
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

Errata to: D. Vandenbroucke et al. (eds.), Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00615-4

In the chapter entitled “What You See is What You Map: Geometry-Preserving Micro-Mapping for Smaller Geographic Objects with mapIT”, the last sentence of the abstract reads “Please check and confirm the author names and initials are correct” should be dropped.

In this book, the name of the author is Chunyuan Cai (with Cai being the surname) instead of Cai Cai (which was the name in the START system wrongly filled by the main author)—it should read as Chunyuan Cai in three places “Table of contents, p. xi”, “list of contributors, p. xv” and in the chapter entitled “What You See is What You Map: Geometry-Preserving Micro-Mapping for Smaller Geographic Objects with mapIT”, p. 3).

One name of a co-author (Lukas Loos) was dropped due to wrong indications from the editors side. The order of the author should read as Mohamed Bakillah, Alexander Zipf, Steve H. L. Liang and Lukas Loos in the chapter entitled “Publish/subscribe System Based on Event Calculus to Support Real-Time Multi-Agent Evacuation Simulation”, p. 337. Lukas Loos should be added in the “Table of contents, p. xiii”, “list of Contributors, p. xvi” and in this chapter.