1 Introduction

The Schnorr signature scheme [Sch91] is a simple discrete logarithm based construction where the public key is of the form \(X=x\cdot G\), and to sign a message m the signer provides \(R=r\cdot G\) and the linear combination \(\sigma = xe+r\) where e is derived by hashing XRm (or just Rm as in the original specification). This relation can easily be verified in the exponent as \(\sigma \cdot G = e\cdot X+R\). Assuming an ideal hash function (modelled as a random oracle) unforgeability is rooted in the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem. The signatures themselves embody a zero-knowledge property: assuming that the r values are uniformly chosen, the \(\sigma \) values reveal no information about x.

1.1 Practical Concerns: Determinism and Statelessness

The fact that r values are chosen uniformly upon every invocation permits many useful theoretical properties, among them a clean proof [PS96]. However, the necessity of fresh randomness introduces a new attack vector in practice: the assumption that a consistent source of entropy will be available for use has repeatedly turned out to be ill-founded.

As an example, the public cloud is a context in which access to good entropy and a well-seeded PRNG is particularly difficult. Indeed, deploying an application on cloud infrastructure delivers the convenience of modern enterprise-grade offerings, yielding significant benefits in uptime, availability, APIs, threat detection, load balancing, storage, and more. Yet this choice often entails that a user application will run as a guest in a virtualized environment of some kind. Existing literature shows that such guests have a lower rate of acquiring entropy [KASN15], that their PRNG behaves deterministically on boot and reset [EZJ+14], and that they show coupled entropy in multi-tenancy situations [KC12], including in containers [Bay14]. This can have disastrous consequences, as even a small amount of bias in r values across many Schnorr signatures can be leveraged to completely break the scheme [HS01].

The idea of deterministically deriving r values from randomness established during key generation has correspondingly gained traction [MNPV99, KW03, KL17]. The widely used EdDSA signature scheme [BDL+12] derives its nonces as \(r = H(H(k),m)\) where k is sampled during key generation and m is the message to be signed. Assuming k has enough entropy and that H produces pseudorandom outputs, the r values will be pseudorandomly determined for each m, leading to signatures that are essentially as secure as the original Schnorr algorithm that consumes fresh randomness for each r. In this work, we aim to translate the benefits of deterministic signing to the threshold signature setting. In particular, we study deterministic threshold Schnorr as the problem of designing a decentralized protocol to produce Schnorr signatures where each party’s signing algorithm is deterministic.

State Continuity is Non-trivial. Folklore would suggest that the problem at hand is simple: first design a randomized protocol (of which many exist for threshold Schnorr) and then simply ‘compress’ the random tape by using a PRG/block cipher invoked with a fresh counter each time new randomness is needed. However this approach fundamentally assumes state continuity [PLD+11], i.e. that the state of the device running the protocol can be reliably updated and read on demand. However as Parno et al. [PLD+11] first pointed out, even secure hardened devices with strong isolation guarantees can not take this property for granted. In particular, malicious attackers or even natural circumstances such as software errors or power interruptions may induce a device to turn off and roll back to a ‘last known safe’ state upon restart. While such a state may be entirely consistent in every detectable way, it could be stale, leading to randomness reuse in the PRG context. We stress that reliably storing long-term secrets is significantly easier than for instance updating a counter every time a signature is produced.

Why Not Solve This at the Systems Level? While state continuity in general has been studied as a systems problem, we argue here that incorporating resiliency to state resets in cryptographic protocol design has both qualitative and quantitative advantages:

  • Qualitative: Systems-level solutions depend on context, and consequently hinge on specific assumptions such as trusted hardware [PLD+11, SP16], a number of helper nodes with uncorrelated failures [BCLK17, MAK+17], or a trusted server [vDRSD07]. In contrast, a cryptographic protocol in the standard model offers provable security and strong composition guarantees without resorting to context-specific physical assumptions.

  • Quantitative: Deployment of a protocol that relies on state continuity will require the expending of resources on establishing context-specific solutions to this problem for each new environment; acquiring such dedicated hardware is expensive. Moreover it is unclear that the best systems solution in every environment will be more efficient than a canonical stateless cryptographic protocol. Consider two-party distributed signing: it defeats the purpose to incorporate extra parties/servers for state continuity, and solutions that rely on monotonic counters maintained on special purpose hardware such as Intel SGX or Trusted Platform Modules suffer other issues inherent to these platforms. Matetic et al. [MAK+17] showed that the upper limit on the number of writes to such protected counters (due to non-volatile memory wearing out) can be exhausted in a few days of continuous use. Moreover maintaining and reading from such memory is slow; Strackx and Piessens [SP16] report a 95 ms latency, and Brandenburger et al. [BCLK17] report a 60 ms latency in incrementing an SGX Trusted Monotonic Counter. In summary, dedicated hardware for state continuity is expensive, slow, and comes with limited lifespan. The protocols we construct in this work are expected to run significantly faster on commodity hardware (order of 10 ms) - well within the performance envelope of trusted hardware solutions due to their latency.

We therefore incorporate statelessness into the problem statement, to mean that security must hold even when devices are arbitrarily crashed (even in the middle of a protocol) and restored with only their long-term secrets.

1.2 Why Is Stateless Deterministic Threshold Signing Challenging?

Schnorr signatures permit a very elegant multiparty variant [SS01, GJKR07] as signatures are simply linear combinations of secret values. Most natural secret sharing schemes permit linear combinations “for free”, with the result that threshold Schnorr in different settings has essentially reduced to the task of establishing \(x\cdot G\) and \(r\cdot G\) such that xr are random and secret-shared among parties.

The instructions for each of the parties in the classic threshold Schnorr protocols [SS01, GJKR07] looks very much like the regular signing algorithm. We give a brief sketch of how the semi-honest two party version works, which is sufficient to understand the challenges we address in the rest of our exposition. The description is from the point of view of party \(P_b\) for \(b\in \{0,1\}\).

  1. 1.

    Key generation: \(P_b\) samples \(\textsf {sk}_b\leftarrow \mathbb {Z} _q \) and sets \(\textsf {pk}_b = \textsf {sk}_b\cdot G\). It then sends \(\textsf {pk}_b\) to \(P_{1-b}\) and waits for \(\textsf {pk}_{1-b}\). The shared public key is set to \(\textsf {pk}= \textsf {pk}_0 + \textsf {pk}_{1}\)

  2. 2.

    Given message m to sign:

    1. (a)

      \(P_b\) samples \(r_b\leftarrow \mathbb {Z} _q \) and sets \(R_b = r_b\cdot G\). It then sends \(R_b\) to \(P_{1-b}\) and waits for \(R_{1-b}\). The signing nonce is computed by both as \(R = R_0 + R_{1}\)

    2. (b)

      \(P_b\) computes \(e = H(\textsf {pk},R,m)\) and sets \({{\sigma }} _b = \textsf {sk}_b\cdot e + r_b\). It then sends \({{\sigma }} _b\) to \(P_{1-b}\) and waits for \({{\sigma }} _{1-b}\). Finally \((R, {{\sigma }} = {{\sigma }} _0+{{\sigma }} _1)\) is a signature on m

The above protocol can be made secure against an active adversary with an extra commitment round [NKDM03], however this will not be important for our discussion. An immediate observation is that instead of having \(P_b\) sample a fresh \(r_b\) for each message, one could adopt the EdDSA approach and have \(P_b\) sample \(k_b\) during key generation and instead compute \(r_b = H(H(k_b), m)\). This does in fact yield a deterministic threshold signing protocol, with security against at least passive corruption. However, as previously noted by Maxwell et al. [MPSW19], a malicious adversary will be able to completely break such a system. The attack is as follows: a malicious \(P_1\) can first run the honest signing procedure for message m with the correct \(r_1\) (as per Step 2a), and subsequently ask to sign the same m but use a different \(r_1'\ne r_1\) this time. The honest \(P_0\) follows the protocol specification and unfortunately uses the same \(r_0\) value in both executions, as it is derived as a function of \(m,k_0\), both of which are independent of \(r_1\). Consequently, \(R=(r_0+r_1)G\) and \(R'=(r_0+r'_1)G\) are the nonces derived for each execution, which induce unequal challenges \(e = H(..R)\) and \(e'=H(..R')\). The honest party therefore gives \(P_1\) the values \(\sigma _0 = \textsf {sk}_0 e+r_0\) and \(\sigma '_0=\textsf {sk}_0 e'+r_0\) in different executions, which jointly reveal its secret key share \(\textsf {sk}_0\).

Going forward, we follow the natural template for threshold Schnorr set by previous works [NKDM03, SS01, GJKR07], and investigate how to enforce that parties indeed derive their nonces deterministically by following the protocol.

