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Evolutionary Robotics

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Springer Handbook of Robotics

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Evolutionary Robotics is a method for automatically generating artificial brains and morphologies of autonomous robots. This approach is useful both for investigating the design space of robotic applications and for testing scientific hypotheses of biological mechanisms and processes. In this chapter we provide an overview of methods and results of Evolutionary Robotics with robots of different shapes, dimensions, and operation features. We consider both simulated and physical robots with special consideration to the transfer between the two worlds.

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artificial neural network


charge-coupled device


direct current


dynamic state machine


Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


evolutionary robotics


framework for autonomous robotics simulation and analysis


field-programmable gate array


neural network


programmable intelligent computer


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Visual navigation of mobile robot with pan-tilt camera available from


Visual navigation with collision avoidance available from


Coevolved predator and prey robots available from


Evolution of collision-free navigation available from


Online learning to adapt to fast environmental variations available from


iCub language comprehension available from


Resilent machines through continuous self-modeling available from


A swarm-bot of eight robots displaying coordinated motion available from


Discrimination of objects through sensory-motor coordination available from


Evolution of cooperative and communicative behaviors available from


Exploration and homing for battery recharge available from


Introduction to evolutionary robotics at EPFL available from


Evolution of visually guided behavior on Sussex gantry robot available from


Evolved walking in an Octpod available from


Evolved homing walk on rough ground available from


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Evolved GasNet visualization available from


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Nolfi, S., Bongard, J., Husbands, P., Floreano, D. (2016). Evolutionary Robotics. In: Siciliano, B., Khatib, O. (eds) Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Cham.

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