Locomotion in a virtual reality video game is the travel in virtual world in order to move to a desired location.
Most of the virtual reality (VR) systems, including virtual reality video games, often require harmoniously designed components such as audio and visual elements, task design, virtual worlds, as well as interaction and locomotion techniques. Locomotion is among the most important and very commonly used tasks in 3D virtual reality games (Bowman et al. 2004). Small position and rotation changes of the virtual viewpoint can be performed by head movements in immersive virtual reality systems that have head tracking capabilities. Such systems often use head-mounted displays to present the virtual world to the player. However, if the game requires a larger amount of travel than the real-world area, then a different locomotion technique needs to be used.
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Bozgeyikli, E. (2018). Locomotion in Virtual Reality Video Games. In: Lee, N. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, Cham.
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