1.3 Desiderata

There are many possible ways to enforce deterministic nonce derivation, and so we first highlight the constraints of our context in order to inform our choice of technology.

  • Standard assumptions. This is a subtle but important constraint. As with any safety critical application, we would like to avoid new and insufficiently vetted assumptions in our protocol. However even more important than protocol security (which is only relevant when parties in the system are corrupt) is the security of artefacts exposed to the outside world, i.e. the signature. In particular, we wish to be very conservative in instantiating the PRF that is used to derive nonces; Schnorr signatures are known to be extremely sensitive to nonce bias [HS01, TTA18], meaning that the slightest weakness discovered in the PRF could lead to attackers retrieving entire signing keys using previously published signatures.

  • Lightweight computation. We want our schemes to be as widely applicable as possible, and consequently we do not want to make use of heavy cryptography. In the case of decentralized cryptocurrency wallets where one or more signing party is likely to be a weak device (e.g. low budget smartphone, or Hardware Security Module) both computation cost and memory consumption must be minimized. On the other end of the spectrum for threshold signing at an institutional level with powerful hardware, lightweight signing is conducive to high throughput.

  • Round efficiency. As much as possible we would like to avoid compromising on round efficiency in our endeavour to make signing deterministic and stateless. In particular ordinary threshold Schnorr signing [NKDM03, SS01, GJKR07] requires only three rounds, and we would like to match this efficiency.

We therefore formulate a more precise problem statement,

How can we construct a lightweight threshold signing protocol for Schnorr signatures where parties do not consume fresh randomness or update state after the initial key generation? Moreover nonce derivation must strictly use standardized primitives (e.g. AES, SHA).

To be clear, our focus is on the ‘online’ signing operations; we do not worry about optimizing the efficiency of the distributed key generation, which is one-time.

1.4 This Work

In this work, we construct an efficient zero-knowledge proof system for proving correct nonce derivation that makes use of only cheap symmetric key cryptography and a small constant number of exponentiations when invoked, and does not require updating long-term state.

Our proof system is in the Zero-knowledge from Garbled Circuits (ZKGC) paradigm of Jawurek et al. [JKO13], and the techniques that we develop improve the ZKGC paradigm even outside of the stateless deterministic setting.

General ZKGC Bottlenecks. The efficiency of the ZKGC paradigm is rooted in the fact that the prover and verifier pay at most three AES invocations per AND gate in the circuit, when instantiated with the privacy-free variant of HalfGates [ZRE15]. However especially for small circuits such as AES, SHA, etc., the bottleneck usually lies in logistics for the witness (i.e. input to the circuit). In particular:

  • Input Encoding: Transferring wire labels for a |q|-bit input requires |q| Oblivious Transfers, which means \(O(\kappa )\) public key operations per invocation even with OT Extension, for \(\kappa \) bits of computational security.

  • Binding Composite Statements: The state of the art technique [CGM16] to tie statements about an order q elliptic curve group elements to a Boolean circuit involves the garbling of an additional private circuit to multiply a |q|-bit value with an s-bit statistical MAC. While the cost of these \(\tilde{O}(s\cdot |q|)\) extra gates may disappear as the circuit size grows, it incurs high concrete cost relative to common ciphers that have compact Boolean circuit representations. Consider the parameter regime relevant here, a 256-bit curve and 60 bits of statistical security: the cost of garbling with privacy (2\(\times \) the per-gate cost of privacy-free [ZRE15]) the corresponding 32k gate multiplication circuit for the MACFootnote 1 is considerably more expensive than privacy-free garbling of the circuit for the relation itself: nearly an order of magnitude more than AES-128 (7k gates [AMM+]) and even 3\(\times \) that of SHA-256 (22k gates [CGGN17]).

We develop novel techniques to address both of these problems in this work, which we briefly describe below.

Commit Once, Prove Many Statements. As the use of \(O(\kappa )\) public key operations used for input encoding in garbled circuit based protocols is a difficult foundational issue, we relax the problem to fit our setting more closely. In particular, it is sufficient for a party to commit to a nonce derivation key k once during distributed key generation, and subsequently prove an unbounded number of statements (i.e. PRF evaluations) online. This gives us a more targeted problem statement:

How can we enable the prover to commit to its witness w once, and prove an unbounded number of statements x such that \(R(x,w)=1\) with only symmetric key operations per instance in the ZKGC paradigm?

This problem reduces to the task of constructing a variant of Committed OT, where an OT receiver commits to a choice bit once and subsequently receives one out of two messages for an unbounded number of message pairs sent by the sender. Importantly, after the sender has sent a message pair, the sender should be able to reveal the pair at a later point without changing the messages or learning the receiver’s choice bit. We devise a novel method that makes non-blackbox use of any Universally Composable (UC) commitment [Can01] in the one-time preprocessing model to solve this problem. Roughly, each OT in the canonical instantiation of input encoding is replaced by a pair of UC commitments. This is substantially more computationally efficient, as we summarize below in Table 1.

On a Macbook Pro 2017 laptop (i7-7700HQ CPU, 2.80 GHz) running OpenSSL 1.1.1f: a single AES-128 invocation takes \(0.07\,\upmu \)s, SHA-512 takes \(0.3\,\upmu \)s, and a Curve25519 exponentiation takes \(59.8\,\upmu \)s. This data in combination with Table 1 suggests that our technique for preprocessing Committed OT can perform input encoding an order of magnitude faster than using the fastest plain OT.

Table 1. Cost per bit of the witness (send+receive+open), per instance not including preprocessing. Parameters: 128 bits of computational security, 60 bits of statistical security. Estimated runtime with AES for \(\mathsf {F}\), SHA-512 for \(\mathsf {CRHF}\), and Curve25519 for exponentiations.

Beyond Stateless Deterministic Signing. This pattern of proving an unbounded number of statements about the same private input is not unique to threshold signing. Consider the example of distributed symmetric key encryption [AMMR18]: Servers A and B (one of which may be malicious) hold keys \(k_A,k_B\) respectively, and comprise one endpoint of a secure channel. Ciphertexts on this channel are of the form \((r,m\oplus \mathsf {F} _{k_A}(r)\oplus \mathsf {F} _{k_B}(r))\), and so encryption/decryption requires the servers to reveal \(\mathsf {F} _{k_A}(r),\mathsf {F} _{k_B}(r)\) and prove correct evaluation.

Intuition. Recall that a UC commitment scheme must be ‘straight-line extractable’, i.e. there must exist an extractor algorithm \(\mathsf {Ext}\), which when given a commitment \(\mathsf {C} \) to message m and a trapdoor \(\mathsf {ek}\) should efficiently output m. Our insight is to run \(\mathsf {Ext}\) to implement the committed OT receiver, even though its utility in the context of the UC commitment is simply as a ‘proof artefact’ which is never executed in a real protocol. Roughly, we generate a pair of commitment keys \(\mathsf {ck} _0,\mathsf {ck} _1\) for the OT sender during the preprocessing phase, and give the trapdoor \(\mathsf {ek} _b\) corresponding to \(\mathsf {ck} _b\) to the OT receiver, where b is the choice bit. To send a message pair \((m_0,m_1)\) the sender commits to \(m_0\) using \(\mathsf {ck} _0\) and \(m_1\) using \(\mathsf {ck} _1\), of which the receiver retrieves \(m_b\) by invoking \(\mathsf {Ext}\) with \(\mathsf {ek} _b\). In order to ‘open’ its messages, the sender simply runs the decommitment phase of the UC commitment scheme. The novelty in this approach lies in our use of the extraction trapdoor \(\mathsf {ek} \), which is an object that only appears in the security proof of a UC commitment (but not in the ‘real’ world), to construct a concrete protocol. The real-world OT receiver essentially runs the simulator of the UC commitment scheme.

Exponentiation Garbling Gadget. We design a gadget to garble the exponentiation function \(f_G(x)=x\cdot G\) at very low cost. The gadget takes as input a standard Yao’s garbled circuit style encoding of a bit string \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\) (i.e. keys \((k_i^{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i})_{i\in [|\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}|]}\)), and outputs a convenient algebraic encoding of this value \(Z=(ax+b)\cdot G\) for some secret \(a,b\in \mathbb {Z} _q^*\).

A similar effect is achieved by Chase et al. [CGM16] by garbling an explicit multiplication circuit. However our gadget is drastically more efficient, as summarized below in Table 2.

Table 2. Cost to apply algebraic MAC \(z=ax+b\) to a secret x encoded in a garbled circuit. Concrete costs are given for \(|q|=256\), \(s=60\), and \(\kappa =128\), with the HalfGates [ZRE15] garbling scheme. \(\mathsf {KDF}\) is the cipher used for garbling.

This leads to significant savings, as stated earlier the MAC computation alone would have dominated bandwidth cost.

