Formal methods have been largely thought of in the context of safety-critical systems, where they have achieved major acceptance. Tens of millions of people trust their lives every day to such systems, based on formal proofs rather than “we haven’t found a bug” (yet!); but why is “we haven’t found a bug” an acceptable basis for systems trusted with hundreds of millions of people’s personal data?
This paper looks at some of these issues in cybersecurity, and the extent to which formal methods, ranging from “fully verified” to better tool support, could help. More importantly, recent policy reports and curricula initiatives appear to recommended formal methods in the limited context of “safety critical applications”; we suggest this is too limited in scope and ambition. Not only are formal methods needed in cybersecurity, the repeated and very public weaknesses of the cybersecurity industry provide a powerful motivation for formal methods.
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- 1.
The precise definition of cybersecurity is debatable: we can take is as failures of security, generally defined as “preserving the CIA—Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability” of digital information, where computer system played a critical part in the failure.
- 2.
Generally called “Marriott”, but in fact due to the Starwood chain before Marriott took it over.
- 3.
In military parlance, Equifax is being found not to have “defence in depth”. Defence in depth is certainly valuable: [8] described how Google was saved from the consequences of an ‘awesome’ attack on gmail by defence in depth. But the front line is still the first defence: in this case correct code.
- 4.
- 5.
Actually, Embedded Systems are a comparatively neglected, but important, cybersecurity area. See, for example, [32] for a description of a pervasive design fault in the “home security” market.
- 6.
A point made in the context of XP and Agile in 2004 [33].
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A predecessor of this paper was given at the 2019 Working Formal Methods Symposium (FROM2019) in Timișoara, Romania. The authors are grateful to the referees and audiences of FROM2019 and FMFun2019 for useful comments. The first author is grateful to the Fulbright Programme for a Cybersecurity Scholarship at New York University in 2017, and to many correspondents and discussions, notably Alastair Irons, Tom Prickett and Tim French. This paper was partially supported by the Institute of Coding, which received £20m of funding from the Office for Students (OfS), as well as support from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW).
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Davenport, J.H., Crick, T. (2021). Cybersecurity Education and Formal Methods. In: Cerone, A., Roggenbach, M. (eds) Formal Methods – Fun for Everybody. FMFun 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1301. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71374-4_8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71374-4_8
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-71373-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-71374-4
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