
1 Introduction

1.1 Why this Work is Needed

AI and machine learning are mathematical modeling methods for learning from data and producing intelligent models based on this learning. The data these models need to deal with, is normally a mixed data type of both numerical (continuous) variables and categorical (non-numerical) data types. Most models in AI and machine learning accept only numerical data as their input and thus, standardization of mixed data into numerical data is a critical step when applying machine learning models. Having data in the standard shape and format that models require is often a time consuming, nevertheless very significant step of the process.

As an example, when we have a data set (below) combined of many variables where all variables are numerical ones except two variables of categorical type (gender and marital status) as following (Table 1):

Table 1. Original mixed variables

When applying many machine learning models, the models need the data to be numerical data type. Thus, the categorical data should be converted into numerical type. The most efficient way of converting the categorical variable is the introduction of dummy variables (one hot encoding) for which a new (dummy) variable is created for each category (except the last category – since it’d be dependent on the rest of dummy variables, i.e., its value could be determined when all other dummy variables are known) of the categorical variable. These dummy variables are binary variables Queryand could assume only two values, 1 and 0. The value 1 means the sample has the value of that variable and 0 means the opposite.

Here, for this example, we have two categorical variables:

  1. 1.

    Gender: there are only two categories, so we need to create one dummy variable.

  2. 2.

    Marital Status: there are three categories so we need to create two new dummy variables.

The result after the creation of dummy variables is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. The original variables after the introduction of dummy variables.

Now, we could use any machine learning model for this data set as all its variables are of the numerical type.

In general, for any categorical variable of “m” categories (classes), we need to create “m − 1” dummy variables. The problem arises when any specific categorical variable has large (based on our work, that means larger than 8) number of categories. The reason is that, in these cases, the number of dummy variables need to be created becomes too large causing the data to become of high dimension. The high dimensionality of data leads to “curse of dimensionality” problem and thus all related issues related to “curse of dimensionality” such as the need of “exponential increase in the number of data rows” and “difficulties of distance computation” would appear. Obviously, one needs to avoid the situation since, in addition to these problems, curse of dimensionality also leads to misleading results from any machine learning models such as finding false patterns discovered based on noise or random chance. Besides all of that, higher dimension leads to higher “computational cost” and “slow model response and lower robustness”, all of which should be avoided. Therefore, in the process of transformation of categorical data into numerical data types, we must reduce the number of newly created numerical variables to reduce the dimension of data.

2 The Model

2.1 The Problem of Mixed Variables

The Vast majorities of the models in machine learning are models that use only numeric data. Though, practically all data that are used in machine learning are mixed type, numerical and categorical data. When used for machine learning models that could use only numerical data, mixed data types are handled using three different approaches: first approach is trying to, instead, using models that could handle mixed data type, second approach is to ignore (drop) categorical variables. The last approach is converting categorical variables to numerical type by introducing dummy variables or one hot encoding. The first approach introduces many limitations as there are only a limited number of models that could handle mixed data and those models may not the best model fitting the data sets. The second approach leads to ignoring much of the information in the data sets, i.e., the categorical data.

The practical approach is the third one, i.e., conversion of categorical data into numerical data. As we explained above, this can be done correctly only when all categorical variables have only limited number of categories. Else, it leads to high dimensional data that causes, among other problems, machine learning models to produce meaningless (biased) results. In other words, when the variable has many classes, this approach becomes infeasible because the number of variables will be too high for the numeric models to handle.

We can classify categorical variables into three types of variables. The first type is the ones without any clear and explicit features (like url, concatenated data, acronyms and so on). The second type of categorical variable occur when we have features (attributes) readily available as a part of data sets (or metadata). This is rarely seen in the data sets of the real world. In these cases that we have features for all categories or classes of any variable, we could use k-means clustering directly and follow it with the rest of the steps in this work. The third categorical data type is the case of categorical data without those readily available features. This paper addresses this last type of data where, quite often, there is no attributes information about these classes in the data sets and thus this we use NLP, Natural Language Processing [2, 13, 18,19,20, 40, 44, 45, 52, 56], models to establish these attributes. For our invention, we use web scraping to detect all features or attributes for our data sets. Then using these features, we use k-means clustering to compute a limited number of clusters that would represent the number of newly created features for the categorical data.

In this work, we also determine the upper bound for the number of new numerical variable created for conversion and representation of categorical variable. Besides, we define our way of testing the correctness and validation of our approach.

Therefore, to address these types of problem, this work establishes a new approach of reducing the number of categories (when the number of categories in a categorical variable in larger than 10) to K categories for K \( \le 10 \). We do it by clustering the categories of each of such categorical variable into k clusters, using k-means clustering. We compute the number of clusters, k, using silhouette method. We also use Silhouette method also to verify correctness of our models simultaneously. Then, the number of dummy variable needs to be created for any categorical variable of such will be reduced to K dummy variables, one for each cluster. Thereafter, the standardization is done by introducing K dummy variables.

Using the method explained above, this work detects a much smaller number of “latent classes”, that in general could be some of the original attributes or some linear or non-linear combination of the original attributes, that are the underpinning classes or categories for the original categories of each categorical variable. This way, the high dimensionality is avoided and thus, we can use these latent classes to perform the dummy variable generation procedure that is described above to be used for any machine learning model. The small number of latent categories are detected using k-means clustering.

The basic idea is that categorical variables that have many values (or unique values for each sample) provide little information for other samples. To maintain the useful information from these variables, the best method may be to keep that useful (latent) information. This paper does it by finding the latent categories by clustering all categories into similar groups.

