Re-randomizable Replayable CCA-secure public key encryption (Rand-RCCA PKE) schemes guarantee security against chosen-ciphertext attacks while ensuring the useful property of re-randomizable ciphertexts. We introduce the notion of multi-user and multi-ciphertext Rand-RCCA PKE and we give the first construction of such a PKE scheme with an almost tight security reduction to a standard assumption. Our construction is structure preserving and can be instantiated over Type-1 pairing groups. Technically, our work borrows ideas from the state-of-the-art Rand-RCCA PKE scheme of Faonio et al. (ASIACRYPT’19) and the adaptive partitioning technique of Hofheinz (EUROCRYPT’17). Additionally, we show (1) how to turn our scheme into a publicly verifiable (pv) Rand-RCCA scheme and (2) that plugging our pv-Rand-RCCA PKE scheme into the MixNet protocol of Faonio et al. we can obtain the first almost tightly-secure MixNet protocol.
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As most of the tightly-secure schemes, the security reduction suffers from a small multiplicative loss that is however independent of the number of uses of the scheme.
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In [7], the IND-RCCA notion implies the UC-RCCA notion with a loss of security that is proportional to the running time of the environment.
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We rely on the self-reducibility of the MDDH assumption: in particular, we can generate m different matrices \(\boldsymbol{\textbf{D}}_j\) (one for each user) from one single challenge of the (many-fold) MDDH-assumption and adapt accordingly the ciphertexts, namely, by mapping the ciphertext for the j-th user through the same linear transformation that maps the MDDH-challenge matrix to the matrix \(\boldsymbol{\textbf{D}}_j\).
- 5.
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Faonio, A., Hofheinz, D., Russo, L. (2023). Almost Tightly-Secure Re-randomizable and Replayable CCA-Secure Public Key Encryption. In: Boldyreva, A., Kolesnikov, V. (eds) Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2023. PKC 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13941. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-31371-4_10
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-31371-4_10
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
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Online ISBN: 978-3-031-31371-4
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