
1 Introduction

As an industry closely related to people’s health, traditional medical treatment has many doctor-patient disputes due to asymmetric information. The introduction of mobile Internet technology can open up broad market prospects for the future development of medical industry and boost the service level of the whole industry. The application of mobile medical platform can not only realize the rational allocation of medical resources, but also improve the quality of medical service. Therefore, how to design the medical platform to best meet the needs of patients is particularly important. In the design of the mobile medical platform, it is divided into many functional modules, such as provide health information, common sense of life, interactive communication, online medical service and so on. Among them, the online medical service is the most central medical service function in the mobile medical platform, and the link of patients in the use of mobile medical platform directly feeling the quality of service. The physiological origin design of mobile medical platform is closely related to users’ physical and psychological needs. Based on this, this paper studies the theory of emotion, investigates and surveys the mobile medical service to come up with a reliable basis for constructing the service design of mobile medical platform in the future.

2 The Connotation and Theoretical Analysis of Emotional Needs

2.1 The Connotation of Emotional Demand

Emotion is a kind of psychological activity in which people make subjective evaluation of objective things, which mainly reflects the relationship between objective things and people’s subjective consciousness. Emotional demand is also a kind of emotional satisfaction, a kind of psychological identity, it comes from people’s spiritual pursuit, and has a close relationship with the satisfaction of the subject’s needs. The higher the degree of satisfaction, the stronger the emotion, which is the demand of spiritual level and a process of psychological identity. Emotion is an important element of human psychological cognitive system.

2.2 The Emotional Needs of Patients

For patients, functional needs are the basis for the development of emotional needs. After the functional needs are satisfied, patients will germinate yearning for emotional needs. The needs of patients with using mobile medical platform are not only at the functional level, but also in pursuit of more advanced emotional needs. Patients expect the service design of mobile medical platform to conform to their own physiology, behavior, thinking, etc. The development of judgment needs to achieve a perceptual identity and a good comprehensive experience. People want to use applications that are not only practical, but also humanized. Interactive, emotional and experiential, able to design and make based on the user’s emotional needs. At that time, the design of mobile medical platform is no longer a simple visual design and information presentation. The interaction between the system and the user and the experience in the process become particularly important.

Through reading the literature and reading the survey report, the motivation of patients using the mobile medical platform for medical consultation followed by “get doctor’s help”, “reduce the number of visits to the hospital,” “share access to medical information,” “reduce anxiety,” “ Increase self-confidence to cure the disease “and” the medical treatment process is more private. ‘It is not hard to find that when patients use the medical platform to reduce anxiety, increase self-confidence, access to privacy has exceeded some functional needs and become the patient’s use of this mobile medical platform, an important incentive for medical treatment, and these motivations are exactly patient’s psychological response to the mobile medical platform is an important manifestation of emotional needs.

3 Analysis of Current Situation of Mobile Medical Platform

The mobile medical platform is the medical application based on the mobile communication terminal. After 2014, the mobile medical platform is even more explosive. According to statistics, there are more than 2,000 APP related to the market at present. Various types of mobile medical APP have sprung up in front of consumers and health care workers. The most numerous and most used functions are consulting medical services, the main purpose of which is to help consumers with health management. And provide a more convenient way to communicate with doctors.

Data show that in 2014, the market size of mobile medicine in China was close to 3 billion yuan, while the total investment in mobile medicine reached 690 million US dollars, 2.5 times that of the past three years. It is expected that by end of 2018, The scale of China mobile medical market will exceed 10 billion yuan, reaching 12.53 billion yuan. At present, there are more than 2,000 kinds of medical care APP products in our country, and the fierce competition is intensified. Under this background, research on the service design strategy of mobile medical platform is carried out. It has deep practical significance.

4 Service Design

Service design, like system design, focuses on the context of the service system. The International Service Research Association defines service design as: Service design is to set up a service from a customer’s perspective, the purpose of which is to ensure a service interface. From the user’s point of view, to do service design is useful, usable and easy to use; from the service provider in terms of service design to be effective, efficient and distinctive.

