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How to Explain It to System Testers?

A Qualitative User Study About Understandability, Validatability, Predictability, and Trustworthiness

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Artificial Intelligence in HCI (HCII 2024)


In the realm of explainable AI (XAI), limited research exists on user role-specific explanations. This study aims to determine the explanation needs for the user role “system tester of AI-based systems.” It investigates whether established explanation types adequately address the explainability requirements of ML-based application testers. Through a qualitative study (n = 12), we identified the explanation needs for three user tasks: test strategy determination, test case determination, and test result determination. The research yields five findings: F1) proposing a new explanation domain type, “system domain,” F2) proposing a new explanation structure, “hierarchical,” F3) identifying overlapping explanation content between two user groups, F4) considering identified inputs of a user task as explanation content candidates, and F5) highlighting the risk of combining the evaluation of assumed mental model representations with identifying explanation content in one study.

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The authors thank Parinitha Nagaraja for evaluating the initial mental model of explanations, and all study participants for their time and shared insights.

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1.1 8.1User task specific explanation needs

Inputs, outputs, and needed explanations for user task UT 1:

  • Inputs

    • Application domain

    • Description of the system under test and system requirements

    • Architecture of ML models, data structure, and repository with metrics (e.g., quantity and types of available data)

    • Test constraints (e.g., cost, resources, quality, available hardware, available software, etc.)

    • Identified risks and their mitigations (if available)

  • Outputs

    • Suggested test strategies

    • For each test strategy: Prioritized list of test methods, test architecture (including design of the test environment), test plan, confidence level

  • Needed explanations

    • Why was the test strategy predicted? Identify the main drivers, such as the application domain, description of the system under test, system requirements, architecture of ML models, data structure, and repository.

    • Why was the prioritization of test methods predicted? Identify the main drivers, such as risks, driving requirements (non-functional requirements), ML model architecture, data structure, and repository.

    • Why was the test architecture predicted? Identify the main drivers, such as available and unavailable hardware, available and unavailable software, ML model architecture, data structure, and repository.

    • Why was the test plan predicted? Identify the main drivers, such as compliance with test constraints.

Inputs, outputs, and needed explanations for user task UT 2:

  • Inputs

    • Description of system under test, system requirements, system architecture, and design

    • ML-model architecture, data structure, and repository with metrics

    • Selected test strategy, including methods, architecture, design of test environment, and test plan

  • Outputs

    • Generated test cases

    • For each test case: selected input data, test metrics with actual measurements, confidence level

    • Implemented test environment

  • Needed explanations

    • Why were the test cases generated as predicted? Identify main drivers: system architecture, design, ML-model architecture, data structure, and repository.

    • Why are the generated test cases appropriate? Identify test coverage based on system requirements and architecture. Show value, e.g., error detection contributions, and ensure non-overlapping.

    • How long does it take to configure and execute each test case? Time for configuration and execution, considering system and test architecture.

    • What is the cost/benefit ratio per test case? Identify value vs. testing time, including configuration and execution.

    • Why was the test environment implemented this way? Identify connection between test architecture and implemented environment, and mapping of design patterns.

Inputs, outputs, and needed explanations for user task UT 3:

  • Inputs

    • Description of system under test

    • Generated test cases

    • For each test case: selected input data, test metrics with actual measurements

    • Implemented test environment

  • Outputs

    • Configured test environment

    • Determined test results, trace(s) to system requirement(s), confidence level

    • Bug report (for detected bugs)

    • Test report with test KPIs

    • Responsive actions for failed test results

  • Needed explanations

    • Why was the test environment configured as it was? Identify the connection between configuration parameters and test environment design. Show how parameters were derived from generated test cases.

    • How were the test results predicted? Demonstrate the link between test inputs and results. Identify the correlation between test results and model monitoring outcomes.

    • How were the test KPIs forecasted? Identify the relationship between individual KPIs and test results.

1.2 8.2Interview protocol

  • Step 1: Research introduction

  • Step 2: Job experience

  • Step 3: Introduction into the hypothetical application “Intelligent system testing application for ML-based applications”, that is capable of planning and executing an ML-based system test, including core input and outputs (see Fig. 1)

  • Evaluating the assumed mental model representation for each component separately:

    • Question 1: Which explanation content is missing and why? (addressing research question 1, RQ 1)

    • Question 2: Which proposed explanation content is not necessary and why? (RQ 1)

    • Question 3: How should the explanation content be rearranged and why? (RQ 1)

    • Question 4: Please rate the following statement: “The explanation content help the system tester to understand why the test strategy / test cases / test results was determined.” (5-point Likert scale) (RQ 1)

    • Question 5: Why did you select the rating? (RQ 1)

    • Question 6: Which explanation content helps the system tester to understand the determined test strategy / test cases / test report? (RQ 2)

    • Question 7: Which explanation content helps the system tester to understand why the test strategy / test cases / test results was determined? (RQ 3)

    • Question 8: Which explanation content helps the system tester to evaluate the validity of the determined test strategy / test cases / test results? (RQ 4)

    • Question 9: Which explanation content helps the system tester to predict how effective the selected test strategy / test cases / responsive actions will be? (RQ 5)

    • Question 10: Which explanation content helps the system tester to trust the determined test strategy / test cases / test results? (RQ 6)

  • Question 11: For understanding the preferred intent of an explanation. Rank the following statements about the intent of explanations (#1 means most important and #5 means least important). (RQ 7)

    • S1: The explanation content should help the system tester to understand the determined outcome.

    • S2: The explanation content should help the system tester to understand why the outcome was determined.

    • S3: The explanation content should help the system tester to evaluate the validity of the determined outcome.

    • S4: The explanation content should help the system tester to predict the effectiveness of the determined outcome.

    • S5: The explanation content should help the system tester to trust the determined outcome.

  • Question 12: Why did you select the top ranked statement. (RQ 7)

To answer questions 6 through 10, the participants were instructed that they could select none of the explanation content candidates, one, or multiple, including one or multiple groups of explanation content candidates.

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Degen, H., Budnik, C. (2024). How to Explain It to System Testers?. In: Degen, H., Ntoa, S. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in HCI. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14734. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-031-60605-2

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-031-60606-9

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