sk}_i\) for user i and a ciphertext, and outputs a message \(m'\) or a special abort symbol \(\bot \).

Correctness. For correctness, we require that user i can decrypt ciphertexts with index j, so long as \(i\le j\). That is there exists a negligible function \(\mathsf{negl}(\lambda )\) such that for every \(\lambda \) and \(N\le 2^\lambda \), for every \(i\in [N]\) and \(j\ge i\), we have that

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr [\mathsf{Dec'}(\mathsf{sk}_i,\mathsf{Enc'}(\mathsf{pk},j,m))=m:(\mathsf{pk},\{\mathsf{sk}_i\}_{i\in [N]})\leftarrow \mathsf{Gen'}(N,\lambda )]>1-\mathsf{negl}(\lambda ). \end{aligned}$$

Security. We need two security requirements. The first is indistinguishability security, which requires semantic security for encryptions to \(j=0\):

Definition 6

A PLBE scheme \((\mathsf{Gen'},\mathsf{Enc'},\mathsf{Dec'})\) is indistinguishable secure if for all quantum polynomial time adversaries A, there exists a negligible \(\mathsf{negl}\) such that the probability A wins in the following game is at most \(1/2+\mathsf{negl}(\lambda )\):

  • A gets \(\lambda \) as input, and sends a number N represented in unary.

  • Run \((\mathsf{pk},\mathsf{sk}_1,\dots ,\mathsf{sk}_N)\leftarrow \mathsf{Gen'}(\lambda ,N)\), and send \(\mathsf{pk}\) to A.

  • A then makes an arbitrary number of classical queries on identities \(i\in [N]\); in response it receives \(\mathsf{sk}_i\).

  • Next, A outputs a pair of messages \((m_0,m_1)\). In response, choose a random bit b and send A the ciphertext \(c\leftarrow \mathsf{Enc'}(\mathsf{pk},j=0,m_b)\).

  • A makes more queries for \(\mathsf{sk}_i\).

  • Finally, A outputs a guess \(b'\) for b. Output “win” if and only if \(b'=b\).

Second, we need index hiding security which says that encrypts to \(j-1\) and j are only distinguishable to an adversary that has the secret key for user j.

Definition 7

A PLBE scheme \((\mathsf{Gen'},\mathsf{Enc'},\mathsf{Dec'})\) is index hiding secure if for all quantum polynomial time adversaries A, there exists a negligible function \(\mathsf{negl}\) such that the probabilities A wins in the following game is at most \(1/2+\mathsf{negl}(\lambda )\):

  • A gets \(\lambda \) as input, and sends a number N represented in unary.

  • Run \((\mathsf{pk},\mathsf{sk}_1,\dots ,\mathsf{sk}_N)\leftarrow \mathsf{Gen'}(\lambda ,N)\), and send \(\mathsf{pk}\) to A.

  • A then makes an arbitrary number of classical queries on identities \(i\in [N]\); in response it receives \(\mathsf{sk}_i\). Let S be the set of i queried by A.

  • Next, A outputs a pair of (jm) for \(j\in [N]\) such that \(j\notin S\). Choose a random bit b and send A the ciphertext \(c\leftarrow \mathsf{Enc'}(\mathsf{pk},j-b,m)\) to index \(j-b\)

  • A is allowed to make more queries on identities \(i\in [N]\setminus j\), to which it receives \(\mathsf{sk}_i\) in response.

  • Finally, A outputs a guess \(b'\) for b. Output “win” if and only if \(b'=b\).

From PLBE to Traitor Tracing. Following [BSW06], the first three algorithms of our traitor tracing construction \((\mathsf{Gen},\mathsf{Enc},\mathsf{Dec},\mathsf{Trace})\) we be immediately derived from the PLBE scheme: \(\mathsf{Gen}=\mathsf{Gen'}\), \(\mathsf{Enc}(\mathsf{pk},m)=\mathsf{Enc'}(\mathsf{pk},j=N,m)\), and \(\mathsf{Dec}=\mathsf{Dec'}\). Correctness is immediate. In the following, we describe \(\mathsf{Trace}\).

