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Using Video for Early Interaction Design

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Collaboration in Creative Design


This chapter discusses how to use video for prototyping interactivity during early phases of design. Advantages and limitations of video prototyping are discussed and related to other ways of representing early design concepts. The chapter traces the introduction and development of this method in the field of human computer interaction (HCI), moving on to discuss how video can help involve stakeholders in the design process and especially users. A range of techniques, methodological choices, and practical advice for future video prototype creators are discussed, and illustrated with examples.

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Many thanks to Jacob Buur for providing critical feedback on an early version of this chapter. The following postgraduate designers trainees of the USI program are thanked for their video creations featured in this article: Herjan van de Heuvel for the Immersion at a Distance video, Nikos Batalas, Hesther Bruikman, Annemiek Van Drunen, Elaine Huang, Dominika Turzynska, Vanessa Vakili, and Natalia Voynarovskaya for the Siren video prototype. Luz Caballero, Maria Menéndez, Valentina Occhialini for the Behand video. Marcin Wichary, Lucy Gunawan, Nele Van den Ende, Qarin Hjortzberg-Nordlund for the Vista video prototype. Matthijs Zwinderman, Rinze Leenheer, Azadeh Shirzad, Nik Chupriyanov, Glenn Veugen, Biyong Zhang for the Goggles prototype.

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Correspondence to Panos Markopoulos .

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Further Reading

Further Reading

Designers wishing to learn about video prototyping could benefit by reading the very beautifully written book by Ylirisku and Buur on Using Video in Interaction Design (Ylirisku and Buur 2007). The book covers both the use of video during design research and the use of video as a design representation. It covers practical and theoretical aspects, introducing readers to epistemological questions regarding qualitative research and the use of video in fieldwork, supported by a number of short videos that illustrate the techniques explained in the book.

Capturing human activities on video can help designers understand their temporal structure or social interactions between people. The Interaction Analysis Laboratory (Jordan and Henderson 1995) is a structured collaborative observation process that design teams can apply to analyze such footage. A game like variant of this method was introduced is action scrabble (Buur et al. 2014) where designers note their observations on cards, which they organize in a scrabble like game to represent physically temporal aspects of the activity shown on the video.

Tognazzini’s account and reflection on the making of the Starfire video (Tognazzini 1994) is engaging and interesting to read along with viewing the seminal video production it refers to, which is available freely online.

Video as a medium raises several ethical challenges. The discussion by Mackay on ethics aspects of video in design (Mackay 1995) extends beyond video prototyping, and should be definitely on the reading list of designers starting to work with video.

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Markopoulos, P. (2016). Using Video for Early Interaction Design. In: Markopoulos, P., Martens, JB., Malins, J., Coninx, K., Liapis, A. (eds) Collaboration in Creative Design. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-29153-6

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-29155-0

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