Beyond Stateless Deterministic Signing. This gadget cuts down the heavy MAC computation in [CGM16] by a factor of 125, and therefore is useful for composite statements where the Boolean circuit size for the non-algebraic component is smaller or comparable in size to \(\tilde{O}(s\cdot |q|)\). Concretely bandwidth savings can range from \(\sim 90\%\) for AES-128, to \(\sim 70\%\) for SHA-256. The latter translates significant bandwidth savings in the context of proving knowledge of an ECDSA signature [CGM16].

Intuition. The gadget is inspired by the Oblivious Linear Evaluation technique of Gilboa [Gil99]. The ciphertexts are structured so that the evaluator always decrypts \(z_i=b_i+\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i\cdot \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a\) on wire i, where a and \(b=\sum _i b_i\) are the garbler’s MAC keys and \(x=\langle \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\rangle \). Adding up \(z=\sum _i z_i\) yields \(z=ax+b\), which is the desired arithmetic encoding, and allows for easy exponentiation outside the garbled circuit. This self-contained gadget can be expressed as a garbling scheme and proven secure as such.

We are therefore able to construct a highly efficient zero-knowledge proof system, where a prover commits to a some nonce derivation key k during key generation, and subsequently proves correct nonce derivation, i.e. \(R=\mathsf {F} _{k}(m)\cdot G\) for an unbounded number of messages m that are signed online. Simply augmenting the semi-honest threshold signing protocol sketched earlier with this zero-knowledge proof yields an n-party stateless deterministic threshold signing protocol that is secure against \(n-1\) malicious corruptions.

2 Related Work

Resettable Zero-Knowledge (rZK). The notion of rZK introduced by Canetti et al. [CGGM00] allows an adversarial verifier to arbitrarily reset a prover, and requires zero-knowledge to hold even in the absence of fresh randomness for the prover upon being reset. This achieves stateless determinism as we require, and indeed the attacks discovered by Canetti et al. on canonical protocols when confronted with such an adversary are of the same flavour as the one in Sect. 1.2. However the adversarial model that we consider in this work is weaker for two reasons: one is that the prover and verifier are allowed a one-time reset-free interactive setup phase, and the other is that in case an abort is induced at any point no further interaction will occur. Therefore rZK protocols would be overkill for our setting.

MuSig-DN . The closest work to ours is the very recent work of Nick et al. [NRSW20], in which the authors construct a two-round multisignature scheme called MuSig-DN which enforces deterministic nonces with security against \(n-1\) out of n malicious corruptions. Their protocol achieves stateless deterministic signing for Schnorr signatures, however their approach diverges from ours in two significant ways:

  • The security of the PRF they use for nonce derivation is based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption over a carefully chosen custom elliptic curve that supports efficient proofs. While this offers a nice tradeoff between the efficiency of proving statements about arithmetization-friendly primitives and plausibility of assumptions, the assumption is not exactly the same as DDH over a standardized curve.

  • They opt for a SNARK-based approach (specifically Bulletproofs [BBB+18]), which is very communication efficient (around a kilobyte for a proof) but computation intensive; they report 943 ms on commodity hardware for a single execution.

In contrast, our dishonest majority protocol occupies a different point on the spectrum: it supports standardized ciphers for nonce derivation, and is computationally very light at the expense of higher bandwidth.

Threshold EdDSA. Due to the fact that the EdDSA signing algorithm derives r as a non-linear function of some preprocessed seed, securely computing EdDSA in a threshold setting exactly as per its specification is quite challenging. Current implementations of threshold EdDSA either require elaborate (randomized) MPC protocols [BST21] or abandon deterministic nonce derivation altogether and simply implement randomized threshold Schnorr over the correct curve [LPR19]. As an example, the Unbound library [LPR19] drops the determinism requirement with the justification that a nonce jointly sampled in a multiparty protocol will be uniformly random if even one of the parties uses good randomness. However this does not protect a device using bad randomness from a malicious adversary controlling a party in the system. Moreover we contend that in practice it is common for all parties in the system to be using similar implementations, hence inducing correlated randomness-related vulnerabilities. Additionally faults/bugs may occur at the system or hardware levels, which further motivates the need for threshold signing protocols that do not assume that any party in the system has reliable randomness.

In this work we are not concerned with exactly computing the correct EdDSA signing equation in a distributed setting, as this will likely require expensive MPC [BST21]. Instead we would like to construct a threshold Schnorr protocol that embodies the spirit of deterministic nonce derivation; in particular our primary goal is to construct a multiparty protocol to compute Schnorr signatures where each participant runs a deterministic and stateless signing algorithm. Also note that the work of Bonte et al. [BST21] is in the incomparable honest majority setting, and highly interactive.

3 Our Techniques

The task at hand can be roughly characterized as follows: parties in the system first sample some state during a “key generation” phase. When given a message to sign later, they must securely derive the signing material from the joint state they sampled earlier. Moreover, this derivation must be deterministic and should not create new state, i.e. signing material for each message must only rely on the key generation state and the message itself. The template of sampling a PRF key during key generation and applying this PRF on the message to be signed to derive signing material works well in the semi-honest setting as discussed, but falls apart when adversaries deviate from the protocol.

The canonical method to upgrade a semi-honest protocol to malicious security without an honest majority is for parties to commit to some initial randomness, and subsequently prove that they computed each message honestly relative to the committed randomness [GMW87]. What this entails for threshold Schnorr is for parties to commit to a PRF key during distributed key generation, and when signing a message, prove that the discrete log of their claimed nonce is indeed the result of applying the PRF on the public message using the committed key. In particular for some public \(x,R_i,\mathsf {Commit} (k_i)\), party \(P_i\) must prove that \(\mathsf {F} _{k_i}(x)\cdot G = R_i\) where \(\mathsf {F} \) is a PRF. We encapsulate this mechanism in the functionality \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) later in this paper.

3.1 What Existing Proof Technologies Suit Our Task?

As per our desiderata that we set in Sect. 1.3, we wish to prioritize standard assumptions, light computation, and retaining round efficiency. We examine the different proof technologies available to us with this lens, as follows:

SNARK-Based. The recent progress in succinct proof systems [BFS20, BCR+19, BBB+18, Gro16] provides a tempting avenue to explore, as a SNARK attesting to the correctness of nonce generation yields a conceptually simple approach. We highlight here that we wish to rely on standard assumptions, the implication being that we would like to use a time-tested and vetted, preferably standardized PRF. While there has been tremendous progress in constructing SNARK/STARK-friendly ciphers [BSGL20], efficiently proving statements involving more traditional non-algebraic ciphers (such as SHA/AES) has remained elusive using any SNARK technology. For instance the fastest such succinct proof system at present (Spartan [Set20]) would require over 100 ms to prove a single AES computation (\(\approx \) \(2^{14}\) R1CS constraints [Kos]) on a modern laptop as per their implementation.

Generic MPC. Advances in generic MPC [KRRW18, HSS17, KPR18] have brought the secure computation of sophisticated cryptographic functions into the realm of practicality. However they are all inherently interactive and randomized (with many being heavily reliant on preprocessing), posing fresh challenges in the deterministic/stateless setting. Additionally even the most advanced constant round techniques [KRRW18, HSS17] require several rounds of interaction, marking a departure from conventional threshold Schnorr which needs only three rounds.

Zero-Knowledge for Composite Statements. Chase et al. [CGM16] construct two protocols in the ZKGC paradigm [JKO13] that bind algebraic and non-algebraic bitwise encodings of the same value, so that the algebraic encoding may be used for efficient sigma protocols while the non-algebraic encoding can be used to evaluate a garbled circuit. Roughly, the two methods are as follows, with the following tradeoffs:

  1. 1.

    Homomorphic bitwise commitments to the witness: This method produces smaller proofs, and is even extended to the MPC-in-the-head setting by Backes et al. [BHH+19]. However this fundamentally requires exponentiations for each bit of the input, i.e. O(|q|) asymptotically and hundreds concretely for our parameter range, which would require many tens of milliseconds at least to compute on commodity hardware. We therefore do not pursue this line further.

  2. 2.

    Algebraic MAC applied to the witness: This method produces larger proofs, as the MAC is computed by garbling an \(\tilde{O}(s\cdot |q|)\) circuit. However this avoids public key operations (besides OT) and presents a promising direction to investigate.

Equipped with an understanding of the landscape of proof systems, we expand on the results that we summarized in Sect. 1.4.

4 Organization

We first establish the technical background in Sect. 5. We then expand on our solutions to the gaps that we identified in Sect. 1.4: Sect. 6 details the garbling gadget for exponentiation, and Sect. 7 elaborates on how to construct Committed OT from UC Commitments. Section 8 shows how to combine these ideas to build a nonce verifying mechanism, and finally Sect. 9 constructs an n-party protocol resilient to \(n-1\) corruptions based on this mechanism.

