This chapter is an attempt to answer the question “how many runs of a computational simulation should one do,” and it gives an answer by means of statistical analysis. After defining the nature of the problem and which types of simulation are mostly affected by it, the article introduces statistical power analysis as a way to determine the appropriate number of runs. Two examples are then produced using results from an agent-based model. The reader is then guided through the application of this statistical technique and exposed to its limits and potentials.
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- 1.
Note, moreover, that the researcher should not test a hypothesis on the data that have been used to generate it.
- 2.
- 3.
Here ∈ means “belongs to,” so that \(T\in \mathcal {A}\) means “T belongs to \(\mathcal {A}\).”
- 4.
We note that Neyman (1950, p. 259) used the term “accept” where most modern treatments propose to use “fail to reject” or “do not reject.” The original choice of the author is in line with his idea of testing as leading to decision, while the modern use appears to be incorrectly borrowed from Fisher’s approach (Fisher 1955, p. 73). However Pearson was more cautious (Pearson 1955, p. 206) and this even suggested to some authors the idea that he had rejected the approach pioneered with Neyman (Mayo 1992).
- 5.
More generally, the effect size d measures the distance of the true distribution from the distribution under the null hypothesis, and is generally a function of the parameters.
- 6.
This also explains why in some cases it is possible to increase the power of a test by designing an experiment in which it is expected that the effect size d, if not null, is large. As an example, in ABM this could be done by setting some of the quantities entering the model to their extreme values.
- 7.
- 8.
The authors say: “The use of these statistical tools in any given case, in determining just how the balance should be struck, must be left to the investigator” (Neyman and Pearson 1933, p. 296).
- 9.
The number of citations of the original paper (Cohen et al. 1972) in Google Scholar amounts at 9196 and those from Thomson’s Web of Science are 1864.
- 10.
Even though we use this method for ABM, it may reveal to be useful for any simulation with emergent properties derived from a relevant stochastic component.
- 11.
In an interesting exchange with Bruce Edmonds, we came to realize that this approach might raise some important issues. One of the concerns is that thresholds do not usually adjust because the experiment is so well planned that results come out to be extremely clear; that is to say that good experimental work still accepts or rejects hypotheses at the level α < 0.05 with 1 − β ≈ 0.80. This implies that adjustments of these levels for simulation work appears to be arbitrary. Our position on this critique is that thresholds actually change as it happens in some medical studies, where 1 − β raises to 0.90 (Lakatos 2005), or when we listen to the calls not to interpret the traditional choices of α levels as absolute from either social scientists (Gigerenzer 2004) or statisticians (Wasserstein and Lazar 2016). While a complete review of the reasons leading to the traditional choices of α and β is in Secchi and Seri (2017), the introduction to testing theory above should have made clear that the fathers of this theory thought of α and β as quantities to be chosen according to the problem at hand. This justifies our proposals as long as we cannot compare artificial computational experiment to real-life experiments because of different variability of observations, observer’s control and role, and the usual difficulty of increasing sample size for empirical experiments.
- 12.
This formula can be used in R with an ad hoc function taken from one of our previous publications (Secchi and Seri 2017). See the Appendix for the code for both formulas.
- 13.
A possibility is to choose, as SESOI, the lower bound of a confidence interval on the effect size with a specified confidence probability, e.g., 0.95 or 0.90.
- 14.
See the Appendix for details on how the effect size of the ANOVA and OLS regressions map onto each other.
- 15.
Over-power reduces β well below the chosen value of α. This is a problem because Type-I errors are generally perceived as more serious than Type-II errors, and when β ≪ α we expect exactly a higher incidence of serious errors and a lower incidence of less serious ones. That is the reason why, at least in the intentions of Neyman and Pearson, α and β should have been chosen in a balanced way.
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Further Reading
Details on several power measures can be found in Cohen (1988) and Liu (2014). Specific information on ABM and power are in Secchi and Seri (2017).
11.2.1 Number of Runs Calculations
The following is the R code for a function that calculates the number of runs for the configuration of parameters (G, here G) and effect size (f, here ES), given 1 − β = 0.95, α = 0.01:
n.runs <- function(G, ES) { return(14.091 ⋆ Ĝ(-0.640) ⋆ EŜ(-1.986)) }
In the case discussed in Exercise 1 above, the numbers are:
n.runs(3, 0.25) [1] 109.465
The same analysis using the exact function of the package pwr on power analysis (see Champely et al. 2016) is:
pwr.anova.test(f=0.25, k=3, power=0.95, sig.level=0.01)
and yields n = 111.677.
11.2.2 Effect Size for ANOVA vs OLS Regression
In the text we have used a one-way ANOVA test to estimate the number of runs, taking 1 − β = 0.95, α = 0.01 and a given effect size f. However, we then used regression analysis to study the differences between under-, correctly-, and over-powered models.
Since there is transformation between the parameters of ANOVA and OLS regression, it is possible to connect the way effect size is calculated in the first to the second.
As mentioned in the text of the chapter, the effect size for ANOVA is:
The quantity under the square root is the SSB divided by the Sum of Squares Within (SSW) or, in Cohen’s terms, \(f = \frac {\sigma _m}{\sigma }\) (Cohen 1992). The effect size for regression is, according to Cohen (1992), \(f^2 = \frac {R^2}{1 - R^2}\). It is easy to demonstrate that:
where the SSW in a one-way ANOVA is comparable to the Sum of Squares of Residuals (SSR) in an OLS regression with exactly the same dependent and independent variables.
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Seri, R., Secchi, D. (2017). How Many Times Should One Run a Computational Simulation?. In: Edmonds, B., Meyer, R. (eds) Simulating Social Complexity. Understanding Complex Systems. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66948-9_11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66948-9_11
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-66947-2
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-66948-9
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