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Understanding the Crowd: Ethical and Practical Matters in the Academic Use of Crowdsourcing

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments


The driving force behind digital crowdsourcing are its workers: working, hidden behind the scenes, churning out data in experiments, participating in research studies, completing little tasks to accomplish HITs online. Understanding workers and crowdwork better is therefore key to develop a more effective and fair use of crowdsourcing for research. This chapter attempts to help develop an understanding of the various aspects of the crowd by drawing parallels between workers of different platforms (AMT, Microworkers and Crowdee) through quantitative and qualitative analysis of current and newly collected data. A picture of the crowd is drawn by uncovering their motivations, workplaces, skills and infrastructure, issues and perspectives about the design of microtasks, the employers and the microtask-based platforms. Legal and ethical perspectives on crowdwork are also discussed, and online resources are reviewed that researchers can use as a primer to employ crowdworkers in an ethical and fair way. The chapter provides information, a review of internationally recognised ethical principles and practical advice to those who would like to use crowdsourcing for experiments and to carry out research studies as an informed researcher and crowd employer.

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  1. 1. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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    E.g. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

  3. 3. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

  4. 4. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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    Crowdworkers in MTurk.

  6. 6.

    The terms ‘task’ and ‘microtask’ have been used interchangeably here due to the use of multiple platforms that have different terminology for microtasks on them.

  7. 7. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

  8. 8. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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  10. 10. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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    Note that, going to school might have been misunderstood by workers with poor English, as to them education is disseminated in ‘colleges’ and ‘universities’, and not in ‘schools’. We are replicating our survey based on previous studies here, hence we did not change the terminology in this case.

  12. 12.

    The other explanation is that the workers spent time ‘searching’ for work in the ‘hopes’ that they will find something before the end of the day. There isn’t data to confirm this from our surveys but the ethnographic studies have. One such exemplar is where an Indian worker searches through HITs on MTurk for as long as 20 min at a stretch ‘hoping’ to find his or her preferred type of work.

  13. 13. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

  14. 14. last accessed 14 Jun 2017, last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

  15. 15. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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    According to the OECD the net national income in India was $3,718 per year and capita in 2009. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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    Last accessed (the following) 14 Jun 2017,,,,,

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    For information on ‘precarious work’: last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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    One of the interesting features is that are a number of situations – relatively hidden – where a relatively stable workforce of Turkers work for a given requester over a reasonable period of time.

  32. 32. last accessed 14 Jun 2017.

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    It should be noted that Germany has a strong trade union tradition – and a culture of cooperation between companies and workers that persists to this day, and that it has been progressive in its approach to crowdsourcing labour rights.


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This book chapter is dedicated to David Martin who was a fantastic, motivating and inspiring researcher, who unexpectedly passed away in the summer of 2016. This book chapter was one of his final projects, on a subject that he cared about deeply – the people who are behind the scenes, the life and blood of online platforms like AMT: the crowdworkers. Through his ethnomethodological work, he brought forward the working conditions faced by the workers, advocating to bring fairness and humanness to crowdsourcing through technology design and conscious implementation of professional ethics. The authors are glad to have met him at the Dagstuhl Seminar and to have worked with him together on this book chapter. We have lost a valuable member of the academic community, and a good friend.

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Correspondence to Neha Gupta .

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Appendix: Survey Data

Appendix: Survey Data

See Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.

Table 2. Distribution of Gender observed for AMT workers (survey studies and on MTurk Tracker).
Table 3. Distribution of Gender observed for Microworkers and Crowdee workers using survey studies.
Table 4. Distribution of Age observed for AMT workers (survey studies and on MTurk Tracker).
Table 5. Distribution of Age observed for Microworkers and Crowdee workers using survey studies.
Table 6. Distribution of Household Income observed for AMT workers (survey studies and on MTurk Tracker). Please note that for the MTurk tracker data, the data is not available for all income classes (rows) and is therefore aggregated over two classes.
Table 7. Distribution of Household Income observed for Microworkers and Crowdee workers using survey studies. 22.18% of Crowdee participants did not report their household income.
Table 8. Distribution of Household Size (including the worker) observed for AMT workers (survey studies and on MTurk Tracker).
Table 9. Distribution of Household Size (including the worker) observed for Microworkers and Crowdee workers using survey studies.
Table 10. Distribution of highest Education Level achieved observed for all platforms using survey studies.
Table 11. Distribution of Employment Status of crowd workers from all platforms using survey studies.
Table 12. Distribution of Times Crowd Workers Spent on All Platforms (per week).
Table 13. Distribution of Stated Task Approval Rate of crowd workers on all platforms. For the Crowdee platform, no data is available for the stated task approval rate.

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Martin, D. et al. (2017). Understanding the Crowd: Ethical and Practical Matters in the Academic Use of Crowdsourcing. In: Archambault, D., Purchase, H., Hoßfeld, T. (eds) Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10264. Springer, Cham.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-3-319-66434-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-66435-4

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