5 Preliminaries

Security Model. We construct and prove our protocols secure in the Universal Composability framework of Canetti [Can01]. We assume synchronous networks, with well-defined upper bounds on adversarial message delay.

Standard Helper Functionalities. We make use of the standard notion of choose all-but-one OT \({\mathcal {F}_{{\left( {\begin{array}{c}\ell \\ \ell -1\end{array}}\right) }\mathsf {OT}}} \).

5.1 Garbling Schemes and Zero-Knowledge

We first recall the syntax of garbled circuits, in the language of Bellare et al. [BHR12]. A garbling scheme \(\mathcal {G}\) comprises: a garbling algorithm \(\mathsf {Gb} \) that on input a circuit C produces a garbled circuit \(\tilde{C}\) along with encoding information \(\mathsf {en} \) and decoding information \(\mathsf {de} \). The encoding algorithm \(\mathsf {En} \) maps an input x to a garbled input \(\tilde{X}\) relative to \(\mathsf {en} \). The evaluation algorithm \(\mathsf {Ev} \) then evaluates \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X}\) to produce a garbled output \(\tilde{Y}\), which is then decoded by \(\mathsf {De} \) using \(\mathsf {de} \) to a clear output y. The verification algorithm \(\mathsf {Ve} \) given \(\tilde{C},\mathsf {en} \) validates their well-formedness, and extracts the decoding information \(\mathsf {de}\) if they are so.

For the purpose of the paper, we will assume that \(\mathcal {G}\) is projective [BHR12], i.e. garbled input \(\tilde{X}=(\mathsf {en} _{i,x_i})_{i\in [|x|]}\). We require the garbling scheme to be privacy-free [FNO15], i.e. satisfy two main security properties:

  • AuthenticityFootnote 2: let \(\tilde{C},\mathsf {en},\mathsf {de} \leftarrow \mathsf {Gb} (C,1^\kappa )\) and \(\tilde{X} \leftarrow \mathsf {En} (x,\mathsf {en})\), and \(\hat{y}\ne C(x)\) for an adversarially chosen \(C,x,\hat{y}\). It should be computationally infeasible for any PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A} (\tilde{C},\tilde{X})\) to output \(\hat{Z}\) such that \(\mathsf {De} (\mathsf {de},\hat{Z})=\hat{y}\).

  • Verifiability: given \(\tilde{C},\mathsf {en} \), the algorithm \(\mathsf {Ve} \) produces decoding information \(\mathsf {de} \) if \(\tilde{C}\) is well-formed (i.e. a legitimate output of \(\mathsf {Gb} \)). Alternatively if \(\tilde{C}\) is malformed, \(\mathsf {Ve}\) outputs \(\bot \) with certainty.

Additionally we need ‘Uniqueness’, i.e. that if \(C(x)=C(x')\), then \(\mathsf {Ev} (\tilde{C},\mathsf {En} (\mathsf {en},x))=\mathsf {Ev} (\tilde{C},\mathsf {En} (\mathsf {en},x'))\) for any valid \(\tilde{C},\mathsf {en} \). We defer formal definitions to the full version.

Committed Oblivious Transfer. Committed Oblivious Transfer (COT) offers the same interface as regular OT, but it also allows a ‘reveal’ phase where the both the sender’s messages are revealed to the receiver, while the receiver’s choice bit stays hidden. We encapsulate this notion (along with additional bookkeping to account for statelessness) in functionality \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\). Additionally in order to facilitate a round compression optimization in the higher level protocol, \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\) lets the sender lock its messages with a ‘key’, and reveals these messages upon the receiver presenting the key. As this is a straightforward reproduction of previous work, we defer the formalism to the full version.

Zero-Knowledge from Garbled Circuits. We are now ready to recall a description of the original ZKGC protocol [JKO13]. The prover P holds a private witness x (of which the \(i^\text {th}\) bit is \(x_i\)), such that \(C(x)=1\) for some public circuit C.

  1. 1.

    The verifier V garbles the verification circuit, \(\tilde{C},\mathsf {en},\mathsf {de} \leftarrow \mathsf {Gb} (C,1^\kappa )\). Both parties engage in |x| parallel executions of Committed Oblivious Transfer, with the following inputs in the \(i^\text {th}\) instance: V plays the sender, and inputs \(\mathsf {en} _{i,0},\mathsf {en} _{i,1}\) as its two messages. P plays the receiver, and inputs \(x_i\) as its choice bit in order to receive \(\mathsf {en} _{i,x_i}\).

  2. 2.

    P assembles \(\tilde{X}=(\mathsf {en} _{i,x_i})_{i\in [|x|]}\) locally. V sends \(\tilde{C}\) to P, who then computes \(\tilde{Y}\leftarrow \mathsf {Ev} (\tilde{C},\tilde{X})\), and sends \(\mathsf {Commit} (\tilde{Y})\) to V.

  3. 3.

    V opens its randomness from all the COTs to reveal \(\mathsf {en} \) in its entirety

  4. 4.

    P checks \(\mathsf {Ve} (\tilde{C},\mathsf {en})=1\), and if satisfied decommits \(\mathsf {Commit} (\tilde{Y})\). V accepts iff \(\mathsf {De} (\tilde{Y},\mathsf {de})=1\)

Intuitively the above protocol is sound due to authenticity of the garbling scheme: a malicious \(P^*\) who inputs \(x'\) such that \(C(x')\ne 1\) to the OT will receive \(\tilde{X}'\) such that \(\mathsf {De} (\mathsf {Ev} (\tilde{C},\tilde{X}'),\mathsf {de})=0\), and so to make V accept \(P^*\) will have to forge a valid \(\tilde{Y}\) that is not the outcome of ‘honest’ garbled evaluation. Zero-knowledge comes from the verifiability and unique evaluation properties of the garbling scheme: an incorrect garbled circuit \(\tilde{C}^*\) will be rejected in step 4 by P (who has not sent any useful information to V yet), and conditioned on \(\tilde{C}\) being a valid garbled circuit, the uniqueness property hides which input was used to arrive at the output.

Extensions to ZKGC. The work of Chase et al. [CGM16] examines how to integrate proofs of algebraic statements into the garbled circuit based zero-knowledge framework, in order to prove composite statements. Roughly, their technique has P commit to a MAC of the witness \(z=ax+b\) (computed via the garbled circuit/OT) along with \(\tilde{Y}\) using a homomorphic commitment scheme. Once V reveals the randomness of the circuit, ab become public and P leverages the homomorphism of the commitment in order to prove additional algebraic statements about the witness via Sigma protocols, such as the relation between xz.

Subsequently Ganesh et al. [GKPS18] showed how to compress the original [JKO13] protocol to three rounds using a conditional disclosure of secrets technique, essentially by having V encrypt the OT randomness necessary for step 4 using the correct \(\tilde{Y}\).

6 Exponentiation Garbling Gadget

In this section, we give our new garbling gadget that translates a standard Yao-style representation of a binary string (i.e. with wire labels) to an algebraic encoding of the same value in the target elliptic curve group. As we intend to compose this gadget with the Half Gates garbling scheme [ZRE15] we give the construction and proof assuming FreeXOR style keys [KS08]. Consequently we prove security assuming a correlation robust hash function (strictly weaker than circular correlation robustness [CKKZ12] as needed by FreeXOR/HalfGates). Note that this structure is not required by our scheme, and security can easily by proven assuming just PRFs if desired.

figure a

We first give the exact definition required of \(\mathsf {KDF}\) in order to secure the garbling scheme. Informally, \(\mathsf {KDF}\) is correlation robust if \(\mathsf {KDF} (x\oplus \varDelta )\) appears random even under adversial choice of x when \(\varDelta \) is chosen uniformly and hidden from the adversary.

Definition 6.2

(Correlation Robust Hash Function). Let the security parameter \(\kappa \) determine a \(\kappa \)-bit prime q, and be an implicit parameter in the following stateful oracles \(\mathcal {O}_{\mathsf {KDF}}\) and \(\mathcal {O}_R\) defined as follows:

  • \(\mathcal {O}_{\mathsf {KDF}} (i,x)\): Upon first invocation, sample \(\varDelta \leftarrow \{0,1\}^\kappa \). Return \(\mathsf {KDF} (i,x\oplus \varDelta )\)

  • \(\mathcal {O}_R (i,x)\): If not previously queried on x, sample \(F(i,x)\leftarrow \mathbb {Z} _q \). Return F(ix).

A hash function \(\mathsf {KDF}\) is correlation robust if \(\mathcal {O}_{\mathsf {KDF}}\) and \(\mathcal {O}_R\) are computationally indistinguishable to any PPT adversary with unrestricted oracle access.

