Active inference proposes a unifying principle for perception and action as jointly minimizing the free energy of an agent’s internal world model. In the active inference literature, world models are typically pre-specified or learned through interacting with an environment. This paper explores the possibility of learning world models of active inference agents from recorded demonstrations, with an application to human driving behavior modeling. The results show that the presented method can create models that generate human-like driving behavior but the approach is sensitive to input features.
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Support for this research was provided in part by grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers Program to the Safety through Disruption University Transportation Center (451453-19C36), the U.S. Army Research Office (W911NF2210213), and the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/S005056/1). The role of the Waymo employees in the project is solely consulting including making suggestions and helping set the technical direction.
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A Appendix
A Appendix
1.1 A.1 Dataset
We used the INTERACTION dataset [32], a publicly available naturalistic driving dataset recorded with drone footage of fixed road segments, to fit a model of highway car-following behavior. Each recording in the dataset consists of the positions, velocities, and headings of all vehicles in the road segment at a sampling frequency 10 Hz. Specifically, we used a subset of the dataFootnote 1 due to the abundance of car-following trajectories and relatively complex road geometry with road curvature and merging lanes. We defined car-following as the trajectory segments from the initial appearance of a vehicle to either an ego lane-change or the disappearance of the lead vehicle. Reducing the dataset using this definition resulted in a total of 1027 car-following trajectories with an average duration of 13 s and standard deviation of 8.7 s. We obtained driver control actions (i.e., longitudinal and lateral accelerations) by taking the derivative of the velocities of each trajectory. We then created a set of held-out trajectories for testing purposes by first categorizing all trajectories into four clusters based on their kinematic profiles using UMAP [19] and sampled 15% of the trajectories from each cluster.
1.2 A.2 Behavior Cloning Agent
The behavior cloning agents consist of a recurrent neural network with a single gated recurrent unit (GRU) layer and a feed-forward neural network. The GRU layer compresses the observation history into a fixed size vector, which is decoded by the feed-forward network into a continuous action distribution model by a multivariate Gaussian distribution. To make the BC agents comparable to the active inference agents, the GRU has 64 hidden units and 30 output units and the feed-forward network has 30 input units, 2 hidden layers with 64 hidden units, and SiLU activation function. We used the same observation vector as input to the BC agents as to the active inference agents.
1.3 A.3 Sample Path
Example sample paths generated by the agents with and without the two-point observation model.
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Wei, R. et al. (2023). World Model Learning from Demonstrations with Active Inference: Application to Driving Behavior. In: Buckley, C.L., et al. Active Inference. IWAI 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1721. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28719-0_9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28719-0_9
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-28718-3
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-28719-0
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)