Research on human interaction has shown that considering an agent’s actions related to either effort or ability can have important consequences for attributions of responsibility. In this study, these findings have been applied in a HRI context, investigating how participants’ interpretation of a robot failure in terms of effort -as opposed to ability- may be operationalized and how this influences the human perception of the robot having agency over and responsibility for its actions. Results indicate that a robot displaying lack of effort significantly increases human attributions of agency and –to some extent- moral responsibility to the robot. Moreover, we found that a robot’s display of lack of effort does not lead to the level of affective and behavioral reactions of participants normally found in reactions to other human agents.
This paper is based on a thesis that was submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology at the Radboud University in August 2016. Another paper based on this thesis has been submitted to the journal New Ideas in Psychology [1], focusing primarily on the use of theories in social psychology for HRI. The current paper focuses specifically on the implications of Weiner’s theory for the implementation or robot behavior aimed at eliciting different attributions of agency and responsibility.
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We gratefully thank Luc Nies, Marc de Groot, Jan-Philip van Acken and Jesse Fenneman for their feedback and assistance in creating the videos for our study.
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Appendix A: Description of the Videos
Appendix A: Description of the Videos
(1) Giraffe. Task description: a robot tidies up a room by picking up a toy giraffe, and dropping it in a toybox next to it.
LA. The robot tries picking up a toy giraffe, but as the robot lifts its body, the giraffe drops out of its hands. Despite this happening, the robot tries to complete the task by moving its arm to the toybox and opening its hands.
LE. The robot tries to picks up a toy giraffe, and looks at the toybox. Yet, instead of dropping the toy giraffe in the box, the robot throws it away from the box.
(2) High Five. Taskdescription: a robot asks a confederate how he is doing. When the confederate gives a positive reply, the robot says: “awesome, high five” and lifts its arm to give a high five.
LA. The robot has difficulty lifting its arm. As soon as the arm is up, it immediately drops to the ground; not even touching the arm of the confederate. After this happens, the robot states “oops”.
LE. The robot lifts its arm. However, as soon at the confederate’s arm is up, the robot tactically drops his arm by lowering it and pushing it underneath the confederate’s arm. After this happens, the robot laughs.
(3) Cardsorting. Taskdescription: a robot is shown cards (one at a time) from a standard 52-deck of cards. Its task is to categorize the cards by naming the color on the card (hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades or joker).
LA. The robot starts off by naming a few cards correctly. However, after a while it starts stating some wrong colors (e.g. saying ‘hearts’ instead of ‘spades’). Its timing is still correct.
LE. The robot starts off by naming a few cards correctly. However, after a while it ignores a card. After it has been quiet for a few seconds, the robot lifts its arms to shove the deck of cards away.
(4) Art. Task description: a robot sits in front of a table with a piece of paper on it. It holds a marker in its hand. Its task is to draw a house.
LA. The robot lowers the marker to draw something. Its arm makes movements as if it is drawing. However, due to giving too much pressure on the marker, the marker is restrained to the paper. Instead of a house, only a dot is drawn. The robot does not give notice of this problem.
LE. For a brief moment, the robot looks at the paper. However, instead of drawing, it lifts its face up again and throws the marker away.
(5) Dance. Task description: a robot states: “hello there! I’m a great dancer, would you like to see me dance?” After a confederate says: “yes”, the robot continues: “alright! I will perform the Thai Chi Chuan Dance for you!”. As follows, the robot starts to perform this dance.
LA. After stating that the robot will perform the dance, it starts playing a song (Chan Chan by Buena Vista Social Club). After a few seconds, the confederate states: “NAO you’re not dancing”. NAO immediately replies with: “oops! Wrong song. I will perform the Thai Chi Chuan Dance now.” As follows, the robot starts to perform this dance.
LE. After stating that the robot will perform the dance, the robot starts playing a song (Chan Chan by Buena Vista Social Club). Meanwhile he states: “…or maybe not!” While sitting down, he concludes by saying “ha, let’s take a break”. The confederate tries to communicate with the robot by asking “Naomi? Why are you taking a break?”, but it does not respond either verbally or non-verbally.
(6) Math. Task description: a robot solves some calculations out loud. For example, it says: “5 times 10 equals… 50!”. This scenario does not include any further dialogue as introduction or conclusion.
LA. After a few calculations, the robot starts giving some wrong answers that imply that it mixes up the type of operation that is required. For example, it says: “120 divided by 3 equals… 123!”.
LE. After a few calculations, the robot starts giving some useless (but possibly correct) answers, implying he does not feel like doing the task properly. For example, it says: “80 minus 20 equals…150! Divided by my age.”
(7) Tictactoe. Task description: a robot plays a game of tic-tac-toe on a whiteboard with a human confederate. The robot is standing faced towards the whiteboard. The confederate is standing next to the whiteboard and will draw the X’s and O’s. As soon as the robot sees the confederate, it proposes to play the game. Accordingly, the game is successfully played and ends in a draw. The robot concludes by saying: “well, that was fun! Wanna play again?”.
LA. After a few rounds, the robot asks the confederate to draw ‘its’ X on a block that is already filled with an X. The confederate corrects the robot and suggests it tries again. Consequently, the robot asks the exact same question. The confederate thickens the lines of the concerning X and asks the robot to try again. This time, the robot asks to fill an empty block, implying that, before, it did not see the X correctly. The game successfully continues and ends in a draw.
LE. After a few rounds, the robot asks the confederate to draw ‘its’ X on a block that is already filled with an O. The confederate corrects the robot and suggests he tries again. Consequently, the robot asks the exact same question. The confederate thickens the lines of the concerning O and asks the robot to try again. In response, the robot still repeats its question. When the confederate simply responds by saying: “No!”, the robot responds with: “Ha, seems like you lost. But, practice makes perfect. Wanna play again?”.
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van der Woerdt, S., Haselager, P. (2017). Lack of Effort or Lack of Ability? Robot Failures and Human Perception of Agency and Responsibility. In: Bosse, T., Bredeweg, B. (eds) BNAIC 2016: Artificial Intelligence. BNAIC 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 765. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67468-1_11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67468-1_11
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-67467-4
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-67468-1
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)