
1 Introduction

Modern applications targeting the finance industry become popular candidates for using high performance computing (HPC) platforms and techniques. Almost 10% of the TOP500 supercomputers, are dedicated for computational finance purposes [5]. This trend occurs because of the nature of applications that the financial sector has to offer and the increasing amount of data related to these applications. Examples of such applications are stock market data streaming, option pricing, high frequency trading, or risk management. They are loosely clustered in the fast-growing field of computational finance.

A computational finance instrument is the OPAL platform offered by Ortec-Finance, which provides goal based financial planning for private investors. The feasibility of potential goals is estimated based on high-quality scenario projections. These projections are influenced by investment decisions, market changes, clients financial situation and future goals [15]. Therefore, being able to increase efficiently the number of projections of the future can result into a more accurate investment plan. For this work, we have extracted from OPAL a test case of Asset Liability Management (ALM), to investigate the potential performance and/or accuracy increase when utilizing HPC platforms such as Intel Xeon Phi. ALM was chosen because it can have several applications within the finance industry such as risk management and it’s need to comply with regulations. Typical regulations are Solvency IIFootnote 1 and MiFIDFootnote 2.

In general, the vast majority of accelerated applications from computational finance are using GPUs [2, 6, 11] and highly parallelizable (Monte Carlo and PDEs) methods [4, 17]. Because of the prevalence of GPUs, some areas of computational finance, such as risk management, are less likely to be accelerated, as they contain extensive branching.

To address performance, OpenCL solution of the extracted test case was implemented. Then, a series of optimizations were applied for increasing its potential performance. As this model works with several conditional statements, GPU implementation approach can be very challenging. Therefore, Intel Xeon Phi due to it’s CPU like behaviour, was chosen as the implementation platform. The performance on the Intel Xeon Phi was evaluated, as well as the individual effect for each of the optimization. In addition, solutions scalability was studied to determine the correlation between the effective speed-up and the number of future projections (scenarios).

Our results show that there is an great improve in performance which varied from x17 to x135 depending on the number of future projections. In addition, we studied the optimizations that lead to these speed-ups and their contributions to this performance.

The main contributions of our work are as follows:

  • We chose a case study extracted from the financial sector industry, where improve in performance is in high demand.

  • We propose a novel OpenCL implementation of the chosen case study.

  • We applied various optimizations on the OpenCL implementation.

  • We evaluate its performance on Intel Xeon Phi co-processor and the effect of the individual optimizations.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides the necessary background information on the test case model, programming language and development platform. Section 3 introduces the model, the OpenCL implementation and the different optimizations techniques used. Section 4, presents the obtained results on the Intel Xeon Phi along with the individual effect of each optimization. Finally, conclusion and future work is featured in Sect. 5.

2 Background

This section contains a brief introduction to Scenario based ALM case used, the OpenCL programming language and the Intel Xeon Phi which is proposed implementation platform.

2.1 Scenario Based ALM

The private investor has to make a decision about investments and chose an optimum investment strategy. The investment strategy usually lies between the balance of risk and reward. It is a plan of attack based on individual goals, risk tolerance, future capital needs and potential hazards [12]. In addition, these investments strategies taking in account asset allocation, buy and sell guidelines and risk guidelines. Therefore, the combination of this factors leads to changes in the chosen investment strategy.

An analysis using various different economic scenarios is crucial to get an accurate insight in risk and return. Thus, simulation techniques are clearly favored above analytical formulas here, because simulation can take into account a multitude of different variables, such as deposits, withdrawals, taxes, inflation, etc., and do so across a range of investment strategies and portfolios. Therefore, scenario based analysis instead of predicting the economic future, tries to assemble as realistic as possible projections of it.

Consider, for example, a typical pension fund case where 10,000 real world scenarios with a horizon of 64 years (monthly frequency), then 768000 evaluations are required in total. Assuming that this computation is the most computational intensive part of a larger process pipeline (scenario generation, pattern extraction etc.), it can take up to several minutes for completion. Therefore, the number of scenarios is the primary constraint for future development of the model and its accuracy.

2.2 The OpenCL Programing Lanaguage

OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a framework which allows the composition of programs aiming for heterogeneous platforms. These platforms can consist of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, DSPs and other hardware such as co-processors (Intel Xeon Phi, Cell) [7].

In the early stages of development, OpenCL was initially a side project of Apple Inc. Later, Khronos Compute Working Group consisting of CPU, GPU, embedded-processor and other vendors. Therefore, in the OpenCL Ecosystem hardware (IBM, AMD, Intel, ARM, NVIDIA, ALTERA, XILINX) and software (codeplay, Sony, vmware, Adobe) dedicated members can be found. Finally, in 2008 an approved technical specification was released [7].

