- Recent research on Complex Networks
- Results of the 7th Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet held 23-25
- March 2016 in Dijon, France
- Focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of complex-network approach including contributions that span fields from biology to computer sciences, from economics to social sciences
- Includes supplementary material: sn.pub/extras
Part of the book series: Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI, volume 644)
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About this book
The last decades have seen the emergence of Complex Networks as the language with which a wide range of complex phenomena in fields as diverse as Physics, Computer Science, and Medicine (to name just a few) can be properly described and understood. This book provides a view of the state of the art in this dynamic field and covers topics ranging from network controllability, social structure, online behavior, recommendation systems, and network structure. This book includes the peer-reviewed list of works presented at the 7th Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet 2016 which was hosted by the Université de Bourgogne, France, from March 23-25, 2016. The 28 carefully reviewed and selected contributions in this book address many topics related to complex networks and have been organized in seven major groups: (1) Theory of Complex Networks, (2) Multilayer networks, (3) Controllability of networks, (4) Algorithms for networks, (5) Community detection, (6) Dynamics and spreading phenomena on networks, (7) Applications of Networks.
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Table of contents (28 papers)
Theory of Complex Networks
Multilayer Networks
Controllability of Networks
Community Detection
Editors and Affiliations
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Complex Networks VII
Book Subtitle: Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Complex Networks CompleNet 2016
Editors: Hocine Cherifi, Bruno Gonçalves, Ronaldo Menezes, Roberta Sinatra
Series Title: Studies in Computational Intelligence
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-30569-1
Publisher: Springer Cham
eBook Packages: Engineering, Engineering (R0)
Copyright Information: Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-30568-4Published: 14 March 2016
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-319-80839-0Published: 25 April 2018
eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-30569-1Published: 10 March 2016
Series ISSN: 1860-949X
Series E-ISSN: 1860-9503
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: IX, 378
Number of Illustrations: 127 b/w illustrations, 17 illustrations in colour
Topics: Computational Intelligence, Applications of Graph Theory and Complex Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Complexity