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Scalable and Transparent Proofs over All Large Fields, via Elliptic Curves


  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Theory of Cryptography (TCC 2022)


Concretely efficient interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) are of interest due to their applications to scaling blockchains, their minimal security assumptions, and their potential future-proof resistance to quantum attacks.

Scalable IOPs, in which prover time scales quasilinearly with the computation size and verifier time scales poly-logarithmically with it, have been known to exist thus far only over a set of finite fields of negligible density, namely, over “FFT-friendly” fields that contain a sub-group of size \(2^\mathsf{{k}} \).

Our main result is to show that scalable IOPs can be constructed over any sufficiently large finite field, of size that is at least quadratic in the length of computation whose integrity is proved by the IOP. This result has practical applications as well, because it reduces the proving and verification complexity of cryptographic statements that are naturally stated over pre-defined finite fields which are not “FFT-friendly”. Prior state-of-the-art scalable IOPs relied heavily on arithmetization via univariate polynomials and Reed–Solomon codes over FFT-friendly fields. To prove our main result and extend scalability to all large finite fields, we generalize the prior techniques and use new algebraic geometry codes evaluated on sub-groups of elliptic curves (elliptic curve codes). We also show a new arithmetization scheme that uses the rich and well-understood group structure of elliptic curves to reduce statements of computational integrity to other statements about the proximity of functions evaluated on the elliptic curve to the new family of elliptic curve codes.

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  1. 1.

    A proof system is transparent when all verifier messages are public random coins; such systems are also called Arthur Merlin protocols.

  2. 2.

    Unless mentioned otherwise, throughout the paper running time is measured in number of field operations, i.e., we assign unit cost to arithmetic operations over the finite field.

  3. 3.

    More generally, scalable PCPs and IOPs can be constructed over any \(\mathbb {F}\) which has a sub-group of size that is a product of small primes, but prover and verifier running time increase as the prime factors increase in number and size. For simplicity we stick to interpreting an FFT-friendly field as one containing a multiplicative subgroup of size \(2^\mathsf{{k}} \).

  4. 4.

    The proving and verifying procedures depend on \(O(\mathsf{{T}} \log q)\) bits of advice that depend only on \(|\mathbb {F}|\) and \(\mathsf{{T}} \) – furthermore, this advice can be generated by a randomized algorithm in time \(O(\mathsf{{T}} {\text {polylog}}(\mathsf{{T}} \cdot q))\) with high probability.

  5. 5.

    The rate parameter, defined as the ratio between a code’s dimension and its blocklength, can be picked to be any constant \(\rho <1\), and affects the soundness error and proximity parameters; see [8] for state of the art soundness bounds as a function of rate.

  6. 6.

    The need for cyclic subgroups of size \(2^\mathsf{{k}} \), as opposed to general subgroups of size \(2^\mathsf{{k}} \), of elliptic curve groups is new to this paper in comparison to [9]. The cyclicity is essential for arithmetization.

  7. 7.

    Arithmetization in the context of such SNARKs has as its output a system of R1CS constraints defined over an elliptic curve subgroup of prime order p that has small constant embedding degree.

  8. 8.

    An AIR can also be defined using Hamiltonian paths in affine graphs, but restricting to cyclic groups suffices for \(\mathsf{{NEXP}} \)-completeness, see [7].

  9. 9.

    To be precise, we work with a suitable Riemann–Roch space.

  10. 10.

    Some optimizations from [49], which are important for practical considerations and could also be done here, are omitted for clarity.


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Ben–Sasson, E., Carmon, D., Kopparty, S., Levit, D. (2022). Scalable and Transparent Proofs over All Large Fields, via Elliptic Curves. In: Kiltz, E., Vaikuntanathan, V. (eds) Theory of Cryptography. TCC 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13747. Springer, Cham.

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