Cloud for Gaming refers to the use of cloud computing technologies to build large-scale gaming infrastructures, with the goal of improving scalability and responsiveness, improve the user’s experience, and enable new business models.
What Is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is a service model where the provider offers computation and storage resources to customers on a “pay-as-you-go” basis (Mell and Grance 2011). The essential features of a cloud computing environment are:
On-demand self-service: the ability to provide computing capabilities (e.g., CPU time, network storage) dynamically, as needed, without human intervention.
Broad network access: resources can be accessed through the network by client platforms using standard mechanisms and protocols.
Resource pooling: virtual and physical resources can be pooled and assigned dynamically to consumers, according to their demand, using a multitenant model.
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D’Angelo, G., Ferretti, S., Marzolla, M. (2015). Cloud for Gaming. In: Lee, N. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, Cham.
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