7.2 The Quantum Algorithm \(\mathsf{Trace}\)

Where we depart from [BSW06] is in our tracing algorithm, which we now need to trace quantum pirates. First, we briefly explain how to implement \(\mathsf{API}\) using Black Box Projection queries.

Concretely, let be , except that we augment the decoder with a qubit \({\mathcal {H}}_2\) originally set to \(|0\rangle \). Let \({\mathcal {H}}_2'\times {\mathcal {C}}\) be control registers, where \({\mathcal {H}}_2'\) is another qubit and \({\mathcal {C}}\) is a ciphertext register. Consider the following measurement process on registers \({\mathcal {H}}_2'\otimes {\mathcal {C}}\otimes \mathcal {H}_2\otimes \mathcal {H}\):

  • Perform the map \(|b'\rangle |b\rangle \rightarrow |b'\rangle |b\oplus b'\rangle \) on the \({\mathcal {H}}_2'\otimes {\mathcal {H}}_2\) registers

  • Make a Black Box Projection query using the registers \({\mathcal {C}}\otimes \mathcal {H}_2\) as the query registers. Let o be the result.

  • Perform the map \(|b'\rangle |b\rangle \rightarrow |b'\rangle |b\oplus b'\rangle \) on the \({\mathcal {H}}_2'\otimes {\mathcal {H}}_2\) registers

  • Output \(1-o\).

This measurement process has exactly the form of a collection of projective measurements \({\mathcal {P}}\) in Eq. 1. For a decoder in its initial state (meaning \({\mathcal {H}}_2\) is initialized to \(|0\rangle \)) and for a given bit/ciphertext pair (bc), the corresponding measurement \({\mathcal {P}}_{(b,c)}\) outputs 1 exactly when the decoder would output b. Thus, we can run the algorithm \(\mathsf{API}\) on .

We now give our algorithm :

  1. 1.

    Let \(\epsilon '=\epsilon /4(N+1)\) and \(\delta '=2^{-\lambda }\).

  2. 2.

    Run , where \(D_j\) is the following distribution:

    • Run \(b\leftarrow \{0,1\}\)

    • Compute \(c\leftarrow \mathsf{Enc'}(\mathsf{pk},j,m_b)\)

    • Output (bc).

  3. 3.

    If \(\tilde{p}_N< 1/2+\epsilon -\epsilon '\), abort and output the empty set \(\{\}\).

  4. 4.

    Otherwise, initialize \(S'=\{\}\). Then for \(j=N\) to \(j=1\),

    • Compute

    • If \(\tilde{p}_{j-1}<\tilde{p}_{j}- 4\epsilon '\), add j to \(S'\).

    Finally, output \(S'\).

Theorem 7

If \((\mathsf{Gen'},\mathsf{Enc'},\mathsf{Dec'})\) is indistinguishable secure and index hiding secure for quantum adversaries, then \((\mathsf{Gen},\mathsf{Enc},\mathsf{Dec},\mathsf{Trace})\) is quantum traceable.


Consider an adversary A which has secret keys for identities in S, and produces a pirate decoder . Let \(\epsilon \) be an inverse polynomial. Define the events \(\mathsf{GoodTrace}, \mathsf{BadTrace}, \mathsf{Live}\) as in Definition 4.

We first argue that \(\Pr [\mathsf{BadTrace}]\) is negligible. Suppose that there is a non-negligible probability s that \(\mathsf{BadTrace}\) happens. Then for a random choice of j, it is the case that with (non-negligible) probability at least s/N, both (1) A never queries j, and (2) \(\tilde{p}_{j-1}<\tilde{p}_{j}- 4\epsilon '\).

Let \(\rho \) be the state produced by the following process:

  • Choose a random j, and run the tracing experiment

  • If A ever makes a query on j, abort and output an arbitrary quantum state.