Theorem 6.3

Assuming \(\mathsf {KDF}\) is a correlation robust hash function, \(\mathcal {G} _{\mathsf {exp}}\) is a privacy-free garbling scheme for the function \(f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}}(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}) = \langle \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}} \rangle \cdot G\).


Correctness. Observe that for each \(i\in [\eta ]\) the evaluator computes

$$\begin{aligned} z_i = \mathsf {KDF} (i, X_i) - x_i\cdot \tilde{C} _i \end{aligned}$$

Substituting \(\tilde{C} _i = \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i\oplus \varDelta ) - \left( b_i + \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a \right) \) and \(X_i = k_i \oplus x_i\cdot \varDelta \) into the above equation, we obtain:

$$\begin{aligned} z_i = \mathsf {KDF} (i, k_i \oplus x_i\cdot \varDelta ) - x_i\cdot \left( \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i\oplus \varDelta ) - \left( b_i + \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a \right) \right) \end{aligned}$$

The above expression therefore simplifies to two cases:

$$\begin{aligned} z_i = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i)\; \text {when}\; x_i=0 \\ b_i+\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a \;\text {when}\; x_i=1 \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i)=b_i\), we can simplify the above to \(z_i = b_i+x_i\cdot \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a\). We therefore have that \( z = \sum _{i\in [\eta ]} z_i = \sum _{i\in [\eta ]} (b_i+x_i\cdot \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a) = b + a \cdot \langle \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}} \rangle \), and therefore \(\tilde{Z} =z\cdot G = B + a\cdot \langle \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}, \boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}} \rangle \cdot G\). Decoding by \((\tilde{Z}-B)/a\) yields \(\langle \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}},\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\rangle \cdot G\).

Verifiablity. Revealing \(\mathsf {en} \) allows each \(b_i\) to be computed and \(\tilde{C} _i\) to be decrypted, and clearly if every \(\tilde{C} _i=\mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i\oplus \varDelta ) - \left( b_i + \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a \right) \) for the same value of a, the values \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) will always evaluate consistently for all inputs.

Authenticity. We prove that the encoded output is unforgeable (i.e. authentic) via hybrid experiments. Recall that the experiment for authenticity of a garbling scheme works as follows: the adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) sends a circuit f and input x to the challenger, which then responds with \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) where \(\tilde{C},\mathsf {en},\mathsf {de} \leftarrow \mathsf {Gb} (f)\) and \(\tilde{X} =\mathsf {En} (\mathsf {en},x)\). If \(\mathcal {A}\) is able to produce valid garbled output \(\hat{Z}\) such that \(\mathsf {De} (\mathsf {de},\hat{Z})\ne f(x)\) then the adversary wins.


\(\mathcal {H}_{1}\). We first define a hybrid experiment \(\mathcal {H} _1\) that changes the way \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) is computed. In particular, \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) are jointly produced using fx rather than by separate garbling and encoding procedures, as detailed below:

  1. 1.

    Sample \(\varDelta \leftarrow \{0,1\}^{\kappa } \) and \(a\leftarrow \mathbb {Z} _q^*\)

  2. 2.

    For each \(i\in [\eta ]\),

    1. (a)

      Sample \(k_i\leftarrow \{0,1\}^{\kappa }\)

    2. (b)

      If \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i = 0\) then

      1. i.

        Compute \(b_i = \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i)\)

      2. ii.

        Set \(\tilde{C} _i = \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i\oplus \varDelta ) - \left( b_i + \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a \right) \)

    3. (c)


      1. i.

        Compute \(b_i = \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i\oplus \varDelta )\)

      2. ii.

        Set \(\tilde{C} _i = \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i) - \left( b_i + \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a \right) \)

  3. 3.

    Set \(b = \sum _{i\in [\eta ]} b_i \) and \(B = b\cdot G\)

  4. 4.

    Compute \(\tilde{X} = \{k_i\}_{i\in [\eta ]} \)

  5. 5.

    The decoding information is \(\mathsf {de} = (a, B)\)

  6. 6.

    Output \(\tilde{C}, \tilde{X}, \mathsf {de} \)

The distribution of \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) in this hybrid experiment is identical to the real experiment. Observe that the only change is that the ‘active’ key (i.e. key seen by the evaluator) on the \(i^\text {th}\) wire is defined to be \(k_i\) in \(\mathcal {H} _1\), whereas in the real experiment the active key is \(k_i\oplus x_i\cdot \varDelta \). As the inactive key in both experiments is simply the active key \(\oplus \varDelta \), this is merely a syntactic change. Therefore we have that for all adversaries \(\mathcal {A} \), functions and inputs \(f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}},\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\) and any string \(\hat{Z}\):



\(\mathcal {H}_{2}\). In this hybrid experiment, the inactive key is changed from \(k_i\oplus \varDelta \) to a uniformly random value. In particular, the code for this hybrid experiment is identical to the last except for the following two changes:

figure b

A distinguisher for the values \((\tilde{C},\tilde{X})\) produced by \(\mathcal {H}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal {H}_{2}\) immediately yields a distinguisher for the correlation robustness property of \(\mathsf {KDF}\). The reduction simply runs the code of \(\mathcal {H}_{1}\), and in place of using \(\mathsf {KDF}\) in Step 2(b)ii and Step 2(c)i, it queries the challenge oracle \(\mathcal {O}\) with the same arguments. In the case that \(\mathcal {O} =\mathcal {O}_{\mathsf {KDF}} =\mathsf {KDF} \) this exactly produces the distribution per \(\mathcal {H}_{1}\), and in the case \(\mathcal {O} =\mathcal {O}_R \) (i.e. truly random function) the distribution per \(\mathcal {H}_{2}\) is exactly produced, resulting in a lossless reduction to the correlation robustness property of \(\mathsf {KDF}\). We therefore have that there is a negligible function \(\mathsf {negl}\) such that for all PPT adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\hat{Z}\in \mathbb {G} \):



\(\mathcal {H}_{3}\). This hybrid experiment is the same as the last, with the exception that \(\tilde{C} _i\leftarrow \mathbb {Z} _q \) for each \(i\in [\eta ]\). This differs from Step 2(c)ii, which computes \(\tilde{C} _i = \mathsf {KDF} (i,k_i) - \left( b_i + \boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}_i\cdot a \right) \) when \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i=1\). However in \(\mathcal {H}_{2}\) when \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i=1\) the value \(b_i\) is sampled uniformly from \(\mathbb {Z} _q\) and never exposed anywhere else in \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) anyway, effectively acting as a one-time pad. Therefore the distribution of \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) remains unchanged from \(\mathcal {H}_{2}\). In particular,



\(\mathcal {H}_{4}\). This experiment is the same as the last, except that the definition of the decoding information \(\mathsf {de} =(a,B)\) is postponed to after \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) are defined. This induces no change in the distribution of \(\tilde{C},\tilde{X} \) as in \(\mathcal {H}_{3}\) they are computed independently of aB. The value a is derived the same way (uniformly sampled from \(\mathbb {Z} _q^*\)), whereas now B is computed as \(B=Z-a\cdot Y\) where \(Y=f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}}(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}})\) and \(Z=\mathsf {Ev} (\tilde{C},\tilde{X})\). The distribution of (aB) is unchanged from \(\mathcal {H}_{3}\), note that by definition \(\mathsf {De} (\mathsf {de},\mathsf {Ev} (\tilde{C},\tilde{X}))=f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}}(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}})\) in both experiments. Therefore:


We can now bound the probability that an adversary is able to forge an output: consider any \(\hat{Y}\in \mathbb {G} \) such that \(\hat{Y}\ne Y\). In order to induce \(\mathsf {De} (\mathsf {de}, \hat{Z})=\hat{Y}\), the adversary \(\mathcal {A} (\tilde{C},\tilde{X})\) must output \(\hat{Z}\) such that \(\hat{Z}-{Z} = a(\hat{Y}-Y)\). As \(\hat{Y}-Y\ne 0\) and a is sampled uniformly from \(\mathbb {Z} _q^*\) only after \(\hat{Z},Z,\hat{Y},Y\) have already been defined, the probability that this relation is satisfied is exactly \(1/(q-1)\).

More precisely, for any \(f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}}\), \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\in {{\{0,1\}}^{\eta }} \), \(\hat{Y}\in \mathbb {G} \) such that \(\hat{Y}\ne f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}}(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}})\) and unbounded adversary \(\mathcal {A}\),


For our choice of parameters, we have \(1/(q-1)\le 2^{-\kappa }\) which is negligible in \(\kappa \). Combining Eqs. 15 we conclude that the following probability is negligible for any \(f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}}\), \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\in {{\{0,1\}}^{\eta }} \), \(\hat{Y}\in \mathbb {G} \) such that \(\hat{Y}\ne f_{\boldsymbol{\mathrm {u}}}(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}})\) and PPT adversary \(\mathcal {A}\):

The garbling scheme \(\mathcal {G} _{\mathsf {exp}}\) is therefore correct, verifiable, and authentic.

