Several researchers have studied the impact of new technologies on the travel experience and how their use has transformed it. We joined the conversation, which says that the (dis) connection behavior is a consequence of the use of mobile technologies during the travel experience. In this work, we focus on the dilemma experienced by the young Tunisian traveler when she/he uses mobile technologies and how she/he chooses to be present/absent during her/his travel experience. An exploratory study was conducted with young Tunisian travelers to try to understand their digital behavior during the travel experience. The major contribution of this work is to try to understand the dilemma of (dis) connection and to present how the traveler experiences it.
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Appendix 1: Tables of profiles of interviewees
Interviewees | Gender | Age | Profession |
Interviewee 1 | Female | 35 | Teacher |
Interviewee 2 | Male | 30 | Employee at Emirates airlines |
Interviewee 3 | Female | 33 | Financial analyst |
Interviewee 4 | Female | 30 | Software engineer |
Interviewee 5 | Male | 33 | Textile engineer currently teaching English in Taipei |
Interviewee 6 | Male | 36 | Pharmacist |
Interviewee 7 | Male | 26 | Civil engineer |
Interviewee 8 | Male | 26 | Entrepreneur |
Interviewees 9 | Male & female | 26 and 30 years old | Entrepreneurs |
Interviewee 10 | Female | 32 | Software engineer |
Interviewee 11 | Male | 22 | Student |
Interviewee 12 | Male | 29 | Employee in a company |
Interviewee 13 | Female | 25 | Consultant |
Interviewee 14 | Female | 32 | Manager in an insurance company |
Interviewee 15 | Male | 30 | Employee in a company |
Interviewee 16 | Female | 29 | Software engineer |
Interviewee 17 | Female | 26 | University teacher |
Interviewee 18 | Male | 27 | Data analyst |
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Mestaoui, I., Touzani, M. (2020). Investigating Travelers’ Dilemma in Managing Their Online/Offline Presence on Travel Experience. In: Bach Tobji, M.A., Jallouli, R., Samet, A., Touzani, M., Strat, V.A., Pocatilu, P. (eds) Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation. ICDEc 2020. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 395. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64642-4_10
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64642-4_10
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-64641-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-64642-4
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)