
1 Introduction

Cloud computing [22] offers a new form of resource provisioning, where services and applications are no longer hosted on local computing resources but on shared ones provided by remote infrastructures. Customers, i.e. software developers, are offered with services delivered over the Internet without having to manage and maintain the underlying hardware or system software that hosts these services.

Although delivering virtual machines is the most common form of cloud offering, Platform as a Service (PaaS) clouds [7, 12, 13, 16], are getting increasingly popular. PaaS clouds aim at helping customers to quickly deploy and run their applications without considering infrastructure management tasks. Contrary to lower-level cloud services, non-functional properties like horizontal scalability are often part of the built-in features of these platforms. This makes PaaS clouds particularly appealing for more critical applications. However, if the applications depend on state, current PaaS solutions fall short as they lack deployment strategies for dependable stateful services. When services need to be replicated for high availability, the deployment is not a question of configuring independent service instances anymore, but of setting up and coordinating collaborating and highly interconnected replicas. This becomes even more complex, if the systems are supposed to tolerate not only crash faults but also Byzantine faults. For all that, cloud customers have to implement and maintain custom solutions, contradicting the primary goal of an automatic deployment in PaaS clouds.

This paper presents BFT-Dep, a novel application deployment framework that automatically sets up Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) [6] applications in PaaS clouds. Based on state-machine replication [18], BFT is able to tolerate crashes as well as arbitrary faults. By encapsulating BFT replicas into PaaS conform services, BFT-Dep simplifies the deployment of replicated applications without requiring changes to the cloud itself, and handles coordination among replicas automatically. An initial realization of BFT-Dep has been implemented as an extension of the popular open-source PaaS cloud OpenShift [16] and by using BFT-SMaRt  [3, 4] to enable replication.

Research works, which integrate Byzantine fault-tolerance protocols into cloud infrastructures to tolerate Byzantine failures have been proposed [2, 8, 11, 19]. Also at middleware level, BFT has been combined with multi-tier web services to guarantee their heterogeneous reliability requirements [15]. Unlike them, our work is targeting the automatic deployment of reliable applications as an enhancement and extension of PaaS cloud functionality thereby making BFT services easier to deploy and manage.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 explains the system design of BFT-Dep, Sect. 3 shows an implementation of BFT-Dep on a popular open-source PaaS cloud with interim evaluation results, and Sect. 4 concludes the paper and indicates future works.

2 System Design

An integral part of replicated Byzantine fault-tolerant services is the agreement protocol. It is responsible for coordinating the order in which requests must be executed by the stateful replicas to ensure the consistency of non-faulty ones. Consequently, to enable an easy deployment of BFT systems, the agreement protocol has to be integrated into the PaaS platform. BFT-Dep achieves this by introducing a BFT agreement layer that is separated from the application replicas (see Fig. 1). The BFT agreement layer can be realized using a common BFT protocol implementation [1, 6, 14]. In principle this follows separation of agreement and execution stages [21] and the typical assumptions for Byzantine fault-tolerant systems are made. A minimum of \(3f+1\) replicas are required to tolerate up to f Byzantine faults. Faulty replicas may crash or behave arbitrarily and maliciously. However, they are unable to break cryptographic techniques so that they cannot corrupt authenticated messages without being noticed. Note that enforcing fault tolerance of the cloud infrastructure itself is out of scope, as it is an orthogonal issue and has been addressed before [5].

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Architecture of BFT-Dep

We build the BFT agreement layer by containerizing a BFT protocol, e.g. using Docker [9], into the software stack of a PaaS platform as a built-in service. Thus a BFT replica can be deployed and operated in the same way as any other service instances of a PaaS cloud. This way, BFT-Dep is able to leverage as much as possible the existing PaaS cloud facilities and is to a large extent immune to cloud architecture changes. When deploying applications, BFT-Dep first creates and configures a set of BFT replicas to establish the BFT agreement layer and then instantiates replicas for the customer’s application. BFT-Dep guarantees that the application replicas together with their associated BFT replicas are distributed over different hosts of the cloud for fault independence. Each BFT replica exposes an access entry point to the clients. Upon receiving requests, the replicas of the BFT agreement layer first order them and then forward the requests to the corresponding application replicas. To do so, each BFT replica needs to connect to the application replica that locates on the same host to keep communication latency low. Application replicas then generate replies and send them back to the client through the BFT agreement layer, and the client will eventually verify the replies.

