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Using Counterexamples to Improve Robustness Verification in Neural Networks

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2023)


Given the pervasive use of neural networks in safety-critical systems it is important to ensure that they are robust. Recent research has focused on the question of verifying whether networks do not alter their behavior under small perturbations in inputs. Most successful methods are based on the paradigm of branch-and-bound, an abstraction-refinement technique. However, despite tremendous improvements in the last five years, there are still several benchmarks where these methods fail. One reason for this is that many methods use off-the-shelf methods to find the cause of imprecisions.

In this paper, our goal is to develop an approach to identify the precise source of imprecision during abstraction. We present a novel counterexample guided approach that can be applied alongside many abstraction techniques. As a specific case, we implement our technique on top of a basic abstraction framework provided by the tool DeepPoly and demonstrate how we can remove imprecisions in a targetted manner. This allows us to go past DeepPoly’s performance as well as outperform other refinement approaches in literature. Surprisingly, we are also able to verify several benchmark instances on which all leading tools fail.

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    We could not compare with VeriNet, which is the 2nd and 3rd of VNNCOMP 2021 and VNNCOMP 2022 respectively, as we had difficulties with its external solver’s (Xpress) license. We also could not compare with MN-BaB since it required GPU to run. Also, since we are comparing with DeepPoly and kPoly, and ERAN uses these techniques internally, we skipped a direct comparison with ERAN.

  2. 2.

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Afzal, M., Gupta, A., Akshay, S. (2023). Using Counterexamples to Improve Robustness Verification in Neural Networks. In: André, É., Sun, J. (eds) Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis. ATVA 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14215. Springer, Cham.

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