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The Simon and Speck Block Ciphers on AVR 8-Bit Microcontrollers

  • Conference paper
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Lightweight Cryptography for Security and Privacy (LightSec 2014)

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNSC,volume 8898))

  • 1361 Accesses


The last several years have witnessed a surge of activity in lightweight cryptographic design. Many lightweight block ciphers have been proposed, targeted mostly at hardware applications. Typically software performance has not been a priority, and consequently software performance for many of these algorithms is unexceptional. Simon and Speck are lightweight block cipher families developed by the U.S. National Security Agency for high performance in constrained hardware and software environments. In this paper, we discuss software performance and demonstrate how to achieve high performance implementations of Simon and Speck on the AVR family of 8-bit microcontrollers. Both ciphers compare favorably to other lightweight block ciphers on this platform. Indeed, Speck seems to have better overall performance than any existing block cipher — lightweight or not.

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  1. 1.

    Simon 64/96 and Speck 64/96, for example, have implementations requiring just 809 and 860 gate equivalents, respectively. Some block ciphers, like KTANTAN [9], have a fixed key and so do not require flip-flops to store it. Such algorithms can have smaller hardware implementations than Simon or Speck, but not allowing keys to change contracts the application space, and can lead to security issues [22].

  2. 2.

    This is because one is likely to use encrypt-only modes in lightweight cryptography. But the techniques discussed here should serve as a starting point for other kinds of implementations, useful for a broad range of applications. Regarding decryption functionality, we note that the Simon and Speck encryption and decryption algorithms consume similar resources and are easy to implement. Simon, in particular, has a decryption algorithm that is closely related to the encryption algorithm, and so little additional code is necessary to enable decryption.

  3. 3.

    The Simon and Speck specification paper [2] did not count these cycles required for loading, although it seems proper to do so. The current performance numbers include these costs.

  4. 4.

    This rotation is also easily implemented (but not for free) on some common 16-bit microcontrollers, like the MSP430, and using x86 SSE instructions (where no rotate is available but a byte permutation operation is).

  5. 5.

    We do not know, for a fact, that the high-speed AES implementations, which require frequent calls to RAM, are more energy efficient than the high-speed Speck implementations which use mostly register-to-register operations.

  6. 6.

    No data for the other finalist, Rabbit [5], was available.

  7. 7.

    The rank is similar to the metric found in [21] except we have imposed a penalty for using too much RAM — hence the factor of 2. Without the factor of 2, flash and RAM have the same cost, which seems unjustifiable.

  8. 8.

    The HC-128 stream cipher implementation does not actually fit on the ATmega128 due to its excessive use of RAM. The C implementation of HC-128 described in [17] has a setup cost of over 2,000,000 cycles.


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A Simon and Speck AVR Performance

In this section we present the results of our three AVR implementations of Simon (Table 8) and Speck (Table 7). The headings of each column indicate the block size/key size in bits. The first three rows of data correspond to the low flash implementation, the next three rows to the low RAM implementation and the last three rows are for the low cost (i.e., high-speed/low-energy) implementation. RAM and flash are measured in bytes and cost is measured in cycles/byte. For none of the algorithms is any sort of functionality for the decryption operator included, although for Simon decryption is essentially the same as encryption, and Speck decryption uses about the same amount of resources as Speck encryption.

Table 7. Speck AVR implementation data.
Table 8. Simon AVR implementation data.

B Comparison Data and Methodology

Fair comparisons adhere to a common framework. The framework provides three important pieces of information. First, it provides a high-level, device-independent description of what the cipher is expected to do. At a lower level, device-dependent implementation details are provided. Finally, a performance metric is chosen to make the comparisons meaningful. Needless to say, any ranking depends on the framework used, especially the performance metric. The following application types are especially relevant to lightweight cryptography.

  • Fixed Key/Small Data. Fixed key applications assume the key will never (or rarely) be changed. In hardware, area requirements can be reduced (depending on the design and the implementation) because state for a key schedule may not be required. In software, the key, or better yet the expanded key, can be stored in long-term memory and the key schedule can be relinquished. For small data size comparisons, we may assume we are encrypting just a single block and so incur the full cost of any setup. This application type may be appropriate for simple authentication applications.