   \(\square \)

7 Committed OT from UC Commitments

In this section, we give the details of our approach to constructing our committed OT from UC commitments. Recall that we need an OT protocol where the receiver commits to its choice bits during an offline phase, and the sender is able to send (and subsequently open) message pairs relative to the same choice bit. This is because the receiver’s choice bits will correspond to the prover’s witness (i.e. the PRF key for nonce derivation) which can be committed once during key generation; signing corresponds to proving different statements about the same witness.

Why Is This Challenging? Consider the following simple attempt at instantiating this object: during the preprocessing phase, the sender samples two PRF keys \(k_0,k_1\), of which the receiver obtains \(k_b\) via OT. In order to transmit a message pair \(m_0,m_1\) online, assuming some public instance-specific information x, the sender computes \(c_0=\mathsf {F} _{k_0}(x)\oplus m_0,\ c_1=\mathsf {F} _{k_1}(x)\oplus m_1\) and sends them to the receiver, who is able to decrypt \(m_b\). In order to ‘open’ the messages, the sender gives \(\mathsf {F} _{k_0}(x),\mathsf {F} _{k_1}(x)\) to the receiver, who then obtains \(m_{1-b}\). While this protects the sender against a malicious receiver, the flaw lies in that it doesn’t bind the sender to any particular message pair \(m_0,m_1\). For instance during the opening phase, the sender could provide \(\mathsf {F} _{k_0}(x),r^*\) (for some \(r^*\ne \mathsf {F} _{k_1}(x)\)). If the receiver’s choice bit was 0, it does not notice this deviation and outputs \(m^*_1=c_1\oplus r^*\), as opposed to \(m_1=c_1\oplus \mathsf {F} _{k_1}(x)\) which would have been the output if the receiver’s choice bit was 1. Inconsistencies of this flavour propagate upwards to induce selective failure attacks in the ZKGC protocol. We leave the exact attack implicit. This issue is easily solved by using a PRF which allows outputs to be efficiently verified such as a Verifiable Random Function [MRV99]. However to the best of our knowledge, all such known primitives require public key operations, which would defeat the purpose of having moved the OTs offline.

To recap our idea: assume that \(\mathcal {C}\) is a commitment scheme that permits straight-line extraction. In particular there exists an extractor which, given a commitment and an extraction key \(\mathsf {ek} \) (corresponding to the commitment key \(\mathsf {ck} \)), outputs the committed message. This is a property that is conducive to arguing security under concurrent composition [Can01]. However in the ‘real’ protocol no party has \(\mathsf {ek} \); the receiver has a verification key \(\mathsf {vk} \) which it uses to validate openings to commitments, but the existence of \(\mathsf {ek}\) is only required for the proof. We will characterize the commitment scheme as a collection of concrete algorithms (rather than working in an \(\mathcal {F} _\mathsf {Commit}\) hybrid model) and so in principle the trapdoor \(\mathsf {ek}\) can created by a generic setup functionality and given to the receiver. We use such a commitment scheme to realize the notion of committed OT that we need as follows: create two pairs of keys \((\mathsf {ck} _0,\mathsf {vk} _0,\mathsf {ek} _0)\) and \((\mathsf {ck} _1,\mathsf {vk} _1,\mathsf {ek} _1)\), and provide sender S with both \(\mathsf {ck} _0,\mathsf {ck} _1\) and receiver R with \(\mathsf {ek} _b,\mathsf {vk} _{1-b}\). In order to send a message pair \(m_0,m_1\), S commits to \(m_0\) using \(\mathsf {ck} _0\) and \(m_1\) using \(\mathsf {ck} _1\). Then R is able to extract \(m_b\) using \(\mathsf {ek} _b\) immediately. Subsequently when it’s time to reveal both messages, S provides decommitment information for \(m_0,m_1\), and R uses \(\mathsf {vk} _{1-b}\) to validate \(m_{1-b}\).

In more detail, the commitment scheme \(\mathcal {C}\) comprises the following algorithms:

  • One-time setup:

    • \(\mathsf {Gen}\text {-}{\mathsf {ck}} (1^\kappa ;\rho ^S) \mapsto \mathsf {ck} \). Samples the committer’s key with randomness \(\rho ^S\).

    • \(\mathsf {Gen}\text {-}{\mathsf {vk}} (\mathsf {ck};\rho ^R) \mapsto \mathsf {vk} \). Samples the receiver’s verification key using \(\mathsf {ck} \) with randomness \(\rho ^R\).

    • \(\mathsf {Gen}\text {-}{\mathsf {ek}} (\mathsf {ck}) \mapsto \mathsf {ek} \). Determines the extraction key given \(\mathsf {ck}\).

    • \(\mathsf {Gen}\text {-}{\mathsf {td}} (\mathsf {vk}) \mapsto \mathsf {td} \). Determines the trapdoor for equivocation given \(\mathsf {vk}\).

  • Per message with index \(\mathsf {ind} \):

    • \(\mathsf {Commit} ( \mathsf {ck}, \mathsf {ind}, m) \mapsto \mathsf {C}, \delta \). Produces commitment \(\mathsf {C} \) and decommitment information \(\delta \) for message m and index \(\mathsf {ind}\).

    • \(\mathsf {DecomVrfy} ( \mathsf {vk}, \mathsf {ind}, \mathsf {C}, \delta , m) \mapsto \{0,1\} \). Commitment verification by R.

    • \(\mathsf {Ext} (\mathsf {ek}, \mathsf {ind}, \mathsf {C})\mapsto m \cup \{\bot \}\). Extracts the committed message from \(\mathsf {C} \).

    • \({\mathcal {S}_{\mathsf {Com,R^*}}} (\mathsf {td})\). A simulator that produces and equivocates commitments.

Rather than enumerating a series of definitions that the scheme must satisfy, we use the above interface to construct a protocol, and require that the protocol must UC-realize our commitment functionality. The structure of the commitment functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {Com}}\) and the protocol \(\pi _{\mathsf {Com}}\) and Simulator \(\mathcal {S}_{\mathsf {Com}}\) are straightforward in their usage of \(\mathcal {C}\). Protocol \(\pi _{\mathsf {Com}}\) makes use of a helper functionality \(\mathcal {F}^{\mathsf {setup}}_{\mathsf {Com}}\) which simply runs the one-time setup algorithms. We defer the formal details to the full version.

Commitment schemes that are of interest to us allow protocol \(\pi _{\mathsf {Com}}\) to be simulated by simulator \(\mathcal {S}_{\mathsf {Com}}\) with respect to functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {Com}}\). Also note that by virtue of the definition, commitment is inherently stateless; no state has to be maintained across commitment instances that use different \(\mathsf {ind}\) values.

Definition 7.1

A commitment scheme \({\mathcal {C}} \) is a preprocessable UC commitment if protocol \({\pi _{\mathsf {Com}}} [{\mathcal {C}} ]\) can be simulated by \({\mathcal {S}_{\mathsf {Com}}} [{\mathcal {C}} ]\) with respect to functionality \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {Com}}\) in the UC experiment where an adversary statically corrupts up to one party, in the \(\mathcal {F}^{\mathsf {setup}}_{\mathsf {Com}}\)-hybrid model.

We stress that while we refer to \(\mathcal {C}\) as the preprocessable UC commitment scheme, the actual protocol for the UC experiment is \({\pi _{\mathsf {Com}}} [{\mathcal {C}} ]\), which is merely a wrapper for the algorithms specified by \(\mathcal {C}\).

Instantiating \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {Com}}\) . Efficiently instantiating the UC commitment functionality (of which \(\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {Com}}\) is a relaxation) has been studied extensively in the literature [DN02, Lin11, CJS14]. However the subset of such works most relevant here are those that operate in the offline-online paradigm, where expensive message-independent public key operations are pushed to an offline phase and (de)committments online only require cheap symmetric key operations. Such protocols have been constructed in a line of works [DDGN14, GIKW14, CDD+15, FJNT16] where a number of oblivious transfers are performed offline to establish correlations, and (de)committing online derives security from the fact that the receiver knows some subset (but not all) of the sender’s secrets. Some of these works [CDD+15, FJNT16] are quite practical; their technique is roughly to have the sender commit to a message by first encoding it using an error correcting code, then producing additive shares of each component of the resulting codeword, and finally sending the receiver each additive share encrypted by a pseudorandom one-time pad derived by extending a corresponding PRG seed. The receiver has some subset of these seeds (chosen via OT offline) and obtains the corresponding shares of the codeword. The committed message stays hidden as the receiver is missing one additive share of each component. To decommit, the sender reveals the entire codeword and its shares, and the receiver checks consistency with the shares it already knows. Soundness comes from the property that changing the committed message requires changing so many components of the codeword that the receiver will detect such a change with overwhelming probability. The trapdoor for extraction is the entire set of PRG seeds that are used to encrypt the codeword components. As the sender must encrypt a value that is close to a codeword using these seeds, the extractor is able to decrypt and decode the near-codeword to retrieve the committed message. Extraction is possible as the simulator knows all PRG seeds, and the sender must have encrypted a value sufficiently close to a real codeword in order to have a non-negligible chance of the receiver accepting it later.

