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Co-clustering for Fair Recommendation

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2021)


Collaborative filtering relies on a sparse rating matrix, where each user rates a few products, to propose recommendations. The approach consists of approximating the sparse rating matrix with a simple model whose regularities allow to fill in the missing entries. The latent block model is a generative co-clustering model that can provide such an approximation. In this paper, we show that exogenous sensitive attributes can be incorporated in this model to make fair recommendations. Since users are only characterized by their ratings and their sensitive attribute, fairness is measured here by a parity criterion. We propose a definition of fairness specific to recommender systems, requiring item rankings to be independent of the users’ sensitive attribute. We show that our model ensures approximately fair recommendations provided that the classification of users approximately respects statistical parity.

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Co-clustering for Fair Recommendation. Supplementary Material

A Computation of the Variational Log-Likelihood Criterion

The criterion we want to optimize is:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {J}{\left( q_{\gamma }, \theta \right) } = \mathcal {H}(q_{\gamma }) + \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{R}, \boldsymbol{U}, \boldsymbol{V}, \boldsymbol{A}, \boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C}; \theta \right) }\right] . \end{aligned}$$

We chose to restrict the space of the variational distribution \(q_{\gamma }\) in order to get a fully factorized form:

$$\begin{aligned} q_{\gamma }&=\textstyle \prod _{i=1}^{{n_1}}{\mathcal {M}{\left( 1;\tau ^{\left( U\right) }_i\right) }}\;\times \;\; \prod _{j=1}^{{n_2}}{\mathcal {M}{\left( 1;\tau ^{\left( V\right) }_j\right) }} \\&\textstyle \quad \times \prod _{i=1}^{{n_1}}{\mathcal {N}{\left( \nu ^{\left( A\right) }_i,\rho ^{\left( A\right) }_i\right) }}\times \prod _{j=1}^{{n_2}}{\mathcal {N}{\left( \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_j,\rho ^{\left( B\right) }_j\right) }} \nonumber \\ {}&\quad \times \textstyle \prod _{j=1}^{{n_2}}{\mathcal {N}{\left( \nu ^{\left( C\right) }_j,\rho ^{\left( C\right) }_j\right) }}\nonumber \end{aligned}$$

where \(\gamma \) denotes the parameters concatenation of the variational distributionFootnote 2 \(q_{\gamma }\). The entropy is additive across independant variables so we get:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }\right) }= \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{U}\right) }\right) } + \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{V}\right) }\right) } + \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{A}\right) }\right) } + \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{B}\right) }\right) } + \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{C}\right) }\right) } , \end{aligned}$$

with the following terms:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{U}\right) }\right) }&= - \sum _{iq}{ \tau ^{\left( U\right) }_{iq} \log \tau ^{\left( U\right) }_{iq}} \\ \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{V}\right) }\right) }&= - \sum _{jl}{ \tau ^{\left( U\right) }_{jl} \log \tau ^{\left( V\right) }_{jl}} \\ \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{A}\right) }\right) }&= \frac{1}{2} \sum _{i}\log \rho ^{\left( A\right) }_i+ \frac{{n_1}}{2}{\left( \log 2\pi +1\right) } \\ \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{B}\right) }\right) }&= \frac{1}{2} \sum _{j}\log \rho ^{\left( B\right) }_j+ \frac{{n_2}}{2}{\left( \log 2\pi +1\right) } \\ \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{C}\right) }\right) }&= \frac{1}{2} \sum _{j}\log \rho ^{\left( C\right) }_j+ \frac{{n_2}}{2}{\left( \log 2\pi +1\right) } \\ \end{aligned}$$

The independence of the latent variables allows to rewrite the expectation of the complete log-likelihood as:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{R}, \boldsymbol{U}, \boldsymbol{V}, \boldsymbol{A}, \boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C}\right) }\right] } =\;&\mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{U}\right) }\right] } + \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{V}\right) }\right] }\\&+ \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{A}\right) }\right] } + \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{B}\right) }\right] } + \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{C}\right) }\right] }\\&+ \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \left. \boldsymbol{R}\right| \boldsymbol{U}, \boldsymbol{V}, \boldsymbol{A}, \boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C}\right) }\right] } , \end{aligned}$$

