Point cloud registration is a fundamental problem for large-scale 3D scene scanning and reconstruction. With the help of deep learning, registration methods have evolved significantly, reaching a nearly-mature stage. As the introduction of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), it has become the most popular 3D scene representation as its powerful view synthesis capabilities. Regarding NeRF representation, its registration is also required for large-scale scene reconstruction. However, this topic extremly lacks exploration. This is due to the inherent challenge to model the geometric relationship among two scenes with implicit representations. The existing methods usually convert the implicit representation to explicit representation for further registration. Most recently, Gaussian Splatting (GS) is introduced, employing explicit 3D Gaussian. This method significantly enhances rendering speed while maintaining high rendering quality. Given two scenes with explicit GS representations, in this work, we explore the 3D registration task between them. To this end, we propose GaussReg, a novel coarse-to-fine framework, both fast and accurate. The coarse stage follows existing point cloud registration methods and estimates a rough alignment for point clouds from GS. We further newly present an image-guided fine registration approach, which renders images from GS to provide more detailed geometric information for precise alignment. To support comprehensive evaluation, we carefully build a scene-level dataset called ScanNet-GSReg with 1379 scenes obtained from the ScanNet dataset and collect an in-the-wild dataset called GSReg. Experimental results demonstrate our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets. Our GaussReg is \(44 \times \) faster than HLoc (SuperPoint as the feature extractor and SuperGlue as the matcher) with comparable accuracy.
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The work was supported in part by NSFC-62172348, the Basic Research Project No. HZQB-KCZYZ-2021067 of Hetao Shenzhen-HK S&T Cooperation Zone, Guangdong Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund (No. 2023B1515020055), the National Key R&D Program of China with grant No. 2018YFB1800800, by Shenzhen Outstanding Talents Training Fund 202002, by Guangdong Research Projects No. 2017ZT07X152 and No. 2019CX01X104, by Key Area R&D Program of Guangdong Province (Grant No. 2018B030338001), by the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Future Networks of Intelligence (Grant No. 2022B1212010001), and by Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (Grant No. ZDSYS201707251409055). It was also partly supported by NSFC-61931024, and Shenzhen Science and Technology Program No. JCYJ20220530143604010.
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Chang, J., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Feng, W., Han, X. (2025). GaussReg: Fast 3D Registration with Gaussian Splatting. In: Leonardis, A., Ricci, E., Roth, S., Russakovsky, O., Sattler, T., Varol, G. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2024. ECCV 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15073. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-72633-0_23
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-72633-0_23
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-72632-3
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