2.2 Computing the Number of Cluster K and Testing the Model

In this work, including for the three examples, to compute the optimal number of clusters, the upper bound for the number of clusters, and for testing and validation of our model, we use Silhouette method which is based on minimizing the dissimilarities inside a cluster and maximizing the dissimilarities among clusters:

The Silhouette model computes s(i) for each data point in the data set for each K:

$$ s(i) = \frac{b(i) - a(i)}{{\hbox{max} \{ a(i),b(i)\} }} $$

Where \( a\left( i \right) \) is the mean distance of point i to all the other points in its cluster. Also, \( b\left( i \right) \) is the mean distance to all the points in its closest cluster, i.e., \( b\left( i \right) \) is the minimum mean distance of point i to all clusters that i is not a member of.

The optimal K is the K that maximizes the total score s(i) for all data set. The score values lie in the range of [−1, 1] with −1 to be the worst possible score and +1 to be the optimal score. Thus, the closest (average score of all points) score to +1 is the optimal one and the corresponding K is the optimal K. Our experiments show that the value of K has upper bound of 10. Here, we use not only the score but the maximum separation and compactness of the clusters, as measured by distance between clusters and uniformity of the width of clusters, to test and validate our model simultaneously when computing optimal K.

In this work, we display the application of our model using three examples of categorical variables of large categories or classes. The first example is “country of residence” where there are over 175 categories or classes (countries). Secondly, we consider “city of residence (in the US)” as the second example where we use 183 most populated cities in the US. The third example of categorical variable with large categories that we use as an application of our model is “vegetables”. For the vegetables, we have found records of 52 different classes (types of vegetables). In these examples, we show, that using our approach, we can find a small number of grouping within these variables and that these groupings can then be appended to the original data as dummy numeric variables to be used alongside the numeric variables.

2.3 The First Example of Categorical Variable, “Country of Residence”

Again, the issue is that there are so many categories for this categorical variable (country of residence), i.e., 175 categories. So, we need to create 174 dummy variables that would lead to a very high dimensional data and hence to “curse of dimensionality”, as explained above. Here, we used clustering to group a list of 175 countries. For this case, syntactic similarity is useless since the name of a country has no relation to its attributes. Thus, we extracted the features from “”. The seven features that we extracted, for each country, were: population, birth rate, mortality rate, life expectancy, death rate, surface area and forest area. These features were first normalized then K-means clustering was performed on the samples, again with a range of K from 2 to 10. Based off the silhouette plots in the following figure, Fig. 1, we can see that the algorithm performed well with K equal to 8:

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The Silhouette plots displaying the optimal K to be 8.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The K-means clustering output for the first example.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The Silhouette model applied to this example. The plots display the optimal number of cluster to be K = 8.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The city clustering output after K-means clustering.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The Silhouette plot indicating the optimal number of cluster is 7.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Some of the clusters for the example three.

country clustering output after k-means clustering is:

In this example, the features extracted were not from only one domain, such as economic features only or just physical features. The advantage, of having a diverse domain features, is that the clusters that are formed will be more meaningful as they represent higher variation of data. For example, if our only feature was country size then the clustering algorithm would cluster algorithms with similar size. Additionally, if our only feature was country population then the algorithm would cluster countries with similar sizes. However, by using the different types of features, the algorithm could find clusters of countries that have both similar sizes and similar populations. For example, big countries with small populations could be in the same cluster as well as small countries that have large populations - - based their overall similarities computed using many various features.

2.4 The Second Example of Categorical Variable, “City of Residence” Using Web Scraping

To extract features for our categorical data (cities), we web scraped Wikipedia pages because of their abundant and concise data. The extraction came from the infobox on Wikipedia pages which contain quick facts about the article. We used five features which mainly pertained to the various attributes of the cities: land area, water area, elevation, population, and population density. For the most part, this was the only information available for direct extraction via Wikipedia pages. We extracted features for 183 U.S. cities then performed the same K-means clustering as in the previous examples to group the set into similar cities in each cluster. The most important aspect of this example is the web scraping. Whereas in the previous example, the features were taken from prebuilt online datasets, in this example we automatically built our own dataset by web scraping Wikipedia pages and constructing the features from this dataset. This shows that despite having a variable with many classes and no available information about the classes, we can extract the information necessary to perform the clustering. The following figure shows the silhouette model outcome:

As indicated, the silhouette plot for city clusters shows the number of newly variables, replacing 183 cities (categories), should be 8. Some of these clusters are shown here:

2.5 The Third Example: Categorical Variable, “Vegetables” Using Web Scraping

For the final example, we again use web scraping on a list of 52 vegetables to extract features. The features we extracted were: calories, protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. Like the previous example, we used Wikipedia articles to extract the features. Once again, this example shows the practicality of using web scraping as a means of automatically collecting features to build features for a dataset and then perform clustering on the dataset. The clustering of vegetables demonstrates the wide variety of variable types that our method can be applied to. The Silhouette plots is shown below with the optimal k to be 7:

Some of the clusters are shown below:

As shown by the images above, our algorithm is able to cluster the list of vegetables into groups based on similar nutritional benefit.

3 Conclusion

This work deals with the problem of converting categorical variables (to numerical ones) when the variables have high number of classes. We have shown the application of our model using three examples: countries, cities and vegetables. We use NLP plus clustering to show that even when there is no available information about the attributes, we could still perform clustering for the purpose of standardization of data. In the second example, we extracted external information about the values and then applied clustering using the information (features). In the second and third examples, we automatically extracted features from online resources. This information is needed for clustering. These three examples show that as long as there exists information about a variable, somewhere online, this information can be extracted and used for clustering. The final objective is to use the clustering method to drastically reduce the number of dummy variables that must be created in place of the categorical data type. Our model is practical and easy to use. It is an essential step in pre-processing data for many machine learning models.