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Modeling and Control of Robots on Rough Terrain

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Springer Handbook of Robotics

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In this chapter, we introduce modeling and control for wheeled mobile robots and tracked vehicles. The target environment is rough terrains, which includes both deformable soil and heaps of rubble. Therefore, the topics are roughly divided into two categories, wheeled robots on deformable soil and tracked vehicles on heaps of rubble.

After providing an overview of this area in Sect. 50.1, a modeling method of wheeled robots on a deformable terrain is introduced in Sect. 50.2. It is based on terramechanics, which is the study focusing on the mechanical properties of natural rough terrain and its response to off-road vehicle, specifically the interaction between wheel/track and soil. In Sect. 50.3, the control of wheeled robots is introduced. A wheeled robot often experiences wheel slippage as well as its sideslip while traversing rough terrain. Therefore, the basic approach in this section is to compensate the slip via steering and driving maneuvers. In the case of navigation on heaps of rubble, tracked vehicles have much advantage. To improve traversability in such challenging environments, some tracked vehicles are equipped with subtracks, and one kinematical modeling method of tracked vehicle on rough terrain is introduced in Sect. 50.4. In addition, stability analysis of such vehicles is introduced in Sect. 50.5. Based on such kinematical model and stability analysis, a sensor-based control of tracked vehicle on rough terrain is introduced in Sect. 50.6. Sect. 50.7 summarizes this chapter.

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center of gravity


discrete element method


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt


degree of freedom


energy stability margin


finite element method


inertial measurement unit


Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency


light detection and ranging


Massachusetts Institute of Technology


normalized ESM




soil contact model


simultaneous localization and mapping


unmanned ground vehicle


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Mobility prediction of rovers on soft terrain available from


Experiments of wheeled rovers in a sandbox covered with loose soil available from


Terradynamics of legged locomotion for traversal in granular media available from


Interaction human-robot supervision, long range science rover for Mars exploration available from


A path-following control scheme for a four-wheeled mobile robot available from


Evaluation test of tracked vehicles on random step fields in the Disaster City available from


Autonomous sub-tracks control available from


Autonomous sub-tracks control available from

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Nagatani, K., Ishigami, G., Okada, Y. (2016). Modeling and Control of Robots on Rough Terrain. In: Siciliano, B., Khatib, O. (eds) Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-32550-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-32552-1

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