  • Fixed Key/Large Data. This is the same as the previous type except that the data stream is assumed to be large. For comparison purposes, we may assume the amount of encrypted data approaches infinity, amortizing away the setup costs. This may be appropriate for various sensor applications.

  • Flexible Key/Small Data. Here, we assume the key is changed often. In hardware or software, this necessitates the inclusion of the key schedule. For comparison purposes, we may assume that we are encrypting a single block of data with a never-before-seen key. This type of application may be appropriate when the block cipher is contained in a general purpose crypto module and the key enters the device from outside of the module.

  • Flexible Key/Large Data. Similar to the preceeding except the data stream is large. For comparison purposes, we may again assume the data stream is (effectively) infinite, amortizing away all setup costs.

It is generally recognized in lightweight cryptography that use of the decryption operator should be avoided, if possible, in order to conserve resources. If resources are not a big concern, one should use AES. For software applications on a microcontroller, implementations should be assembly coded in order to reduce compiler vagaries and to provide for maximal performance (i.e., to reduce code size and memory usage and to increase throughput).

For our comparisons, shown in Table 9, we (mostly) used the Fixed Key/Small Data framework. For our implementations, expanded key is stored in flash and only encryption functionality is provided. Key schedules are also absent. The encryption procedure begins by loading the plaintext from RAM into registers. The plaintext is then transformed into the ciphertext using the encryption operator. The resulting ciphertext is then loaded in RAM. This completes the encryption process. RAM for holding the plaintext and ciphertext is not costed but RAM used for temporary storage (e.g., on the stack) is. Our low-RAM implementations of Simon and Speck were appropriate for this comparison. For the other ciphers, implementations fitting the framework were based on the best existing code (or performance data) we could find which maximized the overall performance metric, rank, which is defined to be

Table 9. Comparisons of Simon and Speck with some other block and stream ciphers on the ATmega128, 8-bit microcontroller in the Fixed Key/Small Data framework. Values in square brackets, [ ], are our best estimates based on the existing literature. The higher the rank, the better the overall performance. Since our goal was to optimize the rank, these implementations are not necessarily the fastest possible.
$$ (10^6/\text {cost})/(\text {flash} + 2\cdot \text {RAM}); $$

higher values of rank correspond to better performance.Footnote 7 In some cases, this just amounted to stripping out the code for the decryption and key schedule algorithms in existing implementations. In other cases, we wrote the code ourselves.

Note that our performance metric is an overall measure of performance and takes into account flash, RAM and throughput. However, depending on priorities, this metric may be irrelevant. If the main concern is energy efficiency, then a more appropriate metric is just throughput and a fair comparison will require implementations optimized for this purpose, resulting in altered rankings. We have already alluded to this in our discussion in Sect.  6.

Referring to Table 9, all implementations, except for HC-128, were assembly coded. Size is block size/key size for block ciphers and state size/key size for stream ciphers. The cost is the number of cycles per byte to transform a block of plaintext into a block of ciphertext.

The ITUbee data is taken directly from its specification paper [16]. Data for SEA, IDEA and Klein are taken from [10, 11, 18], respectively. In some cases, code size estimates had to be made to fit our framework. The TEA and Hight implementations are our own. For AES, our numbers were kindly provided by Dag Arne Osvik, one of the authors of [8], who made suitable code modifications to fit our framework. The Twine data, fitting our framework, was provided by two of the Twine designers, Kazuhiko Minematsu and Tomoyasu Suzaki. Our numbers for Salsa 20/12 were obtained by scaling down the cost of the Salsa 20/20 implementation provided in [15]. Data for Sosemanuk and HC-128 was obtained from [17]. We did not include the considerable setup time for HC-128 and the moderate setup time for Sosemanuk, and of course this setup time should be considered in the Fixed Key/Small Data framework.Footnote 8

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Beaulieu, R., Shors, D., Smith, J., Treatman-Clark, S., Weeks, B., Wingers, L. (2015). The Simon and Speck Block Ciphers on AVR 8-Bit Microcontrollers. In: Eisenbarth, T., Öztürk, E. (eds) Lightweight Cryptography for Security and Privacy. LightSec 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 8898. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-16362-8

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-16363-5

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