By filling in missing values in datasets, imputation allows these datasets to be used with algorithms that cannot handle missing values by themselves. However, missing values may in principle contribute useful information that is lost through imputation. The missing-indicator approach can be used in combination with imputation to instead represent this information as a part of the dataset. There are several theoretical considerations why missing-indicators may or may not be beneficial, but there has not been any large-scale practical experiment on real-life datasets to test this question for machine learning predictions. We perform this experiment for three imputation strategies and a range of different classification algorithms, on the basis of twenty real-life datasets. In a follow-up experiment, we determine attribute-specific missingness thresholds for each classifier above which missing-indicators are more likely than not to increase classification performance. And in a second follow-up experiment, we evaluate numerical imputation of one-hot encoded categorical attributes. We reach the following conclusions. Firstly, missing-indicators generally increase classification performance. Secondly, with missing-indicators, nearest neighbour and iterative imputation do not lead to better performance than simple mean/mode imputation. Thirdly, for decision trees, pruning is necessary to prevent overfitting. Fourthly, the thresholds above which missing-indicators are more likely than not to improve performance are lower for categorical attributes than for numerical attributes. Lastly, mean imputation of numerical attributes preserves some of the information from missing values. Consequently, when not using missing-indicators it can be advantageous to apply mean imputation to one-hot encoded categorical attributes instead of mode imputation.
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- 1.
Some authors use the opposite convention, letting the indicator express non-missingness.
- 2.
We are grateful to an anonymous reviewer for this example.
- 3.
This is acknowledged by authors working under the assumption of MAR, e.g. “When data are missing for reasons beyond the investigator’s control, one can never be certain whether MAR holds. The MAR hypothesis in such datasets cannot be formally tested unless the missing values, or at least a sample of them, are available from an external source.” [69].
- 4.
Presumably, they use one-hot encoding for categorical attributes, in which case zero imputation is equivalent to treating missing values as a separate category, but they do not state this explicitly.
- 5.
For categorical values, encoding missing values as a separate category; for numerical values, encoding missing values as an extremely large value that can always be split from the other values.
- 6.
The target column of the echocardiogram dataset (‘alive-at-1’) is supposed to denote whether a patient survived for at least one year, but it doesn’t appear to agree with the columns from which it is derived, that denote how long a patient (has) survived and whether they were alive at the end of that period. The audiology dataset has a large number of small classes with complex labels and should perhaps be analysed with multi-label classification. In addition, it has ordinal attributes where the order of the values is not entirely clear, and three different values that potentially denote missingness (‘?’, ‘unmeasured’ and ‘absent’), and it is not completely clear how they relate to each other. The house-votes-84 dataset contains ‘?’ values, but its documentation explicitly states that these values are not unknown, but indicate different forms of abstention. The ozone dataset is a time-series problem, while the task associated with the sponge and water-treatment datasets is clustering, with no obvious target for classification among their respective attributes. Finally, the breast-cancer (9), cleveland (7), dermatology (8), lung-cancer (5), post-operative (3) and wisconsin (16) datasets contain only very few missing values, and any performance difference between missing value approaches on these datasets may to a large extent be coincidental.
- 7.
For the nomao dataset, iterative imputation diverged, so we had to restrict imputation to the interval \([-100, 100]\).
- 8.
Setting aside 10% of the data for validation, stopping when validation loss has not decreased by at least 0.0001 for ten iterations, with a maximum of 10 000 iterations.
- 9.
LR is an exception here, we have no explanation for this.
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The research reported in this paper was conducted with the financial support of the Odysseus programme of the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). This publication is part of the project Digital Twin with project number P18-03 of the research programme TTW Perspective, which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). We would like to express our thanks to Geert van der Heijden for answering a question about [41].
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Lenz, O.U., Peralta, D., Cornelis, C. (2025). No Imputation Without Representation. In: Oliehoek, F.A., Kok, M., Verwer, S. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. BNAIC/Benelearn 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2187. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-74650-5_1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-74650-5_1
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-74649-9
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-74650-5
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