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Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 10703)
Part of the book sub series: Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues (LNTCS)
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Conference proceedings info: LFCS 2018.
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About this book
The 22 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions. The scope of the Symposium is broad and includes constructive mathematics and type theory; homotopy type theory; logic, automata, and automatic structures; computability and randomness; logical foundations of programming; logical aspects of computational complexity; parameterized complexity; logic programming and constraints; automated deduction and interactive theorem proving; logical methods in protocol and program verification; logical methods in program specification and extraction; domain theory logics; logical foundations of database theory; equational logic and term rewriting; lambda and
combinatory calculi; categorical logic and topological semantics; linear logic; epistemic and temporal logics; intelligent and multiple-agent system logics; logics of proof and justification; non-monotonic reasoning; logic in game theory and social software; logic of hybrid systems; distributed system logics; mathematical fuzzy logic; system design logics; and other logics in computer science.
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- constructive mathematics and type theory
- homotopy type theory
- logic in computer science
- automata and automatic structures
- logical foundations of programming
- logical aspects of computational complexity
- logic programming and constraints
- domain theory logics
- logical foundations of database theory
- linear logic
- epistemic and temporal logics
- distributed system logics
- Computer science
- Artificial intelligence
- Problem solving
- Theorem proving
- Formal logic
- Finite element method
- Modal logic
- Modal analysis
Table of contents (22 papers)
Other volumes
Logical Foundations of Computer Science
Editors and Affiliations
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Logical Foundations of Computer Science
Book Subtitle: International Symposium, LFCS 2018, Deerfield Beach, FL, USA, January 8–11, 2018, Proceedings
Editors: Sergei Artemov, Anil Nerode
Series Title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72056-2
Publisher: Springer Cham
eBook Packages: Computer Science, Computer Science (R0)
Copyright Information: Springer International Publishing AG 2018
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-319-72055-5Published: 28 November 2017
eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-72056-2Published: 22 December 2017
Series ISSN: 0302-9743
Series E-ISSN: 1611-3349
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: X, 369
Number of Illustrations: 17 b/w illustrations
Topics: Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages, Arithmetic and Logic Structures, Logics and Meanings of Programs, Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters, Programming Techniques