Syncing the latest state of a blockchain can be a resource-intensive task, driving (especially mobile) end users towards centralized services offering instant access. To expand full decentralized access to anyone with a mobile phone, we introduce a consensus-agnostic compiler for constructing ultralight clients, providing secure and highly efficient blockchain syncing via a sequence of SNARK-based state transition proofs, and prove its security formally. Instantiating this, we present Plumo, an ultralight client for the Celo blockchain capable of syncing the latest network state summary in just a few seconds even on a low-end mobile phone. In Plumo, each transition proof covers four months of blockchain history and can be produced for just $25 USD of compute. Plumo achieves this level of efficiency thanks to two new SNARK-friendly constructions, which may also be of independent interest: a new BLS-based offline aggregate multisignature scheme in which signers do not have to know the members of their multisignature group in advance, and a new composite algebraic-symmetric cryptographic hash function.
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- 1.
The NIPowPow protocol of Kiayias et al. is forced to revert to the SPV light client protocol in the presence of bribing and selfish mining attacks.
- 2.
MNT4-753/MNT6-753 is the most efficient known pairing-friendly cycle at 128-bits security. Evidence suggests the nonexistence of significantly better options [19].
- 3.
- 4.
E.g., non-interactive multisignatures, used often in BFT consensus and multisignature wallets, are only possible with pairings; for consensus naive \(O(n^2)\) communication can be avoided with CoSi [29], but higher latency persists, and multisignature wallet spends would require participants to all be online concurrently. Pairing-based cryptography will also power Celo’s forthcoming ARKE private contact discovery system (see https://celo.org/papers/future-of-digital-currencies).
- 5.
We believe the estimates of subsequent work [18] for a transition-based UC proving full consensus of a barebones Bitcoin network to be off by an order of magnitude even assuming a circuit an order of magnitude greater than \(\textsc {Plumo} \)’s (which required coordinating a historically large \(2^{28}\) powers-of-\(\tau \) trusted setup ceremony), and hashing with SNARK-optimized Poseidon [25]. Such circumstances would allow proofs to cover about a week, but Flyclient would offer much faster verifier time with only slightly larger proofs given the relative costs of SNARK verification and hashing.
- 6.
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- 7.
Our PoS election occasionally elects \(n{<}100\) committee members. Rather than compute \(\lceil 2n/3 \rceil {+}1\) in the circuit, we piggyback on our SA, including it in the epoch message.
- 8.
A benign distribution supplies negligible advantage to any adversary against any construction (e.g., the uniform distribution is conjectured benign [7]).
- 9.
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Vesely, P. et al. (2022). Plumo: An Ultralight Blockchain Client. In: Eyal, I., Garay, J. (eds) Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13411. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18283-9_30
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18283-9_30
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-18282-2
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-18283-9
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)