We consider specifications of dynamically evolving ensembles consisting of entities which collaborate through message exchange. Each ensemble specification defines a set of messages, a set of process type declarations and an initial ensemble state. An ensemble state is given by a set of process instances that can trigger the creation of further process instances during ensemble evolution. We distinguish between internal and external messages of an ensemble. Internal messages are exchanged between the participants of a single ensemble while the external messages can be considered as ensemble interfaces which give rise to a composition operator for open ensemble specifications. A structural operational semantics for open ensemble specifications is provided based on two levels: a process and an ensemble level. We define an equivalence relation for ensemble specifications which generalizes bisimulation to dynamic architectures. As a main result we prove that equivalence of ensemble specifications is preserved by ensemble composition. We also introduce a semantic composition operator on the level of labeled transition systems and show that it is compatible with the syntactic composition of ensemble specifications; i.e. our semantics is compositional.
This work has been partially sponsored by the European Union under the FP7-project ASCENS, 257414.
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- 1.
Formally, deployer is a process instance identifier which is mapped in the initial ensemble state to the process name Deployer.
- 2.
To model the actual execution of the app one could introduce an internal action. But this would not be a message and therefore the concept of an ensemble signature needs to be extended to capture internal actions as well. Such an extension would be straightforward on the syntactic and on the semantic level. It is left out here for the sake of simplicity of the presentation.
- 3.
Note that m! and m? are different messages with the same name.
- 4.
\(\sigma 1_0+\sigma 2_0\) is well-defined, since \(\sigma 1_0( pi ) \in LocStates (\varSigma 1, Decls 1) \subseteq LocStates (\varSigma 1 \otimes \varSigma 2, Decls 1 \cup Decls 2)\), and similarly for \(\sigma 2_0( pi )\).
- 5.
Note that in all cases, except (1.3) and (2.3), \( dom (\sigma 1) = dom (\sigma 1')\) and \( dom (\sigma 2) = dom (\sigma 2')\).
- 6.
Note that \( pi \) must be in \( dom (\sigma 1)\) and therefore \(\varphi ( pi ) \in dom (\sigma 2)\).
- 7.
Note that \(\sigma 1'\) is of the from \(\sigma 1{\scriptstyle +[ fresh (\sigma 1) \mapsto Q1]}\) and \(\sigma 2'\) is of the form \(\sigma 2{\scriptstyle +[ fresh (\sigma 2) \mapsto Q2]}.\).
- 8.
W.l.o.g. the rules assume that the states in S1 and S2 have disjoint definition domains.
- 9.
Since \(\varphi ^\otimes = \varphi + id _{ dom (\sigma )}\).
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I would like to thank the reviewers for their very careful reading of the submitted version of this paper and for their valuable remarks and suggestions.
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Proof of Theorem 1 :
By assumption, \( EnsSpec 1\) and \( EnsSpec 2\) have the same signature. Hence,\( EnsSpec 1 \otimes EnsSpec \) and \( EnsSpec 2 \otimes EnsSpec \) have the same signature. In the following of the proof let \( EnsSpec 1 = (\varSigma ', Decls 1,\sigma 1_0)\), \( EnsSpec 2 = (\varSigma ', Decls 2,\sigma 2_0)\) and \( EnsSpec = (\varSigma , Decls ,\sigma _0)\). Let \(T1 = (S1, \sigma 1_0, L1, \xrightarrow {}_1)\) be the semantics of \( EnsSpec 1\), \(T2 = (S2, \sigma 2_0, L2, \xrightarrow {}_2)\) be the semantics of \( EnsSpec 2\), and let \(T = (S, \sigma _0, L, \xrightarrow {})\) be the semantics of \( EnsSpec \). W.l.o.g. we assume (*): For all \(\sigma _1 \in S1, \sigma _2 \in S2, \sigma \in S\) we have \( dom (\sigma _1) \cap dom (\sigma ) = \emptyset \) and \( dom (\sigma _2) \cap dom (\sigma ) = \emptyset \). Let \(\varDelta = \{(\sigma 1,\sigma 2,\varphi ) \mid \sigma 1 \in S1 , \sigma 2 \in S2, \varphi : dom (\sigma 1) \rightarrow dom (\sigma 2)~ is~bijective \}\). By assumption, there exists a bijective function \(\varphi _0: dom (\sigma 1_0) \rightarrow dom (\sigma 2_0)\) and a bisimulation \(R \subseteq \varDelta \), such that \((\sigma 1_0,\sigma 2_0,\varphi _0) \in R\). By definition,
Obviously, \(\varphi _0\) can be extended to a bijective function \((\varphi _0+ id _{ dom (\sigma _0)}):\) \( dom (\sigma 1_0+\sigma _0) \rightarrow dom (\sigma 2_0+\sigma _0)\) such that \((\varphi _0+ id _{ dom (\sigma _0)})(i) = \varphi _0(i)\) if \(i \in dom (\sigma 1_0)\) and \((\varphi _0+ id _{ dom (\sigma _0)})(i) = i\) if \(i \in dom (\sigma _0)\).
