1 Introduction

Survival analysis aims at modeling the time that elapses from the beginning of follow-up until a certain event of interest (e.g. biological death) occurs. The most popular survival model is Cox proportional hazards model [6]. However, the Cox model and recent approaches [2,3,4, 17] are still built based on the assumption that a patient’s risk is a linear combination of covariates. Another limitation is that they mainly focus on one view and cannot efficiently handle multi-modalities data. Recently, Katzman et al. proposed a deep fully connected network (DeepSurv) to learn highly complex survival functions [11]. They demonstrated that DeepSurv outperformed the standard linear Cox proportional hazard model. However, DeepSurv cannot process pathological images and also is unable to handle multi-view data.

To integrate multiple modalities and eliminate view variations, a good solution is to learn a joint embedding space which different modalities can be compared directly. Such embedding space will benefit the survival analysis since recent study has suggested that common representation from different modalities provide important information for prognosis [18, 21, 22]. To learn the embedding space, one very popular method is canonical correlation analysis (CCA) [8] which aims to learn features in two views that are maximally correlated. Deep canonical correlation analysis [1] has been shown to be advantageous and such correlational representation learning (CRL) methods provide a very good chance for integrating different modalities of survival data. However, since these CRL methods are unsupervised learning models, they still have the risk of discarding important markers that are highly associated with patients’ survival outcomes.

In this paper, we develop a Deep Correlational Survival Model (DeepCorrSurv) to integrate views of pathological images and molecular data for survival analysis. The proposed method first eliminates the view variations and finds the maximum correlated representation. Then it transfers feature hierarchies from such common space and specifically fine-tunes on the survival regression task. It has the ability to discover important markers that are not found by previous deep correlational learning which will benefit the survival prediction. The contribution of this paper can be summarized as: (1) DeepCorrSurv can model very complex view distributions and learn good estimators for predicting patients’ survival outcomes with insufficient training samples. (2) It used CNNs to represent much more abstract features from pathological images for survival prediction. Traditional survival models usually adopted hand-crafted imaging features. (3) Extensive experiments on TCGA-LUSC and GBM demonstrate that DeepCorrSurv model outperforms those state-of-the-art methods and achieves more accurate predictions across different tumor types.

2 Methodology

Given two sets \(\mathbf {X},\mathbf {Y}\) with m samples, the i-th sample is denoted as \(\mathbf {x}_i\) and \(\mathbf {y}_i \). Survival analysis is about predicting the time duration until an event occurs, and in our case the event is the death of a cancer patient. In survival data set, patient i has observation time and the censored status, denoted as \((t_i, \delta _i)\). \(\delta _i\) is the indicator: 1 is for a uncensored instance (the death event occurs during the study), and 0 is for a censored instance (the event is not observed). The observation time \(t_i\) is either a survival time (\(S_i\)) or a censored time (\(C_i\)) which is determined by the status indicator \(\delta _i\). If and only if \(t_i=\min (S_i,C_i)\) can be observed during the study, the dataset is said to be right-censored which is the most common case in real world.

Figure 1 illustrates the pipeline of the proposed DeepCorrSurv. It consists of two sub-networks, view-specific sub-network \(f_1,f_2\) and the common sub-network \(g_c\). We proposed Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as one image-view sub-network \(f_1\) and Fully Connected Neural Networks (FCNs) as another view-specific sub-network \(f_2\) to learn deep representations from pathological images and molecular profiling data, respectively. The sub-network \(f_1\) consists of 3 convolutional layers, 1 max-pooling layer and 1 fully-connected layer. In each convolutional layer, we employ ReLU as the nonlinear activation function. The sub-network \(f_2\) includes two fully connected layers with 128 and 32 neurons equipped with ReLU activation function.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The architecture of the DeepCorrSurv. ’st’ is short for ’stride’.

Deep Correlational Model: For any sample \(\mathbf {x}_i,\mathbf {y}_i\) passing through the corresponding view sub-network, its representation is denoted as \(f_1(\mathbf {x}_i;\mathbf {w_x})\) and \(f_2(\mathbf {y}_i;\mathbf {w_y})\) respectively where \(\mathbf {w_x, w_y}\) represent all parameters of two sub-networks. The outputs of two branches will be connected to a correlation layer to form the common representation.

