There are few studies on how to attract and satisfy users, despite the fact that short video attracts users worldwide. Gamification is a popular form of auxiliary design that makes a product more appealing and functional. Existing research on gamification focuses primarily on fundamental research and education. This study divides gamification into three dimensions and classifies gamification elements in short videos to examine the relationship between gamification and user satisfaction. Simultaneously, the questionnaire based on the KANO model (nā=ā221) quantitatively categorizes gamification elements into different quality categories and provides a user satisfaction score to quantify the relationship between gamification elements and user satisfaction, demonstrating that gamification applications with different dimensions have different effects on user satisfaction.
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Appendix 1 Classification of Gamification Elements in Short Videos
Short video application | Gamification dimension | Gamification element | Other terms | Component | Detailed content |
Douyin;Xiaohongshu;Kuaishou;Pinduoduo (Duoduo Video) | Building Elements (They are core elements of the gamification concept and are used by system developers and designers as building blocks for implementing information systems) | points | Eperience Points, Loyalty Points, Reputation Points, Scores, Credits, Currencies | Studio; Video page; Homepage | Reward gift points; live broadcast points (game live room win or lose quiz); number of likes; number of comments; number of favorites; number of reposts; number of fans; number of plays; visitors |
Douyin; Xiaohongshu | badges | Trophies, Medals, Stamps, Icons | Studio | Rank 1 Badge; Gift Value Badge; Little Sweet Potato (Xiaohongshu user) level | |
Douyin; Kuaishou; Weishi | Feedback | Audible Feedback | video page | Douyin BGM; Big data information collection and feedback (personalized recommendation) | |
Xiaohongshu; Douyin | Time pressure | Deadline, Time Banking, Time Limit, Time Constraints | video page | Time-limited activities; Chinese New Year watching Tik Tok swiping red envelopes | |
Douyin; Weibo; Duoduo Video | leaderboard | Ranking, High-Score Tables, Score Boards, Badge Board, Line Chart | Studio; search page; | Likes and gift rankings; hot search list; hot sale list | |
Douyin; Xiaohongshu; Duoduo Video; bilibili | Progress bar | Progress, Performance Graph, Performance Stars, Progress Notification | Studio; video page; Short Video Homepage | PK bar; video duration progress bar; double speed; watching video withdrawal progress | |
Douyin; Kuaishou; | Level | User level, progression | Studio | fandom level; creator level; creators | |
Xiaohongshu; Douyin; Kuaishou; Weishi; Duoduo Video | task | missions, quests, assignments, goals | Reporting information; event lottery; task activities; check-in | There are rewards for completing certain reporting tasks; task center; creator tasks; event check-in tasks; invitation tasks; red envelopes | |
Douyin; Xiaohongshu | virtual goods | Virtual gifts | Studio | virtual gift | |
Douyin; Weibo; Weishi | avatar | Roles; Virtual Character; Character; User Profile | Homepage Video; Homepage Information; Studio; Comment Area | Video page avatar;homepage avatar;live room avatar;comment area avatar | |
narratives | Meaningful stories | video page | Video interactive narrative communication; | ||
Douyin;Weibo; Xiaohongshu | reminder | History;progression,time line | Year-end summary | ||
Douyin; Kuaishou; Xiaohongshu; bilibili; Pinduoduo(Duoduo Video); Weishi | social contact | Studio;News page;chat page; comment area; sharing page;Douyin Zizai dynamics | Interactive chat with the anchor in the live broadcast room; @; new friends; notifications; cartoon stickers on the chat page; exchange views with bloggers/other netizens in the comment area; page sharing; pop-up questions and interactions; user avatars; user dynamic sharing; video/voice chat | ||
Kuaishou; Duoduo Video | Collection system | Badge System, Point System, List of Medals, Point Grading System | watch video credits | ||
Douyin;Kuaishou;Pinduoduo(Duoduo Video); | Dynamics (Impact of build elements on subjective user experience over time) Describe how users using gamification concepts experience building elements. This experience depends on how the system developer or designer designs the structural elements according to their different characteristics | Reward | Encourage; motivate; prize; something that rewards someone for doing something | Studio;Duoduo Video | Watch the live broadcast of the game to get live broadcast points; lottery/lucky bag/red envelope; watch the video to get cash |
Douyin; Xiaohongshu | Cooperation | Collaboration, Team, Team Building, (Social Networking Features) | Studio photo page | fan group cooperative shooting | |
Douyin; Kuaishou | Competition | Studio | Anchor gift PK | ||
Douyin; WeChat video number; Weishi | Challenge | Studio | Apply for connection and mic; activity challenge; theme challenge; can receive welfare rewards; encourage users to create original shares | ||
Douyin; Kuaishou; | Motivational elements (Describe the user's motivation and/or their emotional response and user reaction to the build) | Social facilitation | message page; account page | Join the Douyin community maintainer; report user information. Remind the user to reduce the volume; watch for a long time, remind the user to take a break | |
Douyin; Kuaishou; Xiaohongshu | Ownership | personal account | My favorite works; my works; my favorite works | ||
Xiaohongshu; Douyin; | Achievement | Backpack; Creator Hub | |||
self- expression | photo page | special effects and props | |||
Douyin | altruism | Studio | Reward (for public welfare) |
Appendix 2 Questionnaire
Hello! We are graduate students from the School of Design and Art of Hunan University. We are conducting a questionnaire survey on user satisfaction of gamification elements in short video applications. The questionnaire consists of 13 questions and takes about 3 min. Your data will be kept strictly confidential for internal research only.
Short video: refers to video content played on various new media platforms, suitable for watching in mobile state and short-term leisure state, and pushed by high frequency, ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. Common short video applications are Douyin, Kuaishou, Volcano short video, Tencent Weishi and so on.
If you have used short video applications or browsed short video related content on the Internet, please continue reading.
Gamification is defined as āthe use of game design elements in non-gamified scenariosā. It is designed to improve user satisfaction, and common gamification elements include challenges, quests, achievements, rewards, leaderboards, and so on.

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Li, H., Zhang, J., Tang, Q., Tan, W. (2023). Research on User Satisfaction of Gamification Elements in Short Video Applications: A Comprehensive Method Based on Kano Model. In: Rau, PL.P. (eds) Cross-Cultural Design. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14023. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35939-2_5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35939-2_5
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-35938-5
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-35939-2
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)