  • Next run \(\mathsf{Trace}\), stopping immediately after \(\tilde{p}_{j}\) is computed.

  • Output the state .

Consider running \(\mathsf{Trace}\) for one more iteration, applying \(\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D_{j-1}}^{\epsilon ',\delta '}\) to \(\rho \) to obtain a measurement \(\tilde{p}_{j-1}\). By assumption, we have that \(\tilde{p}_{j-1}\ge \tilde{p}_{j}-4\epsilon '\) with non-negligible probability s/N.

Now consider instead stopping \(\mathsf{Trace}\) at iteration j to obtain \(\rho \), but then applying \(\mathsf{API}_{{\mathcal {P}},D_{j}}^{\epsilon ',\delta '}\) to \(\rho \) a second time, obtaining a second measurement \(\tilde{p}_{j}'\) of \(p_{j}\). We stress that in this case, we do not compute \(\tilde{p}_{j-1}\). Since \(\mathsf{API}\) is \((\epsilon ',\delta ')\) projective, we know that \(|\tilde{p}_{j}-\tilde{p}_{j}'|\le \epsilon '\) except with probability at most \(\delta '\).

Since j was never queried, encryptions to index j and \(j-1\) are indistinguishable. By Corollary 1, this means the distributions on \(\tilde{p}_{j}'\) and \(\tilde{p}_{j-1}\) satisfy \({\varDelta ^{3\epsilon '}_\mathsf{Shift}}(\tilde{p}_{j}',\tilde{p}_{j-1})\le \mathsf{negl}\). But by our triangle-like inequality, this means that \(\tilde{p}_{j-1}\ge \tilde{p}_{j}-4\epsilon '\) except with negligible probability, a contradiction.

We now argue that \(\Pr [\mathsf{GoodTrace}]\ge \Pr [\mathsf{Live}]-\mathsf{negl}(\lambda )\). First, let \(\mathsf{Abort}\) be the event that tracing aborts in Step 3. Let \(p_N\) be the probability obtained from applying \({\mathcal {M}}'\) to the decoder outputted by A. Note that \(\mathsf{Live}\) is the event that \(p_N>1/2+\epsilon \). We then have that \({\varDelta ^{\epsilon '}_\mathsf{Shift}}(p_N,\tilde{p}_N)\le \delta '\). Therefore, \(\Pr [\lnot \mathsf{Abort}]\ge \Pr [\mathsf{Live}]-\delta '\)

Next, let \(\mathsf{Fail}\) be the event that \(\tilde{p}_0\ge 1/2+4\epsilon '\). Let \(\rho \) be the state right before measuring \(\tilde{p}_0\). Let \(p_0\) be the random variable corresponding to applying \({\mathcal {P}}_{D_0}\) to \(\rho \). Recall that for \(j=0\), encryptions of \(m_0\) and \(m_1\) are computationally indistinguishable. This means that \(p_0\le 1/2+\mathsf{negl}\). By Corollary 1, this means \(\Pr [\mathsf{Fail}]<\mathsf{negl}\). Thus, \(\Pr [\lnot \mathsf{Abort}\wedge \lnot \mathsf{Fail}]\ge \Pr [\mathsf{Live}]-\mathsf{negl}\).

Finally, we note that if neither of \(\mathsf{Fail}\) or \(\mathsf{Abort}\) happen, then \(\tilde{p}_N-\tilde{p}_0 > \epsilon -4\epsilon '=4N\epsilon '\). But then it must have been some j such that \(\tilde{p}_j-\tilde{p}_{j-1}>4\epsilon '\), meaning \(S'\) is non-empty and therefore \(\mathsf{GoodTrace}\) happens. Thus \(\Pr [\mathsf{GoodTrace}]\ge \Pr [\lnot \mathsf{Abort}\wedge \lnot \mathsf{Fail}]\ge \Pr [\mathsf{Live}]-\mathsf{negl}\), as desired.   \(\square \)