Now, let \(T1^\otimes = (S1^\otimes , \sigma 1_0+\sigma _0, L1^\otimes , \xrightarrow {}_1^\otimes )\) be the semantics of \( EnsSpec 1 \otimes EnsSpec \) and \(T2^\otimes = (S2^\otimes , \sigma 2_0+\sigma _0, L2^\otimes , \xrightarrow {}_2^\otimes )\) be the semantics of \( EnsSpec 2 \otimes EnsSpec \). Let \(\varDelta ^\otimes = \{(\sigma 1^\otimes ,\sigma 2^\otimes ,\varphi ^\otimes ) \mid \sigma 1^\otimes \in S1^\otimes , \sigma 2^\otimes \in S2^\otimes , \varphi ^\otimes : dom (\sigma 1^\otimes ) \rightarrow dom (\sigma 2^\otimes )~ is~bijective \}\). We have to construct a bisimulation \(R^\otimes \subseteq \varDelta ^\otimes \), such that \((\sigma 1_0+\sigma _0,\sigma 2_0+\sigma _0,\varphi _0+ id _{ dom (\sigma _0)}) \in R^\otimes \). For this purpose, we define

Clearly, \((\sigma 1_0+\sigma _0, \sigma 2_0+\sigma _0, \varphi _0+ id _{ dom (\sigma _0)}) \in R^\otimes \). It remains to prove that \(R^\otimes \) is a bisimulation between \(T1^\otimes \) and \(T2^\otimes \). We will prove the first four cases (1.1)–(1.4) of Definition 9. The other cases are symmetric. Assume \((\sigma 1^\otimes ,\sigma 2^\otimes ,\varphi ^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \), i.e. \(\sigma 1^\otimes \) is of the form \(\sigma 1+\sigma , \sigma 2^\otimes = \sigma 2+\sigma \) and \(\varphi ^\otimes = \varphi + id _{ dom (\sigma )}\) such that \((\sigma 1,\sigma 2,\varphi ) \in R\).
Let \(\sigma 1^\otimes \xrightarrow { pi :m!}^\otimes _1 \sigma 1'^\otimes \) be a transition in \(T1^\otimes \) with an external message m! of \(\varSigma ' \otimes \varSigma \). According to the semantics of ensemble specifications, the transition is induced by a transition on the process level of the form
such that \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1^\otimes )\) and \(\sigma 1^\otimes ( pi ) = P\) and \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1^\otimes {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P']}\). Since m! is an external message of \(\varSigma ' \otimes \varSigma \), it is an external message of \(\varSigma '\) or of \(\varSigma \).