The quality of interaction and user experience between service providers and service recipients to be considered in service design. Its purpose is to closely around the user in the service design process, in the system design and testing process, there must be user participation, and timely access to user feedback, according to user needs and feedback information, continuous improvement of the design until satisfied. Service design in the relationship between the various models shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Service design relationship model

5 Study of Patients’ Emotional Needs Extraction

5.1 Qualitative Study of Patients’ Emotional Needs

  1. (1)

    Literature research content analysis

At the stage of literature research, the main method used in this paper is coterm analysis, which is mainly by analyzing the co-occurrence of key words and terms in the relevant literature. To examine the relationship between different factors under a certain theme. Based on the “emotional needs”, “patient’s medical feeling” and “patient’s emotional needs”, the author searched the domestic medical industry and service industry for the past seven years. The use of ChinaNet’s knowledge information export function, first export all the relevant data and information needed for this study, and then saved into NoteFirst format. Then, the Bicmb2.0 bibliography is used. Analysis software, to extract the key words to aggregate analysis, merge the same meaning of repetitive keywords. Then the cumulative frequency of about 40% times of the high frequency words for interception and analysis, it can effectively reflect the emotional needs of patients in the field of medical care in China in the past seven years. Seven emotional evaluation indexes, including “reliable”, “assured”, “immediacy”, “convenience”, “economy”, “communication” and “professionalism”, are obtained.

  1. (2)

    Interview content analysis

After studying the literature, select patient users on the mobile medical platform for real-time online communication (20 interviews) to understand the actual feelings of patients in the use of mobile medical platform, The experience of mobile medical platform service flow. According to the record of interview, the requirement of “privacy” and “information” is obtained from the two aspects of existing problems and patients’ expected function.

5.2 Quantitative Analysis of Demand

Through the theoretical analysis of the emotional needs of patients, the results of previous studies and interviews with the news, compiled contains “reliable”, “assured”, “immediacy”, “convenience”, “economy”, “communication”, “professionalism”, “privacy” and “information”, the 9 indicators of a total of 25 questions a questionnaire to the mobile medical platform user’s emotional needs to make further extraction.

According to the research object and the environment of this topic, the questionnaire is put into the network and the hospital in the field, and the questionnaire is put into the mobile medical platform in the communication community and the hospital.

A total of 140 questionnaires were sent out, and the recovery rate was 100%. Among them, 121 were effective and the effective rate was 86.4%. The invalid questionnaire was mainly empty or non-standard (such as multi-selection, empty selection or full volume selection of the same answer).

Through the previous research, we put forward a number of emotional needs, through the survey of the proportion of users’ emotional needs, we get the order of importance. At the same time, the indexes of emotional needs are screened. The emotional needs obtained by data screening are as follows: “reliable”, “immediacy”, “information “, “convenience” and “communication”.

6 Typical Mobile Medical Platform Service Process Extraction

By selecting more than 1,300 consumer-oriented mobile medical apps from Apple’s iTunes Store and Google Market (Android Market), 40 scored, high-profile and mobile healthcare platforms launched by the hospitals were finally selected as samples Conduct evaluation and analysis on the practicality and usage of the platform, etc., and extract and summarize the service process of each mobile medical platform. By extracting and summarizing the service flow of the mobile medical platform can be summarized as the following three kinds. The basic service process shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Mobile medical platform service process

7 Service Process Research Based on Patient’s Emotional Needs

7.1 Research Objectives and Methods

At present, both the developed and the developing countries, the medical service reform has become an important topic. How to improve efficiency and reduce costs under the premise of rational utilization of medical resources is a hot issue in the world. However, the advantages of low cost, high efficiency and quickness of mobile medical services has become an important solution to this problem, and mobile medical services are changing the traditional medical model at an unprecedented rate. China’s mobile medical industry is still in its infancy. With the advancement of medical information in our country, the enormous social and economic benefits demonstrated by mobile medical care deserve further promotion and research. Therefore, this paper studies the emotional needs of patients in the use of mobile medical platform, and different service processes to meet the emotional needs. And the results of the data analysis to explore different service processes for different emotional satisfaction, and emotional needs of patients in receiving services for the latter part of the mobile medical service platform to provide a reference for the design process.

7.2 The Test Population Positioning

According to the usage of mobile medical platform in real life, this experiment made more objective screening conditions for the experimental participants. (1) 20 to 50 years old (2) Using a smartphone: (3) Being able to use the app independently of your smartphone; (4) Having Internet or self-service registered device experience and watching the internet.

All in all, a total of 30 people participated in their experiment at a sex ratio of 1:1. Age is divided into three stages, each stage has ten people. Surveyors from college students, company staff and residents.