3 Implementation

We chose OpenShift Origin v3 [17] to implement BFT-Dep. Since BFT-Dep assumes a container-based PaaS model, it is not bound to a specific platform but can be applied to most PaaS clouds built upon containers. Furthermore, BFT-SMaRt  [3, 4], a well-known BFT protocol implementation written in Java, was chosen for evaluation.

3.1 BFT Replicas Generation

BFT Image. OpenShift uses Docker containers [9] that are built from Docker images for application deployment and management. A Dockerfile containing all necessary commands is needed for assembling an image. For building the BFT replica image, we use an off-the-shelf Java image as the basis and customize it to import the BFT-SMaRt source code. The necessary ports for connecting to other replicas as well as the associated application replica are declared. We eventually push the built image to a Docker Hub [10] repository, so that it can be conveniently imported to the PaaS cloud as an image stream for creating BFT containers.

BFT Pods and Services. In OpenShift, the smallest deployable and manageable unit, the so-called pod, is responsible for holding the runtime environment of a set of containers. In BFT-Dep, we specify a JSON file to explicitly describe the features of BFT replica pods. A unique name as well as a label are assigned to distinguish pods. When creating replicated BFT pods, the BFT image is imported and the ports declared in the image need to be opened by the pod as well. BFT-Dep enforces those pods’ allocations by assigning each one to an individual host of the PaaS installation, as replicas should always be distributed to different machines. We achieve this by specifying a hostPort item in the BFT pod description file so that according to the default scheduling policy, pods with the same hostPort number cannot be allocated onto the same host.

The unit service in OpenShift is defined as an abstraction of one or multiple pods, being responsible for exposing a stable service entry point regardless of underlying pod changes. A label selector is used to find all matching pods for the same service. We build BFT services upon individual BFT pods to forward external traffic. A temporary helper pod is used to configure and setup a cluster. It collects IP addresses of all BFT pods to update their host settings and then starts the BFT-SMaRt replica inside each pod. This way, BFT-SMaRt replicas can eventually connect to each other to agree on the order of client requests.

3.2 BFT Application Deployment and Networking

In OpenShift, customers use a template (a description file) to package application runtime dependencies for deployment. BFT-Dep offers a specific template for deploying BFT services and replicated applications. When using this template, BFT services are automatically generated and so are the application replicas, while their allocations are enforced by BFT-Dep as explained above. Each BFT service thereby connects to the application replica on the same host via socket connections. BFT services first order the received requests via public IPs, and forward to the corresponding application replicas for execution, and eventually send the replies back to the clients.

3.3 Interim Evaluation

We installed OpenShift v3 on a cluster of AWS EC2 instances (all in US East), composed of one master and four plain nodes. Each EC2 instance is equipped with an elastic IP for public accesses from PaaS customers and clients.

We have conducted an interim evaluation of our preliminary BFT-Dep prototype using a simple key-value store application and the YCSB benchmark [20]. A workload of combined read and update operations is used for testing three deployment scenarios, as shown in Fig. 2: (1) BFT and application deployed on EC2 instances together, (2) BFT and application deployed in OpenShift together, and (3) BFT and application deployed by BFT-Dep separately. Results of average latency indicate that the extra delay of using BFT-Dep introduced by the socket connections between BFT replicas and application services is low.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Evaluation of read and update latencies with YCSB benchmark.

4 Conclusion and Future Works

We presented BFT-Dep, a framework leveraging existing PaaS facilities to address reliability demands of stateful application services. By integrating BFT protocols into the cloud platform as a built-in service layer, BFT-Dep offers customers the capability of automatically deploying and coordinating fault-tolerant applications while the PaaS platform itself can be left unchanged. Our preliminary BFT-Dep prototype has been implemented on top of OpenShift. The interim evaluation shows that the overhead that is added by a containerized BFT protocol implementation is low.

For future works, we plan to make BFT-Dep more generically applicable and enable reconfiguration and distribution changes as supported by BFT-SMaRt.