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Non-native RDF Storage Engines

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Handbook of Big Data Technologies


The proliferation of heterogeneous Linked Data requires data management systems to constantly improve their scalability and efficiency. Linked Data can be stored according to many different data storage models. Some of these attempt to use general purpose database storage techniques to persist Linked Data, hence they can leverage existing data processing environments (e.g., big Hadoop clusters). We therefore look at the multiplicity of Linked Data storage systems which we categorize into the following classes: relational database-based systems, NoSQL-based systems, massively parallel systems.

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Hauwirth, M., Wylot, M., Grund, M., Sakr, S., Cudré-Mauroux, P. (2017). Non-native RDF Storage Engines. In: Zomaya, A., Sakr, S. (eds) Handbook of Big Data Technologies. Springer, Cham.

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