with the following terms:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{U}\right) }&= \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} {\left[ \sum _{iq}{U_{iq} \log \alpha _q}\right] } = \sum _{iq} { \tau ^{\left( U\right) }_{iq} \log \alpha _q} \\ \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{V}\right) }&= \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} {\left[ \sum _{jl}{V_{jl} \log \beta _l}\right] } = \sum _{jl} { \tau ^{\left( V\right) }_{jl} \log \beta _l}\\ \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{A}\right) }&= - \frac{{n_1}}{2} \log 2\pi - \frac{{n_1}}{2} \log \sigma ^2_{A}- \frac{1}{2\sigma ^2_{A}} \sum _{i}{\mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}A_i^2} \\&= - \frac{{n_1}}{2} \log 2\pi - \frac{{n_1}}{2} \log \sigma ^2_{A}- \frac{1}{2\sigma ^2_{A}} \sum _{i}{\left( {\left( \nu ^{\left( A\right) }_i\right) }^2 + \rho ^{\left( A\right) }_i\right) } \\ \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{B}\right) }&= - \frac{{n_2}}{2} \log 2\pi - \frac{{n_2}}{2} \log \sigma ^2_{B}- \frac{1}{2\sigma ^2_{B}} \sum _{i}{\left( {\left( \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_i\right) }^2 + \rho ^{\left( B\right) }_i\right) } \\ \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{C}\right) }&= - \frac{{n_2}}{2} \log 2\pi - \frac{{n_2}}{2} \log \sigma ^2_{C}- \frac{1}{2\sigma ^2_{C}} \sum _{j}{\left( {\left( \nu ^{\left( C\right) }_j\right) }^2 + \rho ^{\left( C\right) }_j\right) }\\ \end{aligned}$$

and as the entries of the data matrix \(\boldsymbol{R}\) are independent and identically distributed:

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}{\left( \left. \boldsymbol{R}\right| \boldsymbol{A}, \boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C}, \boldsymbol{U}, \boldsymbol{V}\right) } = \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}{\left( \left. \boldsymbol{R}^{(\text {o})}\right| \boldsymbol{A}, \boldsymbol{B}, \boldsymbol{C}, \boldsymbol{U}, \boldsymbol{V}\right) } + \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{R}^{{\left( \lnot o\right) }}\right) } \end{aligned}$$

where \(\boldsymbol{R}^{(\text {o})}\) denotes the set of observed ratings and \(\boldsymbol{R}^{{\left( \lnot o\right) }}\), the set of non-observed ratings, where \(R_{ij}=\text {NA}\). From Eq. S3, it becomes clear that maximizing \(\mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }} \mathcal {L}(\boldsymbol{R}^{(\lnot o)})\) is not necessary to infer the model parameters used for prediction and therefore ignoring the non-observed data is correct. The expectation of the conditional log-likelihood (first term of right side of Eq. S3) is numerically estimated by sampling from \(q_{\gamma }\).

Stochastic Gradient Optimization. To optimize the criterion with stochastic gradient descent, we express the variational log-likelihood criterion on a single rating:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {J}{\left( R_{ij};q_{\gamma }, \theta \right) }&= \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \left. R^{(\text {o})}_{ij}\right| \boldsymbol{U}_i, \boldsymbol{V}_j, A_i, B_j, C_j\right) }\right] } \\&\quad +\frac{1}{{n_2}}{\left( \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{U}_i\right) }\right) } +\mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( A_i\right) }\right) } +\mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{U}_i\right) }\right] } + \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( A_i\right) }\right] } \right) } \\&\quad + \frac{1}{{n_2}} {\left( \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( \boldsymbol{V}_j\right) }\right) } +\mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( B_j\right) }\right) } + \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( \boldsymbol{V}_j\right) }\right] } +\mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( B_j\right) }\right] } \right) } \\&\quad + \frac{1}{{n_2}} {\left( \mathcal {H}{\left( q_{\gamma }{\left( C_j\right) }\right) } + \mathbb {E}_{q_{\gamma }}{\left[ \mathcal {L}{\left( C_j\right) }\right] } \right) } \end{aligned}$$

A batch of data, \(\boldsymbol{R}_{(i:i+n),(j:j+n)}\), consists of a \((n\times n)\) sub-matrix randomly sampled from the original matrix \(\boldsymbol{R}\).