Cascudo et al. [CDD+15] report a concretely efficient instantiation of this idea by using binary BCH codes. However existing constructions are designed to amortize the cost of (de)committing large numbers of messages, and as such they are heavily reliant on maintaining state for the PRG. It is feasible to modify their constructions to be stateless by the standard method of replacing the PRG with a PRF, but the resulting cost per instance would save little compared to exponentiation; for instance the protocol of Frederiksen et al. [FJNT16] would require over 800 PRF invocations per instance at a 40 bit security level. While this cost disappears over many simultaneous instances in their setting, we unfortunately can not amortize our costs as independent instances must not share state.

Our Technique. Our commitment scheme essentially implements the same high-level idea, but with a repetition code. The sender S has \(\ell \) PRF keys \(k_1,\cdots ,k_{\ell }\), of which the receiver R is given a random subset of \(\ell -1\) (say all but \(i \in [\ell ]\)). In order to commit to a message \(\mu \) for index \(\mathsf {ind} \), S sends \(\mathsf {F} _{k_1}(\mathsf {ind})\oplus \cdots \oplus \mathsf {F} _{k_{\ell }}(\mathsf {ind})\oplus \mu \) to the receiver. In order to decommit, S reveals \(\mu \) and \(\mathsf {F} _{k_1}(\mathsf {ind}),\cdots ,\mathsf {F} _{k_{\ell }}(\mathsf {ind})\), given which R computes \(\mathsf {F} ^*_{k_i} = \mu \bigoplus _{j\in [\ell ]\setminus i} \mathsf {F} _{k_{j}}(\mathsf {ind})\) and verifies that it matches \(\mathsf {F} _{k_i}\) claimed by S. Intuitively, S has to guess exactly which key R is missing in order to fool it. This has soundness error \(1/\ell \), however simply repeating this procedure sufficiently many times in parallel (with independent keys) boosts the protocol to have negligible soundness error. This description omits some details, such as how the repetitions are bound together, and optimizing communication, so we describe the commitment scheme itself in terms of the language we laid out earlier.

figure c
figure d

We postpone the theorem and proof to the full version.

How to Implement the Setup? Observe that the structure of the verification key is to choose all but one out of the \(\ell \) keys in each of the \(\mathsf {r}\) batches. This is directly achieved by \(\mathsf {r}\) invocations of \({\mathcal {F}_{{\left( {\begin{array}{c}\ell \\ \ell -1\end{array}}\right) }\mathsf {OT}}} \).

Efficiency. A commitment to a message m (assume \(|m|=\kappa \)) is of size \((\mathsf {r} +3)\cdot \kappa \) bits, and in terms of computation requires \(\mathsf {r} \cdot \ell \) PRF evaluations and hashing a \(\mathsf {r} \cdot \ell \cdot \kappa \) bit message via \(\mathsf {CRHF}\). Decommitment requires the same effort.

Parameters. Looking ahead, we will introduce a privacy amplifying optimization in the ZKGC protocol so that for s bits of statistical security, the receiver’s security in the Committed OT protocol it uses (and therefore soundness of the Commitment scheme under the hood) need only achieve s/2 bits of statistical security. We therefore calibrate our parameters here appropriately. A reasonable instantiation of parameters would be \(\ell =4\), \(s=30\), \(\kappa =128\), and \(\mathsf {r} =15\) (i.e. a 30-bit statistical soundness level) with AES-128 as the PRF, and SHA-512 as the \(\mathsf {CRHF}\) and \(\mathsf {RO}\). This means that a single commitment to a 128-bit message requires 288 bytes (32 bytes to decommit), 60 AES-128 evaluations, and hashing a 0.96 kilobyte message via SHA-512. The work done by R in verifying a commitment is almost the same. Looking ahead, we will use a pair of these commitments to replace a single OT instance, providing a significant improvement in computation time.

7.1 Committed OT from Preprocessable UC Commitments

Using commitment scheme \({\mathcal {C}} \), we now have an clean template for a protocol to build committed OT. We first define a helper functionality \(\mathcal {F}^{\mathsf {setup}}_{\mathsf {COT}}\) to handle the preprocessing stage. Intuitively, \(\mathcal {F}^{\mathsf {setup}}_{\mathsf {COT}}\) samples two commitment keys \(\mathsf {ck} _0,\mathsf {ck} _1\) for the sender and corresponding verification and extraction keys \(\mathsf {vk} _0,\mathsf {vk} _1,\mathsf {ek} _0,\mathsf {ek} _1\), and gives \(\mathsf {vk} _0,\mathsf {vk} _1,\mathsf {ek} _b\) to the receiver upon its choice of bit b. The formalism is straightforward and so we postpone it to the full version. Unfortunately it is unclear how to generically construct \(\mathcal {F}^{\mathsf {setup}}_{\mathsf {COT}}\) using the commitment scheme, but for our specific case we can construct a custom protocol based on the same Bellare-Micali construction that we used for \({\mathcal {F}_{{\left( {\begin{array}{c}\ell \\ \ell -1\end{array}}\right) }\mathsf {OT}}} \). We give the exact construction in the full version.

figure e

Theorem 7.4

Assuming \(\mathcal {C}\) is a preprocessable UC commitment (Definition 7.1), protocol \(\pi _{\mathsf {COT}}\) UC-realizes \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\) in the presence of an adversary corrupting up to one party, in the \(\mathcal {F}^{\mathsf {setup}}_{\mathsf {COT}}\)-hybrid random oracle model.

The theorem directly follows from the definition of preprocessable UC commitments, and the fact that encryptions with the random oracle carry no information until the correct pre-image is queried.

Efficiency. There are three components to analyze: the setup, transfer, and reveal phases.

Setup. We do not analyze the exact cost of setup, beyond that it requires \(O(\ell \mathsf {r} \kappa /\log \kappa )\) curve multiplications, and as many field elements transmitted.

Transfer and Reveal. This is the important metric, as the transfer and reveal phases are executed when a message has to be signed. A transfer consists of two independent instances of preprocessable UC commitments for S, of which R simply receives one and runs \(\mathsf {Ext} \) on the other. A reveal requires no work for S, and two decommitment verifications for R. In our specific instantiation, the work done by S when committing and R when verifying is roughly the same. Additionally R can reuse the work of \(\mathsf {Ext} \) in verifying a commitment. Based on Sect. 7, the work done by each party in total for a transfer and reveal of a message pair is 120 AES invocations, and hashing a 1.92 KB message via SHA-512. The bandwidth consumed is two UC commitments and their decommitments, so 0.64 KB. Note that these parameters are for a 30-bit statistical security level, which is inadequate by itself, but will be sufficient in the ZKGC context due to a privacy amplifying technique.

8 Provable Nonce Derivation

In order to clarify the target, we give the ideal functionality \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) for proving deterministic nonce derivation, with a conditional disclosure property woven in.

figure f

This is essentially a specific instantiation of the standard zero-knowledge functionality, with the exception that the prover commits its witness w first, and subsequently multiple statements x are supplied to the functionality, which verifies that \(R(x,w)=1\). This is directly achieved by replacing the committed OT functionality used by ZKGC with \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\) which allows the receiver to commit to a choice bit and subsequently receive/open multiple message pairs independently without ever revealing the choice bit. Note that the circuit to be garbled (\(C(k,x) = \mathsf {F} _k(x)\cdot G\)) is supported by HalfGates with our garbling gadget. Finally, the disclosure of the secret z conditioned on the validity of the statement/witness is the same as the technique introduced by Ganesh et al. [GKPS18]. We give the explicit protocol in the full version.