Deep correlational model seeks pairs of projections that maximize the correlation of two outputs from each networks \(f_1(\mathbf {x}_i;\mathbf {w_x}), f_2(\mathbf {y}_i;\mathbf {w_y})\). If \(\mathbf {w_x, w_y}\) mean all parameters of two networks, then the commonality is enforced by maximizing the correlation between two views as follows

$$\begin{aligned} L&= corr(\mathbf {X},\mathbf {Y}) =\frac{\sum _{i=1}^{m}(f_1(\mathbf {x}_i)-\overline{f_1(\mathbf {X})})(f_2(\mathbf {y}_i)-\overline{f_2(\mathbf {Y})})}{\sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^{m}(f_1(\mathbf {x}_i)-\overline{f_1(\mathbf {X})})^2\sum _{i=1}^{m}(f_2(\mathbf {y}_i)-\overline{f_2(\mathbf {Y})})^2}}, \end{aligned}$$

where we omit networks’ parameters \(\mathbf {w_x, w_y}\) in the loss function (1). We can maximize the correlation loss function to provide the shared representation indicating the most correlated features from two modalities.

Fine-Tune with Survival Loss: Denote the shared representation from the two views as \(\mathbf {Z}\). Denote \(\mathbf {O}=[o_1,...,o_m]^\top \) as the outputs of common sub-network \(\mathbf {g}_c\), i.e., \(o_i=\mathbf {g}_c(\mathbf {z}_i)\). The survival loss function is set to be the negative log partial likelihood:

$$\begin{aligned} L(\mathbf {o}) =\sum _{i:R(t_i)=1}(-o_i + \log {\sum _{j:t_j>=t_i}\exp (o_j)}). \end{aligned}$$

where \(o_i\) is the output of i-th patient. \(R(t_i)\) is the risk set at time \(t_i\), which is the set of all individuals who are still under study before time \(t_i\). j is from the set whose survival time is not smaller than \(t_i\) (\(t_j \ge t_i\)). Another understanding is that all patients who live longer than i-th patient will be chosen into this set. Different from Cox-based models which only handle the linear condition in the risk function, the proposed model can better fit realistic data and learn complex interactions using deep representation.

Discussions: Although different views of health data are very heterogeneous, they still do share common information for prognosis. Deep correlational learning is first trained to find such common representation using the correlation function (1). However, this procedure has a risk of discarding the discriminant markers for predicting patients’ survival outcomes due to it belongs to unsupervised learning. To overcome this problem, the DeepCorrSurv transfers knowledge from the deep correlational learning and fine-tunes the network using the survival loss function (2). This will make DeepCorrSurv able to discover important markers that are ignored by correlational model and learn the best representation for survival prediction. Compared with the recent deep survival models [11, 20] which can only handle one specific view of data, the DeepCorrSurv can achieve more complex architecture for the integration of multi-modalities data which can be used in the practical application on more challenging dataset.

3 Experiments

3.1 Dataset Description

We used a public cancer survival dataset TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas) project [10] which provides high resolution whole slide pathological images and molecular profiling data. We conducted experiments on two cancer types: glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). For each cancer type, we adopted a core sample set from UT MD Anderson Cancer Center [19] in which each sample has information for the overall survival time, pathological images and molecular data related to gene expression.

  • TCGA-LUSC: Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC) is the majority of lung cancer. Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) is one major type in NSCLC. We collected 106 patients with pathological images and protein expression (reverse-phase protein array, 174 proteins).

  • TCGA-GBM: Glioma is a type of brain cancer and it is the most common malignant brain tumor. 126 patients are selected from the core set with images and CNV data (Copy number variation, 106 dimension).

With the help of pathologists, we have annotations that locate the tumor regions in whole slide images (WSIs). We randomly extract patches of size \(1024\times 1024\) from the tumor regions. To analyze pathological images in comparison survival models, we calculated hand-crafted features using CellProfiler [5] which serves as a state-of-the-art medical image feature extracting and quantitative analysis tool. Similar to the pipeline in [16], a total of 1,795 quantitative features were calculated from each image tile. These types of image features include cell shape, size, texture of the cells and nuclei, as well as the distribution of pixel intensity in the cells and nuclei.

3.2 Comparison Methods

We compare our DeepCorrSurv with five state-of-the-art survival models and three baselines deep survival models. Five survival methods include LASSO-Cox [15], Parametric censored regression models with components with Weibull, Logistic distribution [9], Boosting concordance index (BoostCI) [13] and Multi-Task Learning model for Survival Analysis (MTLSA) [12]. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the integration in our model, We adopted structured sparse CCA-based feature selection (SCCA) [7] to identify stronger correlation patterns from imaging genetic associations. Then we applied MTLSA using such associations for survival analysis.