B Clustering \(\varepsilon \)-parity and \(\varepsilon \)-fair Recommendation for Arbitrary Discrete Sensitive Attribute

Definition S1

(Clustering \(\varepsilon \)-parity, arbitrary discrete sensitive attribute). The clustering of users is said to respect \(\varepsilon \)-parity with respect to the discrete attribute \(s\in {\mathcal S}\) iff:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall (t,t') \in {\mathcal S}^2,\ \forall q,\left|\frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge u_{iq} = 1\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge u_{iq} = 1\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|\le \varepsilon , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varepsilon \in \mathbb {R}_+\) measures the gap to exact parity, \(u_{iq}\) is the (hard) membership of user \(i\) to cluster \(q\),and \(\#\left\{ i|\varOmega \right\} \) is the number of users defined by the cardinality of the set \(\varOmega \).

Definition S2

(\(\varepsilon \)-fair recommendation, arbitrary discrete sensitive attribute). A recommender system is said to be \(\varepsilon \)-fair with respect to the dicrete attribute \(s\in {\mathcal S}\) if for any two items \(j\) and \(j'\):

$$\begin{aligned} \forall (t,t') \in {\mathcal S}^2,\left|\frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge (\hat{R}_{ij}>\hat{R}_{ij'})\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge (\hat{R}_{ij}>\hat{R}_{ij'})\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|\le \varepsilon , \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varepsilon \in \mathbb {R}_+\) measures the gap to exact fairness

C Proof of Theorem 1

Theorem 1

(Fair recommendation from clustering parity). If the clustering of users in \({k_1}\) groups respects \(\varepsilon \)-parity (Definition 3 or Definition S1) then the recommender system relying on the relevance score defined in Eq. (7) is \(({k_1}\varepsilon )\)-fair (Definition 1 or Definition S2).


Suppose that \(\boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( U\right) }\), the maximum a posteriori of \(\boldsymbol{U}\), is a binary matrix; \(\boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( U\right) }\) is thus a \({n_1}\times {k_1}\) indicator matrix of row classes membership. Then, given user \(i\), item \(j\) is said to be preferred to item \(j'\) if \(\hat{R}_{ij} > \hat{R}_{ij'}\), that is:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{R}_{ij}> \hat{R}_{ij'}&\iff \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( U\right) }_{i}\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu }}{\boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( V\right) }_{{j}}}^T + \nu ^{\left( A\right) }_i+ \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_{j}> \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( U\right) }_{i}\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu }}{\boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( V\right) }_{{j'}}}^T + \nu ^{\left( A\right) }_i+ \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_{j'} \nonumber \\&\iff \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( U\right) }_i\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu }} {\left( \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( V\right) }_{j} - \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( V\right) }_{j'}\right) }^T> \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_{j'} - \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_{j} \nonumber \\&\iff \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( U\right) }_i\boldsymbol{a}> b\nonumber \\&\iff \boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}} > b , \end{aligned}$$

with \(\boldsymbol{a} \in \mathbb {R}^{{k_1}}\) defined by \(\boldsymbol{a}=\hat{\boldsymbol{\mu }} {\left( \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( V\right) }_{j} - \boldsymbol{\tau }^{\left( V\right) }_{j'}\right) }^T\), \(b \in \mathbb {R}\) defined by \(b = \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_{j'} - \nu ^{\left( B\right) }_{j}\) and \(d_{i}\in \{1,\cdots ,{k_1}\}\) being the group indicator of user \(i\): \(\tau ^{\left( U\right) }_{i, d_{i}} = 1\).

Suppose \(\varepsilon \)-parity, from Definition S1 (Definition 3 is a particular case of Definition S1), we have

$$\begin{aligned}&\forall (t,t'),\qquad \forall q,\quad \left|\frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|\le \varepsilon \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&\forall (t,t'),\;\forall q,\;\left|\mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b} \frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b}\frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|\le \varepsilon \mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}} > b} \end{aligned}$$

By summing over all groups, we get:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall (t,t'),\;\sum _q\left|\frac{\mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b} \#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \frac{\mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b} \#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|\!\le \! \varepsilon \sum _q\mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}} > b} \end{aligned}$$

and from the triangular inequality,

$$\begin{aligned} \forall (t,t'), \left|\frac{\sum _q\mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b} \#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \frac{\sum _q\mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b} \#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge d_{i}= q\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|&\le \varepsilon \sum _q\mathbbm {1}_{\boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b} \\ \forall (t,t'), \qquad \qquad \left|\frac{ \#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge \boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}}> b\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \frac{ \#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge \boldsymbol{a}_{d_{i}} > b\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|&\le \varepsilon {k_1}\\ \end{aligned}$$

