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Explainability in Practice: Estimating Electrification Rates from Mobile Phone Data in Senegal

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI 2023)


Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) provides explanations for not interpretable machine learning (ML) models. While many technical approaches exist, there is a lack of validation of these techniques on real-world datasets. In this work, we present a use-case of XAI: an ML model which is trained to estimate electrification rates based on mobile phone data in Senegal. The data originate from the Data for Development challenge by Orange in 2014/15. We apply two model-agnostic, local explanation techniques and find that while the model can be verified, it is biased with respect to the population density. We conclude our paper by pointing to the two main challenges we encountered during our work: data processing and model design that might be restricted by currently available XAI methods, and the importance of domain knowledge to interpret explanations.

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Thanks to Salvatore Ruggieri and Franco Turini. This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (grant agreement number 860630) for the project “NoBIAS - Artificial Intelligence without Bias” ( This work reflects only the authors’ views and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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Laura State: conceptualization, data processing and experiments, paper draft, writing and editing Hadrien Salat: data preparation, paper co-writing and editing Stefania Rubrichi: data curation, paper reviewing, co-supervision Zbigniew Smoreda: data curation, paper reviewing

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Laura State .

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A Appendix

A Appendix

1.1 A.1 Data Distribution

Figure 6 shows the distribution of available call data (left panel) and text message data (right panel). While both data are more dense in the Western part of Senegal, text message data are specifically sparse in the Eastern part of the country.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Spatial distribution of available data. Left panel: call data, right panel: text message data. Colored points reference to cell tower locations. Call data based on CN. Plots based on time series data, outgoing.

Table 3. Classification results. The higher the accuracy (acc) the better, the lower the MAE the better.
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Confusion matrix for the random forest model (accuracy of 0.516, MAE of 0.972, best performing model.

1.2 A.2 Additional Results

Additional results for the prediction of the electrification rate are shown in Table 3. This second set of models is also trained with default parameters.

Further, we present a confusion matrix of the best performing model (RF, Fig. 7).

1.3 A.3 Time Series Data

In this section, we briefly describe the work on time series data.

Data Processing. A time series \(S = s_1 .. s_T\) consists of \(T = 24 \times 12\) ordered data points, each being the monthly average of the aggregated number of events per hour, such that \(s_t, t \in 1 .. 24\) represent the monthly average of the aggregated number of events per hour in January (“daily activity curve” for January), etc. Events are separated by direction (incoming or outgoing). Thus, per cell tower, we create six time series. We refer to the TS dataset based on number of calls as CN, based on length of calls as CL and based on number of text messages as SN, and use out/in for outgoing/incoming activity, respectively. We standardize each of the time series separately by applying the min-max scaler as provided by sklearn. Data labeling and subsampling applies as above. Data partitioning follows [12].

We find that text message data is heavily imbalanced, and that the dataset is smaller than the other datasets. Thus, we exclude this data from the time series analysis.

The variational autoencoder that is used in the explanation as displayed below, is trained for \(k = 50\) dimensions and over \(e = 500\) epochs. We used the “out CL” data and model for explanations as it provides the smallest MAE.

Classification. To classify based on time series data, we use ROCKET (RandOm Convolutional KErnel Transform) [9], a method based on random convolutional kernels for feature extraction and linear classification. Results are displayed in Table 4.

Table 4. Classification results. The higher the accuracy the better, the lower the MAE the better.
Fig. 8.
figure 8

Local explanation by LASTS, shapelet-based, out CL data. Explained time series belongs to class 4, correctly classified by ML model. Left: factual rule, plotted against original time series, right: rule of opposite class, plotted against synthetically generated time series. Time steps in hours.

Explanations. Figure 8 shows a sample explanation by LASTS [12]. Explanations are provided in visual form and as rule, the latter can be read off the plot. The time series belongs to class 4, i.e. has an electrification rate between 0.4 and 0.5, and is correctly classified by the model. In the left panel, the factual rule is plotted against the original time series. The number above the shapelet indicates its index. The rule reads as follows: “If shapelet no. 12 is contained in the time series, then it is classified as class 4.” This is mirrored by the rule for instances belonging to the opposite class (here: class 0..3, 5..9): ‘If shapelet no. 12 is not contained in the time series, then it is not classified as class 4.”, displayed in Fig. 8, right, plotted against a synthetically generated time series from a class different to class 4.

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State, L., Salat, H., Rubrichi, S., Smoreda, Z. (2023). Explainability in Practice: Estimating Electrification Rates from Mobile Phone Data in Senegal. In: Longo, L. (eds) Explainable Artificial Intelligence. xAI 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1902. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-031-44066-3

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-031-44067-0

  • eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)

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