Three baseline deep survival models are listed as follows: (1) CNN-Surv: CNN sub-network \(f_1\) followed by survival loss [20]. (2)FCN-Surv: FCN sub-network \(f_2\) followed by survival loss. It will use molecular profiling data for prediction. It can be also regarded as the DeepSurv [11] version on the dataset in this paper. (3)DeepCorr+DeepSurv: Since finding the common space by maximizing the correlation between two views belongs to unsupervised method, it cannot ensure that the embedding space is highly correlated with survival outcomes. We extract the shared representation by Deep correlational learning and feed them to another DeepSurv model.

Overall speaking, the DeepCorrSurv is optimized by the gradient descent following the chain rule, i.e., firstly compute the loss of objective, and then propagate the loss to each layer and finally employ gradient descent to update the whole network. These procedures can be automatically processed by Theano [14]. To make fair comparisons, the architectures of different deep survival models are kept the same with that corresponding parts in the proposed DeepCorrSurv. The source codes of MTLSA and SCCA are downloaded from the authors’ websites. All other methods in our comparisons were implemented in R. LASSO-Cox and EN-Cox are built using the cocktail function from the fastcox package. The implementation of BoostCI can be found in the supplementary materials of [13]. The parametric censored regression are from the survival package.

3.3 Results and Discussion

In order to evaluate the proposed approach with other state-of-the-arts methods, we used a 5-fold cross-validation. For each of the 5 folds, models were established using the other 4 folds as the training subset, and performance was evaluated with the unused fold. To evaluate the performances in survival prediction, we take the concordance index (CI) as our evaluation metric. The C-index quantifies the ranking quality of rankings and is calculated as follows

$$\begin{aligned} c=\frac{1}{n}\sum _{i\in \{1...N|\delta _i=1\}}\sum _{t_j>t_i}I[o_i>o_j] \end{aligned}$$

where n is the number of comparable pairs and I[.] is the indicator function. t. is the actual observation and o. represents the risk obtained from survival models.

Table 1. Performance comparison of the proposed methods and other existing related methods using C-index values on TCGA-LUSC and GBM

Table 1 presents the C-index values by various survival regression methods on two datasets. Results of using each individual view in the table present that pathological images and molecule data can provide predictive powers while the integration of both modalities in the proposed DeepCorrSurv achieves the best performance for both lung and brain cancer. Because the proposed DeepCorrSurv can remove view discrepancy as well as learn the survival-related common representations from both views, it obtains the highest C-index with low standard variation. When looking at deep survival models, CNN-Surv cannot achieve good prediction using imaging data alone. But when integrating with information from another view, DeepCorr+DeepSurv and the proposed DeepCorrSurv can achieve better performances than CNN-Surv using the same imaging data. This demonstrates that the common representation by maximizing the correlation between both views can benefit the survival analysis when the samples are not sufficient.

Another observation is DeepCorr+DeepSurv and SCCA+MTLSA cannot obtain a very good estimation compared with some predictions from one view. This demonstrates that the common representation by maximizing the correlation in an unsupervised manner still has the risk of discarding markers that are highly associated with survival outcomes. On the contrary, the DeepCorrSurv can consider discriminant as well as view discrepancy which can ensure a representation that is robust to view discrepancy and also discriminant for survival prediction.

Results on TCGA-GBM dataset suggest that most models using CNV data can have better predictions than same models using imaging data. This observation is different from that in LUSC cohort. This reminds us, due to the heterogeneous of different tumor types, it is not easy to find a general model that can successfully estimate patients’ survival outcomes across different tumor types using only one specific view. In addition, the original data in each view might contain variations or noises which are not survival-related and might affect the estimation of survival models. The proposed DeepCorrSurv can effectively integrate with two views and thus achieve good prediction performances across different tumor types.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed Deep Correlational Survival model (DeepCorrSurv) that is able to efficiently integrate multi-modalities censored data with small samples. One challenge is the view-discrepancy between different views in recent real cancer database. To eliminate the view discrepancy between imaging data and molecular profiling data, deep correlational learning provides a good solution to maximize the correlation of two views and find the common embedding space. However, deep correlational learning is an unsupervised approach which cannot ensure the common space is suitable for survival prediction. In order to find the truly deep representations for prediction, the proposed DeepCorrSurv transfers knowledge from the embedding space and fine-tunes the whole network using survival loss. Experiments have shown that DeepCorrSurv can discover important markers that are ignored by correlational learning and extract the best representation for survival prediction. The results have shown that since DeepCorrSurv can model non-linear relationships between factors and prognosis, it achieved quite promising performances with improvements. In the future, we will extend the framework with other kinds of data sources.