8.1 A Privacy Amplifying Optimization

While the ZKGC protocol makes only oracle use of \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\), we can make an instantiation-specific optimization which will likely apply to any similarly structured instantiation, where the receiver only has statistical security inherited from statistical soundness of the decommitment/reveal phase. Currently, a naive instantiation would protect each choice bit of the receiver’s (and hence private witness bit) with s bits of statistical security, i.e. there is at most a \(2^{-s}\) probability of an adversary subverting the reveal phase by opening its message to a different one than committed earlier. As each instance of protocol \(\pi _{\mathsf {COT}}\) makes use of independent randomness, the probability that a malicious sender is able to subvert the reveal phases of a pair of commitments is \(2^{-2s}\). Therefore if we are willing to tolerate one bit of leakage, we can in some sense consider the soundness of the reveal phase to be doubled.

Plugging the Leak. The prover samples a random bit \(r\leftarrow \{0,1\}\) during the one-time key setup phase. Now instead of directly using its witness bits \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i\) as the choice bit to the \(i^\text {th}\) instance of \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\), the prover instead uses \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}_i=\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i\oplus r\) as the choice bit to the \(i^\text {th}\) instance. Finally the prover also inputs r as the choice bit to the \(|\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}|+1^\text {th}\) instance of \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\). When the time comes to evaluate a circuit \(C(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}})\), the prover and verifier instead use the circuit \(C'(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}},r) = C(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}_1\oplus r||\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}_1\oplus r||\cdots ||\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}_{|\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}|}\oplus r)\) to cancel out the effect of r. Since XOR gates come for free in a garbled circuit [KS08], this adds essentially no overhead beyond the single extra instance of \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\) for r. Now the input to \(C'\) can tolerate a single bit of leakage; any one bit leaked from \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}||r\) is perfectly independent of \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\).

Security. This clearly does not harm security against a corrupt prover, as the encoded input \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}||r\) supplied to \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\) unambiguously specify its candidate witness \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}\) just as earlier. As for when simulating for a corrupt verifier, in case one of the extractors for a \(\pi _{\mathsf {COT}}\) instance i reports an extraction error for the key \(k_{i,b}\) corresponding to bit b (this happens with probability \(2^{-s}\), but recall that the target security level is 2s bits) the simulator tosses a coin \(b'\). If \(b'= b\), then the simulator aborts the protocol (corresponding to a cheat being caught in the real protocol). Otherwise, the simulator simply runs the honest prover’s protocol for the \(i^\text {th}\) bit going forward, effectively setting \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}_i=\lnot b\). The subtle point is that failing to extract \(k_{i,b}\) does not hamper the simulator’s ability to extract garbled circuits’ embedded decoding information in the future: in case \(i=|\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}|+1\), the value compromised is r, which does not influence any output wires anyway. In case \(i\le |\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}|\), the simulator still obtains \(k_{i,\lnot b}\) by running the honest prover’s code, and the availability of both keys on the r wire allow for the retrieval of both keys for \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x}}_i\) as \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}_i\oplus 0\) and \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {x'}}_i\oplus 1\) (i.e. substituting both values of r). We defer a more formal proof to the full version of this paper.

Therefore in order to achieve \(s'=60\) bits of statistical security for ZKGC, one can parameterize the underlying OT protocol with \(s=30\) bits of soundness and remove the resulting leakage as described above.

8.2 Estimated Efficiency

We give estimates for an Ed25519 [BDL+12] style configuration. In particular, we assume a 256-bit curve, with SHA-512 as the PRF used to derive nonces just as in the EdDSA specification. SHA-512 has 58k AND gates [AMM+]. The nonce derivation key is 128 bits.

  • Garbled Circuit. We can use a privacy-free garbled circuit in this context [FNO15], as the evaluator knows the entire input. In particular we can use the privacy-free variant of the Half Gates garbling scheme [ZRE15] which produces only one 128-bit ciphertext per AND gate. Each ciphertext is computed with two AES-128 invocations, and evaluated with one. The exponentiation gadget produces one 256-bit ciphertext for each output wire of the Boolean circuit. Consequently in the course of a single proof, V garbles the circuit (116k AES invocations), and P evaluates and verifies it (116k AES invocations). The bandwidth consumed is 928 KB to transmit the garbled circuit \(\tilde{C}\) and ciphertexts \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {\mathsf {ct}}}\).

  • \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\). As discussed in Sect. 7.1, a single transfer and reveal instance costs 120 AES invocations and hashing a 1.92 KB message via SHA-512 to compute, and 0.64 KB in bandwidth. A single proof here requires 128 concurrent transfers and reveals via \(\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}\), bringing the computation cost to 16k AES invocations and hashing a 245 KB message via SHA-512 for each P and V, and 81.92 KB of bandwidth consumption.

Overall Burden. In summary, P and V have roughly the same workload, dominated by 132k AES invocations and hashing a 245 KB message. Each party additionally performs up to three curve multiplications, 256 additions in \(\mathbb {Z} _q\), at little overhead. Bandwidth for (\(|\tilde{C}|+|\boldsymbol{\mathrm {\mathsf {ct}}}|+|{\mathcal {F}^*_{\mathsf {COT}}} |\)) is 1.01 MB. Given the cost breakup above, it is evident that the logistics for input encoding and exponentiation are no longer the bottleneck, and the cost of proving correctness of a derived nonce is now essentially the cost of evaluating the garbled circuit of the PRF (usually in the order of milliseconds [GLNP15, HK20]) used for nonce derivation. Our figures are derived assuming SHA-512 is used for this task as it is the same hash function used by Ed25519, however it is likely that exploring standardized ciphers with smaller circuits such as AES will lead to substantial efficiency improvements.

9 Multiparty Dishonest Majority Threshold Signing

With the most complex component of stateless deterministic threshold signing - verifiable nonce derivation - instantiated, we are equipped to construct a clean multiparty signing protocol. The outline is as follows:

  • Setup: All parties run canonical distributed key generation [Ped91] to obtain additive shares \(\textsf {sk}_i\) of a secret key \(\textsf {sk}\) (for public pk), and every pair of parties initializes an instance of \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) to commit to a nonce derivation key \(k_i\). Note that we do not explicitly enforce any consistency across parties. Each party also samples a key \(k_*\) to derive randomness online.

  • Signing m : Each party \(P_i\) derives its nonce \(R_{m,i}=\mathsf {F} _{k_i}(m)\) and sends it to all other parties. Consistency is verified by standard echo-broadcast in parallel with the next round. Every party derives its local random tape going forward by applying \(\mathsf {F} _{k^*}\) on the digest of the view from the first round, i.e. \(v=\mathsf {CRHF} (R_{m,0}||R_{m,1}||,\cdots ||R_{m,n})\). Each party \(P_i\) sets \((z _{i,j})_{j\in [n]\setminus i}=\mathsf {F} _{k^*}(j||v)\) and instructs \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) to deliver \(z _{i,j}\) to \(P_j\) only if \(R_{m,j}\) is the correct nonce. Finally each \(P_i\) sets the nonce to be \(R_m=\sum _i R_{m,i}\) and computes its signature share

    $$\sigma _i = \left( \textsf {sk}_i\cdot H(\textsf {pk},R_m,m) + r_{m,i}\right) + \sum \limits _{j\in [n]\setminus i} \left( z _{i,j} - z _{j,i}\right) $$

    and sends it to all parties. The signature is then computed as \(\sigma =\sum _i \sigma _i\).

Intuitively, \(P_i\)’s share adds the mask \(z _{i,j}\) to its contribution, and \(P_j\)’s share removes this mask by subtracting \(z _{i,j}\). Note that this is possible only if \(P_j\) obtained \(z _{i,j}\) from \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) by having sent the correct \(R_{m,j}\). Adding up all parties’ \(\sigma _i\)s cancels out the \(z \) values (if everyone is honest), and what remains is simply \(\textsf {sk}\cdot H(\textsf {pk},R_m,m)+r\) which is a valid signature on m. We give the formal functionality, and full threshold signing protocol and proof in the full version.

9.1 Efficiency

The protocol is essentially a thin wrapper on top of \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \), and consequently the cost is dominated by running \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) between every pair of parties. Every pair of parties \(P_i,P_j\) shares two instantiations of \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \), one in which \(P_i\) plays the prover and \(P_j\) the verifier, and another with the roles reversed. However by the structure of our protocol \(\pi _{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}\), instantiating \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) in both directions induces little computational overhead on top of a single instantiation: while the verifier garbles the circuit the prover sits idle, and while the prover evaluates the garbled circuit the verifier has nothing to do. This means that when \(P_i\) is working as the verifier in one instance of \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) with \(P_j\), it will be idling in its role as the prover in the other instance of \({\mathcal {F}_{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}} \) with \(P_j\), and vice versa.

For this reason, we expect a two-party instantiation of \(\pi _{n,\mathsf {Sign}}\) to run in the order of milliseconds just as a single instance of \(\pi _{\mathsf {F} \cdot \mathbb {G}}\), and bandwidth stays at roughly 1.01 MB transmitted per party. This cost is multiplied by n for an n party instantiation.