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Perceptual Illusions and Distortions in Virtual Reality

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  • First Online:
Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games


Distance misperception; Presence; Self-motion misperception; Vection; Virtual body-ownership


Virtual Reality (VR) enables users to act and perceive as they do during everyday interactions with the word. As a consequence, VR may deliberately or inadvertently elicit a range of perceptual illusions and distortions on behalf of immersed users.


From an early age, people become experts at deciphering the continuous stream of stimuli registered by various sensory systems in response to the perceiver’s own actions and events in the environment. However, even though the senses provide reasonably reliable information, perception is imperfect, leaving the perceiver vulnerable to illusions, i.e., instances of erroneous or misinterpreted perceptions of sensory information (Stevenson 2010).

A defining feature of Virtual Reality (VR) systems is that they support natural perception and actions by means of high fidelity tracking and displays. That is, VR systems...

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Nilsson, N.C. (2018). Perceptual Illusions and Distortions in Virtual Reality. In: Lee, N. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, Cham.

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