If m! is an external message of \(\varSigma '\), the transition
induces a transition \(\sigma 1 \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_1 \sigma 1'\) in T1 with \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1)\) and \(\sigma 1( pi ) = P\) and \(\sigma 1' = \sigma 1{\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P']}\). Since R is a bisimulation between T1 and T2, there exists \(\sigma 2 \xrightarrow {\varphi ( pi ):m!}_2 \sigma 2'\), such that \((\sigma 1',\sigma 2',\varphi ) \in R\). This transition is induced by a transition on the process level of the form
such that \(\varphi ( pi ) \in dom (\sigma 2)\) and \(\sigma 2(\varphi ( pi )) = Q\) and \(\sigma 2' = \sigma 2{\scriptstyle [\varphi ( pi ) \mapsto Q']}\). Taking into account that \(\sigma 2^\otimes = \sigma 2+\sigma \), the transition
induces also a transition \(\sigma 2^\otimes \xrightarrow {\varphi ( pi ):m!}_2^\otimes \sigma 2'^\otimes \) in \(T2^\otimes \) with \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2'+\sigma \). Since \((\sigma 1,\sigma 2,\varphi ) \in R\), \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1'+\sigma \), \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2'+\sigma \), we have \((\sigma 1'^\otimes ,\sigma 2'^\otimes ,\varphi ^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \).
If m! is an external message of \(\varSigma \), the transition
induces a transition \(\sigma \xrightarrow { pi :m!} \sigma '\) in T with \( pi \in dom (\sigma )\) and \(\sigma ( pi ) = P\) and \(\sigma ' = \sigma {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P']}\). Then \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1+\sigma '\). But the transition
induces also a transition \(\sigma 2^\otimes \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_2^\otimes \sigma 2'^\otimes \) in \(T2^\otimes \) such that \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2+\sigma '\). Since \((\sigma 1,\sigma 2,\varphi ) \in R\) we then have also \((\sigma 1'^\otimes ,\sigma 2'^\otimes ,\varphi ^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \).
This case is proved analogously to (1.1).
Let \(\sigma 1^\otimes \xrightarrow { pi :\mathbf{create }( fresh (\sigma 1^\otimes ))}^\otimes _1 \sigma 1'^\otimes \) be a transition in \(T1^\otimes \). The transition is induced by a transition on the process level of the form
such that \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1^\otimes )\) and \(\sigma 1^\otimes ( pi ) = P1\) and \(\sigma 1'^\otimes =\) \(\sigma 1^\otimes {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P1']+[ fresh (\sigma 1^\otimes ) \mapsto Q1]}\). Since \(\sigma 1^\otimes \) is of the form \(\sigma 1+\sigma \) with \(\sigma 1 \in S1\) and \(\sigma \in S\), we consider two cases (a) and (b).
(a) \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1)\): Then
induces a transition\(\sigma 1 \xrightarrow { pi :\mathbf{create }( fresh (\sigma 1))}_1 \sigma 1'\) in T1 such that \(\sigma 1' = \sigma 1{\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P1']+[ fresh (\sigma 1) \mapsto Q1]}\). Since R is a bisimulation between T1 and T2, there exists\(\sigma 2 \xrightarrow {\varphi ( pi ):\mathbf{create }( fresh (\sigma 2))}_2 \sigma 2'\) in T2 such that \((\sigma 1',\sigma 2',\varphi ') \in R\) with \(\varphi ' = \varphi {\scriptstyle +[ fresh (\sigma 1) \mapsto fresh (\sigma 2)]}\). This transition is induced by a transition on the process level of the form
such that \(\varphi ( pi ) \in dom (\sigma 2)\) and \(\sigma 2(\varphi ( pi )) = P2\) and \(\sigma 2' = \sigma 2{\scriptstyle [\varphi ( pi ) \mapsto P2']+[ fresh (\sigma 2) \mapsto Q2]}\).