And, applying (S6), the result is obtained:

$$\begin{aligned} \forall (t,t'),\quad \left|\frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\wedge (\hat{R}_{ij}>\hat{R}_{ij'})\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t\right\} } - \frac{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\wedge (\hat{R}_{ij}>\hat{R}_{ij'})\right\} }{\#\left\{ i|s_i= t'\right\} } \right|&\le \varepsilon {k_1}\end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

D Supplemental Results for MovieLens 1M

1.1 D.1 Gender as Sensitive Attribute

Supplemental Analysis of the Model. We list in Tables 2 and 3 the most extreme movies according to the inferred value of their latent variable \(C_j\). Variable \(C_j\) encodes the difference in opinion between the sensitive groups, not the overall opinion. For example, a movie may well be liked by most people but liked even more by males. Table 2 lists movies for which females have a better opinion than males and Table 3 lists movies for which males have a better opinion than females.

Table 2. List of movies with the largest gap in opinion between females and males for which females have a better opinion than males

Higher Number of Groups. We did not optimize the hyper-parameters of the compared models. We present here additional experiments to illustrate that the conclusions of Sect. 4 apply to different hyper-parameter settings. Using a substantially larger number of groups (\({k_1}=50\) user groups and \({k_2}=50\) item groups) or a larger dimension of latent factors for SVD (also 50), the statistical gender parity measures given in Table 4 and the recommendation performance given in Fig. 7 are qualitatively similar to the ones given in Table 1 and Fig. 5.

Table 3. List of movies with the largest gap in opinion between females and males for which males have a better opinion than females
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain estimated on MovieLens-1M with \({k_1}={k_2}=50\) groups for clustering methods and 50 factors for the SVD.

Table 4. Measures of gender statistical parity. The number of user groups is \({k_1}=50\). The \(\chi ^2\) statistic (with 49 degrees of freedom) is averaged over the five replicates of the experiment. A high value of the \(\chi ^2\) statistic (or a low p-value) leads to the rejection of the statistical parity hypothesis.

1.2 D.2 Age as Sensitive Attribute

The age range of the users is indicated within the following intervals: ‘Under 18’,‘18–24’, ‘25–34’, ‘35–44’, ‘45–49’, ‘50–55’ and ‘56+’. The counts of users in each age category is displayed in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Count of users in each age category.

User age is treated as sensitive: we introduce seven binary sensitive attributes \(s_i\) encoding for the seven categories of user age. We use a one-hot encoding of the seven categories of user age and introduce for the purpose seven binary sensitive attributes \(s^{1}_i, \cdots , s^{7}_i\) and their item associated latent variables \(C^{1}_j, \cdots , C^{7}_j\). We use the protocol described in Sect. 4 with the exception that our Parity-LBM is initialized from estimates obtained with the Standard-LBM. Table 5 presents results of the \(\chi ^2\) statistics constructed from the contingency table of user age counts in each group. The methods that do not consider the sensitive variable in the modelling create groups that are dependent on the age and assuming the statistical parity with our Parity-LBM model is reasonable.

Table 5. Measures of statistical parity with respect to age category. The number of group of users is \({k_1}=15\). A high value of the \(\chi ^2\) statistic (or a low p-value) leads to the rejection of the statistical parity hypothesis. The \(\chi ^2\) statistic is averaged on the five folds of the cross-validation. Degrees of freedom is 14.

Finally, we illustrate the interpretability of the estimates of the latent variables \(C^{1}_j, \cdots ,C^{7}_j\) related to movies. For each age category k, we select the thirty movies with the largest value of the latent variables \(C^{k}_j\). These movies have the largest positive opinion bias for users in the given age category. Figure 9 displays a boxplot of the release years of these films for all user age categories. The greater variability in the distribution for older users means that they have a comparatively higher opinion of older movies than younger users. If user age were the sensitive attribute, the recommendations would not account for these differences.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Release years of the thirty most extreme movies according to the inferred positive value of the latent variables \(C^{1}_j, \cdots , C^{7}_j\). Each latent variable \(C^{k}_j\) is matched with its corresponding user age category.

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Frisch, G., Leger, JB., Grandvalet, Y. (2021). Co-clustering for Fair Recommendation. In: Kamp, M., et al. Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ECML PKDD 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1524. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-93735-5

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-93736-2

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