7.3 Research Procedures and Methods

The experiment is divided into three stages: evaluation index and sample extraction, classification evaluation and data analysis. The evaluation index is from the first half of this paper through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of patients to obtain the core emotional needs, the service process is from the typical medical platform service process extraction. The specific process shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Test procedure

In the stage of classification evaluation, in order to avoid the influence of extra variables on the experimental results, different service processes are made into style with the same vision, and the visual factors are removed. The variables were controlled in the service process itself. The participants scored each group of service processes according to the evaluation index. At the end of the scoring, the data were counted to get the score of the process under each evaluation index. Each evaluator selected the emotional needs that they considered the most important in the service process. In the data analysis stage, the participants of the experiment were scored on the evaluation indexes. By calculating the average value of this process in the various emotional indicators of the final score to assess the comparison, access to this service process performance under various emotional needs. Statistics on the emotional needs of the participants selected, access to emotional needs of patients in the service process.

7.4 Experimental Process and Data Statistics

The testing process of this experiment is divided into three steps, allowing participants to operate different service processes and then scoring whether the process satisfies the listed emotional needs and choosing what they need in the process emotion. The consent of the patient must be obtained before the test begins, and the patient voluntarily participates in the investigation with full understanding of the content. The scorecard is recycled on the spot, and the researcher conducts a comprehensive inspection of the scorecard to ensure the integrity of the data. Data entry with excel, repeated verification, to ensure accuracy. Before statistical analysis, make sure the data is accurate again.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Step 1:

    Participants in the experiment scanned the given QR code to obtain the apk (Android) or ipa (Apple) used in the experiment, which consisted of three different service processes.

  2. Step 2:

    The experiment participants operate on the mobile phone and score on the score card after use. Scores from 1 to 5 are expressed as “totally incompatible”, “Relatively does not conformity”, “More in conformity”, “in conformity”, “in full conformity”. The score card is shown in the following Fig. 4:

    Fig. 4.
    figure 4

    Score table

  3. Step 3:

    Participants in the experiment choose their emotional needs in the online medical service process. The option is double selection.

The experiment statistics collected 30 participants to the three groups of service flow five evaluation indicators a total of 450 points, 60 emotional needs vocabulary selection, the statistical results are detailed in the table (due to the length of the article, only partial statistics are provided here) (Figs. 5 and 6).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Score statistics

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Statistical emotional needs of choice

By describing the above data, we can get the satisfaction of different processes to different emotional needs and patients’ expectations. Shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Service Process 1 score analysis

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Service Process 2 score analysis

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Service Process 3 score analysis

From the above table, we can draw the conclusion of this service process evaluation test:

The design of service process 1 is through more steps to allow patients to have a deeper understanding of the hospitals and doctors they choose. This way you can get more comprehensive information and equal information. More information will give patients more trust. Relatively speaking, this cumbersome procedure makes convenience less than median, and patients’ emotions of wanting to quickly communicate with their doctors are difficult to meet. Process 2 has two operating paths to choose from. This process is designed to average all the scores in this process without any fraction below the median. Better to take into account the various emotions, but did not highlight its strengths. Process 3 will automatically match the appropriate doctor for patients, better meet the needs of patient convenience, but the obvious drawback of this service model is that patients can not have a comprehensive understanding of the doctor. This process led to the process of reliability and information than the average low.

It can be seen from the table of the statistics of the patients’ emotional needs that for the participants, the mobile medical platform should first provide patients with enough sense of security and information to meet the other emotional needs of patients.

8 Conclusion

Nowadays, in the mobile medical platform, most of them are a consultation service platform for public health. Its functional framework has been basically formed. The mobile medical APP is different from the APP in other industries. The need to meet the emotional needs of users is more unique. In the network era, the establishment of product viscosity and reputation depends more on the user experience brought by the product itself and the user-centered design of mobile medical product service. Pay more attention to the user’s spiritual needs and emotional experience in the system, which is based on material satisfaction and usability.

In the design of mobile medical platform service flow, users should be given sufficient security. The number and level of doctors greatly affect the user experience. Patients can consult quickly through the platform anytime, anywhere, can reduce the cost of time, space and money. Under this premise, developers can according to their own brand characteristics. Select the appropriate service flow for your own use with the desired direction of development.