The transition
induces also a transition\(\sigma 2^\otimes \xrightarrow {\varphi ( pi ):\mathbf{create }( fresh (\sigma 2^\otimes ))}^\otimes _2 \sigma 2'^\otimes \) in \(T2^\otimes \) with \(\varphi ( pi ) \in dom (\sigma 2^\otimes )\) and \(\sigma 2^\otimes (\varphi ( pi )) = P2\) and \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2^\otimes {\scriptstyle [\varphi ( pi ) \mapsto P2']+[ fresh (\sigma 2^\otimes ) \mapsto Q2]}\). Taking into account the assumption (*) from above on disjointness of definition domains, we have \( fresh (\sigma 1) \notin dom (\sigma )\) and \( fresh (\sigma 2) \notin dom (\sigma )\). Since \(\sigma 1^\otimes = \sigma 1+\sigma \) and \(\sigma 2^\otimes = \sigma 2+\sigma \), we can assume \( fresh (\sigma 1^\otimes ) = fresh (\sigma 1)\) and \( fresh (\sigma 2^\otimes ) = fresh (\sigma 2)\). Hence, \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1'+\sigma \) and \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2'+\sigma \). Since \((\sigma 1',\sigma 2',\varphi ') \in R\), we get \((\sigma 1'^\otimes ,\sigma 2'^\otimes ,\varphi '^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \) with \(\varphi '^\otimes \) defined as \(\varphi ^\otimes {\scriptstyle +[ fresh (\sigma 1^\otimes ) \mapsto fresh (\sigma 2^\otimes )]}\) which is the same as \(\varphi '+ id _{ dom (\sigma )}\) since \(\varphi ^\otimes {\scriptstyle +[ fresh (\sigma 1^\otimes ) \mapsto fresh (\sigma 2^\otimes )]} =\) \(\varphi ^\otimes {\scriptstyle +[ fresh (\sigma 1) \mapsto fresh (\sigma 2)]} = \varphi {\scriptstyle +[ fresh (\sigma 1) \mapsto fresh (\sigma 2)]}+ id _{ dom (\sigma )} = \varphi '+ id _{ dom (\sigma )}\).Footnote 9
(b) \( pi \in dom (\sigma )\): Then
induces a transition\(\sigma \xrightarrow { pi :\mathbf{create }( fresh (\sigma ))} \sigma '\) in T such that \(\sigma ' = \sigma {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P1']+[ fresh (\sigma ) \mapsto Q1]}\).
induces also a transition \(\sigma 2^\otimes \xrightarrow { pi :\mathbf{create }( fresh (\sigma 2^\otimes ))}^\otimes _2 \sigma 2'^\otimes \) in \(T2^\otimes \). Since \( pi \in dom (\sigma ), \sigma 1^\otimes = \sigma 1+\sigma \) and \(\sigma 2^\otimes = \sigma 2+\sigma \), we assume, similarly as in case (a), \( fresh (\sigma 1^\otimes ) = fresh (\sigma ) = fresh (\sigma 2^\otimes )\). Hence, \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1+\sigma '\) and \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2+\sigma '\). Since \((\sigma 1,\sigma 2,\varphi ) \in R\), we get \((\sigma 1'^\otimes ,\sigma 2'^\otimes ,\varphi '^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \) with \(\varphi '^\otimes \) defined as \(\varphi + id _{ dom (\sigma ')}\).
Let \(\sigma 1^\otimes \xrightarrow {( pi \rightarrow qi ):m}_1^\otimes \sigma 1'^\otimes \) be a transition in \(T1^\otimes \). This transition is induced by two transitions on the process level of the form
such that \( pi , qi \in dom (\sigma 1^\otimes )\), \(\sigma 1^\otimes ( pi ) = P1, \sigma 1^\otimes ( qi ) = Q1\) and \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1^\otimes {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P1', qi \mapsto Q1']}\). Since \(\sigma 1^\otimes \) is of the form \(\sigma 1+\sigma \) with \(\sigma 1 \in S1\) and \(\sigma \in S\), we consider four cases (a), (b), (c) and (d) with (c) ((d) resp.) being the most interesting ones.