Figure 1 represents an overview of the OpenCL architecture. There is a host device which is able to control more than one of Compute Devices. For instance, these Compute devices can be either CPUs or GPUs. Each of these devices contains several Compute Units such as cores. Eventually, every Processing Unit contains several Processing Elements which execute the OpenCL kernels.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Opencl architecture overview [7]

One of the greatest advantages of OpenCL is portability. Although, even with the code to be highly portable, the performance is not working in the same manner. Therefore, with OpenCL code which is cross-platform executable, unique optimizations need to performed for each platform.

2.3 Intel Xeon Phi Co-processor

The Intel Xeon Phi co-processor [9, 10], is equipped with 60 general purposed cores. These cores are connected with a high speed bidirectional ring. Also, the cores are based on an updated Intel Pentium architecture (P54C), enhanced with 64-bit instructions and 512-bit vector instructions. These instructions are able to perform 16 single-precision operations or 8 double precision operations per instruction. In addition, the co-processor contains two levels of cache memory. The cache structure corresponds to a 32KB L1 for data, 32KB L1 for instructions and a 512KB L2 cache for every core [3]. The co-processor is able to provide 1.1 Tflops and 2.1 TFlops, peak performance for double and single precision operations, respectively. Additional features of the co-processor are the PCI express system interface, the 16 memory channels that it offers and it’s Linux based micro OS. Also, The it offers two main modes, where applications can run on either native or offload mode. This allows application to run independently on the device or offloading highly computational and parallel parts from the CPU.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Intel Xeon Phi architecture

In terms of programming, Intel Xeon Phi offers a broad range of tools and programming tools, very similar to the ones available for a regular CPU [18]. In more detail, OpenCL [20], OpenMP [14], Intel Cilk Plus [16], Pthreads [13] and specialized math libraries like Intel Math Kernel Library [1] are available.

3 OpenCL Implementation

In this section, the Scenario based ALM, extracted from OPAL, is presented. Also, the proposed OpenCL implementation is outlined, along with the individual optimizations that applied.

3.1 Scenario Based ALM

The Scenario based ALM kernel, is a part of a larger process pipeline (scenario generation, statistical interpretation etc.), but still the most computationally expensive one. As it can be seen from Algorithm 1, the given application allows a level of parallelism among the different scenarios. Each scenario, has zero inference with the rest and therefore provide us with an initial degree of parallelization freedom.

Each scenario performs a number of computations for a given portfolio. Each portfolio can contain several assets (up to 20). Usually, these assets represent cash, bonds, stocks and equities from different regions (UK, US, JPN). Also, as each scenario needs to comply with real world financial needs such as taxation and rebalancing of the capital between the assets, extensive branching is present in that kernel. Eventually, the value of each asset of each portfolio and the level of taxes needs to be recorded at every iteration of every scenario.

$$\begin{aligned} PortfolioValue = \sum _{i=1}^{n}= scenAssetweight(i) * currentAssetValue(i) \end{aligned}$$

Equation 1, represents how the total value of each portfolio is calculated. The value of each is multiplied by a weight correspond to the current iteration of the current scenario. Therefore, it contributes on increasing significantly the number of accesses to global memory. Each weight is different for each scenario as it is related to a different projection of the economy and a different financial decision.

figure a

3.2 OpenCL Implementation

The Scenario based ALM model, presented in Sect. 3.1 is implemented as a single kernel. Each individual scenario is simulated by a work item, in 1D work groups. OpenCL allows the compilation of kernels to take place during the execution time. Therefore, a very large part of the parameters can be passed as preprocessed constants and save resources from parameter passing. Under this structure all of the required constants by the model can be passed at a minimum cost. For this first OpenCL implementation, we tried to keep as simple as possible, without utilizing specific hardware or OpenCL features.

3.3 Optimizations

For increasing the performance of the proposed OpenCL implementation, a selection of four different optimizations were applied. By experimenting with this optimization space, some key observations were made regarding the effect and the possible improvement in terms of performance.

Workgroup Configuration. For any OpenCL kernel, the recommend work group size should be equal to the SIMD width. Therefore, for Intel Xeon Phi and float data type, the kernel width should be in multiplies of 16. This structure exploits the auto vectorization module in an optimum way while for non multiplies of 16, the items are packaged in a traditional scalar way [21].

