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Flying Robots

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Springer Handbook of Robotics


Unmanned aircraft systems (GlossaryTerm


s) have drawn increasing attention recently, owing to advancements in related research, technology, and applications. While having been deployed successfully in military scenarios for decades, civil use cases have lately been tackled by the robotics research community.

This chapter overviews the core elements of this highly interdisciplinary field; the reader is guided through the design process of aerial robots for various applications starting with a qualitative characterization of different types of UAS. Design and modeling are closely related, forming a typically iterative process of drafting and analyzing the related properties. Therefore, we overview aerodynamics and dynamics, as well as their application to fixed-wing, rotary-wing, and flapping-wing UAS, including related analytical tools and practical guidelines. Respecting use-case-specific requirements and core autonomous robot demands, we finally provide guidelines to related system integration challenges.

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aerodynamic center


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


angle of attack


blade element momentum theory


blade element theory


computational fluid dynamics


center of gravity


direct current


degree of freedom


extended Kalman filter


flight control-unit


flapping wing unmanned aerial system




geographic information system


global positioning system


international standard atmosphere


leading edge vortex


lithium polymer


linear quadratic regulator


lighter-than-air system






model predictive control


momentum theory


National Aeronautics and Space Agency


nonlinear dynamic inversion


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


power loading


reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition




stability augmentation system


single input single-output


simultaneous localization and mapping


static margin


save our souls


total energy control system


unmanned aircraft system


unmanned aerial vehicle


ultrawide band


vertical take-off and landing


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Delfly II in hover available from


AtlantikSolar field-trials available from


senseSoar UAV Avionics testing available from


Structural inspection path planning via iterative viewpoint resamplingwith application to aerial robotics available from


sFly: Visual-inertial SLAM for a small helicopter in large outdoor environments available from


UAV stabilization, mapping & obstacle avoidance using VI-sensor available from


Project Skye – autonomous blimp available from


Flight stability in aerial redundant manipulators available from


The astounding athletic power of quadcopters available from


Robots that fly … and cooperate available from


A robot that flies like a bird available from


Robotic insects make first controlled flight available from


Towards valve turning using a dual-arm aerial manipulator available from

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Leutenegger, S. et al. (2016). Flying Robots. In: Siciliano, B., Khatib, O. (eds) Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-32550-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-32552-1

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