(a) \( pi , qi \in dom (\sigma 1)\): Then
induce a transition\(\sigma 1 \xrightarrow {( pi \rightarrow qi ):m}_1 \sigma 1'\) in T1 such that \(\sigma 1' = \sigma 1{\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P1', qi \mapsto Q1']}\). Hence, \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1'+\sigma \). Since R is a bisimulation between T1 and T2, there exists\(\sigma 2 \xrightarrow {(\varphi ( pi ) \rightarrow \varphi ( qi )):m}_1 \sigma 2'\) in T2 such that \((\sigma 1',\sigma 2',\varphi ) \in R\). This transition is induced by transitions on the process level of the form
such that \(\sigma 2' = \sigma 2{\scriptstyle [\varphi ( pi ) \mapsto P2', \varphi ( qi ) \mapsto Q2']}\). The transitions
induce also a transition \(\sigma 2^\otimes \xrightarrow {(\varphi ( pi ) \rightarrow \varphi ( qi )):m}_2^\otimes \sigma 2'^\otimes \) in \(T2^\otimes \) such that \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2'+\sigma \). Since \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1+\sigma '\) and \((\sigma 1',\sigma 2',\varphi ) \in R\), we get \((\sigma 1'^\otimes ,\sigma 2'^\otimes ,\varphi ^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \).
(b) \( pi , qi \in dom (\sigma )\): Then
induce a transition\(\sigma \xrightarrow {( pi \rightarrow qi ):m} \sigma '\) in T such that \(\sigma ' = \sigma {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P1', qi \mapsto Q1']}\). Hence, \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1+\sigma '\). The transitions
induce also a transition \(\sigma 2^\otimes \xrightarrow {( pi \rightarrow qi ):m}_2^\otimes \sigma 2'^\otimes \) in \(T2^\otimes \) such that \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2+\sigma '\). Since \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1+\sigma '\) and \((\sigma 1,\sigma 2,\varphi ) \in R\), we get \((\sigma 1'^\otimes ,\sigma 2'^\otimes ,\varphi ^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \).
(c) \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1)\) and \( qi \in dom (\sigma )\): Then m! is an external message of \(\varSigma '\) and
induces a transition \(\sigma 1 \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_1 \sigma 1'\) in T1 with \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1)\), \(\sigma 1( pi ) = P1\) and \(\sigma 1' = \sigma 1{\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P1']}\). Moreover, m? is an external message of \(\varSigma \) and
induces a transition \(\sigma \xrightarrow { qi :m?} \sigma '\) in T with \( qi \in dom (\sigma )\), \(\sigma ( qi ) = Q1\) and \(\sigma ' = \sigma {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto Q1']}\). Hence, \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1'+\sigma '\).
Since R is a bisimulation between T1 and T2, there exists \(\sigma 2 \xrightarrow {\varphi ( pi ):m!}_2 \sigma 2'\) in T2, such that \((\sigma 1',\sigma 2',\varphi ) \in R\). This transition is induced by a transition on the process level of the form
such that \(\varphi ( pi ) \in dom (\sigma 2)\), \(\sigma 2(\varphi ( pi )) = P2\) and \(\sigma 2' = \sigma 2{\scriptstyle [\varphi ( pi ) \mapsto P2']}\).
Then, the transitions
induce also a transition \(\sigma 2^\otimes \xrightarrow {(\varphi ( pi ) \rightarrow qi ):m}_2^\otimes \sigma 2'^\otimes \) in \(T2^\otimes \) such that \(\sigma 2'^\otimes = \sigma 2'+\sigma '\). Since \(\sigma 1'^\otimes = \sigma 1'+\sigma '\) and \((\sigma 1',\sigma 2',\varphi ) \in R\), we get \((\sigma 1'^\otimes ,\sigma 2'^\otimes ,\varphi ^\otimes ) \in R^\otimes \).
