Synthesizing realistic 3D indoor scenes is a challenging task that traditionally relies on manual arrangement and annotation by expert designers. Recent advances in autoregressive models have automated this process, but they often lack semantic understanding of the relationships and hierarchies present in real-world scenes, yielding limited performance. In this paper, we propose Forest2Seq, a framework that formulates indoor scene synthesis as an order-aware sequential learning problem. Forest2Seq organizes the inherently unordered collection of scene objects into structured, ordered hierarchical scene trees and forests. By employing a clustering-based algorithm and a breadth-first traversal, Forest2Seq derives meaningful orderings and utilizes a transformer to generate realistic 3D scenes autoregressively. Experimental results on standard benchmarks demonstrate Forest2Seq’s superiority in synthesizing more realistic scenes compared to top-performing baselines, with significant improvements in FID and KL scores. Our additional experiments for downstream tasks and ablation studies also confirm the importance of incorporating order as a prior in 3D scene generation.
Q. Sun and H. Zhou—Equal contributions; Work carried out at SFU by Hang.
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The authors would like to thank Nathan Yan (Cornell) and Prof. Jing Liao (CityU) for useful comments and discussions. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Contract 62021001 and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS. It was also supported by GPU cluster built by MCC Lab of Information Science and Technology Institution, USTC, and the Supercomputing Center of the USTC.
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Sun, Q., Zhou, H., Zhou, W., Li, L., Li, H. (2025). FOREST2SEQ: Revitalizing Order Prior for Sequential Indoor Scene Synthesis. In: Leonardis, A., Ricci, E., Roth, S., Russakovsky, O., Sattler, T., Varol, G. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2024. ECCV 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15083. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-72698-9_15
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-72698-9_15
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-72697-2
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