Compiler Optimizations. In most GPGPU architectures, several hardware specific optimizations are available by the compiler. These optimizations may have the form of specific “expensive” mathematical functions such as square roots. In the same manner OpenCL allows a certain number of such flags for allowing better exploitation of the hardware. The optimizations chosen relevant to the nature of the model where -cl-fast-relaxed-math, -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-denorms-are-zero.

Data Layout. Data layout can have significant impact in an applications performance. Memory access patterns of the kernel can be converted from array of structures (AoS) to structure of arrays (SoA). This conversion results to a more cache friendly layout which can be benefited by the vectorization module. [22] Thus, the resulted performance can be improved with the used of a more SIMD friendly layout like the SoA [19]. The vectorization module transforms scalar data type operations on adjacent work-items into an equivalent vector operation. If vector operations already exist in the kernel source code, the module scalarizes (breaks into component operations) and revectorizes them.

Constant Memory. The use of constant memory can allow all compute units of the device to have access on the same data. Any constant memory element can be accessible on the same time by all work-items. Although, use of constant memory is strongly relative to the nature of the problem and work-group dimensions. Moreover, constant memory is expected to effect performance only for small problem sizes, where data can fit in the small constant memory.

4 Results

In this section, the results obtained after applying various optimizations will be presented. All the experiments performed in an Intel i7 GPP and Intel Xeon Phi co-processor.

4.1 Performance Impact of the Optimizations

In Table 1, the individual and relevant impact of each optimization are presented. The final performance yield a speed-up in magnitude of 109 times compared with our initial scalar implementation.

Initially, a naive OpenCL implementation was tested on the Phi. The out of the box performance was x21 faster than the original scalar code. This extend of improvement in performance was satisfying, but still not any specific architecture or programming features were exploit.

Further results demonstrate that while choosing the optimum workgroup configuration, the impact in performance can be significant. By tuning the application for a global size of 10240 over 1D range, demonstrate an extensive effect in performance. For the optimum work-group/work-item arrangement (128\(\,\times \,\)80), the overall speed-up increases to x80.1, while the relative speed-up compared to the naive OpenCL solution increases by a factor of x3.8.

Enabling the compiler flags mentioned in Sect. 3.2, increase the relative speed-up by just x1.06. On the other hand, converting the data access patterns to structure of arrays (SoA) gives almost 20 times faster performance in comparison with the original version. In addition, using constant memory intead of global for the different work-items to have access to independent scenario weights, gives an additional x1.05 speed-up. Although, for larger number of scenarios (more than 10240), data cannot fit in constant memory.

Table 1. Single precision OpenCL implementation: speed-up and relative speed-up for various optimizations and input of 10240 scenarios

4.2 Speed-Up Scalability

After evaluating the peak performance under a specific knob of optimizations, we evaluate the scalability of these results under different number of scenarios. For each number of scenarios, the optimum work group configuration was determined and used.

In Table 2, the results obtained from our novel OpenCL implementation compared to the scalar baseline are presented. These results provide us with enough information to evaluate the potential benefits of using Intel Xeon Phi. Firstly, we note that in 2/3 of the simulation time for 1024 scenarios, we were able to simulate 80 times more scenarios. In addition, we shown that for very large number of scenarios, we were able to achieve speed-ups, up to x135 compared to our scalar implementation running on a GPP.

Finally, we verified that for larger scenario inputs, we achieved the best performance while using work groups in multiplies of 16 [8]. This behaviour was due to the fact that SIMD, deploys the work-group items in groups of 16. On the other hand, for very small group scenarios, the work-group parallelism couldn’t exploited in it’s fullest potential and thus, smaller speed-ups were achieved.

Table 2. Single precision execution time results: Intel Xeon Phi vs Intel i7-5600U

5 Conclusion and Future Work

Due to the continuous need for faster and more accurate models, the financial sector offers a broad range of applications in need for acceleration. Therefore, we chose a scenario based ALM application, where speed and increase in accuracy are in particular needs. We proposed a novel OpenCL implementation of the Scenario based ALM and we tested on Intel Xeon Phi co-processor. We evaluate its out of the box performance and the effects of different optimizations.

In general, we proved that utilizing Intel Xeon Phi and OpenCL for scenario based ALM simulations, can yield to significant improvements in performance (up to x135). Also, we clarify that for application in which extensive branching is present, Intel Xeon Phi expected to offer a more efficient solution compared to a GPU. In addition, we shown that when optimizations are applied, the out of the box performance can be increased up to four times.

In terms of future, work we are working on investigating the performance portability for our OpenCL scenario based ALM solution. This investigation will focus on the OpenCL portability among different platforms, as well as the individual effects of different optimizations in every platform. This study will aim to find a minimum set of optimization knobs, for which a certain level of performance can be kept among different platforms.