Selective opening attacks (SOA) (for public-key encryption, PKE) concern such a multi-user scenario, where an adversary adaptively corrupts some fraction of the users to break into a subset of honestly created ciphertexts, and tries to learn the information on the messages of some unopened (but potentially related) ciphertexts. Until now, the notion of selective opening attacks is only considered in two settings: sender selective opening (SSO), where part of senders are corrupted and messages together with randomness for encryption are revealed; and receiver selective opening (RSO), where part of receivers are corrupted and messages together with secret keys for decryption are revealed.
In this paper, we consider a more natural and general setting for selective opening security. In the setting, the adversary may adaptively corrupt part of senders and receivers simultaneously, and get the plaintext messages together with internal randomness for encryption and secret keys for decryption, while it is hoped that messages of uncorrupted parties remain protected. We denote it as Bi-SO security since it is reminiscent of Bi-Deniability for PKE.
We first formalize the requirement of Bi-SO security by the simulation-based (SIM) style, and prove that some practical PKE schemes achieve SIM-Bi-\(\text {SO}\)-CCA security in the random oracle model. Then, we suggest a weak model of Bi-SO security, denoted as SIM-wBi-\(\text {SO}\)-CCA security, and argue that it is still meaningful and useful. We propose a generic construction of PKE schemes that achieve SIM-wBi-\(\text {SO}\)-CCA security in the standard model and instantiate them from various standard assumptions. Our generic construction is built on a newly presented primitive, namely, universal\(_{\kappa }\) hash proof system with key equivocability, which may be of independent interest.
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- 1.
Very recently, Yang et al. [32] formalized the notion of RSO security in the multi-challenge setting. But their work only considers the receiver corruption setting.
- 2.
Note that both SIM-Bi-SO-CCA and SIM-wBi-SO\(_{k}\)-CCA security capture the security requirements in a multi-user scenario, where multiple public/secret key pairs are involved. In this setting, some global information is needed to be generated by a global algorithm Setup, as done in previous works about multi-user security, such as [1].
- 3.
The SIM-SSO-CPA security notion presented in [4] allows the adversary to query the \(\mathtt {MkRec}\) oracle multiple times.
- 4.
Both [2, Theorem 5.1] and [2, Theorem 4.1] only hold in the the auxiliary input model (i.e., in the experiments defining SIM-RSO-CPA and SIM-SSO-CPA security, both the adversary and the simulator get an auxiliary input). So do our counterexamples in this section. These counterexamples may be modified with the technique proposed in [2, Sec. 6] to drop the auxiliary inputs.
- 5.
Note that a hard SSMP is also a hard SMP, since a simple hybrid argument shows that for any PPT distinguisher \(\mathcal {D}\), \(|{\mathrm{Pr}}[\mathcal {D}({\mathsf{prm}},x_{\mathcal {X}})=1]-{\mathrm{Pr}}[\mathcal {D}({\mathsf{prm}},x_\mathcal {L})=1]|\le {\mathtt {Adv}}^{{\mathrm{HARD\hbox {-}1}}}_{{\mathsf{SSMP}}, \mathcal {D}, 1}(\lambda )+{\mathtt {Adv}}^{{\mathrm{HARD\hbox {-}2}}}_{{\mathsf{SSMP}}, \mathcal {D}, 1}(\lambda )\).
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We thank Fangguo Zhang for the helpful discussions. We appreciate the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61922036, U2001205, 61702125, 61802078, 61825203, U1736203, 61732021), Major Program of Guangdong Basic and Applied Research (Grant No. 2019B030302008), National Key Research and Development Plan of China (Grant No. 2020YFB1005600), Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Project (Grant No. 2017B010111005), and National Joint Engineering Research Center for Network Security Detection and Protection Technology.
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A Cryptographic Assumptions
A Cryptographic Assumptions
The DDH Assumption. Let \(\mathbb {G}\) be a cyclic group of prime order q with a generator g. The DDH assumption requires that it is hard to distinguish \((g^a,g^b,g^c)\) and \((g^a,g^b,g^{ab})\), where \(a,b,c {\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_q\).
