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(de-)Composed And More: Eager and Lazy Specifications (CAMELS) for Stochastic Hybrid Systems

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Principles of Verification: Cycling the Probabilistic Landscape


Different stochastic extensions of hybrid automata have been proposed in the past, with unclear expressivity relations between them. In previous work, we related these modelling languages with regard to two alternative (composed and decomposed) approaches to extend hybrid automata with stochastic choices of discrete events and their time points. This paper presents the so-called CAMELS classification, which additionally distinguishes between lazy and eager modelling. The former does not restrict how delays are chosen and performs resampling in case no discrete event is possible at the scheduled jump time. The latter guarantees that discrete events are only scheduled at times when they are enabled. We further distinguish between an eager predictive specification, which uses precomputations of all possible delays, and an eager non-predictive specification, which samples enabling durations instead of global delays. These distictions result in five model classes which we compare regarding their expressivity, and discuss how available modelling formalisms for stochastic hybrid automata from the literature can be categorized within the CAMELS classification.

Camel refers to a bet made with Joost-Pieter at a dinner at QEST23 in Antwerp.

This work is supported by the DFG grant 471367371.

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  1. 1.

    We have chosen the notation “\(\textit{w}\)”, as later in decomposed scheduling \(a_{\textit{w}(i)}\) will be the “winner” of the \((i{+}1)\)st stochastic race, see Sect. 4.

  2. 2.

    In the original definition of [8] this is called non-blocking.


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A Example (De-)composed Scheduling

A Example (De-)composed Scheduling

Example 1

(Composed Scheduling). In this example the hybrid automaton \(\mathcal {H}\) of Fig. 5 is extended with the different composed scheduling specifications. For all examples, we assume that the discrete stochastic kernel \(\varPsi _d\) is specified such that it specifies a discrete uniform distribution over the labels of regular jumps.

Figure 5(b) shows a The CHA \(\mathcal {C}^{\mathcal {L}}=(\mathcal {H},(\varPsi _c^1,\varPsi _d))\) with lazy specification. We specify the continuous stochastic kernel \( \varPsi _c^1 \), such that in state \(\sigma \) it characterises the probability distribution \( \exp (\frac{1}{100}+\frac{\sigma .x}{100} ) \) if \(\sigma .\ell \) equals \( \ell _0 \) and \( \exp (\frac{1}{100}) \) otherwise. Thus, it is not taken into account that for states in which \(x<3\) no jump is enabled and we might schedule a delay leading to a state in which \(x<3\). In such cases the resampling jump is scheduled with probability 1.

An example initial path can be constructed as follows: In the initial state \(\sigma _0=(\ell _0,x=0)\) at global time \(t:=0\) we assume that a delay of \(\mathcal {R}=2\) is sampled according to \({\text {Dist}}^{\varPsi _c}_{\sigma _{0}}\). This leads to a time step of length 2 and to state \((\ell _0,x=2)\) at global time \(t:=2\). In this state neither the jump to location \(\ell _1\) nor the one to location \(\ell _2\) is enabled, which is why the resampling jump is scheduled with probability 1 leading to state \(\sigma _1=(\ell _0,x=2)\). Next a delay is sampled again according to \({\text {Dist}}^{\varPsi _c^1}_{\sigma _{1}}\) which we assume to be \(\mathcal {R}=5\). Thus a time step of 5 is scheduled leading to state \((\ell _0,x=7)\) at global time \(t:=7\). In this state both regular jumps are enabled and both scheduled with the same probability.

In Fig. 5(c) a CHA \(\mathcal {C}^{\mathcal {E}_P}=(\mathcal {H},(\varPsi _c^2,\varPsi _d))\) with eager predictive specification is depicted. For each state \(\sigma \), the set of possible delays \(T_{\textit{in}}(\sigma )\) is computed as follows before the stochastic kernel \( \varPsi _c^2 \) is defined.

$$\begin{aligned} T_{\textit{in}}(\sigma ,a_1)&={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} [{\text {max}}(0,3-\sigma .x),\infty ), & \textit{if } \sigma .\ell = \ell _0 \\ \emptyset , & \textit{otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} T_{\textit{in}}(\sigma ,a_2)&={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} [{\text {max}}(0,6-\sigma .x),\infty ), & \textit{if } \sigma .\ell = \ell _0 \\ \emptyset , & \textit{otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} T_{\textit{in}}(\sigma )&={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} [{\text {max}}(0,3-\sigma .x),\infty ), & \textit{if } \sigma .\ell = \ell _0 \\ \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}, & \textit{otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Using these computations, \(\varPsi _c^2\) is specified such that it characterises for each state \(\sigma \) a probability distribution \(\mathcal {U}({\text {max}}(0,3-\sigma .x),100)\) if \(\sigma .\ell \) equals \(\ell _0\) and a probability distribution \(\exp (\frac{1}{100})\) otherwise. Thus, it holds that for each state \(\sigma \), \({\text {Dom}}({\text {Dist}}^{\varPsi _c^2}_{\sigma _{1}})\subseteq T_{\textit{in}}(\sigma )\), which ensures that only such delays are sampled after which at least one regular jump is enabled.