(d) \( pi \in dom (\sigma )\) and \( qi \in dom (\sigma 1)\): The proof is analogous to case (c). \(\square \)
Proof of Theorem 2 :
Let \(T1 = (S1, \sigma 1_0, L1, \xrightarrow {}_1)\), \(T2 = (S2, \sigma 2_0, L2, \xrightarrow {}_2)\), \(T1 \otimes T2 = (S1 \otimes S2,\) \((\sigma 1_,\sigma 2_0), L1 \otimes L2, \xrightarrow {}_\otimes )\), and \(T^\otimes = (S^\otimes , \sigma 1_0+\sigma 2_0, L^\otimes , \xrightarrow {}^\otimes )\). Since for the construction of \(T1 \otimes T2\) we have assumed that the states in S1 and S2 have disjoint definition domains, we can define a bijection \(\beta : S1 \otimes S2 \rightarrow S^\otimes \) such that \(\beta ((\sigma 1,\sigma 2)) = \sigma 1+\sigma 2\). To show that \(\beta ((\sigma 1,\sigma 2))\) is indeed in \(S^\otimes \) and that \(\beta \) preserves and reflects transitions we perform an induction on the length of the derivation to reach states in \(S1 \otimes S2\) and in \(S^\otimes \). The base case holds, since \(\beta ((\sigma 1_0,\sigma 2_0)) = \sigma 1_0+\sigma 2_0 \in S^\otimes \). For each direction we show as an example one induction step.The other cases are similar.
(open output left): Let \(m! \in \varSigma 1_{ ext }, m? \notin \varSigma 2_{ ext } \) and \((\sigma 1,\sigma 2) \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_\otimes (\sigma 1',\sigma 2)\) because of \(\sigma 1 \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_1 \sigma 1'\). Then \(\sigma 1 \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_1 \sigma 1'\) is induced by by a transition on the process level of the form such that \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1)\), \(\sigma 1( pi ) = P\) and \(\sigma 1' = \sigma 1{\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P']}\). By induction hypothesis, \(\beta ((\sigma 1,\sigma 2)) = \sigma 1+\sigma 2 \in S^\otimes \). Then, the transition
induces also a transition \(\sigma 1+\sigma 2 \xrightarrow { pi :m!}^\otimes \sigma 1'+\sigma 2\) in \(T^\otimes \). Hence \(\beta ((\sigma 1',\sigma 2)) \in S^\otimes \).
Conversely, let \(\sigma ^\otimes \xrightarrow { pi :m!}^\otimes \sigma '^\otimes \) be a transition in \(T^\otimes \) with an external message m! of \(\varSigma 1 \otimes \varSigma 2 \). The transition is induced by a transition on the process level of the form such that \( pi \in dom (\sigma ^\otimes )\), \(\sigma ^\otimes ( pi ) = P\) and \(\sigma '^\otimes = \sigma ^\otimes {\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P']}\). By induction hypothesis, \(\sigma ^\otimes = \beta ((\sigma 1,\sigma 2)) = \sigma 1+\sigma 2\) such that \(\sigma 1 \in T1, \sigma 2 \in T2\) with \( dom (\sigma 1) \cap dom (\sigma 2) = \emptyset \). W.l.o.g. we consider the case \(m! \in \varSigma 1_{ ext } \). Then, \( pi \in dom (\sigma 1)\). Hence, the transition
induces also a transition \(\sigma 1 \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_1 \sigma 1'\) in T1 such that \(\sigma 1' = \sigma 1{\scriptstyle [ pi \mapsto P']}\). Therefore, \(\sigma '^\otimes = \sigma 1'+\sigma 2 = \beta ((\sigma 1',\sigma 2))\). Since m! is external in \(\varSigma 1 \otimes \varSigma 2 \), we have \(m? \notin \varSigma 2_{ ext } \). Thus we can apply the rule (open output left) and get \((\sigma 1,\sigma 2) \xrightarrow { pi :m!}_\otimes (\sigma 1',\sigma 2)\). \(\square \)
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Hennicker, R. (2016). A Calculus for Open Ensembles and Their Composition. In: Margaria, T., Steffen, B. (eds) Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Foundational Techniques. ISoLA 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9952. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47166-2_40
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47166-2_40
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-47165-5
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-47166-2
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