The DCR Assumption. Now, we recall the Decision Composite Residuosity (DCR) assumption [30] and some useful facts about it shown in [8].
Let \(p,q,p',q'\) be primes such that \(p=2p'+1\) and \(q=2q'+1\). Let \(N=pq\) and \(N'=p'q'\). Then the group \(\mathbb {Z}^*_{N^2}\) can be decomposed as the direct product \(\mathbb {G}_N \cdot \mathbb {G}_{N'} \cdot \mathbb {G}_2 \cdot \mathbb {T}\), where \(\mathbb {G}_{N'}\) and \(\mathbb {G}_2\) are cyclic groups of order \(N'\) and order 2 respectively; \(\mathbb {G}_N\) is a cyclic group of order N generated by \(\xi =(1+N) \mod N^2\); and \(\mathbb {T}\) is the order-2 subgroup of \(\mathbb {Z}^*_{N^2}\) generated by \((-1 \mod N^2)\). Note that \(\xi ^a = (1+aN) \mod N^2\) for \(a\in \{0,1,\cdots ,N\}\).
The DCR assumption requires that it is hard to distinguish a random element in \(\mathbb {Z}^*_{N^2}\) and a random element in \(\mathbb {G}_{N'} \cdot \mathbb {G}_2 \cdot \mathbb {T}\).
Next, define \(\mathbb {X}=\mathbb {G}_N \cdot \mathbb {G}_{N'} \cdot \mathbb {T}\). The set \(\mathbb {X}\) is an efficiently samplable and explainable domain, where the sample algorithm and the explain algorithm work as follows:
Sample: The sample algorithm proceeds as follows:
For \(i\in [1,160]\):
\(x{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{N^2}\)
If the Jacobi symbol \((\frac{x}{N}) = 1\): output x.
Output \(\perp \).
Explain: on input an element \(x \in \mathbb {X}\), the explain algorithm proceeds as follows:
Set \(\mathsf {r}\) to be an empty string.
For \(i\in [1,160]\):
Sample \(b{\leftarrow }\{0,1\}\).
If \(b=1\), append x to \(\mathsf {r}\) and outputs \(\mathsf {r}\).
Otherwise, sample an element \(x'{\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_{N^2}\) s.t. the Jacobi symbol \((\frac{x'}{N})=-1\) and append \(x'\) to \(\mathsf {r}\).
Output \(\perp \).
Note that as \(\frac{|\mathbb {X} |}{|\mathbb {Z}^*_{N^2} |}=1/2\), the expected repetition in the sample algorithm is about 2 and the probability that the sample algorithm outputs \(\perp \) is \(\frac{1}{2^{160}}\), which is negligible. Also, it is easy to see the probability that the explain algorithm outputs \(\perp \) is also \(\frac{1}{2^{160}}\), which is negligible.
Also, define \(\chi : \mathbb {Z}_{N^2} \rightarrow \mathbb {Z}_N\) as \(\chi (a)=\lfloor a/N \rfloor \). For any fixed \(x\in \mathbb {X}\), \(\chi (x \xi ^c)\) is uniform in \(\mathbb {Z}_N\) if \(c {\leftarrow }\mathbb {Z}_N\).
Finally, define \(\mathbb {L}=\mathbb {G}_{N'} \cdot \mathbb {T}\). It is easy to create a generator g for \(\mathbb {L}\) by first sampling a random element \(\mu \in \mathbb {Z}^*_{N^2}\) and then computing \(g=-\mu ^{2N}\). Besides, the DCR assumption implies that a random element in \(\mathbb {X}\) is computationally indistinguishable from a random element in \(\mathbb {L}\).
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Lai, J., Yang, R., Huang, Z., Weng, J. (2021). Simulation-Based Bi-Selective Opening Security for Public Key Encryption. In: Tibouchi, M., Wang, H. (eds) Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2021. ASIACRYPT 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13091. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92075-3_16
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92075-3_16
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-92074-6
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-92075-3
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