Not only for a CHA with eager predictive specification, resampling jumps are scheduled with a probability of 0 but also in a CHA \(\mathcal {C}^{\mathcal {E}_N}=(\mathcal {H},(\varPsi _c^3,\varPsi _d))\) with composed scheduling and eager non-predictive specification, which is depicted in Fig. 5(d). Here, a stopwatch \( c\) is added, which keeps track of how long at least one regular jump has been enabled since the last jump. The stopwatch \(c\) is running in location \(\ell _0\) if \( x\ge 3 \), because in these states at least one regular jump ins enabled. As there are no regular jumps in locations \(\ell _1\) and \(\ell _2\) \(c\) evolves with rate 0 in both locations.

For this example \( \varPsi _c^3 \) is defined such that it characterises for each state \(\sigma \) the probability distribution \( \exp (\frac{1}{100}+\frac{\sigma .x}{100}) \). Starting at global time \(t:=0\) in the initial state \( \sigma _0=(\ell _0,x=0) \) we assume that an enabling delay of \(\mathcal {R}=3\) is sampled according to \({\text {Dist}}^{\varPsi _c^3}_{\sigma _{0}}\). Since \( c\) reaches a value of 3 at time \(t:=6\), a time step of this length is performed leading to state \(\sigma _0'=(\ell _0,x=6)\). After taking a jump to location \(\ell _1\) or \(\ell _2\) with the same probability, a new enabling delay is randomly chosen. Note that \(c\) evolves with rate of 0 when being in location \(\ell _1\) or \(\ell _2\). Thus, no jump will be scheduled regardless of chosen enabling delay.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Example on how the hybrid automaton depicted in (a) can be extended with stochasticity (Leaves 1–4 & 6 of Fig. 2).

Example 2

Decomposed Scheduling The HA \(\mathcal {H}\) of Fig. 5(a) is extended with different specifications of decomposed scheduling in Fig. 5(e-f). In the following, \(\mathcal {R}=(x_1,x_2)\) denotes the current realisations of the random variables.

In Fig. 5(e) a DHA \(\mathcal {D}^{\mathcal {L}}=(\mathcal {H},\varPsi ^1=(\varPsi ^1_1, \varPsi ^1_2))\) with lazy specification is shown. For this example we assume that \(\varPsi _1 \) characterises \( \exp (\frac{1}{100}+ \frac{\sigma .x}{100})\) and \(\varPsi _2 \) characterises \(\mathcal {U}(0,100+\sigma .x)\), where \(\sigma \in \varSigma \) is the current state of the automaton. Due to the specification of the kernels, it might happen that the winner of the stochastic race does not correspond to an enabled regular jump. Let now \(\mathcal {R}=(5,3)\) be the realisations for the random variables \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) sampled in the initial state \(\sigma _0=(\ell _0,x=0)\). In this case \(X_2\) wins the stochastic race, which leads to a time step of length 3 to state \((\ell _0,x=3)\) with \(\mathcal {R}=(2,0)\). However, the regular jump labelled with \(a_2\) is not enabled in this state, which is why the resampling jump labelled with \(a_2\) is scheduled with probability 1. Now, \(X_2\) is sampled in state \((\ell _0,x=3)\) resulting for this example in \(\mathcal {R}=(2,20)\). Thus, \(X_1\) wins the race-condition and a delay of 2 is scheduled, leading to state \((\ell _0,x=5)\) with \(\mathcal {R}=(0,18)\). In this state, the regular jump associated with \(a_1\) is enabled. Hence, the system moves to \(\sigma _2=(\ell _1,x=5)\) and \(X_1\) is resampled according to the distribution \({\text {Dist}}^{\varPsi ^1_1}_{\sigma _{2}}\).

Figure 5(f) shows, a DHA \(\mathcal {D}^{\mathcal {E}_N}=(\mathcal {H},\varPsi ^2=(\varPsi _1^2,\varPsi _2^2))\) with eager non-predictive specification. Two stopwatches \( c_{1}, c_{2} \) are added, which track how long a regular jump associated with \(a_1\) resp. \(a_2\) has been enabled since the last scheduling of a \(a_1\)- resp. \(a_2\)-labelled jump. For our example, both stopwatches evolve with a rate of 0 when being in location \(\ell _1\) or \(\ell _2\), in location \(\ell _0\) the stopwatches evolve according to the following derivatives:

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{c_{1}}={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, & \text {if } x\ge 3,\\ 0, & \text {otherwise,} \end{array}\right. } \dot{c_{2}}={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1, & \text {if } x\ge 6,\\ 0, & \text {otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Initially \(X_1\) and \(X_2 \) are sampled according to the probability distributions characterised by \(\varPsi ^2_1\) and \(\varPsi ^2_2\) in the initial state \((\ell _0,x=0)\) at global time \(t:=0\). Lets assume this results in \(\mathcal {R}=(5,3)\). Due to the given dynamics in \(\ell _0\), \(c_{1}\) reaches a value of \( \mathcal {R}[1]=5 \) at global time \(t:=8\) and \( c_{2} \) reaches a value of \( \mathcal {R}[2]=3 \) at global time \(t:=9\). Hence, \(X_1\) wins the race-condition and a delay of 8 is scheduled leading to state \((\ell _0, x=8)\) with \(\mathcal {R}=(0,1)\). Because \(X_1\) won the race, the jump to location \(\ell _1\) is scheduled and \(X_1\) is resampled according to the distribution characterised by \(\varPsi ^2_2\) in \((\ell _1,x=8)\).

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Willemsen, L., Remke, A., Ábrahám, E. (2025). (de-)Composed And More: Eager and Lazy Specifications (CAMELS) for Stochastic Hybrid Systems. In: Jansen, N., et al. Principles of Verification: Cycling the Probabilistic Landscape . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 15262. Springer, Cham.

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