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Opportunistic Routing with Virtual Coordinates to Handle Communication Voids in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

  • Conference paper
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Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems

Part of the book series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ((AISC,volume 425))


Communication voids or the unreachability problem has been one of the major issues in mobile ad hoc networks. With highly mobile and unreliable nodes, they can occur very often and may lead to loss of data packets in the network. Most of the existing methods that are available to handle this issue try to find out a route around the communication void. Due to this the data packets may have to travel more number of hops in reaching the destination and thus causing more delay in data delivery in the network. Such techniques do not allow us to fully utilize the advantages brought by geographic routing and opportunistic forwarding. In this paper we propose a method, Opportunistic Routing with Virtual Coordinates (ORVC) that would improve the potential forwarding area for a packet by sending the packets to multiple locations near the destination. The analysis and simulations show that using this method a data packet takes less number of hops to reach the destination compared to the existing methods.

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Menon, V.G., Joe Prathap, P.M. (2016). Opportunistic Routing with Virtual Coordinates to Handle Communication Voids in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. In: Thampi, S., Bandyopadhyay, S., Krishnan, S., Li, KC., Mosin, S., Ma, M. (eds) Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 425. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-28656-3

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-28658-7

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